10 research outputs found

    Multi-Class Cancer Subtyping in Salivary Gland Carcinomas with MALDI Imaging and Deep Learning

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    Simple Summary The correct diagnosis of different salivary gland carcinomas is important for a prognosis. This diagnosis is imprecise if it is based only on clinical symptoms and histological methods. Mass spectrometry imaging can provide information about the molecular composition of sample tissues. Using a deep-learning method, we analyzed the mass spectrometry imaging data of 25 patients. Using this workflow we could accurately predict the tumor type in each patient sample. Abstract Salivary gland carcinomas (SGC) are a heterogeneous group of tumors. The prognosis varies strongly according to its type, and even the distinction between benign and malign tumor is challenging. Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCy) is one subgroup of SGCs that is prone to late metastasis. This makes accurate tumor subtyping an important task. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging is a label-free technique capable of providing spatially resolved information about the abundance of biomolecules according to their mass-to-charge ratio. We analyzed tissue micro arrays (TMAs) of 25 patients (including six different SGC subtypes and a healthy control group of six patients) with high mass resolution MALDI imaging using a 12-Tesla magnetic resonance mass spectrometer. The high mass resolution allowed us to accurately detect single masses, with strong contributions to each class prediction. To address the added complexity created by the high mass resolution and multiple classes, we propose a deep-learning model. We showed that our deep-learning model provides a per-class classification accuracy of greater than 80% with little preprocessing. Based on this classification, we employed methods of explainable artificial intelligence (AI) to gain further insights into the spectrometric features of AdCys

    Topology and structure of an engineered human cohesin complex bound to Pds5B

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    The cohesin subunits Smc1, Smc3 and Scc1 form large tripartite rings which mediate sister chromatid cohesion and chromatin structure. These are thought to entrap DNA with the help of the associated proteins SA1/2 and Pds5A/B. Structural information is available for parts of cohesin, but analyses of entire cohesin complexes are limited by their flexibility. Here we generated a more rigid 'bonsai' cohesin by truncating the coiled coils of Smc1 and Smc3 and used single-particle electron microscopy, chemical crosslinking-mass spectrometry and in silico modelling to generate three-dimensional models of cohesin bound to Pds5B. The HEAT-repeat protein Pds5B forms a curved structure around the nucleotide-binding domains of Smc1 and Smc3 and bridges the Smc3-Scc1 and SA1-Scc1 interfaces. These results indicate that Pds5B forms an integral part of the cohesin ring by contacting all other cohesin subunits, a property that may reflect the complex role of Pds5 proteins in controlling cohesin-DNA interactions

    Direct Analysis of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Using LC-FT-ICR MS

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    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important component of the global carbon cycle, yet its intricate composition and the sea salt matrix pose major challenges for chemical analysis. We introduce a direct injection, reversed-phase liquid chromatography ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry approach to analyze marine DOM without the need for solid-phase extraction. Effective separation of salt and DOM is achieved with a large chromatographic column and an extended isocratic aqueous step. Postcolumn dilution of the sample flow with buffer-free solvents and implementing a counter gradient reduced salt buildup in the ion source and resulted in excellent repeatability. With this method, over 5,500 unique molecular formulas were detected from just 5.5 nmol carbon in 100 μL of filtered Arctic Ocean seawater. We observed a highly linear detector response for variable sample carbon concentrations and a high robustness against the salt matrix. Compared to solid-phase extracted DOM, our direct injection method demonstrated superior sensitivity for heteroatom-containing DOM. The direct analysis of seawater offers fast and simple sample preparation and avoids fractionation introduced by extraction. The method facilitates studies in environments, where only minimal sample volume is available e.g. in marine sediment pore water, ice cores, or permafrost soil solution. The small volume requirement also supports higher spatial (e.g., in soils) or temporal sample resolution (e.g., in culture experiments). Chromatographic separation adds further chemical information to molecular formulas, enhancing our understanding of marine biogeochemistry, chemodiversity, and ecological processes

    Direct Analysis of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Using LC-FT-ICR MS

