398 research outputs found

    Contribution Academic counseling Represented in Indicative quotas at Performance of undergraduate students for the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity According to Super

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    تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى البحث عن مدى اسهام الارشاد ممثلا  في الحصص الاعلامية  في أداء الطلاب الجامعيين للمهام التطورية للنضج المهني حسب نظرية سوبر وقد اتبعنا  المنهج الوصفي  للبحث في حيثيات الدراسة التي طبقت على 150 طالب وطالبة  ولجمع البيانات صممت استمارة استبيان لهذا الغرض وبعد  معالجة البيانات احصائيا توصلنا إلى أن الارشاد الاكاديمي يساهم عن طريق  الحصص الاعلامية يساهم في اداء الطلاب للمهام التطورية للنضج المهني كما أنه تم التوصل إلى انه لا توجد فروق بين الطلاب عينة الدراسة في ذلك باختلاف الجنس والتخصص والمستوىThe present study aimed  To search About  To what extent Contribution Academic counseling Represented in Indicative quotas at Performance of undergraduate students  For the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity According to Super Theory and we followed the descriptive approach To research the aspects the study Which Applied with150 students  And To collect data A questionnaire was designed for this purpose and After statistical analysis For data We have reached the following conclusions :  Academic counseling Contributes at Performance of undergraduate students  For the evolutionary tasks of professional maturity There were no differences in that  between the study sample students according to gender, specialization and leve

    Proposition D’une Demarche De Gestion Pour Reduire Les Risques De Conduite Des Projets D’implementation Des ERP Logistique

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    The logistics activity exercise is in fact submitted to several constraints related to physical, financial and information flows; it also requires operational expenses optimization, compliance with performance indicators and processes control. Being structured in different integrated modules, the ERPs provide operational, tactical and strategic planning features that allow the company to balance its supply and demand plans. Although project management practices are considered effective nowadays, many companies are still struggling to implement these ERPs and automate the various logistics processes: indeed the situation of such projects becomes uncontrollable or they are abandoned. It is therefore appropriate to consider, in this article, the main risks that may arise during the logistics integration in the ERPs; then try to explain the most adequate governance to implement in order to reduce their impact

    The improved Clinical Global Impression Scale (iCGI): development and validation in depression

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    BACKGROUND: The Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI) is frequently used in medical care and clinical research because of its face validity and practicability. This study proposes to improve the reliability of the Clinical Global Impression (CGI) scale in depressive disorders by the use of a semi-standardized interview, a new response format, and a Delphi procedure. METHODS: Thirty patients hospitalised for a major depressive episode were filmed at T1 (first week in hospital) and at T2 (2 weeks later) during a 5' specific interview. The Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale and the Symptom Check List were also rated. Eleven psychiatrists rated these videos using either the usual CGI response format or an improved response format, with or without a Delphi procedure. RESULTS: The new response format slightly improved (but not significantly) the interrater agreement, the Delphi procedure did not. The best results were obtained when ratings by 4 independent raters were averaged. In this situation, intraclass correlation coefficients were about 0.9. CONCLUSION: The Clinical Global Impression is a useful approach in psychiatry since it apprehends patients in their entirety. This study shows that it is possible to quantify such impressions with a high level of interrater agreement

    Predatory Bacteria: A Potential Ally against Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Pathogens

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    Multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria have emerged as a serious threat to human and animal health. Bdellovibrio spp. and Micavibrio spp. are Gram-negative bacteria that prey on other Gram-negative bacteria. In this study, the ability of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus and Micavibrio aeruginosavorus to prey on MDR Gram-negative clinical strains was examined. Although the potential use of predatory bacteria to attack MDR pathogens has been suggested, the data supporting these claims is lacking. By conducting predation experiments we have established that predatory bacteria have the capacity to attack clinical strains of a variety of ß-lactamase-producing, MDR Gram-negative bacteria. Our observations indicate that predatory bacteria maintained their ability to prey on MDR bacteria regardless of their antimicrobial resistance, hence, might be used as therapeutic agents where other antimicrobial drugs fail. © 2013 Kadouri et al

    Optimization of the medium perfusion rate in a packed-bed bioreactor charged with CHO cells

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    In the present study, the optimal medium perfusion rate to be used for the continuous culture of a recombinant CHO cell line in a packed-bed bioreactor made of Fibra-Cel® disk carriers was determined. A first-generation process had originally been designed with a high perfusion rate, in order to rapidly produce material for pre-clinical and early clinical trials. It was originally operated with a perfusion of 2.6vvd during production phase in order to supply the high cell density (2.5×107cellml−1 of packed-bed) with sufficient fresh medium. In order to improve the economics of this process, a reduction of the medium perfusion rate by −25% and −50% was investigated at small-scale. The best option was then implemented at pilot scale in order to further produce material for clinical trials with an improved second-generation process. With a −25% reduction of the perfusion rate, the volumetric productivity was maintained compared to the first-generation process, but a −30% loss of productivity was obtained when the medium perfusion rate was further reduced to −50% of its original level. The protein quality under reduced perfusion rate conditions was analyzed for purity, N-glycan sialylation level, abundance of dimers or aggregates, and showed that the quality of the final drug substance was comparable to that obtained in reference conditions. Finally, a reduction of −25% medium perfusion was implemented at pilot scale in the second-generation process, which enabled to maintain the same productivity and the same quality of the molecule, while reducing costs of media, material and manpower of the production process. For industrial applications, it is recommended to test whether and how far the perfusion rate can be decreased during the production phase - provided that the product is not sensitive to residence time - with the benefits of reduced cost of goods and to simplify manufacturing operation

