305 research outputs found

    Machine learning solutions for maintenance of power plants

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    The primary goal of this work is to present analysis of current market for predictive maintenance software solutions applicable to a generic coal/gas-fired thermal power plant, as well as to present a brief discussion on the related developments of the near future. This type of solutions is in essence an advanced condition monitoring technique, that is used to continuously monitor entire plants and detect sensor reading deviations via correlative calculations. This approach allows for malfunction forecasting well in advance to a malfunction itself and any possible unforeseen consequences. Predictive maintenance software solutions employ primitive artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning (ML) algorithms to provide early detection of signal deviation. Before analyzing existing ML based solutions, structure and theory behind the processes of coal/gas driven power plants is going to be discussed to emphasize the necessity of predictive maintenance for optimal and reliable operation. Subjects to be discussed are: basic theory (thermodynamics and electrodynamics), primary machinery types, automation systems and data transmission, typical faults and condition monitoring techniques that are also often used in tandem with ML. Additionally, the basic theory on the main machine learning techniques related to malfunction prediction is going to be briefly presented

    Eastern martial arts as a priority CMG "Hobby"

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    Initiation of children and adolescents to the practice of oriental martial arts promotes self-improvement, knowledge and creativity, formation of healthy lifestyle, professional self-determination, the development of physical, intellectual and moral abilitiesПриобщение детей и подростков к занятиям восточными боевыми единоборствами способствует самосовершенствованию, познанию и творчеству, формированию здорового образа жизни, профес-сиональному самоопределению, развитию физических, интеллектуальных и нравственных способносте

    Выбор флуоресцентного фитоиндикатора техногенных загрязнений

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    In the article are considered the study of fundamental changes in the parameters of fluorescence of the photosynthetic apparatus of trees (birch, lime-tree, thuja, fir), under the influence of pollution in the Moscow.Рассматриваются основные изменения параметров флуоресценции фотосинтетического аппарата древесных пород (береза, липа, туя, ель) под влиянием загрязнения в г. Москве

    Simulation of Kinetics and Heat and Mass Transfer for the Spinning of Chemical Fibers from Polymer Solutions

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    Abstract-A mathematical model for the kinetics of nonisothermal wet spinning of chemical fibers from polymer solutions is proposed. The model gives a way to calculate the kinetics of spinning and gelation simultaneously, using the phase diagram with regard to heat and mass transfer, layered two-phase patterns, and movable interfaces. The process is calculated numerically, and a comparison is made between calculated and experimental data. In wet spinning of chemical fibers from polymer solutions, jets of a polymer solution pass through a spinning bath containing an agent that coagulates the polymer. The coagulant finds its way into the solution jets and accumulates there. When enough of the coagulant has been accumulated, the polymer solution is separated into a solid (gel-like) and a liquid phase. The gel-like phase is the primary structure of the fiber and controls its properties in many respects. The new polymer phase (gel) is a very viscous fluid. Its shear viscosity is high compared with the viscosity of the solution. Although separate features of wet spinning of chemical fibers from polymer solutions are thoroughly discussed in [1 -3], a general quantitative theory of this process has not been created as yet. Some technological and physical problems for this process are studied in The gelation model proposed i

    Флуоресцентный анализ как инструмент оценки физиологического состояния деревьев в различных условиях загрязнения в г. Москве

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    In the article are considered the study of fundamental changes in the parameters of fluorescence of the photosynthetic apparatus of trees (birch, linden, thuja, fir), in different conditions of pollution in the Moscow. The content of article focuses on the monitoring of stress in the different environments and uses analysis by JIP-test, the light curves and non-photochemical quenching, etc. The content of this article will demonstrate the possibility of the technique and will hopefully encourage the development of new uses that are not reported in other articles.Рассматриваются основные изменения параметров флуоресценции фотосинтетического аппарата древесных пород (береза, липа, туя, ель) под влиянием загрязнения в г. Москве. Особое внимание уделяется анализу JIP-теста, световых кривых, параметру нефотохимического тушения. Демонстрируются возможности современного флуориметра для экологических исследований с целью более полного анализа устойчивости пород, который не проводился ранее при данных условиях


