2,355 research outputs found

    Guest editorial : Accounting and performance measurement in the age of rankings, quality assurance, accreditation, and excellence frameworks

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    ©2023 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Developing and evaluating AR game from consumer behavior perspectives

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    Abstract. Who would have guessed digital games could make the average gamer to jump up from their sofa and run around in urban environment, but now it is happening. This influence on players is something new as traditionally players control the games, not vice versa. Augmented reality games opened a new world that needs to be studied. Games are a big business and their business models and monetization have been studied a lot except related to augmented reality. Augmented reality games can be used to influence human behavior, but what this new and still evolving environment augmented reality provides for business is largely an open question. At the verge on new Metaverse this study is needed even more. This study examines the potential for augmented reality games to influence player behavior and monetization strategies within the rapidly evolving digital gaming industry. Utilizing a "In the wild" field trial and a specifically designed augmented reality game, the research explores how augmented reality game environments can be used to indirectly and directly influence player purchase behavior. A group of 11 test players was used and interviewed on their experience and feelings during different scenarios of the game. Results seems to indicate that players are willing to use money for physical products as part of a game story, for advancement in a game and for reasons that are not directly related to the game itself. Just by placing players in suitable locations they tend to use money and get interested in the services provided, creating possible future customers outside of the game. Study also found out that when immersed to an augmented reality game, in comfortable environment and while having fun the players are more willing to use money and that they create a positive attachment to the businesses encountered while playing. These findings have important implications for the development of effective business models and monetization strategies within the augmented reality gaming industry

    Mobility-as-a-service:the expected effects on sustainability of transportation and system features

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    Abstract. The European Green Deal that went into force in July 2021 has significantly changed the needs of transportation services. Due to this the Mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) concept and its effects on the sustainability of transportation services should be researched and examined to what extent the MaaS-concept will be able to contribute to reducing private vehicle kilometres and to increasing the share of sustainable transportation modes following the goals set by the Finnish government. This thesis creates a literature review to study the MaaS-concept and the effects of MaaS-services on the sustainability of the transportation system, answering the research questions: Are MaaS-services capable to decrease the number of private vehicle kilometres, What are the central factors affecting the environmental sustainability of the MaaS-services, What are the most critical factors affecting the success of MaaS-services and What system features are supported to be implemented by the MaaS-research? The results of the literature review are used in creating a list of system features supported by the MaaS-research, fulfilling the first two steps of Design Science Research Methodology. MaaS-concept is capable in reducing private vehicle kilometres but is limited to acting as a complementary transportation mode alongside private cars. This effect is affected by a number of contextual factors. Environmental sustainability of MaaS-service is affected by the cooperation between MaaS-stakeholders. The success of MaaS-services is affected by issues in achieving profitable business model, the users’ lack of willingness to pay and the cooperation between the MaaS-stakeholders. The thesis includes a list of 51 system feature-requirements supported by MaaS-research. These results provide a base for MaaS-service development and highlight key factors to consider while creating new MaaS-services

    Amphiphilic nanotubes in the crystal structure of a biosurfactant protein hydrophobin HFBII

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    Balancing between accountability and autonomy : the impact and relevance of public steering mechanisms within higher education

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    Purpose This article studies the tensions between universities' accountability and autonomy in response to the demands of public steering mechanisms coordinating higher education institutions. Design/methodology/approach Demonstrating the tension between accountability and autonomy, the impact and relevance of public steering mechanisms coordinating higher education are studied via a survey with selected representative Finnish universities. The response rate was an exceptionally high 94%. In addition to the statistical analysis of the survey, open-ended questions were also analyzed to give a more in-depth understanding of the findings. The study uses paradox theory and institutional complexity as its theoretical lenses. Findings The empirical analysis of this study shows a considerable gap between the experienced impact and the experienced relevance of the steering mechanisms in higher education. The authors’ further analysis of the open-ended data shows that indicator-based funding allocation has undermined the perceived university autonomy. The authors highlight the paradoxical tensions of university autonomy and higher education institutions' steering mechanisms' requirement for accountability. Finding an acceptable balance between accountability and institutional autonomy plays an important role in designing higher education policies. Originality/value The authors found that even if a steering mechanism is experienced as impactful, it is not necessarily considered relevant. One of the key aspects in understanding the reasons behind this mismatch is related to university autonomy. Most impactful steering mechanisms become considered less relevant because they also endanger institutional autonomy. In this sense, it could be expected that steering mechanisms should better balance accountability and autonomy.© Tomi J. Kallio, Kirsi-Mari Kallio, Mira Huusko, Riitta Pyykkö and Jussi Kivistö. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode.The authors would like to thank FINEEC for providing the data for this study.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Anesthesia Preoperative Clinic Referral for Elevated Hba1c Reduces Complication Rate in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is risk factor for complications after orthopedic surgery. Objectives: We tested the hypothesis that anesthesia preoperative clinic (APC) referral for elevated glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) reduces complication rate after total joint arthroplasty (TJA). Patients and Methods: Patients (n = 203) with and without DM were chosen from 1,237 patients undergoing TJA during 2006 - 12. Patients evaluated in the APC had surgery in 2006 - 8 regardless of HbA1c (uncontrolled). Those evaluated between in subsequent two-year intervals were referred to primary care for HbA1c ≥ 10% and ≥ 8%, respectively, to improve DM control before surgery. Complications and mortality were quantified postoperatively and at three, six, and twelve months. Length of stay (LOS) and patients requiring a prolonged LOS (\u3e 5 days) were recorded. Results: Patients (197 men, 6 women) underwent 71, 131, and 1 total hip, knee, and shoulder replacements, respectively. Patients undergoing TJA with uncontrolled HbA1c and those with HbA1c \u3c 10%, but not those with HbA1c \u3c 8%, had a higher incidence of coronary disease and hypercholesterolemia than patients without DM. An increase in complication rate was observed in DM patients with uncontrolled HbA1c versus patients without DM (P \u3c 0.001); the complication rate progressively decreased with tighter HbA1c control. More DM patients with preoperative HbA1c that was uncontrolled or ≥ 10% required prolonged LOS versus those without DM (P \u3c 0.001 and P = 0.0404, respectively). Conclusions: APC referral for elevated HbA1c reduces complication rate and the incidence of prolonged hospitalization during the first year after surgery in diabetics undergoing TJA

