326 research outputs found

    Vacuum therapy in complex treatment of patients with odontogenic inflammatory process of the maxillofacial area and neck

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    ВАКУУМНАЯ ТЕРАПИЯРАНЫ, ХИРУРГИЧЕСКАЯ ОБРАБОТКАРАНЫ ЗАЖИВЛЕНИЕРЕГЕНЕРАЦИЯЧЕЛЮСТНО-ЛИЦЕВЫЕ ХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ОПЕРАЦИИОСТЕОМИЕЛИТКОСТЕЙ БОЛЕЗНИ ИНФЕКЦИОННЫЕМИКРОЦИРКУЛЯЦИЯЦель. Оценить эффективность применения вакуумной системы в комплексном лечении пациентов с одонтогенными инфекционно-воспалительными заболеваниями челюстно-лицевой области и шеи. Материал и методы. Проведено обследование 178 пациентов с острым одонтогенным остеомиелитом челюсти, осложненным флегмоной прилежащих клетчаточных пространств. Для оказания помощи пациентам основной группы дополнительно использовалась система для вакуумной терапии ран. Пациентам группы сравнения лечение проводилось с использованием стандартных методов. Группу контроля составили 50 здоровых лиц. Деформируемость эритроцитов (ДЭ) оценивали по времени прохождения их суспензии стандартного расстояния по пористому фильтру. Адгезию лейкоцитарно-тромбоцитарной суспензии (ЛТС) исследовали, регистрируя изменения светопропускания суспензии лейкоцитов до и после инкубации вместе с волокнистым субстратом с помощью агрегометра АР 2110 "СОЛАР". Результаты. При включении в лечебный комплекс вакуумной терапии в более короткие сроки (5 (5; 6) суток) купировалась боль при пальпации очага воспаления, на 7-е (5; 8) сутки восстанавливалась конфигурация лица, гиперемия кожи купировалась на 5-е (5; 6) сутки, гнойная экссудация из раны прекращалась на 6-е (5; 7) сутки, создавались благоприятные условия для начала формирования грануляций на 7-е (6; 8) сутки. Выявлено снижение продолжительности лечения (9 (8; 10) суток) основной группы пациентов относительно пациентов группы сравнения – 10 (8;12) суток. Вакуумная терапия при завершении лечения способствует снижению повышенных в начале лечения показателей микроциркуляции до уровня здоровых лиц. Заключение. Применение вакуумной терапии в лечении пациентов с острым одонтогенным остеомиелитом челюсти, осложненным флегмоной прилежащих клетчаточных пространств, способствует сокращению сроков заживления раны и уменьшению продолжительности лечения с 10 (8; 12) до 9 (8; 10) суток. Выявлена нормализация скорости и степени агрегации ЛТС, ДЭ в плазме крови при завершении лечения пациентов с использованием отрицательного давления.Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the vacuum system in the complex treatment of patients with odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area and neck. Methods. The examination of 178 patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw, complicated by phlegmon of the adjacent tissue spaces, was conducted. To manage the patients of the main group vacuum system was additionally used. Patients in the comparison group were treated using standard methods. The control group consisted of 50 healthy individuals. The erythrocyte deformability (ED) was evaluated by the time of their suspension passing of a standard distance through a porous filter. The adhesion of leukocyte-platelet suspension (LTS) was investigated by recording the changes in the light transmission of the leukocyte’s suspension before and after incubation with a fibrous substrate using the AR 2110 "SOLARф" aggregometer. Results. When vacuum therapy was included in the medical complex, in shorter terms (5 (5-6) days) the pain during palpation of the inflammatory focus was stopped; the face configuration was restored on the 7 (5-8) day; the skin redness was stopped on the 5 (5-6) day; purulent exudation from the wound was stopped on the 6 (5-7) day; favorable conditions were created for the beginning of the formation of granulations on the 7 (6-8) day. A decrease in treatment terms (9 (8-10) days) of the main group of patients in relation to the duration of treatment in patients with standard complex treatment (10 (8-12) days) was revealed. Vacuum therapy at the end of treatment helps to reduce microcirculation indices elevated at the beginning of treatment to the level of healthy individuals. Conclusions. The use of vacuum therapy in the treatment of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw, complicated by phlegmon of the adjacent tissue spaces, reduces the wound healing terms and reduces the duration of treatment from 10 (8; 12) days to 9 (8; 10) days. Normalization of the rate and degree of aggregation of LTS, DE in the blood plasma was revealed at the end of patients’ treatment using negative pressure

    Vacuum therapy in complex treatment of patients with odontogenic inflammatory process of the maxillofacial area and neck

