8 research outputs found

    Main types of technical facilities used in poland agricultural sector for obtaining energy from renewable sources of various nature

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    У статті представлено основні способи тепло- та електрозабезпечення сільськогосподарських підприємств Польщі із використанням енергії з відновлювальних джерел. Особливу увагу приділено відповідним вимогами до технічного забезпечення процесів енергопостачання. Передбачається, що у сільськогосподарському виробництві та сільській місцевості Польщі найближчим часом суттєво зміниться кількість використовуваних традиційних палив, зокрема природного газу та вугілля, на користь використання біомаси, сонячної, геотермальної та вітрової енергії. Пристроями, що призначені для використання практично необмежених запасів відновлювальної енергії є: теплові насоси, сонячні колектори, фотоелектричні елементи, вітрові та гідроелектростанції. Основний ефект складає як економія традиційних енергоносіїв, так і зменшення техногенного навантаження на навколишнє середовище, і зростання рівня енергетичної безпеки, створення нових робочих місць та стимулювання регіонального розвитку.В статье представлены основные способы тепло и электроснабжения сельскохозяйственных предприятий Польши с использованием энергии из возобновляемых источников. Особое внимание уделено соответствующим требованиям к техническому обеспечению процессов энергоснабжения. Предполагается, что в сельскохозяйственном производстве и сельской местности Польши в ближайшее время существенно уменьшится количество используемых традиционных видов топлива, в частности природного газа и угля, в пользу использования биомассы, солнечной, геотермальной и ветровой энергии. Устройствами, которые предназначены для использования практически неограниченных запасов возобновляемой энергии являются: тепловые насосы, солнечные коллекторы, фотоэлектрические элементы, ветровые и гидроэлектростанции. Основной эффект составляет как экономия традиционных энергоносителей, так и уменьшения техногенной нагрузки на окружающую среду, рост уровня энергетической безопасности, создание новых рабочих мест и стимулирование регионального развития.The article presents the main ways of heat and electric energy supply of farms in Poland, using energy from renewable sources. Particular attention is paid to the relevant requirements for technical support of energy supply processes. It is assumed that in agriculture production and rural areas in Poland soon the number of used conventional fuels, including natural gas and coal, will change significantly, for the use of biomass, solar, geothermal and wind energy. Devices that are designed for use almost unlimited supply of renewable energy are: heat pumps, solar panels, photo-electric elements, wind and hydrostations. The main effect is as traditional energy saving and reduction of technogenic impact on the environment, and increasing of energy security level, creating new workplaces and promote regional development

    Дослідження особливостей підтримки органічного агровиробництва в Польщі

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    The features of supporting organic production in Poland are analyzed in the article. Poland is characterized by the largest employment of the population and the number of farms in the organic sector among the countries of Europe. Despite the favorable natural and climatic conditions, the scientific and practical base, significant areas occupied by organic production, the powerful export potential of the country, the proportion of organic operators in the structure of agricultural producers is very low. The main obstacles to the transition to organic principles are the poor development of environmental infrastructure and support from various services of the entire agricultural system. Therefore, the identification of an effective mechanism to support organic agricultural production will increase the level of public administration and contribute to the development of this promising direction.As a result of the research it is established that for the rapid development of organic movement a well-established, transparent, clear regulated system of organic agriculture must be built. The main incentive mechanisms should be: subsidies and subsidies for the transition period, funding of research institutions, consultative and organizational support, advertising, expansion of new technologies, active public activities, the launch of new types of environmental activities, highly developed information technologies in public administration, a powerful legislative framework, an effective system of control and certification. The use of such system support is accompanied by significant volumes of production in the organic sector of Poland, has a stable development trend. An important indicator is the production of environmentally safe products, focused on the conservation of agricultural land. An implementation of a multi-level support system will allow improving and activating the state policy of supporting the Ukrainian producer.Представлены результаты анализа функционирования польской системы производства органической сельскохозяйственной продукции. Изложены основные особенности реализации многоуровневой системы поддержки развития органического движения. Рассмотрены локальная специфика и условия функционирования экологических сельхозпроизводителей в Польше.Представлено результати аналізу функціонування польської системи виробництва органічної сільськогосподарської продукції. Висвітлено основні особливості реалізації багаторівневої системи підтримки розвитку органічного руху. Розглянуто локальну специфіку та умови функціонування екологічних сільгоспвиробників у Польщі

