645 research outputs found

    Exact calculation of three-body contact interaction to second order

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    For a system of fermions with a three-body contact interaction the second-order contributions to the energy per particle Eˉ(kf)\bar E(k_f) are calculated exactly. The three-particle scattering amplitude in the medium is derived in closed analytical form from the corresponding two-loop rescattering diagram. We compare the (genuine) second-order three-body contribution to Eˉ(kf)kf10\bar E(k_f)\sim k_f^{10} with the second-order term due to the density-dependent effective two-body interaction, and find that the latter term dominates. The results of the present study are of interest for nuclear many-body calculations where chiral three-nucleon forces are treated beyond leading order via a density-dependent effective two-body interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to be published in European Journal

    Nuclear energy density functional from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics: Isovector spin-orbit terms

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    We extend a recent calculation of the nuclear energy density functional in the systematic framework of chiral perturbation theory by computing the isovector spin-orbit terms: (ρpρn)(JpJn)Gso(kf)+(JpJn)2GJ(kf)(\vec \nabla \rho_p- \vec \nabla \rho_n)\cdot(\vec J_p-\vec J_n) G_{so}(k_f)+ (\vec J_p-\vec J_n)^2 G_J(k_f). The calculation includes the one-pion exchange Fock diagram and the iterated one-pion exchange Hartree and Fock diagrams. From these few leading order contributions in the small momentum expansion one obtains already a good equation of state of isospin-symmetric nuclear matter. We find that the parameterfree results for the (density-dependent) strength functions Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) agree fairly well with that of phenomenological Skyrme forces for densities ρ>ρ0/10\rho > \rho_0/10. At very low densities a strong variation of the strength functions Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) with density sets in. This has to do with chiral singularities mπ1m_\pi^{-1} and the presence of two competing small mass scales kfk_f and mπm_\pi. The novel density dependencies of Gso(kf)G_{so}(k_f) and GJ(kf)G_J(k_f) as predicted by our parameterfree (leading order) calculation should be examined in nuclear structure calculations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure, published in: Physical Review C68, 014323 (2003

    Nuclear energy density functional from chiral pion-nucleon dynamics: Isovector terms

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    We extend a recent calculation of the nuclear energy density functional in the framework of chiral perturbation theory by computing the isovector surface and spin-orbit terms: (\vec \nabla \rho_p- \vec \nabla \rho_n)^2 G_d(\rho)+ (\vec \nabla \rho_p- \vec \nabla \rho_n)\cdot(\vec J_p-\vec J_n) G_{so(\rho)+(\vec J_p-\vec J_n)^2 G_J(\rho) pertaining to different proton and neutron densities. Our calculation treats systematically the effects from 1π1\pi-exchange, iterated 1π1\pi-exchange, and irreducible 2π2\pi-exchange with intermediate Δ\Delta-isobar excitations, including Pauli-blocking corrections up to three-loop order. Using an improved density-matrix expansion, we obtain results for the strength functions Gd(ρ)G_d(\rho), Gso(ρ)G_{so}(\rho) and GJ(ρ)G_J(\rho) which are considerably larger than those of phenomenological Skyrme forces. These (parameter-free) predictions for the strength of the isovector surface and spin-orbit terms as provided by the long-range pion-exchange dynamics in the nuclear medium should be examined in nuclear structure calculations at large neutron excess.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Nuclear energy density functional from chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions

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    An improved density-matrix expansion is used to calculate the nuclear energy density functional from chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions. The two-body interaction comprises long-range one- and two-pion exchange contributions and a set of contact terms contributing up to fourth power in momenta. In addition we employ the leading order chiral three-nucleon interaction with its parameters cE,cDc_E, c_D and c1,3,4c_{1,3,4} fixed in calculations of nuclear few-body systems. With this input the nuclear energy density functional is derived to first order in the two- and three-nucleon interaction. We find that the strength functions F(ρ)F_\nabla(\rho) and Fso(ρ)F_{so}(\rho) of the surface and spin-orbit terms compare in the relevant density range reasonably with results of phenomenological Skyrme forces. However, an improved description requires (at least) the treatment of the two-body interaction to second order. This observation is in line with the deficiencies in the nuclear matter equation of state Eˉ(ρ)\bar E(\rho) that remain in the Hartree-Fock approximation with low-momentum two- and three-nucleon interactions.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.

