89 research outputs found

    Heating solution in the building of small-scale

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    Import 26/06/2013Cílem této bakalářské práce je úsporně navrhnout vytápění v rodinném domě, s důrazem na efektivnost vytápění a tepelnou pohodu uvnitř objektu. S ohledem na současné možnosti použití různých systémů vytápění a různých typů otopných těles, byly v objektu použity dva systémy vytápění a tři různé typy otopných těles. Vytápění v tomto domě je zajištěno pomocí kondenzační techniky. Součástí tohoto projektu je výkresová dokumentace stavební části spolu s technickou zprávou stavební části, dále také výkresová dokumentace vytápění spolu s technickou zprávou a přílohy, kde jsou uvedeny všechny výpočty potřebné k návrhu vytápění. Výsledný návrh splňuje požadavky všech současných norem ČSN a EN.The aim of thesis is to design in a family house a heating system economically, with focus on efficiency of heating and thermal comfort inside the building. In wiev of current posibilities of application various systems of heating and various systems of heating units were used two systems of heating systems and three types of hearing units in this object. Heating in this house is ensured with using a condensing technology. The project includes the desing documentation and technical report part of the tecnonic part of the building, as well as drawings and technical report of the heating system and appendixes where are quoted all of calculations needed to projecting the heating. The resulting suggestion fulfill all current BC and EN standards.Prezenční229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvýborn

    Vertical and horizontal variation of carbon pools and fluxes in soil profile of wet southern taiga in European Russia

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    Vertical and horizontal distributions of soil organic carbon, potential microbial activity and basic soil properties were studied in a boreal mixed forest (Central Forest Reserve, TVER region) to elucidate whether the soil CO2-efflux is related to basic soil properties that affect the C pool and activity. Soil cores (0–100 cm depth) were taken from two transects every 50 meters (44 points) immediately after completion of soil CO2-efflux measurements. Soil was separated into layers and moisture, bulk density, root density and bacterial counts were determined within one day after soil was taken. Microbial respiration, biomass, CN contents and pH were measured within few months. The variability in the soil CO2-efflux and microbial activity was mainly explained by soil bulk density. Results further indicate that laboratory measurements of microbial respiration can represent heterotrophic soil respiration of a distinctive ecosystem in natural conditions, if microbial respiration is measured after the effect of soil handling disappears

    Linking microbial diversity and functionality of Arctic glacial surface habitats

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    Distinct microbial habitats on glacial surfaces are dominated by snow and ice algae, which are the critical players and the dominant primary colonisers and net producers during the melt season. Here we have for the first time evaluated the role of these algae in association with the full microbial community composition (i.e., algae, bacteria, archaea) in distinct surface habitats and on twelve glaciers and permanent snow fields in Svalbard and Arctic Sweden. We cross-correlated these data with the analyses of specific metabolites such as fatty acids and pigments, and a full suite of potential critical physico-chemical parameters including major and minor nutrients, and trace metals. We show that correlations between single algal species, metabolites, and specific geochemical parameters can be used to unravel mixed metabolic signals in complex communities, further assign them to single species and infer their functionality. The data also clearly show that the production of metabolites in snow and ice algae is driven mainly by nitrogen and less so by phosphorus limitation. This is especially important for the synthesis of secondary carotenoids, which cause a darkening of glacial surfaces leading to a decrease in surface albedo and eventually higher melting rates. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Microbial diversity in waters, sediments and microbial mats evaluated using fatty acid-based methods

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    The review summarises recent advances towards a greater comprehensive assessment of microbial diversity in aquatic environments using the fatty acid methyl esters and phospholipid fatty acids approaches. These methods are commonly used in microbial ecology because they do not require the culturing of micro-organisms, are quantitative and reproducible and provide valuable information regarding the structure of entire microbial communities. Because some fatty acids are associated with taxonomic and functional groups of micro-organisms, they allow particular groups of micro-organisms to be distinguished. The integration of fatty acid-based methods with stable isotopes, RNA and DNA analyses enhances our knowledge of the role of micro-organisms in global nutrient cycles, functional activity and phylogenetic lineages within microbial communities. Additionally, the analysis of fatty acid profiles enables the shifts in the microbial diversity in pristine and contaminated environments to be monitored. The main objective of this review is to present the use of lipid-based approaches for the characterisation of microbial communities in water columns, sediments and biomats