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    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important component of the global carbon cycle, yet its intricate composition and the sea salt matrix pose major challenges for chemical analysis. We introduce a direct injection, reversed-phase liquid chromatography ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry approach to analyze marine DOM without the need for solid-phase extraction. Effective separation of salt and DOM is achieved with a large chromatographic column and an extended isocratic aqueous step. Postcolumn dilution of the sample flow with buffer-free solvents and implementing a counter gradient reduced salt buildup in the ion source and resulted in excellent repeatability. With this method, over 5,500 unique molecular formulas were detected from just 5.5 nmol carbon in 100 μL of filtered Arctic Ocean seawater. We observed a highly linear detector response for variable sample carbon concentrations and a high robustness against the salt matrix. Compared to solid-phase extracted DOM, our direct injection method demonstrated superior sensitivity for heteroatom-containing DOM. The direct analysis of seawater offers fast and simple sample preparation and avoids fractionation introduced by extraction. The method facilitates studies in environments, where only minimal sample volume is available e.g. in marine sediment pore water, ice cores, or permafrost soil solution. The small volume requirement also supports higher spatial (e.g., in soils) or temporal sample resolution (e.g., in culture experiments). Chromatographic separation adds further chemical information to molecular formulas, enhancing our understanding of marine biogeochemistry, chemodiversity, and ecological processes

    Direct Analysis of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Using LC-FT-ICR MS

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    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important component of the global carbon cycle, yet its intricate composition and the sea salt matrix pose major challenges for chemical analysis. We introduce a direct injection, reversed-phase liquid chromatography ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry approach to analyze marine DOM without the need for solid-phase extraction. Effective separation of salt and DOM is achieved with a large chromatographic column and an extended isocratic aqueous step. Postcolumn dilution of the sample flow with buffer-free solvents and implementing a counter gradient reduced salt buildup in the ion source and resulted in excellent repeatability. With this method, over 5,500 unique molecular formulas were detected from just 5.5 nmol carbon in 100 μL of filtered Arctic Ocean seawater. We observed a highly linear detector response for variable sample carbon concentrations and a high robustness against the salt matrix. Compared to solid-phase extracted DOM, our direct injection method demonstrated superior sensitivity for heteroatom-containing DOM. The direct analysis of seawater offers fast and simple sample preparation and avoids fractionation introduced by extraction. The method facilitates studies in environments, where only minimal sample volume is available e.g. in marine sediment pore water, ice cores, or permafrost soil solution. The small volume requirement also supports higher spatial (e.g., in soils) or temporal sample resolution (e.g., in culture experiments). Chromatographic separation adds further chemical information to molecular formulas, enhancing our understanding of marine biogeochemistry, chemodiversity, and ecological processes

    Direct Analysis of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter Using LC-FT-ICR MS

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    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is an important component of the global carbon cycle, yet its intricate composition and the sea salt matrix pose major challenges for chemical analysis. We introduce a direct injection, reversed-phase liquid chromatography ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry approach to analyze marine DOM without the need for solid-phase extraction. Effective separation of salt and DOM is achieved with a large chromatographic column and an extended isocratic aqueous step. Postcolumn dilution of the sample flow with buffer-free solvents and implementing a counter gradient reduced salt buildup in the ion source and resulted in excellent repeatability. With this method, over 5,500 unique molecular formulas were detected from just 5.5 nmol carbon in 100 μL of filtered Arctic Ocean seawater. We observed a highly linear detector response for variable sample carbon concentrations and a high robustness against the salt matrix. Compared to solid-phase extracted DOM, our direct injection method demonstrated superior sensitivity for heteroatom-containing DOM. The direct analysis of seawater offers fast and simple sample preparation and avoids fractionation introduced by extraction. The method facilitates studies in environments, where only minimal sample volume is available e.g. in marine sediment pore water, ice cores, or permafrost soil solution. The small volume requirement also supports higher spatial (e.g., in soils) or temporal sample resolution (e.g., in culture experiments). Chromatographic separation adds further chemical information to molecular formulas, enhancing our understanding of marine biogeochemistry, chemodiversity, and ecological processes

    How aromatic dissolved organic matter differs in competitiveness against organic micropollutant adsorption

