
Multijunction Solar Cell Development and Production at Spectrolab


Development of multijunction space solar cells is much like that for any high technology product. New products face two major pressures from the market: improving performance while maintaining heritage. This duality of purpose is not new and has been represented since ancient times by the Roman god Janus.[1] This deity was typically represented as two faces on a single head: one facing forward and the other to the rear. The image of Janus has been used as symbolism for many combined forces of dual purpose, such as the balance in life between beginnings and endings, or between art and science. For our purposes, Janus represents our design philosophy balance between looking to the future for improvement while simultaneously blending past heritage. In the space photovoltaics industry there are good reasons for both purposes. Looking to the past, a product must have a space flight heritage to gain widespread use. The main reason being that this is an unforgiving business. Spacecraft are expensive to build, launch and operate. Typically once a satellite is launched, in-field service for a power systems problem is near impossible.[2Balanced with this is looking forward. New missions typically require more power than previous programs or attempt new objectives such as a new orbit. And there is always the cost pressure for both the satellite itself as well as the launch costs. Both of which push solar technology to improve power density at a lower cost. The consequence of this balance in a high-risk environment is that space PV develops as a series of infrequent large technology steps or generational changes interspersed with more frequent small technology steps or evolutionary changes. Figure 1 gives a bit of clarification on this point. It depicts the historical progress in space solar cells tracked by efficiency against first launch date for most major products introduced by Spectrolab. The first generation is the Si-based technology reaching a peak values near 15% AM0 (herein denoted for max. power, AM0, 1.353 W/cm2, 28 C). The GaAs single junction device generation supplanted this technology with first flight of GaAs on GaAs substrate in 1982.[3] More recently this generation has been supplanted by the multijunction solar cell GaInP/GaAs/Ge generation. The first launch of a commercial satellite powered by multijunction technology was in 1997 (Hughes HS 601HP) using solar arrays based on Spectrolab s dual junction (DJ) cells. The cells at that time were an impressive 21.5% efficient at beginning-of-life (BOL).[4] Eight years later, the multijunction device has evolved through several versions. The incorporation of an active Ge subcell formed the Triple Junction (TJ) product line at 25.1% efficient, on orbit since November 2001. The evolution of the TJ into the Improved Triple Junction (ITJ) at 26.8% efficient has been on orbit since June of 2002.[5

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