    Дослідження особливостей підтримки органічного агровиробництва в Польщі

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    The features of supporting organic production in Poland are analyzed in the article. Poland is characterized by the largest employment of the population and the number of farms in the organic sector among the countries of Europe. Despite the favorable natural and climatic conditions, the scientific and practical base, significant areas occupied by organic production, the powerful export potential of the country, the proportion of organic operators in the structure of agricultural producers is very low. The main obstacles to the transition to organic principles are the poor development of environmental infrastructure and support from various services of the entire agricultural system. Therefore, the identification of an effective mechanism to support organic agricultural production will increase the level of public administration and contribute to the development of this promising direction.As a result of the research it is established that for the rapid development of organic movement a well-established, transparent, clear regulated system of organic agriculture must be built. The main incentive mechanisms should be: subsidies and subsidies for the transition period, funding of research institutions, consultative and organizational support, advertising, expansion of new technologies, active public activities, the launch of new types of environmental activities, highly developed information technologies in public administration, a powerful legislative framework, an effective system of control and certification. The use of such system support is accompanied by significant volumes of production in the organic sector of Poland, has a stable development trend. An important indicator is the production of environmentally safe products, focused on the conservation of agricultural land. An implementation of a multi-level support system will allow improving and activating the state policy of supporting the Ukrainian producer.Представлены результаты анализа функционирования польской системы производства органической сельскохозяйственной продукции. Изложены основные особенности реализации многоуровневой системы поддержки развития органического движения. Рассмотрены локальная специфика и условия функционирования экологических сельхозпроизводителей в Польше.Представлено результати аналізу функціонування польської системи виробництва органічної сільськогосподарської продукції. Висвітлено основні особливості реалізації багаторівневої системи підтримки розвитку органічного руху. Розглянуто локальну специфіку та умови функціонування екологічних сільгоспвиробників у Польщі

    Research of Organic Agricultural Production Support in Poland

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    The features of supporting organic production in Poland are analyzed in the article. Poland is characterized by the largest employment of the population and the number of farms in the organic sector among the countries of Europe. Despite the favorable natural and climatic conditions, the scientific and practical base, significant areas occupied by organic production, the powerful export potential of the country, the proportion of organic operators in the structure of agricultural producers is very low. The main obstacles to the transition to organic principles are the poor development of environmental infrastructure and support from various services of the entire agricultural system. Therefore, the identification of an effective mechanism to support organic agricultural production will increase the level of public administration and contribute to the development of this promising direction.As a result of the research it is established that for the rapid development of organic movement a well-established, transparent, clear regulated system of organic agriculture must be built. The main incentive mechanisms should be: subsidies and subsidies for the transition period, funding of research institutions, consultative and organizational support, advertising, expansion of new technologies, active public activities, the launch of new types of environmental activities, highly developed information technologies in public administration, a powerful legislative framework, an effective system of control and certification. The use of such system support is accompanied by significant volumes of production in the organic sector of Poland, has a stable development trend. An important indicator is the production of environmentally safe products, focused on the conservation of agricultural land. An implementation of a multi-level support system will allow improving and activating the state policy of supporting the Ukrainian producer

    The Influence of the Electrolyte Nature and PEO Process Parameters on Properties of Anodized Ti-15Mo Alloy Intended for Biomedical Applications

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    Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) of Ti-15Mo alloys conducted in electrolytes containing Ca and P compounds can be an efficient process with which to obtain bioactive coatings. This paper reports on the influence of the nature of the electrolyte, its concentration, and PEO process parameters on the properties of anodized layers on Ti-15Mo. A wide range of Ca- and P-containing alkaline and acidic solutions was employed to incorporate Ca and P ions into the anodized layer. The efficiency of the incorporation was evaluated by the Ca/P ratio in the coating as compared to that in the electrolyte. It was found that alkaline solutions are not suitable electrolytes for the formation of good quality, uniform PEO coatings. Only acidic electrolytes are appropriate for obtaining well-adherent homogeneous layers on Ti-15Mo. However, the maximum Ca/P ratios reached in the coatings were rather low (close to 1). The variation of electrical signal (negative-to-positive current ratio, frequency) and time of electrolysis do not result in a substantial change of this value. The processing time, however, did influence the coating thickness. Despite their low Ca/P ratio, the anodized layers demonstrate good biological activity, comparable to pure microrough titanium