27 research outputs found
On the etymology of the Estonian place names Kirna and Kernu
This article will give a review of the disquisitions so far published on the place names Kirna and Kernu and will propose a new etymology for the
Ăks laenuline perekonnanime tĂŒĂŒp: nimed lĂ”puga -mees
Kirjutises esitletakse Eesti perekonnanimede tĂŒĂŒpi, kus nime lĂ”puosiseks on -mees. Perekonnanimede panekul 1822â1835 on nimesid lĂ”puga -mees (-mes) pandud rohkem kui 140 mĂ”isas. Paljud neist on hÀÀbunud, samas on seda tĂŒĂŒpi perekonnanimesid pandud/vĂ”etud ka XX sajandil: 1921â1922 Petserimaal ja Narvatagusel ning 1935â1940 nimede eestistamisel. Kirjutises on Ă€ra toodud kĂ”ik 63 mees-lĂ”pulist perekonnanime, mis esinesid rahvastikuregistris aastal 2017, nimekandjate hulk sel aastal, nimede pĂ€ritolu ja tekkekoht, enamasti mĂ”isa tĂ€psusega. Nenditakse, et nimetĂŒĂŒp lĂ”puga -mees on laen saksa keelest (tĂ”lgitud on saksa perekonnanimede formant -mann âmees, inimeneâ), ehkki vastavaid eeskujuks olevaid liitsĂ”nu esineb ka eesti keeles (nĂ€iteks aumees, jahimees, kĂ€limees, maamees, pĂ”llumees, sannamees, talumees, nimepanemise ajal arvatavasti juba ka laenuline kaupmees). Saksa keelest on enamasti siiski laenatud nii perekonnanimede struktuuritĂŒĂŒp kui ka sageli nimeosade leksika (mugand, laen vĂ”i otsetĂ”lge eesti keelde). Vaid iga kĂŒmnenda nime puhul vĂ”iks vĂ€ita, et aluseks on eestikeelne liitsĂ”na. Huvitaval kombel jĂ€rgib mees-lĂ”puline perekonnanimetĂŒĂŒp levikuala, mis on kindlaks tehtud paljude murdenĂ€htuste puhul.
Abstract. Marja Kallasmaa and Fred Puss: A borrowed name type: surnames ending with âmees âmanâ. In the Population Register in 2017, there were 63 surnames ending with -mees âmanâ. The article presents the etymology of all these names. The Estonian surname type ending -mees has mostly been borrowed from German surnames with the name formant -mann. Estonian peasants received their surnames in the 19th century (about 31,000 surnames in 1822â1835, of those around 100 ending with -mees). Among those, there were around 5,020 occasions of surnames (around 2,000 different names) ending with -man(n), mostly in North Estonia. In 1935â1940, the peak of the Estonianization of surnames took place and 22 names ending with -mees were added. 1. Most of surnames ending with -mees are translation loans as JĂ”emees (Bachmann), Majamees (Hausmann), Metsmees (Waldmann), MĂ€emees (Bergmann), NĂ”mmemees (Heidemann), etc. In one surname, a partial translation of the first part has been found: Piirimees (Altegrenzmann). 2. Surnames with adapted first part: Valdmees (Waldmann), Kunstimees (Kunstmann). 3. There are different first parts of surnames in the islands of Hiiumaa and Saaremaa: in Hiiumaa, the first parts are toponyms, in Saaremaa, mostly adjectives. 4. Some surnames present the dialectal form versus standard language form: MĂ”tsmees and Metsmees (dialectal mĂ”ts, standard mets âforestâ), Tepomees and Teppomees (standard male name Tepo, in the coastal dialect Teppo, same in the old spelling), Sannamees (standard saunamees âsmallholderâ). The surname written in 1835 â Maelzemees â has given three different present-day spellings: MĂ€eltsemees, MĂ€ltsamees and MÀÀltsemees. 5. German influence is both structural and lexical (translation, adaptation, word selection). 6. Only around one tenth of the names come from Estonian compound words
SNP based heritability estimates of common and specific variance in self and informant reported neuroticism scales
Objective. Our study aims to estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance of Neuroticism and its facet scales that can be attributed to common SNPs in two adult populations from Estonia (EGCUT; N = 3,292) and the Netherlands (Lifelines; N = 13,383).
Method. Genomic-Relatedness-Matrix Restricted Maximum Likelihood (GREML) using Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis (GCTA) software was employed. To build upon previous research, we used self- and informant-reports of the 30-facet NEO personality inventories and analyzed both the usual sum scores and the residual facet scores of Neuroticism.
Results. In the EGCUT cohort, the proportion of phenotypic variance explained by the additive effects of common genetic variants in self- and informant-reported Neuroticism domain scores was 15.2% (p = .070, SE = .11) and 6.2% (p = .293, SE = .12), respectively. The SNP-based heritability estimates at the level of Neuroticism facet scales differed greatly across cohorts and modes of measurement but were generally higher (a) for self- than for informant-reports, and (b) for sum than for residual scores.
