623 research outputs found

    The effects of the trawl fishery on the stock of pink snapper, Pagrus auratus, in Denham Sound, Shark Bay

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    Snapper stocks in the inner gulfs of Shark Bay are in a depleted condition, both in trawled and non-trawled areas, with the main factor contributing to the depletion considered to be recreational fishing for adult snapper, including some mortality of undersized snapper returned to the water. The commercial prawn trawl fishery catches many small fish species, including small juvenile pink snapper, as part of its unintended bycatch. Some members of the local community believe that mortality of juvenile snapper due to trawling has also been a significant factor in depletion of the adult stock in Denham Sound, Shark Bay. While the Department of Fisheries has undertaken extensive research on snapper and prawn fisheries including counting and measuring juvenile snapper in many research trawl surveys since the 1970s and observed commercial trawls since the 1990s, this information alone was insufficient for an assessment on the extent to which snapper stocks in Denham Sound are being affected by the trawl fishery. This bulletin provides the additional detailed information required and combines it with a range of historical data to complete a comprehensive assessment

    AT 2017be - a new member of the class of Intermediate-Luminosity Red Transients

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    We report the results of our spectrophotometric monitoring campaign for AT~2017be in NGC~2537. Its lightcurve reveals a fast rise to an optical maximum, followed by a plateau lasting about 30 days, and finally a fast decline. Its absolute peak magnitude (MrM_{r} ≃\simeq −-12 mag\rm{mag}) is fainter than that of core-collapse supernovae, and is consistent with those of supernova impostors and other Intermediate-Luminosity Optical Transients. The quasi-bolometric lightcurve peaks at ∌\sim 2 ×\times 1040^{40} erg s−1^{-1}, and the late-time photometry allows us to constrain an ejected 56^{56}Ni mass of ∌\sim 8 ×\times 10−4^{-4}\msun. The spectra of AT~2017be show minor evolution over the observational period, a relatively blue continuum showing at early phases, which becomes redder with time. A prominent Hα\alpha emission line always dominates over other Balmer lines. Weak Fe {\sc ii} features, Ca~{\sc ii} H&\&K and the Ca {\sc ii} NIR triplet are also visible, while P-Cygni absorption troughs are found in a high resolution spectrum. In addition, the [Ca~{\sc ii}] λ\lambda7291,7324 doublet is visible in all spectra. This feature is typical of Intermediate-Luminosity Red Transients (ILRTs), similar to SN~2008S. The relatively shallow archival Spitzer data are not particularly constraining. On the other hand, a non-detection in deeper near-infrared HST images disfavours a massive Luminous Blue Variable eruption as the origin for AT~2017be. As has been suggested for other ILRTs, we propose that AT~2017be is a candidate for a weak electron-capture supernova explosion of a super-asymptotic giant branch star, still embedded in a thick dusty envelope.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Kepler423b: a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting a very old solar-like star

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    We report the spectroscopic confirmation of the Kepler object of interest KOI-183.01 (Kepler-423b), a half-Jupiter mass planet transiting an old solar-like star every 2.7 days. Our analysis is the first to combine the full Kepler photometry (quarters 1-17) with high-precision radial velocity measurements taken with the FIES spectrograph at the Nordic Optical Telescope. We simultaneously modelled the photometric and spectroscopic data-sets using Bayesian approach coupled with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. We found that the Kepler pre-search data conditioned (PDC) light curve of KOI-183 exhibits quarter-to-quarter systematic variations of the transit depth, with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 4.3 % and seasonal trends reoccurring every four quarters. We attributed these systematics to an incorrect assessment of the quarterly variation of the crowding metric. The host star KOI-183 is a G4 dwarf with M⋆=0.85±0.04M_\star=0.85\pm0.04 M_\rm{Sun}, R⋆=0.95±0.04R_\star=0.95\pm0.04 R_\rm{Sun}, Teff=5560±80T_\mathrm{eff}=5560\pm80 K, [M/H]=−0.10±0.05[M/H]=-0.10\pm0.05 dex, and with an age of 11±211\pm2 Gyr. The planet KOI-183b has a mass of Mp=0.595±0.081M_\mathrm{p}=0.595\pm0.081 MJup_\mathrm{Jup} and a radius of Rp=1.192±0.052R_\mathrm{p}=1.192\pm0.052 RJup_\mathrm{Jup}, yielding a planetary bulk density of ρp=0.459±0.083\rho_\mathrm{p}=0.459\pm0.083 g/cm3^{3}. The radius of KOI-183b is consistent with both theoretical models for irradiated coreless giant planets and expectations based on empirical laws. The inclination of the stellar spin axis suggests that the system is aligned along the line of sight. We detected a tentative secondary eclipse of the planet at a 2-σ\sigma confidence level (ΔFec=14.2±6.6\Delta F_{\mathrm{ec}}=14.2\pm6.6 ppm) and found that the orbit might have a small non-zero eccentricity of e=0.019−0.014+0.028e=0.019^{+0.028}_{-0.014}. With a Bond albedo of AB=0.037±0.019A_\mathrm{B}=0.037\pm0.019, KOI-183b is one of the gas-giant planets with the lowest albedo known so far.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Planet designation changed from KOI-183b to Kepler-423

