280 research outputs found


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    Residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes toward tourism development are among the topics that are frequently examined in the tourism literature. In particular, it is of great importance to determine the perceptions of the residents in the destination where tourism activities are not intense and tourism is not developed yet, in terms of ensuring sustainable tourism development in the destination. Therefore, this study aims to use two different structures (place attachment and the impacts of tourism) together to determine the intention of supporting tourism developments and fill the gap in the literature. The data were collected from 450 participants through the questionnaire forms created in the study and the analysis was carried out with SPSS and AMOS statistics programs. First, factor analysis was applied and then the structural equation model was used. According to the results of the study, while there is no significant relationship between place dependence and intention to support tourism development, it has been determined that place identity and intention to support are determined in a meaningful way. In addition, it has been determined that both negative and positive impacts are predictors of place attachment factors (place identity, place dependence) and there is a significant relationship between residents’ intention to support and behoviral support for tourism development. The suggestions for future studies and the limitation of the current study are presented at the end of this study

    School Principal Support in Teacher Professional Development

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    Turkish education system has enacted a vision of 2023 which emphasizes that school principals create and organize professional learning activities based on the needs of students and teachers. This research aimed to evaluate this vision by determining the level of support provided by school principals in teachers' professional development. It was based on a cross-sectional survey design of the quantitative method. The data collected from the 4,729 teachers working in Sanliurfa province in Turkey were analyzed. The results suggested that the school principals supported the professional development of the teachers occasionally and only 25.5% of principals supported teachers' professional development sufficiently. School principals mostly followed relevant resources to support teachers' professional development and inform teachers about innovations related to education. In addition, school principals did not adequately perform activities that may support teacher professional development such as determining individual and group development programs, organizing a professional development monitoring form for teachers, organizing educational activities outside the seminar period, receiving enough help from the experts in the area, and giving enough individual reading and research tasks. The results also indicated that the principals of high school teachers supported their professional development more than the principals working in primary and secondary schools, the principals of the classroom teachers and the principals of male teachers supported the professional development of the teachers more than the principals of the female and branch teachers and teachers’ level of education did not create any difference in the perceptions of the teachers

    Factors Contributing to Secondary School Dropouts and the Dropouts’ Socioeconomic Profiles: Şanlıurfa Sample

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that cause students drop out of school in secondary education.This is a descriptive survey study and the quantitative research method was employed. 2985 secondaryschool dropouts participated in the study and the data was collected through “Secondary School Dropout Questionnaire”.According to the findings, participants had to drop out because of financial problems, failure,absenteeism, enrolling to open education, family problems, disliking the school, having problems with teachersand administrators, studying for university entrance exam, health problems, marriage, the idea that attending theschool is unnecessary, migration, having to take care of parents in need, and disciplinary penalties. Based on thefindings, it is suggested that especially school administrators and teachers, all practitioners and decision-makersneed to give priority to school dropout problem. In addition, for student, teacher and administrators, curricularand extracurricular activities and programs to reduce school dropout should be prepared and put into practice

    The effect of psychological factors on Syrian refugees’ participation in lifelong education

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of psychological factors on Syrian refugees’ participation in lifelong education. The ex post facto co-relational causal design was employed in this research. A questionnaire form consisted of four scales was used to collect data from 297 refugees participated in lifelong education. The structural equation modeling analysis revealed that psychological factors affect participation in lifelong education and learning approaches played the biggest role in this effect. It was claimed that learning approach is a strong predictor of participation in lifelong education. The effect of locus of control on participation in lifelong education was medium while the effects of self-efficacy and self-worth were weak. Recommendations to education providers, decision-makers and researchers to align both formal and lifelong education curricula with the results were given

