881 research outputs found

    Manufacturing Where Agriculture Predominates: Evidence from the South and Midwest in 1860

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    We employ the 1860 Census of Manufactures to study rural antebellum manufacturing in the South and Midwest, and find that manufacturing output per capita was similar across regions in counties specialized in the same agricultural products. The southern deficit in manufactures per capita appears to have been largely attributable to the very low levels of output in counties specialized in cotton production. This implies that it was the South's capabilities for the highly profitable cotton production, not the existence of slavery per se, that was responsible for the region's limited industrial development -- at least in rural areas. The other major finding is that in both the South and the Midwest measured total factor productivity was significantly lower in counties specialized in wheat (the most seasonal of agricultural products as regards labor requirements). This is consistent with suggestions that agricultural districts where the predominant crops were highly seasonal in their requirements for labor were well suited to support manufacturing enterprise during the offpeak periods

    Design of the low-speed NLF(1)-0414F and the high-speed HSNLF(1)-0213 airfoils with high-lift systems

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    The design and testing of Natural Laminar Flow (NLF) airfoils is examined. The NLF airfoil was designed for low speed, having a low profile drag at high chord Reynolds numbers. The success of the low speed NLF airfoil sparked interest in a high speed NLF airfoil applied to a single engine business jet with an unswept wing. Work was also conducted on the two dimensional flap design. The airfoil was decambered by removing the aft loading, however, high design Mach numbers are possible by increasing the aft loading and reducing the camber overall on the airfoil. This approach would also allow for flatter acceleration regions which are more stabilizing for cross flow disturbances. Sweep could then be used to increase the design Mach number to a higher value also. There would be some degradation of high lift by decambering the airfoil overall, and this aspect would have to be considered in a final design

    Generating polytopes from Coxeter groups

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    The main goal of this thesis is to study finite reflection groups (Coxeter groups) W and to use these to generate polytopes in two and three dimensions. Such polytopes will be generated as the convex hull of the W-orbit through an initial point. We prove an efficient recipe for finding the stabilizer of an initial point, and examine several examples of such polytopes and illustrate how many vertices, edges and faces these polytopes have. At last we will illustrate how this information can be pictorially encoded on the marked Coxeter diagram for an initial point

    Advanced natural laminar flow airfoil with high lift to drag ratio

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    An experimental verification of a high performance natural laminar flow (NLF) airfoil for low speed and high Reynolds number applications was completed in the Langley Low Turbulence Pressure Tunnel (LTPT). Theoretical development allowed for the achievement of 0.70 chord laminar flow on both surfaces by the use of accelerated flow as long as tunnel turbulence did not cause upstream movement of transition with increasing chord Reynolds number. With such a rearward pressure recovery, a concave type deceleration was implemented. Two-dimensional theoretical analysis indicated that a minimum profile drag coefficient of 0.0026 was possible with the desired laminar flow at the design condition. With the three-foot chord two-dimensional model constructed for the LTPT experiment, a minimum profile drag coefficient of 0.0027 was measured at c sub l = 0.41 and Re sub c = 10 x 10 to the 6th power. The low drag bucket was shifted over a considerably large c sub l range by the use of the 12.5 percent chord trailing edge flap. A two-dimensional lift to drag ratio (L/D) was 245. Surprisingly high c sub l max values were obtained for an airfoil of this type. A 0.20 chort split flap with 60 deg deflection was also implemented to verify the airfoil's lift capabilities. A maximum lift coefficient of 2.70 was attained at Reynolds numbers of 3 and 6 million

    Expression of visual opsins in the retina of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) during smoltification

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    Postponed access: the file will be accessible after 2022-06-04Abstract: The visual system of Atlantic salmon is highly adapted to their migratory and dynamic life-history, where the profound transformational process of smoltification is crucial. The retina contain both rod- and cone photoreceptors that express specific classes of opsins. Rhodopsin expressed in rod photoreceptors is responsible for the detection of light in dimmed conditions (scotopic vision). Cone photoreceptors, responsible for the detection of light in bright, coloured conditions (photopic vision), consist of the single cones: The first short wavelength-sensitive sws1 (UV opsin) and the second short wavelength-sensitive sws2 (blue opsin), and the double cones: the middle wavelength-sensitive rh2 (green opsin) and the long-to-middle wavelength-sensitive lws (red opsin). The main purpose of this study was to establish the topographic distribution of the various photoreceptor classes (opsins) using the In situ hybridization (ISH) method on cryosections, during a period where the Atlantic salmon developed from a parr, through the smoltification process, and towards having spent a month in sea water. It was shown that patterns were different between the cone opsins, especially by comparing expression in genes related to single- and double cones. Additionally, comparisons were made between the distribution of the rod- and cone photoreceptor classes, where the constant prominent presence of rhodopsin was likely influenced by the continuous incorporation of rod photoreceptors through neurogenesis in rod precursor cells in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). This continuous supply of rhodopsin throughout the expanding retina is a consequence of the post-embryonic development common to teleosts. In addition, retinal alterations was observed through the smoltification process, especially in the downregulation of sws1. The commonly presented causation of this transformation is a process called opsin changeover, where sws1 is proposed to be transformed into sws2 during the alevin stage. However, findings in the literature on Atlantic salmon in addition to the fluctuating pattern of sws2 observed in this study questioned the influence of this theory in salmon. Sws2 displayed a central prominence adjacent to the optic nerve on the central eye section during the smolt stage, a finding previously unknown in Atlantic salmon, potentially illustrating the continued importance of the embryonic fissure in single cone generation. The importance of the ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) in the generation of cone photoreceptors was demonstrated in the continuous prominence of sws2, rh2 and lws adjacent to this area through smoltification. However, the reduced presence of sws1 in this area opposed the theory stating that the appearance of cone opsins in the CMZ would be reflected through the retinal transformation. The topographic distribution and its dynamic patterns in the retina were put into an ecological perspective, demonstrating how the migration from fresh water to salt water has functioned as a natural influencer on the observations made. Additionally, the findings of this study could support the aquaculture industry in their utilization of lighting conditions exposed to the reared salmon.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399MAMN-BI

