14 research outputs found

    Trade-off between travel distance and prioritization of high-reward sites in traplining bumblebees

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    1.Animals exploiting renewable resource patches are faced with complex multi-location routing problems. In many species, individuals visit foraging patches in predictable sequences called traplines. However, whether and how they optimize their routes remains poorly understood

    Conspecific and Heterospecific Information Use in Bumblebees

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    Heterospecific social learning has been understudied in comparison to interactions between members of the same species. However, the learning mechanisms behind such information use can allow animals to be flexible in the cues that are used. This raises the question of whether conspecific cues are inherently more influential than cues provided by heterospecifics, or whether animals can simply use any cue that predicts fitness enhancing conditions, including those provided by heterospecifics. To determine how freely social information travels across species boundaries, we trained bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) to learn to use cues provided by conspecifics and heterospecific honey bees (Apis mellifera) to locate valuable floral resources. We found that heterospecific demonstrators did not differ from conspecifics in the extent to which they guided observers' choices, whereas various types of inorganic visual cues were consistently less effective than conspecifics. This was also true in a transfer test where bees were confronted with a novel flower type. However, in the transfer test, conspecifics were slightly more effective than heterospecific demonstrators. We then repeated the experiment with entirely naïve bees that had never foraged alongside conspecifics before. In this case, heterospecific demonstrators were equally efficient as conspecifics both in the initial learning task and the transfer test. Our findings demonstrate that social learning is not a unique process limited to conspecifics and that through associative learning, interspecifically sourced information can be just as valuable as that provided by conspecific individuals. Furthermore the results of this study highlight potential implications for understanding competition within natural pollinator communities

    Monitoring Flower Visitation Networks and Interactions between Pairs of Bumble Bees in a Large Outdoor Flight Cage

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    This research was supported by a combined grant from the Wellcome Trust, the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (BB/F52765X/1). While writing, ML was supported by the IDEX of the Federal University of Toulouse (Starting and Emergence grants), the Fyssen foundation and the CNRS. NER was supported as the Rebanks Family Chair in Pollinator Conservation by The W. Garfield Weston Foundation. LC was supported by ERC Advanced Grant SpaceRadarPollinator and by a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

    Signatures of a globally optimal searching strategy in the three-dimensional foraging flights of bumblebees

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    Simulated annealing is a powerful stochastic search algorithm for locating a global maximum that is hidden among many poorer local maxima in a search space. It is frequently implemented in computers working on complex optimization problems but until now has not been directly observed in nature as a searching strategy adopted by foraging animals. We analysed high-speed video recordings of the three-dimensional searching flights of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) made in the presence of large or small artificial flowers within a 0.5 m3 enclosed arena. Analyses of the three-dimensional flight patterns in both conditions reveal signatures of simulated annealing searches. After leaving a flower, bees tend to scan back-and forth past that flower before making prospecting flights (loops), whose length increases over time. The search pattern becomes gradually more expansive and culminates when another rewarding flower is found. Bees then scan back and forth in the vicinity of the newly discovered flower and the process repeats. This looping search pattern, in which flight step lengths are typically power-law distributed, provides a relatively simple yet highly efficient strategy for pollinators such as bees to find best quality resources in complex environments made of multiple ephemeral feeding sites with nutritionally variable rewards

    Mechanisms, functions and ecology of colour vision in the honeybee.

