84 research outputs found

    Soundwalk as a multifaceted practice

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    The soundwalk was invented as part of the initiatives undertaken by the World Soundscape Project group with an acoustic ecology profile, which emphasised the noise pollution that exists in people’s sonic environment and the need to reacquire our ‘lost skill’ of conscious listening. Initially, the practice of soundwalking was used as a method allowing us to ‘hone our hearing’ (to boost our sonological competence), to show the human condition with respect to modern reality. Soon, the soundwalk became an inspiration for many artistic undertakings that made use of the sonic properties of the environment and employed various listening strategies. This article is designed to present the idea of soundwalking since its theory and practices began to form. By presenting selected works by Hildegard Westerkamp, I intend to show the motivations behind the practice of soundwalking, which encompass the complex issues of perceiving and assessing city sounds. I refer these to Tim Ingold’s proposition to understand sound as a medium of experience. Soundwalking, as a practice of conscious listening by focusing attention on aural sensations, paradoxically seems to reveal the multi‑sensory structure of our relationship with the world, and the mediatory function of sound in our experience of being‑in‑the‑world

    Positive Organizational Culture as a new trend in cross-cultural management. Basic concepts

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    The article presents the most popular concepts in intercultural management. So far, the majority of these concepts has focused on the study of differences arising from national foreign cultures and on the elimination of conflicts arising from these differences. A new perspective in the concept of intercultural management is looking at it through the prism of the positive values which create Positive Organizational Culture. This perspective assumes the Positive Organizational Potential. The last part is an attempt to describe the values which create a Positive Organizational Culture in the two culturally different countries: Japan and Poland

    Organizacja i funkcjonowanie lotniczych zespołów ratownictwa medycznego

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    Poniższa praca ma na celu przybliżenie kwestii organizacji i funkcjonowania lotniczych zespołów ratownictwa medycznego. Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe odgrywa istotną rolę w systemie Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego. Swoją unikatowość zdobyło poprzez wykorzystanie drogi powietrznej do transportu pacjentów. Przedstawione zostały zmiany strukturalne w jednostce od początku powstania aż po lata współczesne. W pracy dokonano analizy regulacji prawnych związane z działalnością Samodzielnego Publicznego Zakładu Opieki Zdrowotnej Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe. Omówione zostały również kluczowe zmiany w strukturze jednostki po roku 2000 oraz dalsze wyzwania.The following article presents the principles of the organization and functioning of the Air Medical Rescue Teams. Polish Air Medical Rescue Teams plays an important role in the system of the State Emergency Medical Services. Its uniqueness it gained through the use of air routes to transport the patients. The structural changes in the unit have been presented since its inception to the recent years. The study has analyzed the legal regulations related to the activities of the Independent Public Health Care Polish Medical Air Rescue. There were also discussed key changes in the structure of the unit after the year 2000 and the future challenges

    Diagnostic features of EPR spectra of superoxide intermediates on catalytic surfaces and molecular interpretation of their g and A tensors

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    The use of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the superoxide intermediates, generated by end-on and side-on adsorption of the naturally abundant and 17O-enriched dioxygen on catalytic surfaces is discussed. Basic mechanisms of O2 − radical formation via a cationic redox mechanism, an anionic redox mechanism, and an electroprotic mechanism are illustrated with selected oxide-based systems of catalytic relevance. Representative experimental spectra of various complexities are analyzed and their diagnostic features have been identified and interpreted. The molecular nature of the g and A tensors of the electrostatic and covalent superoxide adducts is discussed in detail within the classic and density functional theory based approaches

    Long-term observation of the patient after CABG with asymptomatic high-grade aortic regurgitation – a clinical case study

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    Introduction: The aortic valve regurgitation (AR) is a heart defect consisting of the retrograde flow of blood from the aorta to the left ventricle due to the improper closure of the aortic valve leaflets. It occurs approximately in 13% of men and 8.5% of women, and the incidence increases with age. A crucial issue in regards to a patient with asymptomatic AR, especially of a high degree, is determination of the time of qualification for invasive treatment. Aim: To draw attention to the necessity of holistic approach to a patient with asymptomatic high-grade aortic regurgitation. Moreover, the complications of delayed implementation of invasive treatment were discussed. Case report: A clinical case of a 62-year-old patient with a history of coronary artery bypass grafting and with AR – stage II, accidentally detected two years later in a control echocardiogram, was presented. Despite gradual progress of regurgitation, none of the disturbing symptoms were noted, whereas cardiac parameters were systematically monitored using ECG, ECHO and CT imaging. Beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, loop diuretics and aspirin were used as conservative treatment. After 10-year transthoracic echocardiographic follow-up due to progression of AR and development of heart failure, the patient was qualified to surgical replacement of the aortic valve. This procedure significantly improved the patient's quality of life. Summary: The key element in the treatment of chronic asymptomatic AR is the individualization of the therapy. An essential role is played by appropriate pharmacotherapy, precise monitoring using transthoracic echocardiography, which is recommended as the first-line imaging strategy. Delaying in the implementation of surgical treatment may result in failure of the therapy and the onset of serious complications

    Turmeric: A Spice Modulating Immune Response and Combatting Cancer – literature overview

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    Introduction Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is gaining increasing attention due to its potential health benefits, especially in the context of its immunomodulatory and anticancer properties. Aim of the study The aim of this review was to discuss recent findings regarding the impact of curcumin on the immune system and its potential applications in anticancer therapy. Materials and methods The paper was created based on the Pubmed and Scholar database. The literature was reviewed using the keywords: „curcumin”, „immunomodulatory effects”, „cytokines”, „anticancer”, „apoptosis”, „cell proliferation”, „radiosensitizing”. Results Studies have confirmed that curcumin, especially in the form of nanocurcumin, exhibits significant immunomodulatory effects. It reduces the number of Th17 cells, increases Treg cells, and regulates the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which is crucial in controlling autoimmune reactions. Furthermore, it demonstrates anticancer activity by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, stimulating apoptosis, and enhancing the effectiveness of anticancer therapy. Conclusions Despite promising results, further research on the safety of curcumin therapy, particularly in the long term, is essential. Limitations associated with bioavailability and pharmacokinetics suggest the need for the development of formulations with increased bioavailability to maximize the potential benefits of curcumin in the treatment of various disorders

    Berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetes - literature review

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    Introduction and purpose :  Type 2 diabetes is currently a serious problem worldwide. Each year, the number of individuals with carbohydrate metabolism disorders is increasing. This is due to an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical activity, and a diet rich in highly processed foods. Currently, the treatment of type 2 diabetes is based on the use of oral antidiabetic medications, with the first choice often being a derivative of biguanides, such as metformin. Berberine has been used in China for many years as a hypoglycemic agent, and its efficacy is compared to metformin preparations. This paper focuses on the benefits of using berberine in patients with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes and compares the effects of berberine preparations to classical medications used in diabetes treatment.    Material and methods :   The literaue was reviewed in PubMed and Google Scholar scientific database in 2013-2023 using the following keywords : berberine, diabetes mellitus type 2, hyperlipidemia, hyperglicemia    Conclusions :  The studies included in this manuscript have shown that berberine is a promising agent for adjunctive treatment in type 2 diabetes. It exhibits a range of positive effects such as lowering blood glucose levels, improving lipid profile, with no serious adverse effects reported. However, further research is needed to confirm these findings and develop an effective treatment plan.&nbsp