61 research outputs found


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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to predict quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer on the basis of personality dimensions from the Five-factor model. Subjects and methods: The study included 56 patients with colorectal cancer (40 men and 16 women), aged 48-87. The following instruments were used: the Questionnaire on General Information and Lifestyle Habits, the Quality of Life Scale, and the Neo Five-Factor Inventory. Results: The results of overall quality of life estimations of colorectal cancer patients were comparable to those of healthy people. Contrary to expectations, extraversion was not a significant quality of life predictor. Neuroticism as a personality trait was the only variable which consistently proved to be highly significant across analyses in the prediction of total quality of life, satisfaction with past life, future expectations, and comparison with others. Key determinants of neuroticism are a proneness to experiencing negative affects which makes adaptation difficult, a proneness to irrational ideas, reduced impulse control, ineffective coping strategies, the perception of poor control over oneself and others, and deeming one’s own resources to be insufficient to adequately cope with stress, thus resulting in a more negative quality of life estimation. Conclusion: These results support the conclusion that cognitive-behavioral interventions aimed at changing negative attributions, reducing tension and negative affects, acquiring more effective coping strategies, strengthening perceived personal control, redefining and re-conceptualizing quality of life, and seeking/receiving more adequate social support could lead to an improved quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer

    Specifičnosti kognitivnih funkcija u nepsihotičnih psihijatrijskih bolesnika

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je provjeriti kakav učinak ima povišenje na ljestvicama rijetkih pojava na inventaru ličnosti, koje može upućivati na simuliranje, na postignuće na testovima pamćenja, vidnoperceptivnih i vidnokonstruktivnih funkcija: Testu auditivno verbalnog učenja (AVLT), subtestu Logičko pamćenje iz Wechslerove ljestvice pamćenja (WMS), Rey-Osterriethovom testu složenog lika (CFT). U istraživanju su sudjelovale 203 osobe (148 muškaraca i 55 žena), podijeljeni u dvije skupine na osnovi dijagnoze: skupina s nepsihotičnim psihijatrijskim poremećajima (N=110) i skupina s organskim oštećenjem središnjeg živčanog sustava (N=93). Rezultati na ljestvici rijetkih pojava (F) iz Minessota multifazičnog inventara ličnosti (MMPI-2) korišteni su kao osnova za razvrstavanje sudionika u skupine s valjanim ili s nevaljanim profilom na inventaru ličnosti. Rezultati pokazuju da osobe s nepsihotičnim psihijatrijskim poremećajem i nevaljanim profilom na MMPI-2 postižu statistički značajno niže rezultate na testovima pamćenja, vidnoperceptivnih i vidnokonstruktivnih funkcija nego osobe s nepsihotičnim psihijatrijskim poremećajem i valjanim profilom na MMPI-2. U skupini osoba s organskim oštećenjem središnjeg živčanog sustava nisu nađene značajne razlike u postignuću na ovim testovima između osoba s valjanim i osoba s nevaljanim profilom na MMPI-2. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da u skupini osoba s organskim oštećenjem središnjeg živčanog sustava nije opravdano koristiti ljestvicu F kao pokazatelj smanjenog napora pri izradi kognitivnih zadataka. Također, u skupini nepsihotičnih psihijatrijskih poremećaja niži rezultati na testovima pamćenja, vizuoperceptivnih i vizuokonstruktivnih funkcija u onih s nevaljanim profilom nisu nužno odraz svjesno smanjenog napora pri izradi ovih zadataka, nego mogu biti posljedica dublje regresije i više akutne trpnje u ovih osoba što ih čini smanjeno učinkovitima i na testovima kognitivnih funkcija.The aim of this research was to examine the impact of Infrequency scales elevation on the personality inventory, which can refer to malingering, on the memory, visuoperceptual and visuoconstructional tests achievements: Auditory Verbal Learning Test (AVLT), subtest of Logical Memory from Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS), Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (CFT). In the study 203 participants were included (148 men and 55 women), divided into two groups based on diagnosis: the group with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders (N=110) and the group with brain lesions (N=93). The results on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) Infrequency scale (F) were used as the base for classification of the participants into groups with valid or invalid profile of the personality inventory. The results show that participants with non-psychotic psychiatric disorder and invalid profile on MMPI-2 achieve statistically significant lower results on memory, visuoperceptual and visuoconstructional tests than participants with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders and valid profile on MMPI-2. Within the group with the brain lesion no significant differences in achievements on these tests between persons with valid and persons with invalid profile on MMPI-2 are found. These results show that in the group with brain lesion it is not justified to use the scale F as an indicator of suboptimal effort in performing cognitive tasks. Also, in the group of nonpsychotic psychiatric disorders lower scores on memory, visuoperceptual and visuoconstructional tests in those with invalid profile are not necessarily reflection of lower efforts in performing these tasks, but could be the consequence of the deeper regression and more acute distress which makes them less effecient on cognitive functions tests as well

