375 research outputs found

    Self-supervised automated wrapper generation for weblog data extraction

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    Data extraction from the web is notoriously hard. Of the types of resources available on the web, weblogs are becoming increasingly important due to the continued growth of the blogosphere, but remain poorly explored. Past approaches to data extraction from weblogs have often involved manual intervention and suffer from low scalability. This paper proposes a fully automated information extraction methodology based on the use of web feeds and processing of HTML. The approach includes a model for generating a wrapper that exploits web feeds for deriving a set of extraction rules automatically. Instead of performing a pairwise comparison between posts, the model matches the values of the web feeds against their corresponding HTML elements retrieved from multiple weblog posts. It adopts a probabilistic approach for deriving a set of rules and automating the process of wrapper generation. An evaluation of the model is conducted on a dataset of 2,393 posts and the results (92% accuracy) show that the proposed technique enables robust extraction of weblog properties and can be applied across the blogosphere for applications such as improved information retrieval and more robust web preservation initiatives

    Decoherence in elastic and polaronic transport via discrete quantum states

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    Here we study the effect of decoherence on elastic and polaronic transport via discrete quantum states. The calculations are performed with the help of nonperturbative computational scheme, based on the Green's function theory within the framework of polaron transformation (GFT-PT), where the many-body electron-phonon interaction problem is mapped exactly into a single-electron multi-channel scattering problem. In particular, the influence of dephasing and relaxation processes on the shape of the electrical current and shot noise curves is discussed in detail under the linear and nonlinear transport conditions.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Large-Scale Atomistic Simulations of Environmental Effects on the Formation and Properties of Molecular Junctions

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    Using an updated simulation tool, we examine molecular junctions comprised of benzene-1,4-dithiolate bonded between gold nanotips, focusing on the importance of environmental factors and inter-electrode distance on the formation and structure of bridged molecules. We investigate the complex relationship between monolayer density and tip separation, finding that the formation of multi-molecule junctions is favored at low monolayer density, while single-molecule junctions are favored at high density. We demonstrate that tip geometry and monolayer interactions, two factors that are often neglected in simulation, affect the bonding geometry and tilt angle of bridged molecules. We further show that the structures of bridged molecules at 298 and 77 K are similar.Comment: To appear in ACS Nano, 30 pages, 5 figure

    Thermoelectric effect in molecular electronics

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    We provide a theoretical estimate of the thermoelectric current and voltage over a Phenyldithiol molecule. We also show that the thermoelectric voltage is (1) easy to analyze, (2) insensitive to the detailed coupling to the contacts, (3) large enough to be measured and (4) give valuable information, which is not readily accessible through other experiments, on the location of the Fermi energy relative to the molecular levels. The location of the Fermi-energy is poorly understood and controversial even though it is a central factor in determining the nature of conduction (n- or p-type). We also note that the thermoelectric voltage measured over Guanine molecules with an STM by Poler et al., indicate conduction through the HOMO level, i.e., p-type conduction.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Green function techniques in the treatment of quantum transport at the molecular scale

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    The theoretical investigation of charge (and spin) transport at nanometer length scales requires the use of advanced and powerful techniques able to deal with the dynamical properties of the relevant physical systems, to explicitly include out-of-equilibrium situations typical for electrical/heat transport as well as to take into account interaction effects in a systematic way. Equilibrium Green function techniques and their extension to non-equilibrium situations via the Keldysh formalism build one of the pillars of current state-of-the-art approaches to quantum transport which have been implemented in both model Hamiltonian formulations and first-principle methodologies. We offer a tutorial overview of the applications of Green functions to deal with some fundamental aspects of charge transport at the nanoscale, mainly focusing on applications to model Hamiltonian formulations.Comment: Tutorial review, LaTeX, 129 pages, 41 figures, 300 references, submitted to Springer series "Lecture Notes in Physics

    A microplate technique to simultaneously assay calcium accumulation in endoplasmic reticulum and SERCA release of inorganic phosphate

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    Traditional analyses of calcium homeostasis have separately quantified either calcium accumulation or release mechanisms. To define the system as a whole, however, requires multiple experimental techniques to examine both accumulation and release. Here we describe a technique that couples the simultaneous quantification of radio-labeled calcium accumulation in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) microsomes with the release of inorganic phosphate (Pi) by the hydrolytic activity of sarco-endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) all in the convenience of a 96-well format

    Skeletal muscle ATP synthesis and cellular H+ handling measured by localized 31P-MRS during exercise and recovery