    Okul yöneticilerinin öğretmen mesleki gelişimine katkılarına ilişkin algıları

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    The aim of the study is to determine the contribution of school administrators working in Şanlıurfa to the professional development of teachers. The research was conducted according to the survey model. Data from 493 school administrators working in a primary school, secondary school and high schools during the 2017-2018 education period were collected with a form prepared on the internet. Descriptive statistics, t-test and variance analysis were used to analyze data. As a result of the research, it was determined that school administrators frequently contribute to the professional development of teachers. In Şanlıurfa, 63.50% of school administrators support teachers' professional development at frequent and always levels. It was determined that the most frequent activity of the school administrators was to review the relevant sources and to inform the teachers about educational innovations. The least frequent activity was to develop an example course to develop teachers. No difference was determined in perceptions of school administrators according to gender, duty, seniority, type of school, education and branch.Araştırma amacı, Şanlıurfa’da görev yapan okul yöneticilerinin öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimlerine katkı düzeyini belirlemektir. Araştırma, tarama modeline göre yürütülmüştür. Veriler, ilkokul, ortaokul ve liselerde 2017- 2018 eğitim-öğretim döneminde görev yapan 493 okul yöneticisinden internet üzerinde hazırlanan bir form ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde betimleyici analizler, t-testi ve varyans analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda okul yöneticilerinin, öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimlerine sık sık katkıda bulundukları belirlenmiştir. Şanlıurfa ilinde okul yöneticilerinin %63.50’si yeterli olabilecek sık sık ve daima düzeylerinde öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimlerini desteklemektedirler. Okul yöneticilerinin en sık yaptığı etkinliğin, ilgili kaynakları takip ederek öğretmenleri eğitim-öğretimle ilgili yeniliklerden haberdar etmek olduğu belirlenmiştir. En az yapılan etkinlik ise, öğretmenleri geliştirmek için örnek ders işlemektir. Okul yöneticilerinin algılarında cinsiyet, görev, kıdem, okul türü, öğrenim ve branş değişkenlerine göre farklılık bulunmadığı belirlenmiştir

    Okul Etkililiğini Belirlemede Kullanılan Katma-Değerli Değerlendirme Yaklaşımının Uygulanması

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    The aim of this study was to introduce the value-added assessment model, one of the approaches used in school and teacher evaluation, and to demonstrate its implementation on a real data set. In the study, success ratings for the schools were assessed through the value-added assessment model using TEOG (transition from primary to secondary education) exam scores of 539 secondary schools in Şanlıurfa province of Turkey. The school ratings based on the exam averages were also included. The differences were found between the ratings based on the value-added scores obtained in the study and the traditional ones depending only on the exam averages. It was concluded that it was not accurate to evaluate the school success solely by a specific exam average, and the value-added assessment approach, revealing how much the schools were differentiated from one exam to another, was decided to offer more objective results. The present study, serving as a model for the use of value-added assessment approach in Turkey, offers suggestions to assist school and teacher evaluation to be planned in the future.Çalışmanın amacı okul ve öğretmen değerlendirmesinde kullanılan yaklaşımlardan biri olan katma-değerli değerlendirme modelinin tanıtılması ve gerçek bir veri üzerinden uygulamasının gösterilmesidir. Bu çalışmada Şanlıurfa ilindeki 539 okula ait TEOG sınav puanları kullanılarak katma-değerli değerlendirme modeli vasıtasıyla okullar arasında başarı sıralaması yapılmıştır. Bunun yanında sadece ortalamalara bakılarak yapılan okul sıralamaları da sunulmuştur. Çalışmada elde edilen katma-değer puanlarına dayalı sıralamalar ile sadece ortalamalara dayalı yapılan geleneksel sıralamalar arasında farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sadece bir sınav üzerinden okul ortalamalarına bakarak okulların başarısının değerlendirilmesinin doğru olmadığı okulların bir sınavdan diğerine ne kadar değişim gösterdiğini yansıtan katma-değerli değerlendirme yaklaşımının daha objektif sonuçlar sunduğu görülmüştür. Katma-değerli değerlendirme yaklaşımının Türkiye’de kullanımına örnek teşkil eden bu çalışma ileride yapılması planlanan okul ve öğretmen değerlendirmelerine yardımcı olacak önerilerde bulunmaktadır