    Hravou duši

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    Téma mé bakalářské práce zní Šperk pro... Vybrala jsem si pro své zpracování tématiku hry, pohybu a skládání. Tyto témata jsou mě velice blízké. Základem pro mou práci bylo vytvořit si systém, který by umožnil pohyb jednotlivých komponentů. Dále vytvoření jednotlivých segmentů a jejich kompletace dohromady. Každý šperk působí velmi hravě a pohyblivě. Materiál použitý pro práci je mosaz a ocelové dráty. Kolekce šperků má podnítit ke hře s nimi. Zapojit nositele so šperku. Kolekce čítá sedm šperkůObhájenoThe theme of my bachelor's thesis is "Jewel for ..." I chose the themes of play, movement and folding for my work. These topics are very close to me. The basis for my work was to create a system that would allow the movement of individual components. Next, creating individual segments and assembling them together. Every jewelery is very playful and movable. The material used for work is brass and steel wires. The collection of jewels is supposed to encourage them to play with them. The collection contains seven jewel

    Historical Development of the River Becva Cutoff Meander

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    Tato bakalářská práce pojednává o historickém vývoji slepého ramene řeky Bečvy. V první kapitole je popsána geologie a geomorfologie řeky Bečvy na katastrálním území města Hranice. Dále je v této části shrnuta hydrogeologie, pedologie a klimatické poměry zájmového území. Následně je zmíněna i fauna a flóra města Hranice. Druhá kapitola pojednává o historickém vývoji koryta řeky Bečvy a jejího slepého ramena. V této kapitole jsou popsány i povodně řeky v zájmovém území, které také formovaly tvar koryta řeky Bečvy. Jsou zde rozepsány i antropogenní zásahy do koryta řeky. Poslední kapitola je zaměřena na současný stav slepého ramene řeky Bečvy s možnými návrhy na úpravu stavu ramene.This bachelor thesis deals with the historical develepment of the river Bečva cutoff meander. The first chapter describes geology and geomorphology of the river Bečva on the cadastral territory of the town of Hranice. Further, hydrogeology, pedology and climatic conditions of the area of interest are summarized in this section. Fauna and flora of the town of Hranice are also mentioned. The second chapter deals with historical developments of Bečva‘s riverbed and its cutoff meander. This chapter describes also floods of the river Bečva in the area of interest, which also formed the shape of Bečva‘s riverbed. There are also described anthropogenic interventions into the riverbed. The last chapter is focused on the current condition of Bečva‘s cutoff meander including possible suggestions of adjustment of the river arm.546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Sports and hobby Activities as a prevention of Children and adolescents´ behavioral disorders

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    Bakalářská práce Sportovní a zájmová činnost jako prevence poruch chování dětí a mládeže se zabývá výkladem základních pojmů. Klasifikuje poruchy chování u dětí. Zaměřuje se na primární i sekundární prostředí, ve kterém se jedinec vyvíjí. Popisuje odborníky a jejich kompetence ve škole. Vysvětluje preventivní opatření, která předcházejí poruchám chování, nápravu či eliminaci symptomů. Empirická část mapuje prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření volný čas dětí a mládeže, jejich vztah ke sportu či jiné zájmové činnosti. Zjišťuje, s jakými projevy poruch chování se děti v pubertálním věku setkávají. Polostandardizované rozhovory s výchovným poradcem a školním metodikem prevence poukazují na důležitost spolupráce, prevence a vzájemné komunikace.The bachelor thesis Sports and leisure activities as a prevention of behavioral disorders of Children and adolescents deals with the interpretation of basic concepts. It classifies behavioral disorders. It focuses on the primary and secondary environment in which the individual develops. This thesis describes professionals at schools and their competencies, explains precautions that prevent behavioral disorders, correct or eliminate symptoms. The empirical part describes the leisure time of children and youths, their relationship to sports or other hobbies through a survey. It finds out what manifestations of behavioral disorders adolescents encounter. Semi-standardized interviews with an educational consultant and a school methodist of prevention show the importance of cooperation, prevention and mutual communication.

    An Efficiency Analysis BRANO, a. s. Company

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    Import 04/07/2011Diplomová práce nazvaná Analýza výkonnosti podniku BRANO a.s. je věnována hodnocení finanční situace. Cílem práce je zhodnotit firmu pomocí analýz a nalézt možná řešení. K dosažení vytyčeného cíle je použita řada analýz. Vybrané analýzy jsou horizontální, vertikální, poměrová a Douchova analýza, pyramidální rozklad a mezipodnikové srovnání. Z analýz vyplynulo, že firma má vysoké náklady, které by se měly snížit. Proto mým návrhem řešení je kalkulace ABC.My graduation theses entitled An Efficiency Analysis BRANO, a.s. Company is devoted to classification an financial situation. The aim of thesis is valorized company through the use of selected analysis and identify possible solution. To reach the aim of the target Range Analysis are used. The selected analysis are horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, ratio analysis, Doucha analysis, pyramidal analysis and intercompany comparison From the analysis it became that the company has a very high costs that would be reduced. Therefore, my suggestion of resolution is Activity Based Costing.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn