213 research outputs found

    Europe between China and the United States : geoeconomic implications of the belt and road initiative

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    Purpose: The research aims to examine the scope, nature and strength of the EU’s relations with China and the United States, under new circumstances created by the development of the Belt and Road Initiative. Design/Methodology/Approach: In pursuance of the goals, three main research fields were identified. The first part of the research covers the EU-China relationship with special regard to the Belt and Road Initiative development. The second part concentrates on the transatlantic relationship under the specific terms of Sino-American competition. The third section is devoted to measuring the strength of economic ties between the EU with China and the U.S. The multidimensional analysis of the EU-China and the EU-U.S. bilateral cooperation is conducted within the framework of the geoeconomic theory. The main tool used in the first and second part of the research is a literature analysis whereas to reflect the strength of geoeconomic relations between the countries geoeconomic vulnerability indicators were employed. Findings: The BRI is an instrument promoting China’s model for international economic cooperation, giving an advantage to the Chinese state and commercial enterprises at the expense of the U.S. and other partners of the EU. Although China has an advantage in terms of trade, its FDI is yet to catch up with those from the U.S. However, as China consistently increases trade and investments in the EU countries, its geoeconomic and geopolitical influence in the region may definitely increase. Practical Implications: The proposed set of indicators can be used to assess and monitor the strength and nature of bilateral relations between countries from a geoeconomic perspective. Originality/Value: The article provides a comprehensive and multidimensional analysis of the current EU-China-U.S. relations in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative. In this paper, the authors examine relations between the above mentioned countries by means of a geoeconomic approach.peer-reviewe

    International Character of Latin Electronical Terms

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    The article deals with the possibilities of the Latin language usage as a means of communication in the modern world. It is an analysis leading to answering the question about Latin’s inherent possibilities for passing the content, that so largely determinate the intellectual activity of modern man. Latin taking up this challenge requires introducing new terms and phrases to the resources of its vocabulary. The article discusses the currently used Latin international vocabulary in the field of electronics, computer science and the Internet, describing a number of issues concerning the lexical efficiency of Latin used these days. The aim of the study is to draw attention to the enormous potential that Latin possesses, and furthermore to demonstrate that due to its potential for word formation, Latin has a good chance to meet the challenges that the vast current technological progress and accordingly the requirement for creating new specialized terms pose for all languages

    The factors which have an impact on patients when they are choosing health care centres in Polan

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    This article is the presentation of factors which have an impact on patients when they are choosing services in health care sector. The kinds of needs and the characteristic features of medical services which influence directly on patients are shown in this paper. Presented research of appropriate group of health care centre respondents has shown that the main emphasis they put on the time of waiting for an appointment, doctors’ competences and the staff’s attitude towards patients

    Academic Research Achievements in the Geography of Tourism at the Department of Regional Geography and Tourism, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin: DidacticI and Practical Applications

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    The present paper is an attempt to assess academic research achievements in the field of the geography of tourism and their didactic and practical applications. The study method was a review of academic articles and archival compilations as well as materials collected in the department

    Ochrona patentowa w porozumieniu TRIPS i prawo do zdrowia – czy da się je ze sobą pogodzić?

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    The monopoly enjoyed by pharmaceutical manufacturers, resulting from the protection of intellectual property, directly affects the price of medicinal products and thus their availability, especially in developing and least-developed countries. The aim of the article was to examine the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights adopted under the World Trade Organization, an attempt to answer the question of whether it is possible to reconcile the protection of intellectual property with the human right to health.Monopol przysługujący producentom leków, wynikający z ochrony własności intelektualnej, wpływa bezpośrednio na cenę produktów leczniczych, a co za tym idzie na ich dostępność, szczególnie w krajach rozwijających się i najmniej rozwiniętych. Celem artykułu była analiza postanowień porozumienia w sprawie handlowych aspektów praw własności intelektualnej, przyjętego w ramach Światowej Organizacji Handlu, a także próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy możliwe jest pogodzenie ochrony własności intelektualnej z prawem człowieka do zdrowia

