19 research outputs found

    Analyse phytosociologique des formations de matorral du massif des Béni-Snasséne (Maroc Oriental)

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    Phytosociological analysis of Béni-Snassène shrubland (Morocco oriental). The study consists in defining the phytosociological units in which one line up the formings of the Béni-Snassène matorral, to specify their floristiques affinities with the groupings which their are close and their positions in the dynamic series of the region and finally to determine the climatic conditions and edaphic in which they develop. The methodology of approach used for that is known phytosociological or sigmatist. This one allowed the individualization of eight vegetable associations among which each is examined on the plans floristique, biogeographic, ecological and dynamic. These associations are arranged as follows: Classe of Quercetea ilicis with three associations integrated into the order of Pistacio-Rhamnetalia and the alliance of Asparago-Rhamnion; Classe of the Cisto-Lavanduletea with a single association belonging to the order of Halimietalia-riphaeo atlantici; Classe of the Rosmarinetea with four associations being attached to the order of Cisto mauritanici-Thymetalia munbyani

    Analysis of different ventilation strategies and CO2 distribution in a naturally ventilated classroom

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    CO2 monitoring has proven to be an effective and affordable way of controlling air ventilation rates, a paramount task for minimizing airborne contagions in indoor shared spaces. In this work, the CO2 distribution in a naturally-ventilated classroom has been thoroughly characterized, gaining information not only on the effectiveness of diverse ventilation strategies but also on the expected differences between CO2 values when varying the sampling location within the room. The results confirm that an adequate renewal of the air in the room requires the use of cross-ventilation, with openings in different walls. Furthermore, it was found that ventilation is optimized, for a given total opening area, when the openings are distributed as much as possible among different windows. For most of the studied conditions, a global windows opening area of 1.24 m2 with an open door was typically enough to yield CO2 concentrations below 700 ppm. The CO2 readings displayed a noticeable and consistent dependency on the sampling height, with below-average values at 0.75 m, the highest concentrations at 1.5 m, and levels close to the average when sampling at a height of 2.2 m. For a given height, the influence of the sampling location within the room was weaker, and more dependent on the specific ventilation strategy applied. However, the tests consistently showed CO2 records significantly lower for sensors installed on the walls. Besides a detailed spatial and temporal characterization of the ventilation process under different ventilation strategies, these results are thought to provide useful and novel information for a judicious placement of CO2 monitoring systems

    Utilisation des polysaccharides des algues marines comme biostimulants en horticulture

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    In order to meet the food needs of populations, it has become essential to improve crop yields in an ecological and sustainable way while reducing the use of chemical inputs which have negative impacts on the environment and living beings. Innovative technology to address these important challenges involves the development of novel plant biostimulants (PBs) and effective methods for their applications. Over time, macroalgae (seaweed) and its extracts are used as fertilizers, being cost effective and environmentally friendly and have shown a significant increase in crop yield globally. Recent studies suggest that biostimulants based on polysaccharides extracted from seaweed could be a solution to this problem. Application of these extracts has been shown to improve nutrient uptake and improve crop growth performance under stress and normal conditions. In this article, we review the role of these extracts as plant biostimulants and current studies of their uses in stimulating seed germination and the growth and elicitation of natural plant defense systems. This review article therefore focuses on the exploitation of seaweed extracts in agricultural activities as part of an eco-sustainable green technology. Keywords: Plant biostimulants, algal polysaccharides, plant growth, natural plant defenseAfin de satisfaire les besoins des populations en nourriture, il est devenu indispensable d’améliorer le rendement des cultures de manière écologique et durable tout en diminuant l’utilisation des intrants chimiques qui ont des impacts négatifs sur l’environnement et les êtres vivants. Une technologie innovante pour relever ces défis importants implique le développement de nouveaux biostimulants des plantes (PB) et de méthodes efficaces pour leurs applications. Au fil du temps, les macroalgues (algues) et leurs extraits sont utilisées comme engrais, étant rentables et respectueux de l'environnement et ont montré une augmentation significative du rendement des cultures à l'échelle mondiale. Des études récentes suggèrent que les biostimulants à base de polysaccharides extraits d’algues pourraient être une solution à ce problème. Il a été démontré que l’application de ces extraits améliorent l'absorption des nutriments et améliorent les performances de croissance des cultures dans des conditions de stress et normales. Dans cet article, nous passons en revue le rôle de ces extraits en tant que biostimulants végétaux et les études actuels de leurs utilisations sur la stimulation de la germination des graines et la croissance et l’élicitation des systèmes de défense naturelle des plantes. Cet article de synthèse met donc l'accent sur l'exploitation des extraits d’algues dans les activités agricoles dans le cadre d'une technologie verte éco-durable. Mots clés: Biostimulants des plantes, polysaccharides algaux, croissance des plantes, défense naturelle des plante

    Richesse et diversité floristique de la suberaie de la Mamora (Maroc).