Conclusions. Our findings indicate that a large proportion of the heritability of Neuroticism is not captured by additive genetic effects of common SNPs with some evidence for gene-environment interaction across cohorts. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
Within-trait heterogeneity in age group differences in personality domains and facets:implications for the development and coherence of personality traits
The study investigated differences in the Five-Factor Model (FFM) domains and facets across adulthood. The main questions were whether personality scales reflected coherent units of trait development and thereby coherent personality traits more generally. These questions were addressed by testing if the components of the trait scales (items for facet scales and facets for domain scales) showed consistent age group differences. For this, measurement invariance (MI) framework was used. In a sample of 2,711 Estonians who had completed the NEO Personality Inventory 3 (NEO PI-3), more than half of the facet scales and one domain scale did not meet the criterion for weak MI (factor loading equality) across 12 age groups spanning ages from 18 to 91 years. Furthermore, none of the facet and domain scales met the criterion for strong MI (intercept equality), suggesting that items of the same facets and facets of the same domains varied in age group differences. When items were residualized for their respective facets, 46% of them had significant (p < 0.0002) residual age-correlations. When facets were residualized for their domain scores, a majority had significant (p < 0.002) residual age-correlations. For each domain, a series of latent factors were specified using random quarters of their items: scores of such latent factors varied notably (within domains) in correlations with age. We argue that manifestations of aetiologically coherent traits should show similar age group differences. Given this, the FFM domains and facets as embodied in the NEO PI-3 do not reflect aetiologically coherent traits
MÀrkusi talunimede vanusest Audru nÀitel
The article looks at Estonian farm names, using examples from Audru Parish. Farm names are considered younger than village names, although historians believe that the farm is older than the village as a settlement unit. It has been suggested that farm names developed in the 9th century. This article shows that many farm names were already documented in the 16th century. In the past, villages were subject to taxation, but from the 16th century onwards, farm families (Gesinde) became the tax unit. Indeed, it was in the 16th century that the names of peasants â mostly consisting of first and last names â began to appear in documents. The question is whether the last name of a peasant denoted a group of people (a family) or whether it also applied to the plot of land managed by the family. It makes sense to assume the latter. In this article I present examples of older farm names in Audru, their changes over time and name etymologies. I also make an attempt to align the names collected over nearly a century by the Mother Tongue Society and the Institute of the Estonian Language with those available in the Place Names Register
Impact of selective dry cow therapy on udder health
LoomaarstiÔppe lÔputöö
Veterinaarmeditsiini ÔppekavalIntramammaarsete infektsioonide (IMI) tekkerisk on kÔrgem kinnisperioodi alguses ja
lÔpus. Kinnisperioodil tekkiva IMI raviks kasutatakse pikatoimelisi intramammaarselt
manustatavaid antibiootikume, kuid antibiootikumide liigne kasutamine on pÔhjustanud
mikroobide antibiootikumiresistentsuse kiire tÔusu. Seega leiab kinnisperioodiaegses
mastiidiravis ĂŒha enam kasutust selektiivne kinnisperioodiaegne ravistrateegia, mille
eesmÀrk on ravida vaid neid loomi, kellel esineb kinnijÀÀmisel IMI.
Töö eesmÀrgiks oli vÀlja uurida, kuidas mÔjutab kinnijÀtmise viis loomade udaratervist
jÀrgneval laktatsioonil, ning iseloomustada esimese saja laktatsioonipÀeva jooksul tekkinud
mastiite. Uuringus on kĂ€sitletud ĂŒhe selektiivset mastiidiravi kasutava Eesti farmi
raviandmeid. Kogutud andmeid analĂŒĂŒsides leiti seosed kinnisperioodiaegse ravi ning
udara tervistumise vahel, hinnates somaatiliste rakkude arvu (SRA) ning kliiniliste
mastiitide esinemist. Kuna ravigruppide valik pÔhines looma udaratervisel, vÔrreldakse
kÀesolevas töös eelkÔige tervisestaatuse muutusi gruppide lÔikes, mitte ravigruppe
Uuringust jÀreldus, et poegimiseelse somaatiliste rakkude arvu ning ravivaliku vahel oli
seos, kuid siiski mÀÀratakse madala rakkude arvuga loomadele ka antibiootikumiravi.
Lisaks leidsime, et vismutnitraadiga kinni jĂ€ttes esines oluline muutus poegimiseelse ja â
jÀrgse somaatiliste rakkude arvu vahel. Enim esines E. coli ning S. aureus mastiite, kuid
kliinliste mastiitide esinemus ei olnud ravigruppide vahel erinev. Siiski tervistus
subkliinilistest mastiitidest vÀhem loomi kui nad jÀeti kinni vaid vismutnitraadiga.
Antud töö aitab hinnata uuringus osalenud farmi selektiivse antibiootikumiravi tÔhusust.
