128 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Clustering of Seismic Activity Local Territories Globe

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    In article, the interrelation between energy parameters of Globe moving in a system Sun-Earth-Moon has been established. It includes features of a seasonal energy condition of an internal core of Earth and the key energy parameters of tectonic activity of seismically dangerous local territories of the planet. These parameters have been systematized by means of a clustering method hierarchical. The mechanism of energy influence of core Earth fluctuations on variations of axial rotation speed of the Globe and level of seismic activity has been grounded. The phenomenon of a periodic oscillation of planet condition seismic and effect of asymmetric distribution of the emergency situations (ES) of tectonic origin on the Earth's surface has been established. For the first time, ranging of the seismically fissile local territories of the Globe in the parameters determining the level of seismic activity and ranges of magnitudes was carried out. Based on these results the effect of division of the seismically fissile local territories into three main clusters that characterized by rather high, average and low degrees of seismic activity was established. Join of the ranged seismically fissile local territories of the Globe permit to establish zones with various degree of seismic activity along the section of various geophysical plates.The results received in article are a basis for further carrying out complex assessment of interrelations between key parameters of moving Globe in a system Sun-Earth-Moon and key parameters of tectonic danger of the seismically fissile local territories of Earth. It is base for further increase in effectiveness of monitoring of origin tectonic emergency by development of neural network prognostic models

    The principles and methods of the appraisal of commercialization projects of the Universities innovations

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    The article deals with the summing up of the foreign experience and modern Russian tools of the appraisal of commercialization new technologies, worked up at UniversitiesyesБелгородский госуниверсите

    Generation of coherent terahertz pulses in Ruby at room temperature

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    We have shown that a coherently driven solid state medium can potentially produce strong controllable short pulses of THz radiation. The high efficiency of the technique is based on excitation of maximal THz coherence by applying resonant optical pulses to the medium. The excited coherence in the medium is connected to macroscopic polarization coupled to THz radiation. We have performed detailed simulations by solving the coupled density matrix and Maxwell equations. By using a simple VV-type energy scheme for ruby, we have demonstrated that the energy of generated THz pulses ranges from hundreds of pico-Joules to nano-Joules at room temperature and micro-Joules at liquid helium temperature, with pulse durations from picoseconds to tens of nanoseconds. We have also suggested a coherent ruby source that lases on two optical wavelengths and simultaneously generates THz radiation. We discussed also possibilities of extension of the technique to different solid-state materials

    Complexation of the alkaline earth metals perchlorates with 3-hydroxyflavone in acetonitrile: Precise conductometric treatment

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The alternative models of ionic equilibria in acetonitrile solutions of alkaline earth percholorates in the presence of 3-hydroxyflavone (HL) were studied by conductometry at 288.15, 298.15, 308.15, 318.15, and 328.15 K. Using a procedure specially developed for this task it was shown that in the solutions containing Ca(ClO 4 ) 2 and Sr(ClO 4 ) 2 the complexation of the cation (M 2 + ) by the HL molecule leads to the formation of the doubly-charged [M(HL)] 2 + complex species. In contrast to them, in the presence of Ba(ClO 4 ) 2 HL interacts with the ion pair BaClO 4 + forming the singly-charged [BaClO 4 (HL)] + complex. The limiting equivalent conductivities as well as the constants of complexation were estimated. The latter w ere calculated by taking into account the ion association between cation and anion of initial salts and activity coefficients, that is the ‘true’ thermodynamic constants were found. The reliability of the proposed approach was additionally checked by analyzing artificially noised model experimental data. It was shown that the fitted parameters can be satisfactorily reproduced even at the noise level equal to 2%. The limiting equivalent conductivities of the [Ca(HL)] 2 + , [Sr(HL)] 2 + and [BaClO 4 (HL)] + complex species were interpreted in terms of the Stokes radii whose values indicate very weak solvation of the formed complexes. The variation of the constants of complexation among cations was found to be in agreement with the values of primary association constants

    Mineral Concentrates As a Factor of the Khibiny Apatite-Nepheline Ores Efficiency Improvement

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    Apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits contain the largest phosphorus-bearing resources in the world, and, at the same time, they contain associated valuable components in the rock-forming minerals — apatite, nepheline, sphene and titanium magnetite. Intensive development of the Khibiny deposits with production of only apatite concentrate and a small part of nepheline concentrate resulted in the accumulation of over 1.0 billion tons of wastes in tailing storage facilities and dumps during 90 years of JSC Apatit operation. The possibility of increasing the efficiency of the use of the main concentrates of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny deposits and wastes for their processing is considered through the use of technological developments of the FRC KSC RAS, JSC RIFI and JSC Apatit to obtain traditional and new target products. A fundamentally new approach to the problem of sustainable use of natural resources is focused on establishment of the whole production chain in the region, from mining and processing operations to manufacturers of final high technology products (rare-earth products, welding and construction materials, coloring agents and other materials). They also determine the level of industrial technical progress. Keywords: Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores, mineral raw materials, extraction and processing, new material