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    ВАКУУМНАЯ ТЕРАПИЯРАНЫ, ХИРУРГИЧЕСКАЯ ОБРАБОТКАРАНЫ ЗАЖИВЛЕНИЕРЕГЕНЕРАЦИЯЧЕЛЮСТНО-ЛИЦЕВЫЕ ХИРУРГИЧЕСКИЕ ОПЕРАЦИИОСТЕОМИЕЛИТКОСТЕЙ БОЛЕЗНИ ИНФЕКЦИОННЫЕМИКРОЦИРКУЛЯЦИЯЦель. Оценить эффективность применения вакуумной системы в комплексном лечении пациентов с одонтогенными инфекционно-воспалительными заболеваниями челюстно-лицевой области и шеи. Материал и методы. Проведено обследование 178 пациентов с острым одонтогенным остеомиелитом челюсти, осложненным флегмоной прилежащих клетчаточных пространств. Для оказания помощи пациентам основной группы дополнительно использовалась система для вакуумной терапии ран. Пациентам группы сравнения лечение проводилось с использованием стандартных методов. Группу контроля составили 50 здоровых лиц. Деформируемость эритроцитов (ДЭ) оценивали по времени прохождения их суспензии стандартного расстояния по пористому фильтру. Адгезию лейкоцитарно-тромбоцитарной суспензии (ЛТС) исследовали, регистрируя изменения светопропускания суспензии лейкоцитов до и после инкубации вместе с волокнистым субстратом с помощью агрегометра АР 2110 "СОЛАР". Результаты. При включении в лечебный комплекс вакуумной терапии в более короткие сроки (5 (5; 6) суток) купировалась боль при пальпации очага воспаления, на 7-е (5; 8) сутки восстанавливалась конфигурация лица, гиперемия кожи купировалась на 5-е (5; 6) сутки, гнойная экссудация из раны прекращалась на 6-е (5; 7) сутки, создавались благоприятные условия для начала формирования грануляций на 7-е (6; 8) сутки. Выявлено снижение продолжительности лечения (9 (8; 10) суток) основной группы пациентов относительно пациентов группы сравнения – 10 (8;12) суток. Вакуумная терапия при завершении лечения способствует снижению повышенных в начале лечения показателей микроциркуляции до уровня здоровых лиц. Заключение. Применение вакуумной терапии в лечении пациентов с острым одонтогенным остеомиелитом челюсти, осложненным флегмоной прилежащих клетчаточных пространств, способствует сокращению сроков заживления раны и уменьшению продолжительности лечения с 10 (8; 12) до 9 (8; 10) суток. Выявлена нормализация скорости и степени агрегации ЛТС, ДЭ в плазме крови при завершении лечения пациентов с использованием отрицательного давления.Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the vacuum system in the complex treatment of patients with odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area and neck. Methods. The examination of 178 patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw, complicated by phlegmon of the adjacent tissue spaces, was conducted. To manage the patients of the main group vacuum system was additionally used. Patients in the comparison group were treated using standard methods. The control group consisted of 50 healthy individuals. The erythrocyte deformability (ED) was evaluated by the time of their suspension passing of a standard distance through a porous filter. The adhesion of leukocyte-platelet suspension (LTS) was investigated by recording the changes in the light transmission of the leukocyte’s suspension before and after incubation with a fibrous substrate using the AR 2110 "SOLARф" aggregometer. Results. When vacuum therapy was included in the medical complex, in shorter terms (5 (5-6) days) the pain during palpation of the inflammatory focus was stopped; the face configuration was restored on the 7 (5-8) day; the skin redness was stopped on the 5 (5-6) day; purulent exudation from the wound was stopped on the 6 (5-7) day; favorable conditions were created for the beginning of the formation of granulations on the 7 (6-8) day. A decrease in treatment terms (9 (8-10) days) of the main group of patients in relation to the duration of treatment in patients with standard complex treatment (10 (8-12) days) was revealed. Vacuum therapy at the end of treatment helps to reduce microcirculation indices elevated at the beginning of treatment to the level of healthy individuals. Conclusions. The use of vacuum therapy in the treatment of patients with acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw, complicated by phlegmon of the adjacent tissue spaces, reduces the wound healing terms and reduces the duration of treatment from 10 (8; 12) days to 9 (8; 10) days. Normalization of the rate and degree of aggregation of LTS, DE in the blood plasma was revealed at the end of patients’ treatment using negative pressure

    Regional risks of artificial forestation in the steppe zone of Kazakhstan (case study of the green belt of Astana)