    The effect of Norwegian biomass on French import prices of salmon

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    In this master thesis, I have investigated the relationship between the Norwegian biomass of farmed salmon and import prices of different salmon products in France. By using an Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System (IAIDS) model, imports and biomass data has been modeled. This is a new perspective in salmon price analysis, and has not been performed previously. Own- and cross-price flexibilities and scale flexibilities have been calculated for all the products. The effects on price of growth in biomass and import quantity have also been modeled and presented. The estimated flexibilities of the products are also a new, and few, if none, comparable studies of similar aggregated groups exist. The results of the investigation permit to state that the strongest relationship between biomass and import prices is found in the fresh products. I have not been able to find significant and reliable results in the frozen and smoked category. The flexibilities are to some extent in accordance with the limited literature in the field. The effects of changes in import and biomass are the most sensitive for changes in import quantity. This is a result of limited significant and reliable biomass flexibilities, and that biomass is indirectly affecting import prices

    Is Dupilumab A Safe And Effective Treatment For Patients With Moderate-To-Severe Atopic Dermatitis?

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    Objective: The objective of this selective EBM review is to determine whether or not dupilumab is a safe and effective treatment for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis Study Design: Review of three randomized, double blind, placebo control trials between 2014- 2016. Data Sources: Three randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trials were found via EBSCOHost and PubMed. Outcomes Measured: In all three randomized controlled trials, outcomes measured includes the IGA score. Moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis is a 3 or 4 on the IGA scale, respectively, while the goal was to get patients to a 0-1 on the IGA scale (indicating clear or almost clear disease state). Results: Three double-blind, randomized controlled clinical trials evaluated the use of dupilumab 300mg SQ weekly vs. placebo in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. The study done by Beck, et al. showed that 40% of patients improved on an IGA scale from 3-4 to 0-1 compared to 7% in the control group. Simpson, et al. reported that 37% of patients improved to an IGA score of 0-1 compared to 10% in the control group. Thaçi, et al. had 33% of patients in that clinical trial with an IGA score of 0-1 compared to 2% in the control group. Conclusions: Review of these articles suggests that dupilumab is beneficial in treating patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis whom failed topical intervention. Long term use of dupilumab needs to be evaluated more thoroughly in long term trials. Concomitant use of dupilumab with topical glucocorticoids also prompts further evaluation in improved patient outcomes

    Inclusion and exclusion as problems of peace processess : the case of Burundi

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-95).In conflict resolution literature, the principle of all-inclusiveness, which calls for all warring parties to be included in a peace process for it to be successful, has become conventional wisdom and orthodoxy. This study challenges the principles of all-inclusiveness by critically analysing problems related to issues of "inclusion" and "exclusion" of warring parties, as seen from a mediator's perspective. The literature on peace processes is examined in relation to five themes: The foundation for the principle of all-inclusiveness; the relationship between participation and the use of violence; consequences of exclusion; participation in relation to parties' characteristics; and consequences of all-inclusiveness. A set of questions are raised through which the issue of all-inclusiveness can be investigated, and on this basis, the 1998 peace process in Burundi is studied. The case of Burundi challenges the principle of all-inclusiveness as the process was successful despite the exclusion of several armed groups and highlights important dimensions for the question of participation. The central argument of the thesis is that the issue of participation, in particular its relation to success, is much more complex than recognised in the literature

    Polyvinylpyrrolidone deposition disease : The role of pathology in understanding disease and death in persons with opioid addiction and intravenous drug use