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    Activated carbon is employed for the adsorption of organic micropollutants (OMPs) from water, typically present in concentrations ranging from ng L−1 to μg L−1. However, the efficacy of OMP removal is considerably deteriorated due to competitive adsorption from background dissolved organic matter (DOM), present at substantially higher concentrations in mg L−1. Interpreting the characteristics of competitive DOM is crucial in predicting OMP adsorption efficiencies across diverse natural waters. Molecular weight (MW), aromaticity, and polarity influence DOM competitiveness. Although the aromaticity-related metrics, such as UV254, of low MW DOM were proposed to correlate with DOM competitiveness, the method suffers from limitations in understanding the interplay of polarity and aromaticity in determining DOM competitiveness. Here, we elucidate the intricate influence of aromaticity and polarity in low MW DOM competition, spanning from a fraction level to a compound level, by employing direct sample injection liquid chromatography coupled with ultrahigh-resolution Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Anion exchange resin pre-treatment eliminated 93% of UV254-active DOM, predominantly aromatic and polar DOM, and only minimally alleviated DOM competition. Molecular characterization revealed that nonpolar molecular formulas (constituting 26% PAC-adsorbable DOM) with medium aromaticity contributed more to the DOM competitiveness. Isomer-level analysis indicated that the competitiveness of highly aromatic LMW DOM compounds was strongly counterbalanced by increased polarity. Strong aromaticity-derived π-π interaction cannot facilitate the competitive adsorption of hydrophilic DOM compounds. Our results underscore the constraints of depending solely on aromaticity-based approaches as the exclusive interpretive measure for DOM competitiveness. In a broader context, this study demonstrates an effect-oriented DOM analysis, elucidating counterbalancing interactions of DOM molecular properties from fraction to compound level

    Spatial multi-omic map of human myocardial infarction

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    Myocardial infarction is a leading cause of death worldwide1. Although advances have been made in acute treatment, an incomplete understanding of remodelling processes has limited the effectiveness of therapies to reduce late-stage mortality2. Here we generate an integrative high-resolution map of human cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction using single-cell gene expression, chromatin accessibility and spatial transcriptomic profiling of multiple physiological zones at distinct time points in myocardium from patients with myocardial infarction and controls. Multi-modal data integration enabled us to evaluate cardiac cell-type compositions at increased resolution, yielding insights into changes of the cardiac transcriptome and epigenome through the identification of distinct tissue structures of injury, repair and remodelling. We identified and validated disease-specific cardiac cell states of major cell types and analysed them in their spatial context, evaluating their dependency on other cell types. Our data elucidate the molecular principles of human myocardial tissue organization, recapitulating a gradual cardiomyocyte and myeloid continuum following ischaemic injury. In sum, our study provides an integrative molecular map of human myocardial infarction, represents an essential reference for the field and paves the way for advanced mechanistic and therapeutic studies of cardiac disease

    Mast cells as protectors of health

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    Mast cells (MCs), which are well known for their effector functions in T(H)2-skewed allergic and also autoimmune inflammation, have become increasingly acknowledged for their role in protection of health. It is now clear that they are also key modulators of immune responses at interface organs, such as the skin or gut. MCs can prime tissues for adequate inflammatory responses and cooperate with dendritic cells in T-cell activation. They also regulate harmful immune responses in trauma and help to successfully orchestrate pregnancy. This review focuses on the beneficial effects of MCs on tissue homeostasis and elimination of toxins or venoms. MCs can enhance pathogen clearance in many bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, such as through Toll-like receptor 2-triggered degranulation, secretion of antimicrobial cathelicidins, neutrophil recruitment, or provision of extracellular DNA traps. The role of MCs in tumors is more ambiguous; however, encouraging new findings show they can change the tumor microenvironment toward antitumor immunity when adequately triggered. Uterine tissue remodeling by alpha-chymase (mast cell protease [MCP] 5) is crucial for successful embryo implantation. MCP-4 and the tryptase MCP-6 emerge to be protective in central nervous system trauma by reducing inflammatory damage and excessive scar formation, thereby protecting axon growth. Last but not least, proteases, such as carboxypeptidase A, released by Fc epsilon RI-activated MCs detoxify an increasing number of venoms and endogenous toxins. A better understanding of the plasticity of MCs will help improve these advantageous effects and hint at ways to cut down detrimental MC actions

    Mast cells as protectors of health

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