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    notes: PMCID: PMC4035557types: Journal Article© The Author(s) 2014.This is an open access article that is freely available in ORE or from Springerlink.com. Please cite the published version available at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00359-014-0915-1Research in the honeybee has laid the foundations for our understanding of insect colour vision. The trichromatic colour vision of honeybees shares fundamental properties with primate and human colour perception, such as colour constancy, colour opponency, segregation of colour and brightness coding. Laborious efforts to reconstruct the colour vision pathway in the honeybee have provided detailed descriptions of neural connectivity and the properties of photoreceptors and interneurons in the optic lobes of the bee brain. The modelling of colour perception advanced with the establishment of colour discrimination models that were based on experimental data, the Colour-Opponent Coding and Receptor Noise-Limited models, which are important tools for the quantitative assessment of bee colour vision and colour-guided behaviours. Major insights into the visual ecology of bees have been gained combining behavioural experiments and quantitative modelling, and asking how bee vision has influenced the evolution of flower colours and patterns. Recently research has focussed on the discrimination and categorisation of coloured patterns, colourful scenes and various other groupings of coloured stimuli, highlighting the bees' behavioural flexibility. The identification of perceptual mechanisms remains of fundamental importance for the interpretation of their learning strategies and performance in diverse experimental tasks.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC

    In vivo Imaging und der optogenetische Ansatz zu Untersuchung der Gedächtnissbildung und lokomotorischem Verhalten bei Drosophila melanogaster

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    Understanding of complex interactions and events in a nervous system, leading from the molecular level up to certain behavioural patterns calls for interdisciplinary interactions of various research areas. The goal of the presented work is to achieve such an interdisciplinary approach to study and manipulate animal behaviour and its underlying mechanisms. Optical in vivo imaging is a new constantly evolving method, allowing one to study not only the local but also wide reaching activity in the nervous system. Due to ease of its genetic accessibility Drosophila melanogaster represents an extraordinary experimental organism to utilize not only imaging but also various optogenetic techniques to study the neuronal underpinnings of behaviour. In this study four genetically encoded sensors were used to investigate the temporal dynamics of cAMP concentration changes in the horizontal lobes of the mushroom body, a brain area important for learning and memory, in response to various physiological and pharmacological stimuli. Several transgenic lines with various genomic insertion sites for the sensor constructs Epac1, Epac2, Epac2K390E and HCN2 were screened for the best signal quality, one line was selected for further experiments. The in vivo functionality of the sensor was assessed via pharmacological application of 8-bromo-cAMP as well as Forskolin, a substance stimulating cAMP producing adenylyl cyclases. This was followed by recording of the cAMP dynamics in response to the application of dopamine and octopamine, as well as to the presentation of electric shock, odorants or a simulated olfactory signal, induced by acetylcholine application to the observed brain area. In addition the interaction between the shock and the simulated olfactory signal by simultaneous presentation of both stimuli was studied. Preliminary results are supporting a coincidence detection mechanism at the level of the adenylyl cyclase as postulated by the present model for classical olfactory conditioning. In a second series of experiments an effort was made to selecticvely activate a subset of neurons via the optogenetic tool Channelrhodopsin (ChR2). This was achieved by recording the behaviour of the fly in a walking ball paradigm. A new method was developed to analyse the walking behaviour of the animal whose brain was made optically accessible via a dissection technique, as used for imaging, thus allowing one to target selected brain areas. Using the Gal4-UAS system the protocerebral bridge, a substructure of the central complex, was highlighted by expressing the ChR2 tagged by fluorescent protein EYFP. First behavioural recordings of such specially prepared animals were made. Lastly a new experimental paradigm for single animal conditioning was developed (Shock Box). Its design is based on the established Heat Box paradigm, however in addition to spatial and operant