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    This article deals with results of research on artificial forest in a green zone around the city of Astana. The authors of the article established temporary sample plots where condition, capacity for survival, and growth of trees were observed by standard techniques adapted to conditions of the forest-steppe subzone of Northern Kazakhstan. The reasons for the unsatisfactory condition of the planted forest were found and recommendations on improvement were made. The conclusion was drawn that to establish forest plantations it is necessary to select such species of trees and shrubs that will be resistant in specific conditions to the negative factors of urban lands. A possibility of replanting adult trees to intensify reforestation was also studied. The authors analyzed the dynamics of Silver birch preservation in 2011-2017. The Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon U test was used to prove the presence of differences between the types of trees' average preservations. Based on the data thus obtained, it was concluded that the forest plantations created by the different methods differed significantly in terms of the preservation rate, as well as in the heights and diameters of the trees. Forecasts of tree preservations in 2018 were made using moving average and linear regression methods. The best forecasts were chosen in terms of the mean relative absolute error of approximation. The results confirmed an initial hypothesis predicting significant differences between the methods used for artificial reforestation: the non-replanted trees are expected to have the highest rate of preservation, whereas the trees replanted to a low location, the lowest preservation rate. The prediction of the preservation rate of forest plantations of Silver birch created by the different methods will allow reducing the risks when conducting forestry activities on artificial reforestation. Regional features must be taken into account in the development of recommendations for a comprehensive system of measures which are based on the scientific forestry techniques to ensure optimum reforestation


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    Рurpose. Studying the types of transformation of phraseological units in the satirical works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov, analysis of structural and semantic features of transformed phraseological units. Scientific novelty. Determining the features of the individual style of these authors, describing the specifics of the stylistic use of stable combinations in satirical prose of the early 20th century, as well as indicating the main directions of changes in the composition of phraseological units of the language. Materials and methods. Phraseologisms-transforms were extracted from the text using a continuous sampling method as well as the method of statistical calculations, structural-semantic analysis and the comparative method. Results. The semantics of phraseological units-transforms is closely related to the context; certain phraseological units are used to describe subjective states and emphasize attribute meanings, as well as create a comic effect. Practical implications. Тhe material considered can be used in teaching special courses in Russian phraseology for philology students and similar elective courses in a secondary school or school with in-depth study of individual subjects of the humanities, as well as in the process of preparing schoolchildren for participation in Russian language olympiads

    Professional Burnout of Faculty Members of Higher Educational Institutions

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of professional burnout of the academic staff of a number of Moscow higher educational institutions. This problem most often affects residents of large cities, due to the intense rhythm of the city and lack of time for personal life, wasted on the way from home to work and back. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a sociological study conducted by the authors in 2019 on the basis of FSBEI HE Russian State Social University (RSSU), FSBEI HE Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic University (MSHEU), and FSBEI HE Russian State University of Tourism and Service (RSUTS). The problem of the deteriorated psychological state of teachers leading to professional burnout is poorly developed and causes increased research and practical interest, and gives rise to the practical need to improve the development of measures for the prevention and avoidance of burnout. All the above makes further research activity highly relevant, and may be extremely necessary in some universities. This is evidenced by the results of the study.: It is of vital importance to take measures to prevent professional burnout of the academic staff and to develop a strategy for a teacher-based approach considering personal qualities and potential. The administration should consider psychological, spiritual, and labor characteristics of teachers for the formation and distribution of individual schedules of teachers. The Novelty of the study is in investigating the professional burnout of the academic staff of an institution in Moscow

    Specifics of Compliance-Functions Application in the Sphere of AML/CFT

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    In the article, the authors consider issues of AML/CFT implementation in a world and Russian practice as a global threat to the national security of states and the world community as a whole. Despite the existence of regulated AML/CFT systems in foreign countries, the events of recent years have shown the necessity for their modernization in accordance with the conditions of global realities. At the same time, domestic experience is reflected in the insolvency of AML/CFT requirements.One of AML/CFT tools is the implementation of compliance functions in the activities of organizations. The authors carried out a complex analysis of the compliance phenomenon in Russian reality, identified and analyzed the main problems of introducing the function studied. Keywords: AML/CFT, compliance function, compliance officer, regulator, credit and non-credit financial organizations, compliance risk

    The Image of Municipalities

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    Purpose of the study: The aim of this study is to investigate the image of municipalities and also to determine the things that give the city a positive image of the territory. Methodology: The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the ideas and paradigms that were developed in the works of leading domestic sociologists, cult urologists, economists, and marketers. The applied individual methods include comparative analysis, typology, classification method, questionnaire, method of analysis of social factors and events Results: The Program of socio-economic development must be amended in the form of a subprogram for the formation of a positive image of the municipality of Chekhov, since today there are no projects or programs aimed at creating a positive image of the municipality to one degree or another, its popularization and perception among the local population and among tourists. Moreover, information support of the main assets of the municipality of Chekhov (information about the advantages of the territory, photographs and advertising leaflets) in social networks, the media, on the Internet, that is, marketing of historical and cultural heritage with a priority on the work of A.P. Chekhov Applications of this study: The formation of a favorable image is of fundamental importance primarily for residents of the municipality. It affects the creation and support of social optimism among the population, trust in the authorities and confidence in the future. Novelty of the study: The image of the municipality is formed from the priority elements of its structure and a set of certain factors of development and promotion of the territory. So, the novelty of this study is to asses this image in modern life