41 research outputs found

    Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1

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    Little is known about the molecular mechanisms and intrinsic factors that are responsible for the emergence of neuronal subtype identity. Several transcription factors that are expressed mainly in precursors of the ventral telencephalon have been shown to control neuronal specification, but it has been unclear whether subtype identity is also specified in these precursors, or if this happens in postmitotic neurons, and whether it involves the same or different factors. SOX1, an HMG box transcription factor, is expressed widely in neural precursors along with the two other SOXB1 subfamily members, SOX2 and SOX3, and all three have been implicated in neurogenesis. SOX1 is also uniquely expressed at a high level in the majority of telencephalic neurons that constitute the ventral striatum (VS). These neurons are missing in Sox1-null mutant mice. In the present study, we have addressed the requirement for SOX1 at a cellular level, revealing both the nature and timing of the defect. By generating a novel Sox1-null allele expressing β-galactosidase, we found that the VS precursors and their early neuronal differentiation are unaffected in the absence of SOX1, but the prospective neurons fail to migrate to their appropriate position. Furthermore, the migration of non-Sox1-expressing VS neurons (such as those expressing Pax6) was also affected in the absence of SOX1, suggesting that Sox1-expressing neurons play a role in structuring the area of the VS. To test whether SOX1 is required in postmitotic cells for the emergence of VS neuronal identity, we generated mice in which Sox1 expression was directed to all ventral telencephalic precursors, but to only a very few VS neurons. These mice again lacked most of the VS, indicating that SOX1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS development. Conversely, the few neurons in which Sox1 expression was maintained were able to migrate to the VS. In conclusion, Sox1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS neuronal identity and migration, but this is accomplished in postmitotic cells, which require the continued presence of SOX1. Our data also suggest that other SOXB1 members showing expression in specific neuronal populations are likely to play continuous roles from the establishment of precursors to their final differentiation

    Ablation of CNTN2+Pyramidal Neurons During Development Results in Defects in Neocortical Size and Axonal Tract Formation

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    Corticothalamic axons express Contactin-2 (CNTN2/TAG-1), a neuronal recognition molecule of the immunoglobulin superfamily involved in neurogenesis, neurite outgrowth, and fasciculation. TAG-1, which is expressed transiently by cortical pyramidal neurons during embryonic development, has been shown to be fundamental for axonal recognition, cellular migration, and neuronal proliferation in the developing cortex. Although Tag-1(-/-) mice do not exhibit any obvious defects in the corticofugal system, the role of TAG-1+ neurons during the development of the cortex remains elusive. We have generated a mouse model expressing EGFP under the Tag-1 promoter and encompassing the coding sequence of Diptheria Toxin subunit A (DTA) under quiescence with no effect on the expression of endogenous Tag-1. We show that while the line recapitulates the expression pattern of the molecule, it highlights an extended expression in the forebrain, including multiple axonal tracts and neuronal populations, both spatially and temporally. Crossing these mice to the Emx1-Cre strain, we ablated the vast majority of TAG-1+ cortical neurons. Among the observed defects were a significantly smaller cortex, a reduction of corticothalamic axons as well as callosal and commissural defects. Such defects are common in neurodevelopmental disorders, thus this mouse could serve as a useful model to study physiological and pathophysiological cortical development

    Distinct Cis Regulatory Elements Govern the Expression of TAG1 in Embryonic Sensory Ganglia and Spinal Cord

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    Cell fate commitment of spinal progenitor neurons is initiated by long-range, midline-derived, morphogens that regulate an array of transcription factors that, in turn, act sequentially or in parallel to control neuronal differentiation. Included among these are transcription factors that regulate the expression of receptors for guidance cues, thereby determining axonal trajectories. The Ig/FNIII superfamily molecules TAG1/Axonin1/CNTN2 (TAG1) and Neurofascin (Nfasc) are co-expressed in numerous neuronal cell types in the CNS and PNS – for example motor, DRG and interneurons - both promote neurite outgrowth and both are required for the architecture and function of nodes of Ranvier. The genes encoding TAG1 and Nfasc are adjacent in the genome, an arrangement which is evolutionarily conserved. To study the transcriptional network that governs TAG1 and Nfasc expression in spinal motor and commissural neurons, we set out to identify cis elements that regulate their expression. Two evolutionarily conserved DNA modules, one located between the Nfasc and TAG1 genes and the second directly 59 to the first exon and encompassing the first intron of TAG1, were identified that direct complementary expression to the CNS and PNS, respectively, of the embryonic hindbrain and spinal cord. Sequential deletions and point mutations of the CNS enhancer element revealed a 130bp element containing three conserved E-boxes required for motor neuron expression. In combination, these two elements appear to recapitulate a major part of the pattern of TAG1 expression in the embryonic nervous system