Tööga leidsime, et vismutsubnitraadiravi ei anna praegusel hetkel sama head ravitulemust
kui antibiootikumiravi. Uuringu tulemustest lÀhtudes soovitame farmil langetada
ravivalikute tegemisel SRA piirmÀÀra, vÔtta kasutusele rohkem subkliiniliste mastiitide
avastamise viise ning parandada poegmisi- ja lĂŒpsihĂŒgieeni. Antud uuring vĂ”ib olla ka
edasiste, Eesti-pÔhiste laiemate uuringute osa.The risk of intramammary infections (IMI) is higher during the end and the start of the
lactation period. Long-acting antibiotics are used as a treatment for the IMI; however, the
use of antibiotics has raised the level of antibiotic resistance. For that reason, mastits is
treated using selctive dry cow therapy, where the aim is to only treat animals that suffer
from IMI during dry-off.
The aim of the study was to find out, how the choice of drug during the dry-off impacts
udder health during next lactation. In the study, we analyse the treatment protocols and
outcomes of an Estonian farm using selective dry cow therapy. We look for connections
between the selected treatment and udder health, considering the somatic cell count and
prevalence of clinical mastitis. Since the three treatment groups were selected based on
their health, we can not assess the difference between the groups, but the change within the
We determined that there was a connection between somatic cell count (SSC) and the
chosen treatment. However, we still discovered multiple cases of andministering antibiotics
to cows that had low SCC. We discovered an important change in per- and postcalving SCC
in animals that had been dried off using bismuth subnitrate. The most clinical mastitis cases
were caused by E. coli and S. aureus, but the prevalence of clinical mastitis did not differ
between treatment groups. Nevertheless, fewer animals were cured from subclinical
mastitis when dried off using bismuth subnitrate.
The study found that bismuth subnitrate does not give as good curing rates as treatment
with antibiotics. Based on the results of this study, we advise the farm to lower the SCC
rates when deciding the treatment, start using more methods of determining subclinical
mastitis before dry-off and improve calving and milking hygiene. This study could be a
basis for further, Estonia-wide studies
Motivatsioon Ôpinguteks ja elusuundumus
KĂ€esoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rgiks on analĂŒĂŒsida, millised tegurid mĂ”jutavad Tartu Ălikooli arstiteaduskonna tudengite motivatsiooni Ă”pinguteks ja elusuundumust. Uuriti otseselt Ă”pingutega seotud tegurite, kursuse ja eriala, mĂ”ju. Uuritavate tegurite alla kuulusid ka sugu, emakeel, perekonnaseis, töötamine, varasem Ă”pe. AnalĂŒĂŒsiti veel stressi ning tervise mĂ”ju motiveeritusele ja elusuundumusele. Vaadati, kas peres arstide olemasolul ning soovi kestusel Ă”ppida arstiteadust on seos motivatsiooniga Ă”pinguteks ning elusuundumusega.
Kasutati faktoranalĂŒĂŒsi, keskvÀÀrtuste vĂ”rdlemist ning seosekordajaid. Keskmiste vĂ”rdlemiseks kasutati dispersioonanalĂŒĂŒsi, t-testi ning mitteparameetrilisi meetodeid. Seoste uurimiseks kasutati 2-testi ning Spearmani korrelatsioonikordajat.
Töös kasutatav andmestik on pĂ€rit Tartu Ălikooli arstiteaduskonnast, kus viidi 2009. - 2012. a sĂŒgissemestritel lĂ€bi kĂŒsitlus arstiĂŒliĂ”pilaste tervisliku seisundi kohta. Ankeet koosnes ĂŒheteistkĂŒmnest osast, millest kĂ€esolevas töös kĂ€sitletakse kolme: ĂŒldandmed, motivatsioon Ă”pinguteks ning elusuundumus. Uurimus viidi lĂ€bi koostöös Saksamaal tegutseva Greifswaldi Ălikooliga.
KĂ€esolev töö koosneb kolmest peatĂŒkist. Esimeses peatĂŒkis antakse ĂŒlevaade kasutatud meetoditest. Teises peatĂŒkis kirjeldatakse andmestiku pĂ”hjal Tartu Ălikooli arstiteaduskonna tudengeid ning nende motivatsiooni Ă”pinguteks ja elusuundumust kursuste lĂ”ikes. Kolmas peatĂŒkk sisaldab seoste analĂŒĂŒsi ning tulemusi uuritavate tegurite lĂ”ikes. Bakalaureusetöö sisaldab jooniseid ning tabeleid, mis on pĂ”hitekstis eristatud numbritega ning lisades tĂ€htedega.
Statistiline analĂŒĂŒs on lĂ€bi viidud tarkvarapaketi SAS 9.2 abil.2018-06-2
Physical Agents in the Occupational Environment in Estonia
Physical agents cause several physical and mental health disorders and reduce human capability for work, in most severe cases they cause disability. Usually the influence of these physical factors takes place in the work environment and depends on the factorâs intensity, exposure time, and individual characteristics. Influence is cumulative and may manifest itself after a long period of time, in several years. It is recommended to follow internationally recognized limit values of factors and introduce medical control of people before they start working as well as periodical medical control. From the most widespread risk factors, this article deals with noise with the data obtained from objective studies on Estonia