16 research outputs found

    The heterotrophic glucose uptake potential of three marine dinoflagellates

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    Kolmen merellisen dinoflagellaatin glukoosinottopotentiaal

    Meriseurannan tiekartta – SYKEn ylläpitämien ja koordinoimien meren tilaseurantojen nykytila ja kehittäminen

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    Raportissa kuvataan nykyiset SYKEn ylläpitämät ja koordinoimat meren kuormitus- ja tilaseurannat ja esitetään tavoitteita seurantojen kehittämiselle ja seurantatiedon käytön tehostamiselle vuoteen 2026 mennessä. Työ perustuu vuonna 2016 tehtyyn meriseurantojen toteutusta ja niiden kehittämistarvetta koskeneeseen kyselyyn, joka lähetettiin n. 30 seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilölle SYKEssä. Vastausten perusteella koottiin tiekartan alustava luonnos, jota on vuosina 2018-2019 päivitetty ja tarkistettu yhteistyössä seurantojen ja kehittämishankkeiden vastuuhenkilöiden kanssa. Nyt raportoitava versio antaa ajantasaisen kuvan SYKEn ylläpitämistä ja koordinoimista meren tilaseurannoista ja niiden kehittämisestä heinäkuussa 2020 alkaneen merenhoidon toisen seurantakauden kynnyksellä. Työ jakautuu aihealueisiin, joita ovat manuaaliseen näytteenottoon perustuva seuranta, automaatio, kaukokartoitus, kansalaishavainnointi, seurannan tietojärjestelmät, mallinnus ja sen tietotarpeet, seurantojen optimointi ja aineistojen yhteiskäyttö sekä merenhoidon ja HELCOM -työn tietotarpeet. Lisäksi tarkastellaan seuranta-aineistojen käyttöä. Seurantojen kehittämiselle esitetään välittömät tavoitteet (vastikään valmistunut tai valmistumassa oleva kehittämistyö) sekä tavoitteet vuoden 2020 aikana ja vuoteen 2026 mennessä

    Loadings of dissolved organic matter and nutrients from the Neva River into the Gulf of Finland - Biogeochemical composition and spatial distribution within the salinity gradient

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    We studied the loadings of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and nutrients from the Neva River into the Eastern Gulf of Finland, as well as their distribution within the salinity gradient. Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from 390 to 840 mu M, and were related to absorption of colored DOM (CDOM) at 350 nm, a(CDOM)(350), ranging from 2.70 to 17.8 m(-1). With increasing salinity both DOC and a(CDOM) decreased, whereas the slope of a(CDOM) spectra, S-CDOM(300-700), ranging from 14.3 to 21.2 mu m(-1), increased with salinity. Deviations of these properties from conservative mixing models were occasionally observed within the salinity range of approximately 1-4, corresponding to the region between 27 and 29 degrees E. These patterns are suggested to mostly reflect seasonal changes in properties of river end-member and hydrodynamics of the estuary, rather than non-conservative processes. On the other hand, observed nonlinear relationships observed between a(CDOM)*(350) and S-CDOM(275-295) emphasized the importance of photochemistry among various transformation processes of DOM. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen was effectively transformed in the estuary into particulate organic nitrogen (PON) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), of which DON was mostly exported from the estuary, enhancing productivity in nitrogen limited parts of the Gulf of Finland. DON concentrations ranged from 12.4 to 23.5 mu M and its estuarine dynamics were clearly uncoupled from DOC. In contrast to DOC, estuarine DON dynamics suggest that its production exceeds losses in the estuary. Total nitrogen (TN) and phosphorus (TP) loadings from the Neva River and St. Petersburg were estimated as 73.5 Gg N yr(-1) and 4.2 Gg P yr(-1), respectively. Approximately 59% of TN and 53% of TP loads were in organic forms. DOC and DON loadings were estimated as 741.4 Gg C yr(-1) and 19.0 Gg N yr(-1), respectively. Our estimate for DOC loading was evaluated against a previously published carbon budget of the Baltic Sea. According to the updated model, the Baltic Sea could be identified as a weak source of carbon into the atmosphere. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020