    Neurodevelopmental theory of autism

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             يعرف التوحد/ اضطراب طيف الذاتوية (ASD) على انه اضطراب عصبي نمائي (neurodéveloppemental) يؤثر سلبا على قدرات التفاعل الاجتماعي، مهارات التواصل وعدد من مجالات الاهتمامات. ، حاولت العديد من التيارات ان تقدم تفسرا لهذا الاضطراب على غرار الاتجاه العصبي   الفرضية الحالية"الفرضية العصبية النمائية" تشير إلى أنه خلال النضج العصبي في الطفولة المبكرة، بعض الوظائف يمكن أن تكون مضطربة.و نظرا لأن هذه الاضطرابات تحدث في مراحل مختلفة من النمو العصبي الوظيفي، يمكن أن تكون قادرة على شرح كيف أن على المستوى الإكلينيكي يوجد اختلاف كبير لدى الفرد نفسه مقارنة مع آخرين سواء فيما يخص مظاهر التوحد أو القدرات المختلفة بين طفل لديه توحد و آخر أو عند نفس الطفل في مراحل مختلفة في حياته. عندما يهتم المختص بالتوحد حسب النظرية العصبية النمائية سيجد أنها تنقسم إلى تيارين مختلفين .                                                                التيار الأول يضم باحثين يعتبرون التوحد كنتيجة لتشوهات بنيوية هامة. التيار الثاني يطرح فرضية ان التوحد نتيجة تشوهات وظيفية اكثر منها تشوهات بنيوية لذلك سنحاول من خلال هذه الورقة البحثية توضيح وجهة نظر العلوم العصبية  للتوحد.وهو ما يوضح الخصوصية الفيزيولوجية  لفئة المصابين باضطراب طيف التوحدEnter Autism / ASD is defined as a neurodevelopmental disorde that affects social interaction skills, communication skills and a number of areas of interest Many currents tried to Explain this disorder as - neurodevelopmental theory The "neurodevelopmental  hypothesis" indicates that during neurological maturity of early childhood, certain functions can be disrupted. The second current hypothesis Considered  that autism is the result of functional   abnormal structural anomalies Through this study, we tray to  clarify the psychoneurobilogical basis of autism.as neurodevelopmental theory explain it&nbsp


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    L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer le risque de change EUR-MAD selon les recommandations de Bâle II en matière d’exigences en fonds propres au titre des risques de marché[1]. Les institutions financières ont recours aux modèles internes pour le calcul des exigences en fonds propres relatifs aux risques de marché.  La méthode des modèles internes de mesure de risque est construite sur le concept de VaR (Value at Risk) qui est devenu ainsi la mesure du risque privilégiée visant à établir un cadre réglementaire pour la gestion des risques de marché. Pour évaluer le risque de change EUR-MAD, on a appliqué trois modèles d’estimation de la VaR au cours de change de l’euro contre le dirham sur la période 01/01/2000 au 02/12/2011. Notre étude a montré que la VaR de Cornish-Fisher surestime fortement le risque en période de faible volatilité. La VaR normale sous-estime significativement le risque réel et reste non fiable. Nous arrivons à la conclusion que la VaR historique semble relativement plus performante pour évaluer le risque réel du cours de change EUR-MAD que les deux autres modèles étudiés. [1] On distingue généralement trois catégories de risques de marché : le risque de taux d’intérêt, le risque de change et le risque de variation de cours.  

    Change management in hospitals: A way to learn from climate change

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    Resolutely a complex and multidisciplinary organization, the hospital is undergoing several inevitable changes. Faced with so many changes and the risk of disappearing, it must transform, rethink and redefine its structures and strategies. Given this, change management is a critical factor in the success of organizational transformation strategies. In this respect, several change management practices have been proposed. Although applicable to any organization, these models and approaches require a perfect understanding of the reality of hospitals, as a change in hospitals is laborious and complicated. The change process in hospitals is still strongly marked by several constraints that handicap the management of change and make it challenging to implement changes. Rightly so, change management in a hospital may be hampered by technological, regulatory, organizational, managerial, or human resource constraints. Change management promotes continuous improvement where each actor must be considered a factor in the transformation of the hospital organization. To achieve this, the path to be followed must include more interaction and questioning, which encourage the learning of actors for the benefit of a learning hospital

    Optimization of the medium perfusion rate in a packed-bed bioreactor charged with CHO cells

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    In the present study, the optimal medium perfusion rate to be used for the continuous culture of a recombinant CHO cell line in a packed-bed bioreactor made of Fibra-Cel disk carriers was detd. A first-generation process had originally been designed with a high perfusion rate, in order to rapidly produce material for pre-clin. and early clin. trials. It was originally operated with a perfusion of 2.6 vvd during prodn. phase in order to supply the high cell d. (.apprx.2.5*107 cell ml-1 of packed-bed) with sufficient fresh medium. In order to improve the economics of this process, a redn. of the medium perfusion rate by -25% and -50% was investigated at small-scale. The best option was then implemented at pilot scale in order to further produce material for clin. trials with an improved second-generation process. With a -25% redn. of the perfusion rate, the volumetric productivity was maintained compared to the first-generation process, but a -30% loss of productivity was obtained when the medium perfusion rate was further reduced to -50% of its original level. The protein quality under reduced perfusion rate conditions was analyzed for purity, N-glycan sialylation level, abundance of dimers or aggregates, and showed that the quality of the final drug substance was comparable to that obtained in ref. conditions. Finally, a redn. of -25% medium perfusion was implemented at pilot scale in the second-generation process, which enabled to maintain the same productivity and the same quality of the mol., while reducing costs of media, material and manpower of the prodn. process. For industrial applications, it is recommended to test whether and how far the perfusion rate can be decreased during the prodn. phase - provided that the product is not sensitive to residence time - with the benefits of reduced cost of goods and to simplify manufg. operations. [on SciFinder (R)