    Sport performance and agility tests Sporda performans ve çeviklik testleri

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect agility on sports performance and agility measurement tests. Agility is described as a rapid whole body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus. Good agility requires a combination of speed, balance, power and co-ordination. Agility, which is a motoric ability, can be improved by regular progressive exercise. As an important component, agility is used to be an acceptable method in sports performance test batteries. As a result of the study; agility, which is a required characteristic in most of the sports activities, is a quality that successful athletes should have. While administering the sports performance test batteries to enhance sports performance both the exercise to improve agility and to develop dynamic balance that support agility has importance. Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı çevikliğin spor performansına etkisini ve çeviklik ölçüm testlerini incelemektir. Çeviklik, belli bir uyarıcıya cevap olarak tüm vücudun hız veya yön değiştirerek ani hareketi olarak tanımlanır. Çevikliğin kalitesi, hız, denge, güç ve koordinasyonun ortaklığını gerektirir. Motor bir yetenek olan çeviklik, düzenli progresif egzersizle geliştirilebilir. Önemli bir unsur olarak çeviklik spor performans ölçüm bataryalarında kullanılan geçerli bir yöntemdir. Çalışmanın sonucu olarak, spor aktivitelerinin büyük çoğunluğunda gerekli bir özellik olan çeviklik, başarılı sporcuların sahip olması gereken önemli bir niteliktir. Sportif performansın artırılması için sportif performans testleri uygulanırken hem çevikliği arttırıcı egzersizler hem de çevikliğin artmasını sağlayan dinamik denge özelliğini de geliştirici egzersizler öneme sahiptir

    Foot morphology of Turkish football players according to foot preference

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    Football is the most popular sport in the world. Foot morphology and foot preference are important factors in football player’s performance. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the foot morphology of elite football players with different foot preferences. 407 male football players participated in this study. 328 of them preferred their right foot, while 79 of them preferred the left one. Eleven anthropometric measurements were taken from each foot with standard anthropometric methods. Foot length, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 lengths, foot circumference of right and left feet and right foot width of right foot preference group were higher than those of left foot preference group, which is statistically significant (p < 0.05). Left foot measurements of right foot preference group were interestingly higher than those of the right side. It was suggested that these data may be useful to define the foot morphology of elite football players.Key words: Foot morphology, football, measurements

    Acute effects of static stretching on vertical jump performance in children

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    This research has been made to define the acute effects of static streching on vertical jump performance in children. The research has been applied on 49 healthy male volunteer athletes who have been taking basketball education for 2.1±0.2 years.(age:12.6±0.7 years, height: 157.9±6.9 cm, weight: 49.7±6.7 kg) Two different protocols have been made in this research. In the first protocol, 5 minutes aerobic density and 5 x 10 m forward, backward, side general warming up exercice in submaximal level has been applied on each child and in the second protocol, after general warming up, static streching practice has been applied to the same children. After each warming up and streching practice, countermovement jump performance have been measured. Active static streching practice has been applied in a strech sensitivity for 3 times 30 seconds and 15 seconds brakes between repetitions. Descriptive statistical methods and Paired-Samples T test have been applied on statistical analysis of vertical jump data that belong to children. Children jump 28.6 ± 1.1 cm. after a general warming up without any streching practice whereas the children who have made static streching application after warming up jump 27.1 ± 1.3 cm. The1.5 cm. difference (%5.2) has been found significant (t = -10.476;  p<0.001). As a result, static streching practice after general warming up effects vertical jump performance negatively.This research has been made to define the acute effects of static streching on vertical jump performance in children. The research has been applied on 49 healthy male volunteer athletes who have been taking basketball education for 2.1±0.2 years.(age:12.6±0.7 years, height: 157.9±6.9 cm, weight: 49.7±6.7 kg) Two different protocols have been made in this research. In the first protocol, 5 minutes aerobic density and 5 x 10 m forward, backward, side general warming up exercice in submaximal level has been applied on each child and in the second protocol, after general warming up, static streching practice has been applied to the same children. After each warming up and streching practice, countermovement jump performance have been measured. Active static streching practice has been applied in a strech sensitivity for 3 times 30 seconds and 15 seconds brakes between repetitions. Descriptive statistical methods and Paired-Samples T test have been applied on statistical analysis of vertical jump data that belong to children. Children jump 28.6 ± 1.1 cm. after a general warming up without any streching practice whereas the children who have made static streching application after warming up jump 27.1 ± 1.3 cm. The1.5 cm. difference (%5.2) has been found significant (t = -10.476;  p<0.001). As a result, static streching practice after general warming up effects vertical jump performance negatively