    Relationship marketing challenges in the health care organizations

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    This article is the presentation of relationship challenges in the health care organizations in Poland. This article presents the main aspects of relationship marketing in relation to medicinal plants. The aim of the article is critical to look at the challenges faced by marketing management in the clinics focus was on the challenges of managing the relationship. It identified the main areas of the challenges facing responsible for the implementation and management of relationship marketing in health care organizations

    The interplay between coach transformational leadership and coach–athlete relationship in supporting athletes' positive psychological outcomes

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    The purpose of this research was to explore the interplay between coach transformational leadership and coach-athlete relationship, and the effect on athletes’ positive psychological outcomes though three separate studies. The research positioned both transformational leadership and coach-athlete relationship as distinct yet highly related factors of a social environment created by coaches. [Continues.

    Sustainable marketing in the health care organizations

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    This article presents the main aspects of sustainable marketing in health care organizations and how it can be put into treatment. The aim of the article is to bring closer the idea of sustainable development and, in particular, marketing, which prioritises responsibility towards the community in which the organization is located

    Planowanie i wdrażanie komunikacji marketingowej miasta na przykładzie Lublina

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    At present, effective city management requires the use of modern forms of communication. The progress that has been made over the Internet has provided huge opportunities for interactive communication and information transfer. The aim of the study is to review and characterize the activities carried out by the city of Lublin in creating its marketing communication over the last ten years. The basic methods used were expert interviews and quantitative and qualitative analysis of strategic documents and literature. The fi ndings concern on tools used in the process of shaping the image of the city and promoting urban tourism: the mobile application, profi les on FB and the Lublin Tourist Card. Activities undertaken in Lublin indicate that the huge role of social media and Web 2.0 tools in the promotion of the city has already been noticed. The tourist image of the city is being created by means of modern communication tools. This image is a key factor in decisions taken by tourists regarding their travel destination.Efektywne zarządzanie miastem wymaga wykorzystania nowoczesnych form komunikacji. Postęp, jaki dokonał się w Internecie, dostarczył ogromnych możliwości w zakresie interaktywnego komunikowania się i przekazywania informacji. Celem pracy jest przegląd i charakterystyka działań realizowanych w zakresie kreowania komunikacji marketingowej, podejmowanej w ostatnich dziecięciu latach przez miasto Lublin. W analizie wykorzystano metodę wywiadu eksperckiego oraz przeglądu literatury i dokumentów strategicznych. Opisane wyniki badań dotyczą najnowszych narzędzi stosowanych w procesie kształtowania wizerunku miasta i promowania turystyki miejskiej: aplikacji mobilnej, profi li na FB i Lubelskiej Karty Turysty. Działania podejmowane w Lublinie wskazują, iż dostrzeżono już ogromną rolę mediów elektronicznych oraz społecznościowych w jego promowaniu. Przy wykorzystaniu nowoczesnych narzędzi komunikacji kreowany jest turystyczny wizerunek miasta, stanowiący kluczowy czynnik wpływający na decyzje podejmowane przez turystę, dotyczące wyboru miejsca docelowego swojego wyjazdu

    Rethinking Suburban Governance in the CEE Region: A Comparison of Two Municipalities in Poland and Lithuania

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    In this article, we seek to analyse and compare the modalities of suburban governance in Polish and Lithuanian municipalities looking at the territorial development trends typical for the Central Eastern Europe region. The theoretical elaborations on suburban governance are evolving towards the analysis of constellations of diverse actors, institutions and processes that define the politics and design of suburban spaces. We assume that there are similarities and differences in suburban governance in the analysed localities compared to Western countries in terms of networks, actors and territorialisation of local politics. Despite both suburban municipalities showing similarities in suburban development patterns (growing middle-class population, economic capital accumulation, suburban sprawl and interconnectedness with the metropolitan zone), the analysis reveals the main differences in terms of composition and importance of horizontal and vertical networks, the role of local stakeholders and collective action. The article concludes that both localities represent a specific approach to suburban governance marked by low stakeholders’ participation, dependence on the top down vertical state and regional networks and the creation of urban-suburban policies within metropolitan areas