    Infrastructure for marine monitoring and operational oceanography

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    Automated systems for observing physical, chemical and biological conditions in the sea are being implemented worldwide as part of the Global Ocean Observing System. This report describes their use in the Baltic and the Skagerrak-Kattegat areas. An evaluation of the use of FerryBox systems in the waters around Sweden shows that the quality of data from near surface waters is high, and that the frequent sampling makes possible observations of short term phenomena such as algal blooms. These events are often overlooked by infrequent sampling using research vessels, which leads to erroneous estimates of phytoplankton biomass, ecosystem carrying capacity etc. Data come from the Helsinki Lübeck route, operated by the Finnish Institute for Marine Research and from routes in the Skagerrak- Kattegat operated by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research. FerryBox data were compared with data from traditional sampling, principally from RV Argos operated by SMHI, but also from the HELCOM databank at ICES.Observations using automated systems such as satellites, stationary platforms (buoys and piles) and FerryBox systems may contribute substantially to improving the quality of results from models describing the physical and biogeochemical conditions in Scandinavian waters. Boundary conditions for models can be obtained using measurements in the eastern North Sea and in the Skagerrak, while data assimilation from a network of buoys, FerryBoxsystems and research vessels improves the quality of model results. Today, between four and six automated oceanographic observation systems are in operation in Swedish waters, which can be compared to more than 700 for meteorological purposes. A dramatic increase in the number of observations is necessary for effective data assimilation. To make the observations useful for biogeochemical models, parameters such as inorganic nutrients, phytoplankton biomass and oxygen must be added to the basic parameters salinity and temperature.A detailed proposal for a new infrastructure for marine monitoring and operational oceanography in Sweden is put forward. FerryBox systems should be operated in collaboration with institutes in Finland, Estonia, Poland, Germany, Denmark and Norway. Coastal buoys contribute to the monitoring needs of the EU Water Framework Directive while offshore buoys are for long term climate and ecological research and for fulfilment of the EU Marine Strategy Directive . Products combining satellite data with in-situ observations should be developed. These automated systems augment monitoring using research vessels but do not replace it. SMHI, the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, the Swedish Water Authorities, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Swedish Navy, Coast guard, Maritime Administration and Board of Fisheries are proposed to govern and operate the system, with SMHI as the lead partner. The function -National data host for operational oceanographic data- is proposed, to be established at the National Oceanographic Data Centre at SMHI.A number of indicators for describing the status of the pelagic environment around Sweden are proposed. Some already exist while some are new. New ones include indicators for acidification, changes in plankton community structure and physical climate indicators. Basin wide indicators are based on measurements using a combination of sampling platforms. Other indicators are more specific, e.g. for transport between basins and inflow of water to the deep basins of the Baltic Proper.This report was commissioned by the Swedish National Environment Protection Agenc

    Copernicus in situ TAC, BGC data, Recommendations for Production Centers and Data Providers

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    This document conains recommendations for Copernicus Marine in situ Production Centers and Data Providers. Data provided to CMEMS (Copernicus Marine) must be provided in a way ensuring that their use in quality control but also for the community is obvious. While this is most often understood for physical parameters, it is not always the case for biogeochemical (BGC) data

    Validation of Satellite Ocean Color Primary Products at Optically Complex Coastal Sites: Northern Adriatic Sea, Northern Baltic Proper and Gulf of Finland

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    The study presents and discusses the application of in situ data from the Ocean Color component of the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET-OC) to assess primary remote sensing products from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Sea-viewing Wide-Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Three AERONET-OC European coastal sites exhibiting different atmospheric and marine optical properties were considered for the study: the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) in the northern Adriatic Sea exhibiting Case-1 and Case-2 moderately sediment dominated waters; and, the Gustaf Dalen Lighthouse Tower (GDLT) in the northern Baltic Proper and the Helsinki Lighthouse Tower (HLT) in the Gulf of Finland, both characterized by Case-2 highly yellow substance dominated waters. The analysis of MODIS derived normalized water-leaving radiance at 551 nm, LWN(551) has shown relatively good results for all sites with uncertainties of the order of 10% and biases ranging from -1 to -4%. Larger uncertainty and bias have been observed at 443 nm for the AAOT (i.e., 18 and -7%, respectively). At the same center-wavelength, results for GDLT and HLT have exhibited much larger uncertainties (i.e., 56 and 67%, respectively) and biases (i.e., 18 and 25%, respectively), which undermine the possibility of presently using remote sensing LWN data at the blue center-wavelengths for bio-optical investigations in the Baltic Sea. An evaluation of MODIS derived aerosol optical thickness, ¿a, has shown uncertainties and biases of the order of tens of percent increasing with wavelength at all sites. For AAOT, GDLT and HLT, ¿a(869) has shown an overestimate of 71, 101 and 91%, respectively. This result indicates the lack of an appropriate aerosol model for the atmospheric correction process, or the need of applying a vicarious calibration factor at the 869 nm center-wavelength to remove the effects of uncertainties in the atmospheric optical model and the space sensor radiometric calibration. Similar results have been obtained from the analysis of SeaWiFS data. Finally, in view of showing the possibility of reducing uncertainties and biases in satellite regional radiometric products, AERONET-OC data from the Baltic Sites (i.e., GDLT and HLT) have been applied to remove systematic errors introduced in MODIS LWN by the atmospheric correction process. Results have indicated a substantial reduction of uncertainty and bias in the blue and red center-wavelengths (e.g., decreasing from 60 and 21% to 20 and 5%, respectively, for LWN(443)).JRC.H.3-Global environement monitorin

    Quality Control of Biogeochemical Measurements within Copernicus in situ TAC

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    This document presents quality assessment tools that can be applied as soon as data are delivered to the CMEMS production units, as well as reprocessing tools. The latter requires a certain knowledge about the type and structure of the data in order to build the control quality test. In addition, a set of tools have been developed for the evaluation of the tests themselves and are likely to be applied on monthly and history repositories only. These evaluation tools are not expected to be implemented at production unit (PU) level, but applied by experts and scientists. The resulting analysis should confirm or provide an upgrade of the quality control tests implemented at PU level

    Product user manual. For Global Ocean Reprocessed in-situ Observations of Biogeochemical Products

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    This Product User Manual describes reprocessed biogeochemical dataset called INSITU_GLO_BGC_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_046 distributed by the CMEMS In Situ Thematic Assembly Centre: how it is built, what is the content, what data services are available to access them, and how to use the files. The INS-TAC is a distributed system built on the existing activities and services developed previously within the EU supported projects (MyOcean, Mersea, MFSTEP, FerryBox, SEPRISE ...) and EuroGOOS Regional alliances (ROOSes). It aims at providing a research and operational framework to develop and deliver in situ observations and derived products based on such observations, to address progressively global but also regional needs either for monitoring, modelling or downstream service development

    Quality information document. For Global Ocean Reprocessed in-situ Observations of Biogeochemical Products

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    This document aims to give a detailed picture of the processes and tools used to validate the dataset found in product INSITU_GLO_BGC_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_046. This is the In-Situ Thematic Assembly Centre Re-Processed Bio-Geo-Chemical product (hereinafter BGC REP) that integrates observation aggregated from the Regional EuroGOOS consortium (Arctic-ROOS, BOOS, NOOS, IBI-ROOS, MONGOOS) and Black Sea GOOS as well as from SeaDataNet2 National Data Centers (NODCs) and EMODnet chemistry 2018 and JCOMM global systems (Argo, GOSUD, OceanSITES, GTSPP, DBCP) and the Global telecommunication system (GTS) used by the Met Offices. The BGC REP dataset integrates updated quality flags from the Near-Real Time (hereinafter NRT) product (INSITU_GLO_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_030) history directory files downloaded from the Global Distribution Unit at IFREMER on 2021 July 7th. Quality flags have been reanalysed in delayed mode using updated real-time and delayed mode quality assessment procedures as described in this document. The data set is a subset of the Global Ocean In-Situ Near-Real-Time Observations (INSITU_GLO_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_013_030), where the biogeochemical (chlorophyll, oxygen and nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, silicate)) parameters have been quality controlled and new quality control flags have been applied. The other parameters present in the files (and their quality control flags) are identical to the data of the original files in the data set mentioned above. Files which do not contain suitable chlorophyll, oxygen or nutrients data have not been included