    On the local term in the anomaly-induced action of Weyl quantum gravity

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    The finite local conformally non-invariant R2R^2-term emerges in the one-loop effective action of the model of quantum gravity based on the Weyl-squared classical action. This term is related to the R\Box R contribution to the conformal anomaly, which in a wide class of regularization schemes is determined by the second Schwinger-DeWitt (or Gilkey-Seeley) coefficient of the heat kernel expansion for inverse propagators of the theory. The calculation of this term requires evaluating the contributions of the fourth-order derivative minimal and of the second-order nonminimal operators in the tensor and vector sectors of the theory, corresponding to metric, ghost and gauge-fixing operators. To ensure the correctness of existing formulas, we derived (and confirmed) the result using a special technique of calculations, based on the heat-kernel representation of the Euclidean Green's function and the method of universal functional traces.Comment: 30 page


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    The article describes modern approaches to rehabilitation for abdominal obesity. Timely, effective rehabilitation and lifestyle changes can prevent or reduce the negative effects of excess body weight.У статті описано сучасні підходи до реабілітації при абдомінальному ожирінні. При своєчасній, ефективній реабілітації і зміні способу життя можна запобігти або зменшити кількість негативних наслідків надлишкової маси тіла

    Measurement of filling-factor-dependent magnetophonon resonances in graphene using Raman spectroscopy.

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    We perform polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy on graphene in magnetic fields up to 45 T. This reveals a filling-factor-dependent, multicomponent anticrossing structure of the Raman G peak, resulting from magnetophonon resonances between magnetoexcitons and E(2g) phonons. This is explained with a model of Raman scattering taking into account the effects of spatially inhomogeneous carrier densities and strain. Random fluctuations of strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields lead to increased scattering intensity inside the anticrossing gap, consistent with the experiments

    Cluster Model of Decagonal Tilings

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    A relaxed version of Gummelt's covering rules for the aperiodic decagon is considered, which produces certain random-tiling-type structures. These structures are precisely characterized, along with their relationships to various other random tiling ensembles. The relaxed covering rule has a natural realization in terms of a vertex cluster in the Penrose pentagon tiling. Using Monte Carlo simulations, it is shown that the structures obtained by maximizing the density of this cluster are the same as those produced by the corresponding covering rules. The entropy density of the covering ensemble is determined using the entropic sampling algorithm. If the model is extended by an additional coupling between neighboring clusters, perfectly ordered structures are obtained, like those produced by Gummelt's perfect covering rules.Comment: 10 pages, 20 figures, RevTeX; minor changes; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Оценка уровня теоретической и физической подготовленности студентов на практических занятиях по баскетболу

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    Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням розгляду системи організації і проведення занять з баскетболу серед студентів вищого навчального закладу. Проведено аналіз навчально-методичного матеріалу та визначено рівень базової теоретичної та фізичної підготовленості студентів, які обрали баскетбол у якості виду спорту дисципліни фізичного виховання.The article is devoted to the current issues consideration of the organization and conducting of basketball classes for students from non-core universities. The analyzed of teaching materials and determined the level of theoretical and physical training of students who have chosen basketball as a sport discipline of physical education. Based on the above aim of our research was to study the level of technical and tactical training of students of non-core universities that deal with basketball in his system of physical education. Studying objectives of the: analyze scientific and technical literature to determine the form of lessons of physical culture among students; identify basic level of theoretical preparedness of students for the series "basketball"; establish the level of special physical readiness students; develop practical recommendations to improve the effectiveness of lessons on basketball among students. Determination of the effectiveness of the organization and conduct classes in basketball in the system of physical training of students of not profile high schools made it possible to establish that the current conditions of higher education institutions establish the possibility of the development of educational material with sports, including basketball, at the level of increase is primarily the development of techniques sport at the expense of tactical training. Identifying the causes selective preparation of students showed that the main difficulties in the teacher of physical education in teaching materials sports are conditions of employment, lack of equipment, lack of new affordable educational materials and illustrative material, the inability to obtain the necessary knowledge systems and modern information development the sport, changes in the training of athletes, organizing and conducting competitions, updates, rules and regulations. The prospect of further research work will make our system the opportunity to study the organization and conduct lessons sports games among students of non-core universities to establish their effectiveness and efficiency in the use of the system of higher education.Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам рассмотрения системы организации и проведения занятий по баскетболу среди студентов высшего учебного заведения. Проведен анализ учебно-методического материала и определен уровень базовой теоретической и физической подготовленности студентов, выбравших баскетбол в качестве вида спорта дисциплины физического воспитания