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    The results of studies of DART mass spectra for different organic compounds using different mass analyzers and configurations of the vacuum interface, located between the DART source and the entrance to the mass analyzer, are summarized. The dependence of the DART mass spectra on various experimental factors was studied using different mass analyzers and experimental conditions for organic compounds, belonging to different classes. The influence of composition and flow rate of the carrier gas, including the presence or absence of neon in helium, pressure in vacuum interface, temperature and composition of the atmosphere in the ionization region and in the surrounding area, parameters of the ceramic tube of the vacuum interface, and input voltage on the mass analyzer entrance is studied. For the first time, the general recommendations and criteria are outlined for selecting the conditions of registration of DART mass spectra depending on analytes, experimental parameters, and instrumental environment.Keywords: mass spectrometry, direct analysis in real time, DART, optimization, criteria, experimental conditions(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.002 G.A. Kalabin, E.S. ChernetsovaPeoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Research and innovation department; Moscow, Russian FederationПроведено сопоставление результатов исследования состава и интенсивностей сигналов в масс-спектрах DART органических соединений при использовании нескольких типов масс-анализаторов и конфигураций вакуумного интерфейса между источником ионов и входом в масс-анализатор. На примере различных соединений установлена зависимость состава масс-спектров DART, полученных с использованием разных масс-анализаторов и условий эксперимента. Обсуждается роль состава и скорости потока газа-носителя, давления в вакуумном интерфейсе, температуры и состава атмосферы в области ионизации, присутствия добавки неона в гелии, параметров керамической трубки вакуумного интерфейса, напряжения на входе в масс-анализатор. Впервые сформулированы обобщенные рекомендации и критерии выбора условий регистрации масс-спектров DART в зависимости от аналитов, условий эксперимента, используемой технической базы.Ключевые слова: масс-спектрометрия, прямой анализ в режиме реального времени, DART, оптимизация, критерии, условия экспериментаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2014.18.3.002

    The peripheral hemodynamics of the lower extremities of powerlifters

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    Objective: to study the features of peripheral hemodynamics of the lower extremities of powerlifters depending on their experience and qualification. Materials and methods: the study of cardiovascular systemwas conducted in 38 men aged from 18 to 25 years engaged in powerlifting. 20 participants had sports categories (1-3) and 18 participantswere candidates or masters of sports. To study the regional blood flow in the areas of «foot», «calf» and «hip» the hardware and software complex «Reo-Spectrum-3» of «Neuro-Soft» were used. Results: significant decrease in the amplitude of the systolic wave, the arterial wave, the maximum systolic value of the venous component of the hip of powerlifters was revealed in comparison with the control group. A significant decrease in the amplitude-frequency index of powerlifters was also revealed. The index of fast filling was significantly lower in powerlifters. The values of the «inflow-outflow»ratio pointed at the change of the tonus of vessel wall in powerlifters. The average speed of slow filling indicated a decrease in the tonus of small and medium arteries in powerlifters. The change in vascular tone in powerlifters indirectly indicated a shift in the autonomic balance towards the predominance of sympathetic influences.All parameters showed an increased stress of the mechanisms of regulation of cardiac activity. Conclusions: the nature of blood circulation shifts includes changes in both the arterial and venous parts of the blood stream. The most pronounced changes in peripheral blood circulation were found in the areas of «calf» and «foot». With the growth of sports skills, the nature and degree of vascular changes increases, which indicates a decrease in the adaptive capacity of the vascular system of the lower extremities to intense physical activity

    Pulsating flow and convective heat transfer in a cavity with inlet and outlet sections

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    This paper deals with the study of 2-D, laminar, pulsating flow inside a heated rectangular cavity with different aspect ratios. The cooling liquid (water with temperature dependent viscosity and thermal conductivity) comes and leaves the cavity via inlet and outlet ports. The flow topology is characterised by the large recirculation regions that exist at inner corners of the cavity. These low velocity regions cause the heat transfer to be small when compared, for instance, to that of a straight channel. We study the effect that a prescribed pulsation at the inlet port has on the cavity heat transfer. This pulsating boundary condition, of the unsteady Poiseuille type, is described by its frequency and the amplitude of the pressure gradient. The time averaged Reynolds number of the flow, based on the hydraulic diameter of the inlet channel, is 100 and we consider that the dimensionless pulsation frequency (Strouhal number) varies in the range from 0.0 to 0.4. We show that the prescribed pulsation enhances heat transfer in the cavity and that the mechanism that causes this enhancement appears to be the periodic change in the recirculation flow pattern generated by the pulsation. Regarding the quantitative extent of heat transfer recovery, we find that appropriate selection of the pulsation parameters allows for the cavity to behave like a straight channel that is the configuration with the highest Nusselt number

    Влияние вермигумусовых соединений на свойства дерново-подзолистой почвы и урожайность зерновых культур

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    The results of experimental investigation of the vermihumic substances useful properties as growth activity stimulators and detoxicants are discussion.Изучено влияние вермигумусовых соединений, осадков сточных вод, отходов животноводства на свойства дерново-подзолистой почвы и урожайность зерновых культур