    Talent Management in the Business School Context

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    In this chapter, the authors review talent management in the research university sector, business schools in particular. The authors adopt an “exclusive” perspective on talent management, assuming that some scholars contribute disproportionately to organizational performance. The authors identify two particular groups of scholars likely to be the target of exclusive talent management practices in business schools: (i) faculty on a tenure track career path and (ii) “star” tenured faculty with exceptionally strong track records. Focusing on these current and potential future “stars,” the authors review and discuss talent management practices related to talent identification, recruitment and selection, performance management, talent development, benefits and rewards, and tenure, promotion, and retention. In the extant literature, these topics have been mostly examined in the general university environment and less so in the business school context. This is somewhat problematic given that business schools have their own special characteristics. Moreover, some of the reviewed topics – especially talent development – have received only marginal scholarly interest thus far. Based on this literature review, and by drawing on their own experience working in different roles in academia, the authors highlight some of the gaps in the current body of knowledge and propose an agenda for future research.©2022 Emerald Publishing Limited. This manuscript version is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution–NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY–NC 4.0) license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Tutkimus- ja opetushenkilökunnan määräaikaiset työsuhteet suomalaisissa yliopistoissa

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    Fixed-term employments among academic personnel at Finnish universities This study focuses on fixed-term employments in Finnish universities. The relative amount of fixed-term employments in different career phases, universities and fields are described. The analyses reveal that the fixed-term employments are considerably more common in universities than in other areas of the labor market. While 71,7% of the Finnish scholars are in fixed-term employments, the equivalent number in the Finnish labor market in total is 14,9%. The role and nature of fixed-term employments in the Finnish academia is further discussed and it is suggested that the transition from the previous to the new career model divides the fixed-term employees into more fortunate and less fortunate ones. The tenure-track assistant and associate professors seem to be favored by of the new career system while the rest of the fixed- term employees seem less fortunate.©2023 Hallinnon tutkimuksen seura.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Hyvinvointipalvelujärjestelmän muutos ja suomalaisten mielipiteet

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    Tarkastelen tutkimuksessa kansalaisten asennoitumista paikallisiin hyvinvointipalveluihin. Työn päätutkimuskysymykset ovat 1) Miten kansalaiset asennoituvat hyvinvointipalveluihin 1996–2006? 2) Onko hyvinvointivaltion ja sen palvelujärjestelmän institutionaalisia ja ideologisia muutoksia seurannut kansalaismielipiteen muutos? Keskityn tutkimuksessa erityisesti kansalaisten asennoitumiseen yksityisen ja julkisen sektorin väliseen työnjakoon hyvinvointipalveluissa. Tarkastelen, miten paikalliset kontekstitekijät, kuten kunnan poliittiset voimasuhteet, palvelujärjestelmä ja taloustilanne, kytkeytyvät kansalaisten mielipiteisiin. Yksilötasolla olen kiinnostunut, miten ideologiaa, intressejä ja riskejä epäsuorasti kuvaavat tekijät erottelevat kansalaisten mielipiteitä. Kyseessä on kvantitatiivinen tutkimus. Aineistoina hyödynnän useita kotimaisia kyselytutkimuksia 1990- ja 2000-luvuilta. Työn pääasiallisimmat aineistot ovat Kunnallisalan kehittämissäätiön Kunnallisalan ilmapuntari -kyselyt vuosilta 1996–2006. Analyysimenetelminä sovellan lineaarista regressioanalyysiä ja ordinaalista, multinomiaalista, binaarista sekä monitasoista logistista regressioanalyysiä. Tulokseni viittaavat siihen, että kansalaiset ovat edelleen hyvin sitoutuneita hyvinvointivaltioon ja julkisesti tuotettuihin hyvinvointipalveluihin. Tutkimus tuotti uutta tietoa mielipiteitä selittävistä paikallisista kontekstitekijöistä. Tulokset antavat vahvistusta oletukselle, että kunnan institutionaalinen, poliittinen ja sosiaalinen konteksti kytkeytyy kuntalaisten hyvinvointipalvelumielipiteisiin. Selkeimmin kansalaisten asenteita erottelevat makrotasolla kunnan poliittiset voimasuhteet ja yksilötasolla vastaajan puoluekanta.15,00 euro