450 research outputs found

    Perceptions and experiences of appetite awareness training among African-American women who binge eat

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    Introduction: Binge eating may contribute to the prevalence of obesity in African-American women. Yet, there has been scant intervention research on the treatment of binge eating in this population. We tested the feasibility of an appetite awareness training (AAT) intervention in a sample of African-American women with binge and overeating behaviors. Participants who completed AAT were recruited to participate in focus groups to elicit information about their perceptions and experiences with this intervention to inform the design of future interventions to treat binge eating and obesity in African-American women. Methods: African-American women, aged 18–70 years, who had completed an 8-week randomized AAT intervention, were invited to attend a focus group discussion. Session content was recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed by use of open coding. Themes were identified that described their perceptions and experiences of participating in the intervention. Results: Seventeen women participated in three focus group discussions. Pertinent themes identified included: paying attention to internal cues of hunger and satiety, influence of culture on eating patterns, breaking patterns of disordered eating, and perceptions about weight. Overall, participants were satisfied with their experience of AAT, and reported they found it valuable to learn about listening to biological signals of hunger and satiety and to learn specific strategies to reduce maladaptive eating patterns. Conclusion: AAT was acceptable and provided helpful eating behavior instruction to African-American women with reported binge and overeating behaviors. Future research should examine the potential of AAT to improve weight management in this underserved population. Level of evidence: Level V, qualitative descriptive study

    Exploring Maternal Factors Linked to Weight Status in Salvadorian Infants

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    Background: Obesity rates in the US have risen dramatically, especially among Hispanic adults and children. Because of the high prevalence of overweight and obesity in Latino children by preschool age, it is prudent to examine maternal factors potentially linked to weight status during an infant’s first year of life. The literature on risk factors of child obesity has focused primarily on children of Mexican descent, and little research exists for other Latino populations, such as Salvadorans. Objective: To investigate maternal physiologic and infant feeding factors associated with infant overweight and/or obesity in a sample of Salvadoran mother-infant dyads. Methods: A cross-sectional, correlational study, utilizing an ecological framework, was conducted at the 9-12-month well-baby visit in two private pediatric offices on Long Island, New York. Maternal physiologic risk factors and feeding beliefs as well as infant feeding practices during the first 5 months were self-reported by the mothers. Infants birth weight, current weight and recumbent length were retrieved from the electronic charts. Bivariate logistic regression models examined the relationship of the variables with infant weight status, \u3e 85th weight-for-length percentile (WFL) for sex. Results: In this sample of mothers (N=88), 94.3% were born in El Salvador, 92.1% were married, and the mean age was 28.5 years (SD = 5.9 years); 43% of the total sample of infants had a WFL \u3e 85th percentile. After controlling for maternal age, insurance type, income, education, and marital status, no significant associations with infant WFL \u3e 85th percentile at the 9-12-month well-visit were found. Infant feeding practices in the first five months and maternal physiologic risk factors were not associated with infant weight status. Infant birth weight (kg) was the only variable significantly associated with WFL \u3e 85th percentile, p \u3c .05. Conclusion: This is the first study to examine infant weight status in the Salvadoran population. Future studies should objectively investigate infant feeding practices and other potential contributing factors among Salvadoran mother-infant dyads, since nearly half of the infant sample had a WFL \u3e 85th percentile

    Comorbidades físicas e psicológicas antes e depois da cirurgia bariátrica : um estudo longitudinal

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    Introduction: Morbid obesity has multiple implications for psychological and physical health. Bariatric surgery has been selected as the treatment of choice for this chronic disease, despite the controversial impact of the surgery on psychosocial health. The objective of this study was to describe candidates for bariatric surgery and analyze changes in weight, psychopathology, personality, and health problems and complaints at 6- and 12- month follow-up assessments. Methods: Thirty obese patients (20 women and 10 men) with a mean age of 39.17±8.81 years were evaluated in different dimensions before surgery and 6 and 12 months after the procedure. Results: Six and 12 months after bariatric surgery, patients reported significant weight loss and a significant reduction in the number of health problems and complaints. The rates of self-reported psychopathology were low before surgery, and there were no statistically significant changes over time. The conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness dimensions increased, but neuroticism and openness remained unchanged. All changes had a medium effect size. Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients experience significant health improvements and some positive personality changes after bariatric surgery. Even though these findings underscore the role of bariatric surgery as a relevant treatment for morbid obesity, more in-depth longitudinal studies are needed to elucidate the evolution of patients after the procedure.Introdução: A obesidade mórbida tem várias implicações para a saúde psicológica e física. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido o tratamento de escolha para essa doença crônica, apesar da controvérsia sobre o impacto da cirurgia na saúde psicossocial. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica e analisar mudanças no peso, psicopatologia personalidade, problemas e queixas de saúde desses pacientes em avaliações realizadas 6 e 12 meses após a cirurgia. Métodos: Trinta pacientes obesos (20 mulheres e 10 homens) com idade média de 39,17±8,81 anos foram avaliados em diferentes dimensões antes da cirurgia e 6 e 12 meses após. Resultados: Aos 6 e 12 meses após a cirurgia bariátrica, os pacientes relataram significativa perda de peso e significativa redução no número de problemas e queixas de saúde. As taxas de psicopatologia autorrelatada foram baixas antes da cirurgia e não sofreram mudanças significativas com o tempo. As dimensões conscienciosidade, extroversão e agradabilidade aumentaram, mas o neuroticismo e a abertura permaneceram inalteradas. Todas as mudanças apresentaram um tamanho de efeito médio. Conclusões: Os nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes experimentam melhoras significativas em saúde e algumas mudanças positivas de personalidade após a cirurgia bariátrica. Embora esses achados reforcem o papel da cirurgia bariátrica como um tratamento relevante para a obesidade mórbida, mais estudos longitudinais e aprofundados são necessários para elucidar a evolução dos pacientes após a realização do procedimento.(undefined

    The impact of living with morbid obesity on psychological need frustration: A study with bariatric patients

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    Guided by self‐determination theory, the purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the previous experiences of living with morbid obesity of 10 postbariatric patients enrolled in a physical activity programme. Qualitative data were collected through interviews and diarized observations. A thematic analysis revealed that participants suffered from health and mobility troubles in their daily life and experienced stigmatization and discrimination in most areas of their social functioning. Participants described how these experiences resulted in the thwarting of their basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness. In turn, psychological need frustration contributed to negative consequences such as body image concerns, low self‐esteem, anxiety and depression; controlled regulation of their eating behaviour and extrinsic goals; rigid behaviours such as avoiding social situations; and compensatory and self‐defeating behaviours such as giving up diet and physical activity regimens and binge eating (i.e., oppositional defiance). This study highlights how living with morbid obesity can impair optimal functioning and well‐being via experiences of psychological need frustration