9 research outputs found
Agent Bodies: An Interface Between Agent and Environment
The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_2Interfacing the agents with their environment is a classical
problem when designing multiagent systems. However, the models pertaining
to this interface generally choose to either embed it in the agents,
or in the environment. In this position paper, we propose to highlight
the role of agent bodies as primary components of the multiagent system
design. We propose a tentative definition of an agent body, and discuss
its responsibilities in terms of MAS components. The agent body takes
from both agent and environment: low-level agent mechanisms such as
perception and influences are treated locally in the agent bodies. These
mechanism participate in the cognitive process, but are not driven by
symbol manipulation. Furthermore, it allows to define several bodies for
one mind, either to simulate different capabilities, or to interact in the
different environments - physical, social- the agent is immersed in. We
also draw the main challenges to apply this concept effectively.Saunier, J.; Carrascosa Casamayor, C.; Galland, S.; Kanmeugne, PS. (2015). Agent Bodies: An Interface Between Agent and Environment. En Agent Environments for Multi-Agent Systems IV. 4th International Workshop, E4MAS 2014 - 10 Years Later, Paris, France, May 6, 2014. 25-40. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23850-0_2S2540Barella, A., Ricci, A., Boissier, O., Carrascosa, C.: MAM5: Multi-agent model for intelligent virtual environments. In: 10th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2012), pp. 16–30 (2012)Behe, F., Galland, S., Gaud, N., Nicolle, C., Koukam, A.: An ontology-based metamodel for multiagent-based simulations. Int. J. Simul. Model. Pract. Theor. 40, 64–85 (2014). http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S1569190X13001342Brooks, R.A.: Intelligence without representation. Artif. 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Springer, Heidelberg (2013)Ricci, A., Viroli, M., Omicini, A.: Programming MAS with artifacts. In: Bordini, R.H., Dastani, M., Dix, J., El Fallah Seghrouchni, A. (eds.) PROMAS 2005. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3862, pp. 206–221. Springer, Heidelberg (2006)Ricci, A., Omicini, A., Viroli, M., Gardelli, L., Oliva, E.: Cognitive stigmergy: towards a framework based on agents and artifacts. In: Weyns, D., Van Dyke Parunak, H., Michel, F. (eds.) E4MAS 2006. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 4389, pp. 124–140. Springer, Heidelberg (2007)Ricci, A., Piunti, M., Viroli, M.: Environment programming in multi-agent systems: an artifact-based perspective. Auton. Agent. Multi-Agent Syst. 23(2), 158–192 (2011)Ricci, A., Viroli, M., Omicini, A.: Environment-based coordination through coordination artifacts. In: Weyns, D., Van Dyke Parunak, H., Michel, F. (eds.) E4MAS 2004. LNCS (LNAI), vol. 3374, pp. 190–214. 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Agent Environments for Multi-agent Systems – A Research Roadmap
Ten years ago, researchers in multi-agent systems became more and more aware that agent systems consist of more than only agents. The series of workshops on Environments for Multi-Agent Systems (E4MAS 2004-2006) emerged from this awareness. One of the primary outcomes of this endeavor was a principled understanding that the agent environment should be considered as a primary design abstraction, equally important as the agents. A special issue in JAAMAS 2007 contributed a set of influential papers that define the role of agent environments, describe their engineering, and outline challenges in the field that have been the drivers for numerous follow up research efforts. The goal of this paper is to wrap up what has been achieved in the past 10 years and identify challenges for future research on agent environments. Instead of taking a broad perspective, we focus on three particularly relevant topics of modern software intensive systems: large scale, openness, and humans in the loop. For each topic, we reflect on the challenges outlined 10 years ago, present an example application that highlights the current trends, and from that outline challenges for the future. We conclude with a roadmap on how the different challenges could be tackled. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015.Peer reviewe
Real-time simulation of autonomous pedestrians navigation : a macroscopic-influenced microscopic model
Le but de nos travaux est de définir des algorithmes permettant de simuler les déplacements de piétons dans un environnement urbain, en temps réel, et de manière crédible. Les modèles existants pour ce type d'exercice sont développés suivant deux types d'approches : microscopiques - les piétons sont modélisés comme des agents autonomes - et macroscopiques - les piétons sont considérés comme soumis à des lois d'écoulement. Selon nous, ces deux approches ne s'opposent pas, mais se complètent mutuellement. Aussi nous inspirons-nous des jeux de congestion et des SMA pour proposer une formulation générique du problème de déplacement de piétons. Nous introduisons la notion de ressource de navigation, décrite comme une région de l'espace que les agents utilisent pour atteindre leurs objectifs, et via lesquelles ils interagissent pour estimer leurs dépenses énergétiques, et nous proposons une stratégie de déplacement basée sur les heuristiques taboues. Le concept d'environnement issu du paradigme SMA s'avère adapté pour appréhender la complexité de la simulation. L'environnement est vu comme un composant indépendant et ontologiquement différent des agents. Une partie de la dynamique de la simulation est ainsi déléguée à l'environnement sans altérer l'autonomie des agents, ce qui favorise la crédibilité des résultats et le passage à l'échelle. Nous