conditioning available in the Heat Box, the design of the new paradigm allows one to set up experiments to study classical and semioperant olfactory conditioning, as well as semioperant place learning and operant no idleness experiments. First experiments involving place learning were successfully performed in the new apparatus.Das Verständniss für die komplexen Interaktionen und Zusammenhänge, die von der molekularen Ebene bis zum Auftreten von bestimmten Verhaltensmustern führen, erfordert die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Forschungsrichtungen. Das Ziel der vorgelegten Arbeit war es einen solchen interdisziplinären Ansatz für die Erforschung und die Manipulation von Verhalten und ihm zu Grunde liegenden Mechanismen zu verwirklichen. Optisches in vivo Imaging ist eine neue, sich ständig weiterentwickelnde Methode, welche es ermöglicht, nicht nur lokale sondern auch weitläufige Aktivitäten innerhalb des Nervensystem zu untersuchen. Drosophila melanogaster stellt aufgrund der leichten genetischen Zugänglichkeit einen herausragenden experimentellen Organismus dar, bei welchem neben optischem Imaging eine ganze Reihe optogenetischer Methoden angewandt werden kann, um die neuronalen Grundlagen des Verhaltens zu erforschen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde mit Hilfe von vier genetisch kodierten Sensoren in vivo die Dynamik der cAMP Konzentration in den horizontalen Loben des Pilzkörpers, bei Applikation unterschiedlicher physiologischer und pharmazeutischer Stimuli untersucht. Dabei wurden mehrere transgene Fliegenlinien mit Sensorkonstrukten Epac1, Epac2, Epac2K390E und HCN2 an unterschiedlichen genomischen Insertionsorten, hinsichtlich ihrer Signalqualität untersucht, eine der Linien wurde für weitere Experimente ausgewählt. Zunächst wurde an dieser die in vivo Tauglichkeit des Sensors gezeigt, indem die Konzentration von cAMP durch pharmakologische Applikationen von 8-Bromo-cAMP und Forskolin, einer Substanz welche die Aktivität von cAMP produzierenden Adenylatcyclasen stimuliert, appliziert wurden. Anschließend wurde eine Untersuchung der cAMP Dynamik als Antwort auf einen elektrischen Schock, unterschiedliche Düfte, sowie einen durch Applikation von Acetylcholin simulierten Duftstimulus durchgeführt. Vorläufige Ergebnisse bestärken das aktuelle Modell der klassischen olfaktorischen Konditionierung durch die Koinzidenzdetektion auf der Ebene der Adenylatcyclase. In einem weiteren Experiment wurde der Versuch einer optogenetischen neuronalen Aktivierung unternommen, dabei wurde basierend auf einem Laufball Paradigma eine Methode entwickelt, das Laufverhalten der Fliegen zu analysieren während ihr Gehirn durch eine Imaging-Präparation freigelegt wurde, um gezielt bestimmte durch fluoreszierende Proteine markierte Gehirnbereiche anzuregen. Erste Aufzeichnungen des Laufverhaltens bei Aktivierung der protocerebrallen Brücke, einer Substruktur des Zentralkomplexes, wurden durchgeführt. Schließlich wurde eine neue Apparatur (Shock Box) für die Konditionierung von Einzeltieren entwickelt und gebaut, das Design beruht auf dem der sogenannten Heat Box, ermöglicht jedoch klassische und semioperante olfaktorische Konditionierung zusätzlich zu der in der Heat Box möglichen räumlichen und operanten Konditionierung. Die ersten Versuche für räumliches Lernen wurden in der Apparatur durchgeführt

    Continuous Radar Tracking Illustrates the Development of Multi-destination Routes of Bumblebees

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    Animals that visit multiple foraging sites face a problem, analogous to the Travelling Salesman Problem, of finding an efficient route. We explored bumblebees’ route development on an array of five artificial flowers in which minimising travel distances between individual feeders conflicted with minimising overall distance. No previous study of bee spatial navigation has been able to follow animals’ movement during learning; we tracked bumblebee foragers continuously, using harmonic radar, and examined the process of route formation in detail for a small number of selected individuals. On our array, bees did not settle on visit sequences that gave the shortest overall path, but prioritised movements to nearby feeders. Nonetheless, flight distance and duration reduced with experience. This increased efficiency was attributable mainly to experienced bees reducing exploration beyond the feeder array and flights becoming straighter with experience, rather than improvements in the sequence of feeder visits. Flight paths of all legs of a flight stabilised at similar rates, whereas the first few feeder visits became fixed early while bees continued to experiment with the order of later visits. Stabilising early sections of a route and prioritising travel between nearby destinations may reduce the search space, allowing rapid adoption of efficient routes