189 research outputs found

    Comparison of Teacher and School Managers` Assignment Policies Between South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey

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    In this study, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Finland and Turkey Countries teachers and school administrators were compared in terms of assignment policies. In this research, a holistic multiple state pattern, which is one of the qualitative research types, was used. The reason for using this method has been examined in accordance with the problem situation of these countries and then compared with each other. The appointment policies of teachers and school administrators should be evaluated along with other processes. South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Finland countries excelled in PISA 2003, 2006, 2009 and 2012 exams. The selection of qualified teachers and school administrators plays an important role in this success of these countries.While choosing candidates for education faculties in these countries, exams measure their teaching skills via central exams. In the process of assigning teachers, central exams are conducted, but institutions again conduct exams that measure their teaching skills. Teaching appeal is a profession in these countries. Because in these countries, teaching has all the features such as respectability, high status, job guarantee and high salary. Teacher salaries in these countries are above the average of OECD countries. In addition, great importance is attached to the in-service training of school administrators and teachers in these countries. The salaries of teachers in Turkey is below the average of OECD countries

    Bir kedide bilateral üst göz kapağı kollobomunun roberts ve bistner tekniği ile rekonstrüksiyonu

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    A 1-year-old, male domestic short haired cat was presented to our Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Istanbul-Cerrahpaşa due to complaints of blepharospasm and epiphora in both eyes present since birth. In the ocular examination, absence of a part of palpebra in both eyes and persistent pupillary membrane (PPM) in the left eye were observed. There was trichiasis irritating the corneas in both eyes. Bilateral palpebral defects and secondary trichiasis were repaired using a Roberts and Bistner technique. This technique provided a good cosmetic appearance and functional outcome to the patient. Roberts and Bistner technique is recommended in treating congenital, bilateral eyelid coloboma.Bir yaşında erkek sarman kedi, İstanbul-Cerrahpaşa Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi’ne, iki gözünde doğduğundan beri devam eden blefarospazm ve epifora şikayeti ile getirildi. Oftalmolojik muayenede her ikisinde mevcut olan üst göz kapağı agenezisi ve sol gözünde persistent pupillar membran olgusuna rastlandı. Bunlara ek olarak korneaları irrite eden trişiyazis de tespit edildi. Olguda teşhis edilen bila teral göz kapağı agenezisi ve buna bağlı oluşan sekonder trichiasis, Roberts ve Bistner tekniği kullanılarak düzeltildi. Bu teknik hastaya iyi bir kozmetik görünüm ve işlevsel sonuç sağladı. Konjenital, bilateral göz kapağı kolobomunun tedavisinde Roberts ve Bistner tekniği önerilmektedir

    Investigation of opportunities the addition of canned watermelon pomace and watermelon juice produced from unmarketable watermelon in broiler quail ration

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the use of watermelon pomace and watermelon juice obtained from unmarketable watermelon in the diets of fattening quails. A total of 90 Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) wereassigned to three groups (30 quails in each group), each comprising of 5 replicates each having 6 quails. One groupwas designated as control groups whereas other groups fed 5% watermelon pomace or watermelon juice on dry matter basis. All the diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric formulated in order to meet the nutrient requirements ofquails outlined in NRC standards. Live weight was greater in quails fed watermelon pomace compared with controlgroup in first week only (P0.05). Infirst week and overall period (1 to 4 wk), average daily feed intake (ADFI) was higher in control group than quailsfed watermelon juice which, in turn, was higher in comparison with those fed watermelon pomace (P0.05). In conclusion,it was observed that watermelon pomace can be used in quail diets having additional growth enhancer properties

    Çiçek Derman Bibliyografyası

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    Çiçek Derman is a prominent artist who wrote many books both as an academician and an illuminator. This study introduces the Çiçek Derman Bibliography published by Medine Akgül in 2010. The book consists of introduction, biography and six chapters. These chapters are “Prof. Dr. Fatma Çiçek Derman Bibliography” which includes books, articles, radio and television broadcasts, essays about her, essays ready to publish and conference declarations, “Academic Consultancies”, “Membership in Selection Committee of Turkish Islamic Arts and Science Committees”, “Arbitration and Editorial Boards She Joined”, “Exhibitions” and “Compilation of Her Works”