    The multi-faceted Type II-L supernova 2014G from pre-maximum to nebular phase

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    We present multi-band ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared photometry, along with visual-wavelength spectroscopy, of supernova (SN) 2014G in the nearby galaxy NGC 3448 (25 Mpc). The early-phase spectra show strong emission lines of the high ionisation species He II/N IV/C IV during the first 2-3 d after explosion, traces of a metal-rich CSM probably due to pre-explosion mass loss events. These disappear by day 9 and the spectral evolution then continues matching that of normal Type II SNe. The post-maximum light curve declines at a rate typical of Type II-L class. The extensive photometric coverage tracks the drop from the photospheric stage and constrains the radioactive tail, with a steeper decline rate than that expected from the 56^{56}Co decay if Îł\gamma-rays are fully trapped by the ejecta. We report the appearance of an unusual feature on the blue-side of Hα\alpha after 100 d, which evolves to appear as a flat spectral feature linking Hα\alpha and the O I doublet. This may be due to interaction of the ejecta with a strongly asymmetric, and possibly bipolar CSM. Finally, we report two deep spectra at ~190 and 340 d after explosion, the latter being arguably one of the latest spectra for a Type II-L SN. By modelling the spectral region around the Ca II, we find a supersolar Ni/Fe production. The strength of the O I λλ\lambda\lambda6300,6363 doublet, compared with synthetic nebular spectra, suggests a progenitor with a zero-age main-sequence mass between 15 and 19 M⊙_\odot.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    Prolonged sleep restriction induces changes in pathways involved in cholesterol metabolism and inflammatory responses

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    Sleep loss and insufficient sleep are risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases, but data on how insufficient sleep contributes to these diseases are scarce. These questions were addressed using two approaches: an experimental, partial sleep restriction study (14 cases and 7 control subjects) with objective verification of sleep amount, and two independent epidemiological cohorts (altogether 2739 individuals) with questions of sleep insufficiency. In both approaches, blood transcriptome and serum metabolome were analysed. Sleep loss decreased the expression of genes encoding cholesterol transporters and increased expression in pathways involved in inflammatory responses in both paradigms. Metabolomic analyses revealed lower circulating large HDL in the population cohorts among subjects reporting insufficient sleep, while circulating LDL decreased in the experimental sleep restriction study. These findings suggest that prolonged sleep deprivation modifies inflammatory and cholesterol pathways at the level of gene expression and serum lipoproteins, inducing changes toward potentially higher risk for cardiometabolic diseases

    Language and cultural capital in school experience of Polish children in Scotland

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    This article addresses the complex relationship between migration and education in the context of recent intra-European labour mobility. It considers how this mobility impacts the education and life chances of migrant students attending schools in Scotland, UK. By examining the experiences of Polish migrant children and youth at schools in Scotland, the article engages with the issues of language, cultural capital transferability and social positioning. Drawing on qualitative data from 65 in-depth interviews with school children aged 5–17 years, their parents and teachers, as well as observations in the contexts of school and home, the article points to a range of factors affecting the transition of migrant pupils to new schools and social environments

    Estimating the sustainability of towed fishing-gear impacts on seabed habitats: a simple quantitative risk assessment method applicable to data-limited fisheries