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    Bakgrunn og målsetting: Polymeren polyvinylpyrrolidon (PVP) er mye brukt som tilsetningsstoff i legemidler. PVP med høy molekylvekt kan ikke utskilles via nyrene og vil derfor opphopes i kroppens vev dersom det administreres parenteralt. I 2013 oppdaget patologer ved Haukeland universitetssykehus tilfeller av PVP-avleiring i vevsprøver fra pasienter med opioidavhengighet og intravenøs rusbruk. En av legemidlene som på den tiden ble brukt i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR) var en metadonsirup ment for oral bruk som inneholdt PVP med svært høy molekylvekt (PVP K90). Man mistenkte at intravenøs bruk av denne metadonsirupen var årsaken til PVP-avleiring hos pasientene. Denne oppdagelsen førte til at metadonsirupen ble trukket fra markedet i Norge og i EU, og var utgangspunktet for prosjektet som denne doktorgraden er basert på. Hovedmålsettingen for doktorgraden var å studere de patologiske funnene hos pasienter med PVP avleiringssykdom etter injeksjon av PVP-holdige legemidler for opioidsubstitusjon og å vurdere de kliniske konsekvensene. Metoder: Studiene baserer seg i hovedsak på grundig kvalitativ og kvantitativ evaluering av vevsprøver tatt i diagnostisk øyemed og ved obduksjoner samt vurdering av de patologiske funnene opp mot kliniske data. Resultater: Denne graden handler om de patologiske og kliniske funnene i 33 pasienter med PVP-avleiringssykdom. Alle biopsier og obduksjonsprøver viste PVP-avleiringer som i noen tilfeller var svært utbredt. Funnene tyder sterkt på at PVP-avleiring har forårsaket alvorlig anemi, patologiske beinbrudd og kronisk nyresykdom. Hos to pasienter forårsaket PVP-avleiringer sannsynligvis dødelig utfall. Konklusjon: Intravenøs bruk av en metadonsirup som var ment for oral bruk, og som inneholdt PVP K90 som tilsetningsstoff, har forårsaket PVP-avleiringer hos ruspasienter. I noen tilfeller er det sannsynlig at dette har forårsaket alvorlig sykdom og død. Denne graden fremhever viktigheten av en grundig patologisk evaluering av vevsprøver og den viser hvordan melding om mulige bivirkninger, selv fra patologer, kan utgjøre en stor forskjell for pasientene. Den viser også hvordan velmente forsøk på å hindre uønsket bruk av medisiner kan få uønskede konsekvenser.Background and aims: The polymer polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) is commonly used as an excipient in drugs. Parenterally administered high molecular weight PVP cannot be excreted, and therefore accumulates in tissues, resulting in PVP deposition. In 2013, pathologists at Haukeland University Hospital discovered cases of PVP deposition in tissue samples from patients with opioid addiction and intravenous drug use (IVDU), most of whom were enrolled in the opioid substitution therapy (OST) program in Norway. Intravenous injection of a specific opioid substitution drug, an oral methadone syrup containing very high molecular weight PVP (PVP K90) was the suspected cause of PVP deposition in these patients. This discovery eventually led to the withdrawal of this methadone syrup from the market in Norway and the European Union (EU) and was the origin of the project on which this thesis is based. The main objective of this thesis was to study the pathological findings in patients with PVP deposition disease from injection of PVP-containing opioid substitution drugs and to assess the clinical consequences. Methods: The principal methods used in the studies were thorough qualitative and quantitative evaluations of histological specimens collected for diagnostic purposes and at autopsies. The pathological findings were then correlated with clinical data. Results: This thesis discusses the pathological and clinical findings of 33 patients with PVP deposition. All biopsies and autopsy samples revealed PVP deposits, and in some patients, PVP deposition was very extensive. The findings strongly indicate that PVP deposition has caused severe anemia, pathological fractures and chronic kidney disease. In two patients, PVP deposition likely caused the fatal outcome. Conclusions: Intravenous use of an oral methadone syrup containing PVP K90 has led to PVP deposition in patients with opioid addiction and IVDU, in some patients likely resulting in severe disease and fatal outcome. This thesis underscores the importance of a thorough pathological investigation of tissue samples and shows how reporting potential adverse drug reactions, even by pathologists, can make a big difference for patients. It also shows how well intended efforts to prevent unintended uses of drugs can have unwanted consequences.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Additional Findings from the Common Research Model Natural Laminar Flow Wind Tunnel Test

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    An experimental investigation of the Common Research Model with Natural Laminar Flow (CRM-NLF) took place in the National Transonic Facility (NTF) at the NASA Langley Research Center in 2018. The 5.2% scale semispan model was designed using a new natural laminar flow design method, Crossflow Attenuated NLF (CATNLF). CATNLF enables laminar flow on typical transport wings with high sweep and Reynolds number by reshaping the wing airfoils to obtain specific pressure distribution characteristics that control the crossflow growth near the leading edge. The CATNLF method also addresses Tollmien- Schlichting transition, attachment line transition, and Grtler vortices. During the wind tunnel test, data were acquired to address three primary test objectives: validate the CATNLF design method, characterize the NTF laminar flow testing capabilities, and establish best practices for laminar flow wind tunnel testing. The present paper provides both experimental and computational data to understand the CRM-NLF laminar flow characteristics, as well as address the three primary test objectives. The effects of angle of attack and Reynolds number on the CRM-NLF laminar flow extent are studied, and the dominant transition mechanism is evaluated at a variety of test conditions. Critical N-factors are calculated for the NTF environment, and a discussion on best practices for laminar flow wind tunnel testing is provided. The CRM-NLF in the NTF provided initial confirmation of the ability of the CATNLF method to suppress crossflow growth and enable significant extents of laminar flow on transport wings with high sweep and Reynolds numbers