    Elektrik potansiyeli ve sıcaklığın ohmik ısıtma ve sıcak suya daldırma esnasında makarnaların rehidrasyon davranışları üzerine etkisi

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    In the present study, rehydration of pasta samples was examined during soaking at different temperatures (75, 85 and 95°C) and during ohmic heating at different electrical potential levels (10, 20, 30 and 40 V/cm) as an alternative method of pasta cooking. Two effective diffusion coefficients were defined using Fick’s second law of diffusion for regular soaking experiments and three diffusion coefficients were calculated to describe the rehydration behaviour during ohmic heating. The effect of applied voltage and temperature on the diffusion coefficients were evaluated using an Arrhenius type equation. Moreover, the two common models that are used to describe rehydration behaviour of food materials, namely Peleg and Weibull models, were used for kinetic analysis of rehydration experiments. It was observed that an increment both in temperature of cooking water and applied voltage for ohmic heating enhanced the water absorption rate of pasta samples then the rehydration was completed faster. The Peleg and Weibull models showed promising performance for regular soaking experiments where the first one could not describe moisture change of pasta during ohmic heating at a desired level. Different from soaking testes, a delayed moisture uptake phase was observed at the very beginning of ohmic heating experiments however it can be concluded that ohmic heating led an increment in moisture uptake rate in general.Söz konusu çalışma kapsamında, farklı elektrik potansiyelleri altında (10, 20, 30 ve 40 V/cm) ohmik ısıtma ve farklı sıcaklıklarda (75, 85 ve 95°C) suya daldırma işlemi esnasında makarna örneklerinin rehidrasyon özellikleri incelenmiştir. Makarnaların rehidrasyon davranışlarını ifade etmek için Fick’in ikinci difüzyon kanunu kullanılarak, normal daldırma denemeleri için iki ve ohmik ısıtma denemeleri için üç farklı efektif difüzyon katsayısı hesaplanmıştır. Uygulanan farklı voltaj ve sıcaklıkların difüzyon katsayıları üzerine etkisi ise Arrhenius tipi bir eşitlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, gıdaların rehidrasyon özelliklerinin tanımlanmasında yaygın olarak tercih edilen iki model, Peleg ve Weibull, rehidrasyon denemelerinin kinetik analizi amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler neticesinde, hem daldırma suyu sıcaklığının hem de ohmik ısıtma esnasında uygulanan voltajın artırılması, makarna örneklerinin su emilimini hızlandırıcı etki göstermiştir. Hem Peleg hem de Weibull modelleri, normal daldırma denemeleri için üst düzey bir performans ortaya koymuştur. Ancak bunlardan sadece Weibull, ohmik ısıtma esnasında gözlenen nem değişimini kabul edilebilir seviyede ifade edebilmiştir. Normal daldırma denemelerinden farklı olarak, ohmik ısıtma işleminin ilk safhalarında nem emiliminde bir gecikme dikkati çekmiştir. Ancak genel olarak ohmik ısıtmanın makarnaların nem absorpsiyonu üzerine hızlandırıcı bir etkiye sahip olduğu ifade edilebilir