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    1. Impacts of bottom fishing, particularly trawling and dredging, on seabed (benthic) habitats are commonly perceived to pose serious environmental risks. Quantitative ecological risk assessment can be used to evaluate actual risks and to help guide the choice of management measures needed to meet sustainability objectives. 2. We develop and apply a quantitative method for assessing the risks to benthic habitats by towed bottom-fishing gears. The method is based on a simple equation for relative benthic status (RBS), derived by solving the logistic population growth equation for the equilibrium state. Estimating RBS requires only maps of fishing intensity and habitat type — and parameters for impact and recovery rates, which may be taken from meta-analyses of multiple experimental studies of towed-gear impacts. The aggregate status of habitats in an assessed region is indicated by the distribution of RBS values for the region. The application of RBS is illustrated for a tropical shrimp-trawl fishery. 3. The status of trawled habitats and their RBS value depend on impact rate (depletion per trawl), recovery rate and exposure to trawling. In the shrimp-trawl fishery region, gravel habitat was most sensitive, and though less exposed than sand or muddy-sand, was most affected overall (regional RBS=91% relative to un-trawled RBS=100%). Muddy-sand was less sensitive, and though relatively most exposed, was less affected overall (RBS=95%). Sand was most heavily trawled but least sensitive and least affected overall (RBS=98%). Region-wide, >94% of habitat area had >80% RBS because most trawling and impacts were confined to small areas. RBS was also applied to the region's benthic invertebrate communities with similar results. 4. Conclusions. Unlike qualitative or categorical trait-based risk assessments, the RBS method provides a quantitative estimate of status relative to an unimpacted baseline, with minimal requirements for input data. It could be applied to bottom-contact fisheries worldwide, including situations where detailed data on characteristics of seabed habitats, or the abundance of seabed fauna are not available. The approach supports assessment against sustainability criteria and evaluation of alternative management strategies (e.g. closed areas, effort management, gear modifications)

    Modelling the dispersion of particle numbers in five European cities

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    We present an overview of the modelling of particle number concentrations (PNCs) in five major European cities, namely Helsinki, Oslo, London, Rotterdam, and Athens, in 2008. Novel emission inventories of particle numbers have been compiled both on urban and European scales. We used atmospheric dispersion modelling for PNCs in the five target cities and on a European scale, and evaluated the predicted results against available measured concentrations. In all the target cities, the concentrations of particle numbers (PNs) were mostly influenced by the emissions originating from local vehicular traffic. The influence of shipping and harbours was also significant for Helsinki, Oslo, Rotterdam, and Athens, but not for London. The influence of the aviation emissions in Athens was also notable. The regional background concentrations were clearly lower than the contributions originating from urban sources in Helsinki, Oslo, and Athens. The regional background was also lower than urban contributions in traffic environments in London, but higher or approximately equal to urban contributions in Rotterdam. It was numerically evaluated that the influence of coagulation and dry deposition on the predicted PNCs was substantial for the urban background in Oslo. The predicted and measured annual average PNCs in four cities agreed within approximatelyPeer reviewe

    Feminist identification, actions, beliefs and commitments at CSB/SJU

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    Does self-identification as a feminist, non-feminist, or non-labeler, affect actions, beliefs, and commitments regarding feminist ideals? Is there any dissonance between identifying with feminist beliefs and identifying with the feminist label? Will our data give us insight into education about feminist ideas at CSB/SJU (College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University)? Is the “feminist” label stigmatized on our campuses

    Aging and serum exomiR content in women-effects of estrogenic hormone replacement therapy

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    Exosomes participate in intercellular messaging by transporting bioactive lipid-, protein-and RNA-molecules and -complexes. The contents of the exosomes reflect the physiological status of an individual making exosomes promising targets for biomarker analyses. In the present study we extracted exosome microRNAs (exomiRs) from serum samples of premenopausal women (n = 8) and monozygotic postmenopausal twins (n = 10 female pairs), discordant for the use of estrogenic hormone replacement therapy (HRT), in order to see whether the age or/and the use of HRT associates with exomiR content. A total of 241 exomiRs were detected by next generation sequencing, 10 showing age, 14 HRT and 10 age + HRT-related differences. When comparing the groups, differentially expressed miRs were predicted to affect cell proliferation processes showing inactivation with younger age and HRT usage. MiR-106-5p, -148a-3p, -27-3p, -126-5p, -28-3p and -30a-5p were significantly associated with serum 17 beta-estradiol. MiRs formed two hierarchical clusters being indicative of positive or negative health outcomes involving associations with body composition, serum 17 beta-estradiol, fat-, glucose-and inflammatory markers. Circulating exomiR clusters, obtained by NGS, could be used as indicators of metabolic and inflammatory status affected by hormonal changes at menopause. Furthermore, the individual effects of HRT-usage could be evaluated based on the serum exomiR signature