comparons notre modèle avec un modèle microscopique standard via plusieurs scénarii de simulation et montrons que notre modèle produit des résultats plus crédibles du point de vue d'un observateur extérieur et plus proches des études empiriques connues du déplacement des piétons.In this work, we focus on real-time simulation of autonomous pedestrians navigation. Existing models for this purpose tend to diverge on whether to build on pedestrians' characteristics and local interactions - microscopic approaches - or to focus on pedestrians' flow regardless of individual characteristics - macroscopic approaches. Our position is that the two approaches should not be separated. Thus, we introduce a Macroscopic-Influenced Microscopic approach which aims at reducing the gap between microscopic and macroscopic approaches by providing credible walking paths for a potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians. Our approach originates from a least-effort formulation of the navigation task, which allows us to consistently account for congestion at every levels of decision. We use the multi-agent paradigm and describe pedestrians as autonomous and situated agents who plan dynamically for energy efficient paths, and interact with each other through the environment. The navigable space is considered as a set of contiguous resources that agents use to build their paths. We emulate the dynamic path computation for each agent with an evolutionary search algorithm that implement a tabu search heuristic, especially designed to be executed in real-time and autonomously. We have compared an implementation of our approach with a standard microscopic model, against low-density and high density scenarios, with encouraging results in terms of credibility and scalability. We believe that microscopic models could be easily extended to embrace our approach, thus providing richer simulations of potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians
Simulation crédible des déplacements de piétons en temps réel : modèle microscopique à influence macroscopique
In this work, we focus on real-time simulation of autonomous pedestrians navigation. Existing models for this purpose tend to diverge on whether to build on pedestrians' characteristics and local interactions - microscopic approaches - or to focus on pedestrians' flow regardless of individual characteristics - macroscopic approaches. Our position is that the two approaches should not be separated. Thus, we introduce a Macroscopic-Influenced Microscopic approach which aims at reducing the gap between microscopic and macroscopic approaches by providing credible walking paths for a potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians. Our approach originates from a least-effort formulation of the navigation task, which allows us to consistently account for congestion at every levels of decision. We use the multi-agent paradigm and describe pedestrians as autonomous and situated agents who plan dynamically for energy efficient paths, and interact with each other through the environment. The navigable space is considered as a set of contiguous resources that agents use to build their paths. We emulate the dynamic path computation for each agent with an evolutionary search algorithm that implement a tabu search heuristic, especially designed to be executed in real-time and autonomously. We have compared an implementation of our approach with a standard microscopic model, against low-density and high density scenarios, with encouraging results in terms of credibility and scalability. We believe that microscopic models could be easily extended to embrace our approach, thus providing richer simulations of potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians.Le but de nos travaux est de définir des algorithmes permettant de simuler les déplacements de piétons dans un environnement urbain, en temps réel, et de manière crédible. Les modèles existants pour ce type d'exercice sont développés suivant deux types d'approches : microscopiques - les piétons sont modélisés comme des agents autonomes - et macroscopiques - les piétons sont considérés comme soumis à des lois d'écoulement. Selon nous, ces deux approches ne s'opposent pas, mais se complètent mutuellement. Aussi nous inspirons-nous des jeux de congestion et des SMA pour proposer une formulation générique du problème de déplacement de piétons. Nous introduisons la notion de ressource de navigation, décrite comme une région de l'espace que les agents utilisent pour atteindre leurs objectifs, et via lesquelles ils interagissent pour estimer leurs dépenses énergétiques, et nous proposons une stratégie de déplacement basée sur les heuristiques taboues. Le concept d'environnement issu du paradigme SMA s'avère adapté pour appréhender la complexité de la simulation. L'environnement est vu comme un composant indépendant et ontologiquement différent des agents. Une partie de la dynamique de la simulation est ainsi déléguée à l'environnement sans altérer l'autonomie des agents, ce qui favorise la crédibilité des résultats et le passage à l'échelle. Nous comparons notre modèle avec un modèle microscopique standard via plusieurs scénarii de simulation et montrons que notre modèle produit des résultats plus crédibles du point de vue d'un observateur extérieur et plus proches des études empiriques connues du déplacement des piétons
Simulating Autonomous Pedestrians Navigation : A Generic Multi-Agent Model to Couple Individual and Collective Dynamics