    Tag1 deficiency results in olfactory dysfunction through impaired migration of mitral cells

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    The olfactory system provides mammals with the abilities to investigate, communicate and interact with their environment. These functions are achieved through a finely organized circuit starting from the nasal cavity, passing through the olfactory bulb and ending in various cortical areas. We show that the absence of transient axonal glycoprotein-1 (Tag1)/contactin-2 (Cntn2) in mice results in a significant and selective defect in the number of the main projection neurons in the olfactory bulb, namely the mitral cells. A subpopulation of these projection neurons is reduced in Tag1- deficient mice as a result of impaired migration. We demonstrate that the detected alterations in the number of mitral cells are well correlated with diminished odor discrimination ability and social long-term memory formation. Reduced neuronal activation in the olfactory bulb and the corresponding olfactory cortex suggest that Tag1 is crucial for the olfactory circuit formation in mice. Our results underpin the significance of a numerical defect in the mitral cell layer in the processing and integration of odorant information and subsequently in animal behavior. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

    Homeodomain proteins Mox1 and Mox2 associate with Pax1 and Pax3 transcription factors

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    AbstractMox1 and Mox2 homeobox genes have been shown to be critical in axial skeleton and in limb muscle development respectively. Pax1 and Pax3 gene products are also implicated in these processes. Mox and Pax expression patterns are highly overlapping both spatially and temporally during embryonic development. We show here for the first time that Mox proteins physically interact with Pax1 and Pax3 using the yeast two-hybrid protein interaction assay as well as in vitro biochemical assays. There is a strong preference of Mox1 to associate with Pax1 rather than Pax3 and of Mox2 to associate with Pax3 rather than Pax1. The observed interactions are mediated through the homeodomain of Mox

    Immunoseparation of sphingolipid-enriched membrane domains enriched in Src family protein tyrosine kinases and in the neuronal adhesion molecule TAG-1 by anti-GD3 ganglioside monoclonal antibody

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    Rat cerebellar granule cells differentiated in culture were fed [1\u20133H]sphingosine, allowing the metabolic radiolabelling of all cell sphingolipids and phosphatidylethanolamine. A detergent-insoluble sphingolipid-enriched membrane fraction, containing about 60% of cell sphingolipids, but only trace amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine, was prepared from [1\u20133H]sphingosine-fed cells by sucrose gradient centrifugation. This fraction was enriched in the Src family protein tyrosine kinases c-Src, Lyn and Fyn and in the GPI-anchored neuronal adhesion molecule TAG-1. The cell lysate and the sphingolipid-enriched membrane fraction were subjected to immunoprecipitation with anti-GD3 ganglioside monoclonal antibody R24, under experimental conditions designed to preserve the integrity of the domain. The radioactive lipid composition of the immunoprecipitates obtained from the cell lysate and from the sphingolipid-enriched fraction were very similar, and closely resembled the sphingolipid composition of the whole sphingolipid-enriched membrane fraction. In fact, the immunoprecipitates contained, together with GD3 ganglioside, all cell glycosphingolipids and sphingomyelin, whereas they did not contain phosphatidylethanolamine. Moreover, cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine were detected in the immunoprecipitates by qualitative TLC analysis followed by colourimetric visualization. c-Src, Lyn, Fyn and TAG-1 were associated with the anti-GD3 antibody immunoprecipitate. These proteins were not detected in the immunoprecipitates obtained under experimental conditions different from those designed to preserve the integrity of the domain. These data suggest that a membrane domain containing cholesterol, phosphatidylcholine, sphingolipids and proteins can be separated from the total cell membranes by anti-GD3 antibody immunoprecipitation, and that the association of c-Src, Fyn, Lyn, and TAG-1 with the sphingolipid-enriched domain is mediated by the interaction with a complex lipid environment, rather than by specific interactions with a single sphingolipid species

    Regional distribution and cell type-specific expression of the mouse F3 axonal glycoprotein: a developmental study.

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