721 research outputs found

    The Interacting Branching Process as a Simple Model of Innovation

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    We describe innovation in terms of a generalized branching process. Each new invention pairs with any existing one to produce a number of offspring, which is Poisson distributed with mean p. Existing inventions die with probability p/\tau at each generation. In contrast to mean field results, no phase transition occurs; the chance for survival is finite for all p > 0. For \tau = \infty, surviving processes exhibit a bottleneck before exploding super-exponentially - a growth consistent with a law of accelerating returns. This behavior persists for finite \tau. We analyze, in detail, the asymptotic behavior as p \to 0.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    What is the Discrete Gauge Symmetry of the MSSM?

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    We systematically study the extension of the Supersymmetric Standard Model (SSM) by an anomaly-free discrete gauge symmetry Z_N. We extend the work of Ibanez and Ross with N=2,3 to arbitrary values of N. As new fundamental symmetries, we find four Z_6, nine Z_9 and nine Z_18. We then place three phenomenological demands upon the low-energy effective SSM: (i) the presence of the mu-term in the superpotential, (ii) baryon-number conservation upto dimension-five operators, and (iii) the presence of the see-saw neutrino mass term LHLH. We are then left with only two anomaly-free discrete gauge symmetries: baryon-triality, B_3, and a new Z_6, which we call proton-hexality, P_6. Unlike B_3, P_6 prohibits the dimension-four lepton-number violating operators. This we propose as the discrete gauge symmetry of the Minimal SSM, instead of R-parity.Comment: Typo in item 2 below Eq.(6.9) corrected (wrong factor of "3"); 27 pages, 5 table

    Webs of Lagrangian Tori in Projective Symplectic Manifolds

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    For a Lagrangian torus A in a simply-connected projective symplectic manifold M, we prove that M has a hypersurface disjoint from a deformation of A. This implies that a Lagrangian torus in a compact hyperk\"ahler manifold is a fiber of an almost holomorphic Lagrangian fibration, giving an affirmative answer to a question of Beauville's. Our proof employs two different tools: the theory of action-angle variables for algebraically completely integrable Hamiltonian systems and Wielandt's theory of subnormal subgroups.Comment: 18 pages, minor latex problem fixe

    Digital chronofiles of life experience

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    Technology has brought us to the point where we are able to digitally sample life experience in rich multimedia detail, often referred to as lifelogging. In this paper we explore the potential of lifelogging for the digitisation and archiving of life experience into a longitudinal media archive for an individual. We motivate the historical archive potential for rich digital memories, enabling individuals’ digital footprints to con- tribute to societal memories, and propose a data framework to gather and organise the lifetime of the subject

    Friction of the surface plasmon by high-energy particle-hole pairs: Are memory effects important?

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    We show that the dynamics of the surface plasmon in metallic nanoparticles damped by its interaction with particle-hole excitations can be modelled by a single degree of freedom coupled to an environment. In this approach, the fast decrease of the dipole matrix elements that couple the plasmon to particle-hole pairs with the energy of the excitation allows a separation of the Hilbert space into low- and high-energy subspaces at a characteristic energy that we estimate. A picture of the spectrum consisting of a collective excitation built from low-energy excitations which interacts with high-energy particle-hole states can be formalised. The high-energy excitations yield an approximate description of a dissipative environment (or "bath") within a finite confined system. Estimates for the relevant timescales establish the Markovian character of the bath dynamics with respect to the surface plasmon evolution for nanoparticles with a radius larger than about 1 nm.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; see also cond-mat/070372

    Quantum memory effects on the dynamics of electrons in small gold clusters

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    Electron dynamics in metallic clusters are examined using a time-dependent density functional theory that includes a 'memory term', i.e. attempts to describe temporal non-local correlations. Using the Iwamoto, Gross and Kohn exchange-correlation (XC) kernel we construct a translationally invariant memory action from which an XC potential is derived that is translationally covariant and exerts zero net force on the electrons. An efficient and stable numerical method to solve the resulting Kohn-Sham equations is presented. Using this framework, we study memory effects on electron dynamics in spherical Jellium 'gold clusters'. We find memory significantly broadens the surface plasmon absorption line, yet considerably less than measured in real gold clusters, attributed to the inadequacy of the Jellium model. Two-dimensional pump-probe spectroscopy is used to study the temporal decay profile of the plasmon, finding a fast decay followed by slower tail. Finally, we examine memory effects on high harmonic generation, finding memory narrows emission lines

    Measuring Progress in Robotics: Benchmarking and the ‘Measure-Target Confusion’

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    While it is often said that in order to qualify as a true science robotics should aspire to reproducible and measurable results that allow benchmarking, I argue that a focus on benchmarking will be a hindrance for progress. Several academic disciplines that have been led into pursuing only reproducible and measurable ‘scientific’ results—robotics should be careful not to fall into that trap. Results that can be benchmarked must be specific and context-dependent, but robotics targets whole complex systems independently of a specific context—so working towards progress on the technical measure risks missing that target. It would constitute aiming for the measure rather than the target: what I call ‘measure-target confusion’. The role of benchmarking in robotics shows that the more general problem to measure progress towards more intelligent machines will not be solved by technical benchmarks; we need a balanced approach with technical benchmarks, real-life testing and qualitative judgment

    Users, Economics, Technology: Unavoidable Interdynamics

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    This paper briefly presents some conclusions of a brainstorming session on the way technology is evolving in ICT. Technology advances have overcome society ability to answer, both in economic and in human aspects. The current design paradigms, of agnostic technology development, need to be reconsidered, and the user needs to be repositioned at the center of future developments

    Foundations for Relativistic Quantum Theory I: Feynman's Operator Calculus and the Dyson Conjectures

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    In this paper, we provide a representation theory for the Feynman operator calculus. This allows us to solve the general initial-value problem and construct the Dyson series. We show that the series is asymptotic, thus proving Dyson's second conjecture for QED. In addition, we show that the expansion may be considered exact to any finite order by producing the remainder term. This implies that every nonperturbative solution has a perturbative expansion. Using a physical analysis of information from experiment versus that implied by our models, we reformulate our theory as a sum over paths. This allows us to relate our theory to Feynman's path integral, and to prove Dyson's first conjecture that the divergences are in part due to a violation of Heisenberg's uncertainly relations