International audienceIn this paper, we focus on planning credible walking paths in real-time for a potentially highly congested crowd of au- tonomous pedestrians. For this purpose, we exploit the prin- ciple of least effort, applied to human navigation, which pos- tulates that credible behaviours emerge as a function of the organism's propensity to minimize metabolic energy expen- diture with respect to task, environment dynamics, and or- ganism's constraints to action. We therefore propose a consistent problem formulation for the navigation task where both individual and collective dynamics are taken into account. Each pedestrian is represented as a situated agent who tries to reach its destination by following energy efficient paths. Agents are autonomous, and at the same time, sub- ject to the environment dynamics. They interact with each other through the environment in order to estimate their en- ergy expenditure relatively to their tasks. Our formulation results in a generic and scalable multi-agent model, capable of simulating individual and collective behaviours regardless of the number of agents
Towards real-time credible and scalable agent-based simulations of autonomous pedestrians navigation
International audienceIn this paper, we focus on real-time simulation of autonomous pedestrians navigation. We introduce a Macroscopic-Influenced Microscopic (MIM) approach which aims at reducing the gap between microscopic and macroscopic approaches by providing credible walking paths for a potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians. Our approach originates from a least-effort formulation of the navigation task, which allows us to consistently account for congestion at every level of decision. We use the multi-agent paradigm and describe pedestrians as autonomous and situated agents who plan dynamically for energy efficient paths and interact with each other through the environment. The navigable space is considered as a set of contiguous resources that agents use to build their paths. We emulate the dynamic path computation for each agent with an evolutionary search algorithm, especially designed to be executed in real-time, individually and autonomously. We have compared an implementation of our approach with the ORCA model, on low density and high density scenarios, and obtained promising results in terms of credibility and scalability. We believe that ORCA model and other microscopic models could be easily extended to embrace our approach, thus providing richer simulations of potentially highly congested crowd of autonomous pedestrians
Modèle microscopique à influence macroscopique pour la simulation des déplacements de piétons autonomes en temps réel
International audienceCet article présente une nouvelle approche pour la simulation des déplacements de piétons autonomes en temps réel dans un environnement urbain. Partant du constat que les modèles actuels sont divisés entre représentation macroscopique et représentation microscopique du déplacement, nous proposons une approche posant le problème d'une manière plus générique afin de s'abstraire au maximum de ce clivage. Pour cela nous présentons un modèle microscopique à influence macroscopique qui tient conjointement compte de l'évolution du trafic et des interactions les plus élémentaires qui ont lieu lors du déplacement des piétons. Ces interactions sont le fruit des dépendances qui se créent naturellement entre les déplacements de piétons et qui influencent leurs plans. Les simulations que nous avons réalisées montrent des résultats encourageants aussi bien en termes de crédibilité que de temps de calcul
Simulation de déplacements en milieu urbain à l'aide d'un module sémantique
National audienceLes travaux présentés dans cet article ont pour but de simuler les déplacements de piétons dans une ville virtuelle, en temps réel, et de manière crédible pour un observateur extérieur. Nous présentons un moteur de simulation qui comprend un module de navigation et un module sémantique. Le module de navigation s'appuiera sur des règles de raisonnement fournies par le module sémantique. Ces règles permettront, entre autre, d'inférer un "facteur de danger" qui sera exploité par les algorithmes de déplacement. Notre objectif est de mesurer l'apport d'un module sémantique pour le calcul de courts déplacements des piétons dans un environnement urbain tout en mettant l'accent sur leurs interactions avec les véhicules afin de rendre le comportement plus crédible. Nous présentons tout d'abord l'architecture générale de notre moteur de simulation, qui se compose d'un module de représentation des informations sémantiques de l'environnement et d'un module de navigation pour le déplacement des piétons. Par la suite, nous décrivons l'implémentation qui nous a permis d'évaluer notre modèle
Agent Environments for Multi-agent Systems – A Research Roadmap
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015. Ten years ago, researchers in multi-agent systems became more and more aware that agent systems consist of more than only agents. The series of workshops on Environments for Multi-Agent Systems (E4MAS 2004-2006) emerged from this awareness. One of the primary outcomes of this endeavor was a principled understanding that the agent environment should be considered as a primary design abstraction, equally important as the agents. A special issue in JAAMAS 2007 contributed a set of influential papers that define the role of agent environments, describe their engineering, and outline challenges in the field that have been the drivers for numerous follow up research efforts. The goal of this paper is to wrap up what has been achieved in the past 10 years and identify challenges for future research on agent environments. Instead of taking a broad perspective, we focus on three particularly relevant topics of modern software intensive systems: large scale, openness, and humans in the loop. For each topic, we reflect on the challenges outlined 10 years ago, present an example application that highlights the current trends, and from that outline challenges for the future. We conclude with a roadmap on how the different challenges could be tackled.status: publishe