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    31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is widely used for non-invasive investigation of muscle metabolism dynamics. This study aims to extend knowledge on parameters derived from these measurements in detail and comprehensiveness: proton (H+) efflux, buffer capacity and the contributions of glycolytic (L) and oxidative (Q) rates to ATP synthesis were calculated from the evolutions of phosphocreatine (PCr) and pH. Data are reported for two muscles in the human calf, for each subject and over a wide range of exercise intensities. 22 subjects performed plantar flexions in a 7T MR-scanner, leading to PCr changes ranging from barely noticeable to almost complete depletion, depending on exercise protocol and muscle studied by localized MRS. Cytosolic buffer capacity was quantified for the first time non-invasively and individually, as was proton efflux evolution in early recovery. Acidification started once PCr depletion reached 60–75%. Initial and end-exercise L correlated with end-exercise levels of PCr and approximately linear with pH. Q calculated directly from PCr and pH derivatives was plausible, requiring fewer assumptions than the commonly used ADP-model. In conclusion, the evolution of parameters describing cellular energy metabolism was measured over a wide range of exercise intensities, revealing a relatively complete picture of muscle metabolism

    Effect of cadence on locomotor–respiratory coupling during upper-body exercise

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    Introduction: Asynchronous arm-cranking performed at high cadences elicits greater cardiorespiratory responses compared to low cadences. This has been attributed to increased postural demand and locomotor–respiratory coupling (LRC), and yet, this has not been empirically tested. This study aimed to assess the effects of cadence on cardiorespiratory responses and LRC during upper-body exercise. Methods: Eight recreationally-active men performed arm-cranking exercise at moderate and severe intensities that were separated by 10 min of rest. At each intensity, participants exercised for 4 min at each of three cadences (50, 70, and 90 rev min−1) in a random order, with 4 min rest-periods applied in-between cadences. Exercise measures included LRC via whole- and half-integer ratios, cardiorespiratory function, perceptions of effort (RPE and dyspnoea), and diaphragm EMG using an oesophageal catheter. Results: The prevalence of LRC during moderate exercise was highest at 70 vs. 50 rev min−1 (27 ± 10 vs. 13 ± 9%, p = 0.000) and during severe exercise at 90 vs. 50 rev min−1 (24 ± 7 vs. 18 ± 5%, p = 0.034), with a shorter inspiratory time and higher mean inspiratory flow (p < 0.05) at higher cadences. During moderate exercise, (Formula presented.) and fC were higher at 90 rev min−1 (p < 0.05) relative to 70 and 50 rev min−1 ((Formula presented.) 1.19 ± 0.25 vs. 1.05 ± 0.21 vs. 0.97 ± 0.24 L min−1; fC 116 ± 11 vs. 101 ± 13 vs. 101 ± 12 b min−1), with concomitantly elevated dyspnoea. There were no discernible cadence-mediated effects on diaphragm EMG. Conclusion: Participants engage in LRC to a greater extent at moderate-high cadences which, in turn, increase respiratory airflow. Cadence rate should be carefully considered when designing aerobic training programmes involving the upper-limbs

    Fractional Ca2+ Currents through TRP and TRPL Channels in Drosophila Photoreceptors

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    AbstractLight responses in Drosophila photoreceptors are mediated by two Ca2+ permeable cation channels, transient receptor potential (TRP) and TRP-like (TRPL). Although Ca2+ influx via these channels is critical for amplification, inactivation, and light adaptation, the fractional contribution of Ca2+ to the currents (Pf) has not been measured. We describe a slow (τ ∼ 350 ms) tail current in voltage-clamped light responses and show that it is mediated by electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchange. Assuming a 3Na:1Ca stoichiometry, we derive empirical estimates of Pf by comparing the charge integrals of the exchanger and light-induced currents. For TRPL channels, Pf was ∼17% as predicted by Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz (GHK) theory. Pf for TRP (29%) and wild-type flies (26%) was higher, but lower than the GHK prediction (45% and 42%). As predicted by GHK theory, Pf for both channels increased with extracellular [Ca2+], and was largely independent of voltage between –100 and –30 mV. A model incorporating intra- and extracellular geometry, ion permeation, diffusion, extrusion, and buffering suggested that the deviation from GHK predictions was largely accounted for by extracellular ionic depletion during the light-induced currents, and the time course of the Na+/Ca2+ exchange current could be used to obtain estimates of cellular Ca2+ buffering capacities