    Isovector part of nuclear energy density functional from chiral two- and three-nucleon forces

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    A recent calculation of the nuclear energy density functional from chiral two- and three-nucleon forces is extended to the isovector terms pertaining to different proton and neutron densities. An improved density-matrix expansion is adapted to the situation of small isospin-asymmetries and used to calculate in the Hartree-Fock approximation the density-dependent strength functions associated with the isovector terms. The two-body interaction comprises of long-range multi-pion exchange contributions and a set of contact terms contributing up to fourth power in momenta. In addition, the leading order chiral three-nucleon interaction is employed with its parameters fixed in computations of nuclear few-body systems. With this input one finds for the asymmetry energy of nuclear matter the value A(ρ0)26.5A(\rho_0) \simeq 26.5\,MeV, compatible with existing semi-empirical determinations. The strength functions of the isovector surface and spin-orbit coupling terms come out much smaller than those of the analogous isoscalar coupling terms and in the relevant density range one finds agreement with phenomenological Skyrme forces. The specific isospin- and density-dependences arising from the chiral two- and three-nucleon interactions can be explored and tested in neutron-rich systems.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, to be published in European Physical Journal

    Quasiparticle interaction in nuclear matter with chiral three-nucleon forces

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    We derive the effective interaction between two quasiparticles in symmetric nuclear matter resulting from the leading-order chiral three-nucleon force. We restrict our study to the L=0,1 Landau parameters of the central quasiparticle interaction computed to first order. We find that the three-nucleon force provides substantial repulsion in the isotropic spin- and isospin-independent component F_0 of the interaction. This repulsion acts to stabilize nuclear matter against isoscalar density oscillations, a feature which is absent in calculations employing low-momentum two-nucleon interactions only. We find a rather large uncertainty for the nuclear compression modulus due to a sensitive dependence on the low-energy constant c_3. The effective nucleon mass on the Fermi surface, as well as the nuclear symmetry energy, receive only small corrections from the leading-order chiral three-body force. Both the anomalous orbital g-factor and the Landau-Migdal parameter g'_{NN} (characterizing the spin-isospin response of nuclear matter) decrease with the addition of three-nucleon correlations. In fact, the anomalous orbital g-factor remains significantly smaller than its value extracted from experimental data, whereas g'_{NN} still compares well with empirical values. The inclusion of the three-nucleon force results in relatively small p-wave (L=1) components of the central quasiparticle interaction, thus suggesting an effective interaction of short range.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    CP Violation in Hyperon Nonleptonic Decays within the Standard Model

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    We calculate the CP-violating asymmetries A(Lambda_-^0) and A(Xi_-^-) in nonleptonic hyperon decay within the Standard Model using the framework of heavy-baryon chiral perturbation theory (chiPT). We identify those terms that correspond to previous calculations and discover several errors in the existing literature. We present a new result for the lowest-order (in chiPT) contribution of the penguin operator to these asymmetries, as well as an estimate for the uncertainty of our result that is based on the calculation of the leading nonanalytic corrections.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures; discussion clarified, results & conclusions unchanged, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effects of pseudoscalar-baryon channels in the dynamically generated vector-baryon resonances

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    We study the interaction of vector mesons with the octet of stable baryons in the framework of the local hidden gauge formalism using a coupled channels unitary approach, including also the pseudoscalar-baryon channels which couple to the same quantum numbers. We examine the scattering amplitudes and their poles, which can be associated to known JP=1/2,3/2J^P=1/2^-,3/2^- baryon resonances, and determine the role of the pseudoscalar-baryon channels, changing the width and eventually the mass of the resonances generated with only the basis of vector-baryon states

    Biomass burning emissions estimated with a global fire assimilation system based on observed fire radiative power

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    The Global Fire Assimilation System (GFASv1.0) calculates biomass burning emissions by assimilating Fire Radiative Power (FRP) observations from the MODIS instruments onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites. It corrects for gaps in the observations, which are mostly due to cloud cover, and filters spurious FRP observations of volcanoes, gas flares and other industrial activity. The combustion rate is subsequently calculated with land cover-specific conversion factors. Emission factors for 40 gas-phase and aerosol trace species have been compiled from a literature survey. The corresponding daily emissions have been calculated on a global 0.5° × 0.5° grid from 2003 to the present. General consistency with the Global Fire Emission Database version 3.1 (GFED3.1) within its accuracy is achieved while maintaining the advantages of an FRP-based approach: GFASv1.0 makes use of the quantitative information on the combustion rate that is contained in the FRP observations, and it detects fires in real time at high spatial and temporal resolution. GFASv1.0 indicates omission errors in GFED3.1 due to undetected small fires. It also exhibits slightly longer fire seasons in South America and North Africa and a slightly shorter fire season in Southeast Asia. GFASv1.0 has already been used for atmospheric reactive gas simulations in an independent study, which found good agreement with atmospheric observations. We have performed simulations of the atmospheric aerosol distribution with and without the assimilation of MODIS aerosol optical depth (AOD). They indicate that the emissions of particulate matter need to be boosted by a factor of 2–4 to reproduce the global distribution of organic matter and black carbon. This discrepancy is also evident in the comparison of previously published top-down and bottom-up estimates. For the time being, a global enhancement of the particulate matter emissions by 3.4 is recommended. Validation with independent AOD and PM10 observations recorded during the Russian fires in summer 2010 show that the global Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Change (MACC) aerosol model with GFASv1.0 aerosol emissions captures the smoke plume evolution well when organic matter and black carbon are enhanced by the recommended factor. In conjunction with the assimilation of MODIS AOD, the use of GFASv1.0 with enhanced emission factors quantitatively improves the forecast of the aerosol load near the surface sufficiently to allow air quality warnings with a lead time of up to four days