    Aile uyuşmazlıklarında arabuluculuğa elverişlilik

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    Yargıya taşınan anlaşmazlıkların yarısına yakını aslında hukuka konu olmayı hakedecek düzeyde ciddi olmamasının yanında basit nedenlerle ciddi bir müessese olan yargıya intikal etmesi, mahkemelerin verimli çalşmamasına daha da önemlisi adaletin gecikmesine neden olmaktadır. Kişilerin taleblerinin yargıya intikali sonrasında önemli bir kısmı uzlaşma yolunu seçmektedir. Hukuk tüm anlaşmazlıklar gibi evlilik ve aile müessesesi de anlaşmazlıklara konu olmaktadır. Ancak aile anlaşmazlıkları toplumu bireyleri özelikle de çocukları da doğrudan etkilediği için diğer hukuk alanlarından ayrı bir yere koymak gerekir. Dolayısıyla mahkemeye intikal etmeden anlaşma zemini aramak aile kurumuna en az zararla sorunu çözme imkanı verebilmektedir. Hukuk dünyasında "arabuluculuk" müessesesinin son zamanlarda popülaritesi artmış olup sorunların çözümünde etkin bir hukuk yolu haline gelmiştir. Hukuka konu olan aile hukukunda anlaşmazlıklar konusunda araştırmalarımızı yaparken öncelikle evlilik ve aile kurumunu hukuki bakış açısıyla irdelemeye çalıştıktan sonra, aile hukukunun temel ilkelerinden yola çıkarak evlilik birliğinin zayıflaması ve boşanma olgusu üzerinden arabuluculuk müessesesi incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmamızda son dönemlerde hukuk dallarında çözüm yolu arayışı olarak başvurulan arabuluculuk olgusundan yararlanarak aile hukukunda anlaşmazlıklar ve boşanma sürecinde arabuluculuğun faydaları ve hukuka katkısının çok fazla olduğu açıktır. Since almost half of the legal dispute sent to the court is not crical issues that should have been submitted to the court, court does not work effectively in sense of managing its working time. Most of individuals choose mediation process after their issues are submitted to the court. Similar to all other subjects, marriage and family disputes may also be submitted to the court but; since family and marriage are sensitive issues that may affect individuals, their children, their relatives and the society, it should be evaluated properly and differently. Thas, trying to make both parties deal on the subject before the issue would have been submitted to the court, could solve the problem with the least damage. In the world of law, "mediation" has recently increased its population and has become an effective way of solving problems. While doing research about the matters in family law that have been subject fort he court, we tried firstly to investigate respect to law, then we tried to analyze mediation subject based on damaged union of marriage and fact of divorce with respect to basis of family law. It is obvious that court may benefit enourmosly from disputes in family law and mediation process

    Portrayal of Minorities

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    To what extent is the portrayal of minorities in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” true to the realities of the “Roaring Twenties”

    Professional Commitment and Internships in Information and Records Management Studies

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    Bir çalışanın mesleğine kişisel ve psikolojik olarak bağlılığını ifade eden meslekî aidiyet kavramı, bütün disiplinler gibi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi alanı için de önem arz etmektedir. Bilgi merkezlerinin en iyi performansla çalışmasını sağlayacak olan meslekî aidiyetin kazanılması üniversite öğrenimi ve stajlar sırasında başlamaktadır. Bu araştırmada, Marmara Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü öğrencilerinin meslekî aidiyet düzeyleri çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, Rıdvan Keskin ve M. Nur Pakdemirli tarafından hazırlanan Meslekî Aidiyet Ölçeği’nin ikinci faktörü kullanılmıştır. Veriler SPSS 22.0 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama, standart sapma, t-testi ve Tek Yönlü Anova Testi kullanılmıştır. Anova testi sonrasında farklılıkları belirlemek üzere tamamlayıcı post-hoc analizi olarak Scheffe testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonunda öğrencilerin öğrenim gördükleri alana dair meslekî aidiyet düzeylerinin yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte araştırma kitlesinde staj yapma durumu ile meslekî aidiyet arasında ters bir orantı olduğu saptanmıştır.Professional commitment, which expresses the personal and psychological commitment of an employee to his profession, is also important for the field of Information and Records Management like all disciplines. Acquisition of professional commitment, that will enable information centers to work with the best performance, starts during university studies and internships. In this study, the professional commitment levels of Marmara University Information and Records Management Department students, has been examined according to various variables. In the study, the second factor of the Professional Commitment Scale which prepared by Rıdvan Keskin and M. Nur Pakdemirli, is used. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 22.0 program. Number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-Way Anova Test were used to evaluate the data. After the Anova test, the Scheffe test was used as a complementary post-hoc analysis to determine the differences. At the end of the research, it was observed that the students’ level of professional commitment was high. However, it was found that there is an inverse proportion between the internship and professional commitment, among the research population

    Examination of Socialization Level of University Students Engaged in Sports Activities According to Their Locus of Control

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    In this study, the university students who participate in sports have been examined in terms of their socialization relative to the participation in sport activities and the locus of control. Students are thought to be engaged in many activities in addition to their lessons during their student tenure at higher education institutions. Their participation in such activities is examined to find out whether the students take part in the mentioned activities on their own accord, or through the manipulation of others. The sample of this research consisted of students who studied at the Marmara, Istanbul Technical (ITU), and Haliç universities (n=174). Data collection was based on Şahan’s (2007) scale of “Role of the Sportive activities in Socialization Process of the University Students” (r= 0.77, r= 0.84) and Dağ’s (2002) “Scale on Locus of Control” (α= .92). The obtained results demonstrate significant differences between the items in the socialization scales and the characteristics of locus of control of the university students. Significant differences have been detected between the items of socialization scales and university students’ interest (i.e., amateur, spectator, no interest) in sports. The only significant difference in terms of gender was determined in sport and socialization skills