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    RÉSUMÉ. Richesse et diversité floristique de la suberaie de la Mamora (Maroc). L’étude vise la quantification de la richesse et de la diversité floristique de l’écosystème à chêne - liège de la forêt de la Mamora sur la base de transects et relevés floristiques répartis selon un échantillonnage stratifié et systématique dans différentes formations végétales préalablement distinguées. Les résultats montrent que l’écosystème renferme 62 familles, 261 genres, 408 espèces, sous-espèces et variétés. 35 taxons sont très rares et 29 rares. 18 taxons sont endémiques, 1 très rare et endémique et 4 rares et endémiques. L’étude a, par ailleurs, permis de révéler la disparition totale de Erica arborea et E. scoparia de cet écosystème et de définir le spectre biologique de la région d’étude qui se caractérise par une nette dominance des thérophytes (50.5%).Mots clés. Quercus suber, richesse, diversité, Mamora, Maroc.ABSTRACT. Floristic richeness and diversity of the Mamora’s Cork Oak forest (Morocco.) The survey aims to quantify the floristic richeness and diversity of the Mamora’s forest oak-cork ecosystem on the basis of transects and floristic samples distributed according to a stratified and systematic sampling in the different plant formations previously distinguished. The results show that the ecosystem contains 62 families, 261 genders, 408 species, subspecies and varieties : 35 very rare taxa , 29 rare taxa ; 18 endemic taxa, 1 very rare and endemic taxa and 4 rare and endemic taxa. The survey has, otherwise, permitted to reveal the total disappearance of Erica arborea and E. scoparia from this ecosystem and to define the biological spectrum of the studied region, wich is characterized with a clear dominance of therophytes (50.5%).Keys words. Quercus suber, richeness, diversity, Mamora, Morocco

    Analyse phytosociologique des formations de matorral du massif des Béni-Snassène (Maroc oriental).

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    Phytosociological analysis of Béni-Snassène shrubland (Morocco oriental). The study consists in defining the phytosociological units in which one line up the formings of the Béni-Snassène matorral, to specify their floristiques affinities with the groupings which their are close and their positions in the dynamic series of the region and finally to determine the climatic conditions and edaphic in which they develop. The methodology of approach used for that is known &laqno;phytosociological» or &laqno;sigmatist». This one allowed the individualization of eight vegetable associations among which each is examined on the plans floristique, biogeographic, ecological and dynamic. These associations are arranged as follows: Classe of Quercetea ilicis with three associations integrated into the order of Pistacio-Rhamnetalia and the alliance of Asparago-Rhamnion; Classe of the Cisto-Lavanduletea with a single association belonging to the order of Halimietalia-riphaeo atlantici; Classe of the Rosmarinetea with four associations being attached to the order of Cisto mauritanici-Thymetalia munbyani

    Distance Education as an Alternative Mode of Learning in Morocco

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    Online education has become unavoidable due to Covid-19 confinement. The research community consisted of  students of different colleges, public and private in Souss Massa,  south of Morocco. The main objective was to compare the traditional and distance education  modes and how students conceive the change; trying to compare between the opinions of students before and during the confinement period, and whether they can opt for distance learning one day. The resort to an electronic questionnaire was compulsory to answer the major problematic which is: is distance education going to substitute traditional education in the future or not? This article contributes to the sociological literature on remote education by drawing on qualitative and quantitative data generated through 560 online electronic questionnaire responses. Results indicated that distance education was still in its infancy and the educational system was not prepared well enough to engage and provide ground for this type of learning

    Analyse phytosociologique des formations de matorral du massif des Béni-Snassène (Maroc oriental).

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    Phytosociological analysis of Béni-Snassène shrubland (Morocco oriental). The study consists in defining the phytosociological units in which one line up the formings of the Béni-Snassène matorral, to specify their floristiques affinities with the groupings which their are close and their positions in the dynamic series of the region and finally to determine the climatic conditions and edaphic in which they develop. The methodology of approach used for that is known &laqno;phytosociological» or &laqno;sigmatist». This one allowed the individualization of eight vegetable associations among which each is examined on the plans floristique, biogeographic, ecological and dynamic. These associations are arranged as follows: Classe of Quercetea ilicis with three associations integrated into the order of Pistacio-Rhamnetalia and the alliance of Asparago-Rhamnion; Classe of the Cisto-Lavanduletea with a single association belonging to the order of Halimietalia-riphaeo atlantici; Classe of the Rosmarinetea with four associations being attached to the order of Cisto mauritanici-Thymetalia munbyani