    Situational analysis of the apple market in the Republic of Croatia

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    Jabuka je najzastupljenija voćna vrsta u prehrani. Pri uzgoju jabuka važno je uzeti u obzir sklonosti potrošača, njihovih motiva i navika konzumacije. U ovom radu analizirano je svjetsko, europsko i hrvatsko tržište jabuka. Cilj analize tržišta bio je prikazati trendove u proizvodnji i razmjeni jabuka u Republici Hrvatskoj te trendove u potrošnji jabuka na uzorku od 100 ispitanika iz Požeško-slavonske županije. Proizvodnja jabuka u Republici Hrvatskoj značajno oscilira i u prevelikoj mjeri ovisi o vremenskim uvjetima. Iako ima značajnih pozitivnih pomaka u vidu povećanja kvantitete i organiziranja proizvođača, i dalje postoji problem boljeg nastupa na tržištu zbog nedostatka skladišne infrastrukture, što onemogućuje sukcesivnu otpremu traženih količina. Posljedično, proizvođači nastupaju pojedinačno i konkuriraju jedni drugima i na domaćem i na inozemnom tržištu. Senzorskim ispitivanjem je 100 potrošača, u razdoblju 2014. - 2015. godine na području Požeško-slavonske županije, ocjenjivalo pet različitih sorti jabuka. Sorta Braeburn, najbolje je ocijenjena po svim organoleptičkim svojstvima, zatim sorta Fuji, slijede Gala, Idared i Zlatni delišes. Sorte Braeburn i Fuji po cjelokupnom općem dojmu ocijenjene su kao najbolje od istraživanih sorti. Stoga, podaci iz ovog istraživanja upućuju da su potrošači naklonjeni novijim sortama, kao što su Braeburn i Fuji. Imperativ povećanja konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje nalaže veću zastupljenost navedenog sortimenta u proizvodnoj strukturi modernih nasada jabuka, barem na prostorima Požeško-slavonske županije.Apple is the most represented fruit kind in our nourishment. It is important to take into consideration the consumers' preference, motif and habits of consumption before cultivation of apples. In this paper the world, european and croatian apple market will be studied. The aim of the market analysis is to present the trends in production and exchange in the Republic of Croatia as well as trends in consumption on sample of 100 respondents form Požega-Slavonia County. The production in Croatia fluctuates significantly and depends mostly on weather conditions. Although there is an ongoing problem with market competition due to lack of storage infrastructure, which disables successive freighting of ordered quantities, another problem is that producers act individually and compete one other on the domestic as well as foreign market. By monitored survey among 100 consumers in 2014 and 2015 in Požega-Slavonia County, five different brands of apples were graded. Braeburn was graded as the best brand according to its organoleptic components, further on Fuji, as well as Gala, Idared and Golden Delicious. Braeburn and Fuji were all in all graded as the best of all researched types. On that account the data in this survey indicates that consumers are in favour or newer brands like Braeburn and Fuji. A "must" in the competitiveness enhancement in domestic production requires greater representation of the assortment mentioned above in the modern apple production at least on the grounds of the Požega-Slavonia County


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    The issues of soil decontamination formed as a result of radioactive contamination is examined. The technology of soil decontamination with solution circulation is studied. The experimental research of solutions sorption treatment is described. Application of ferric, copper and copperpotassium ferrocyanide enables Cs-137 decontamination (coefficient - 1000) and return the solution for recycling.Розглянуто питання дезактивації ґрунтів на радіоактивно забруднених територіях. Наведено технологічну схему дезактивації ґрунтів з циркуляцією технологічного розчину. Експериментально досліджено очищення розчинів, що утворюються внаслідок дезактивації ґрунту, сорбційним методом. Застосування фероціанідів заліза, міді та міді-калію на глинистій матриці дозволяє практично повністю видалити Cs-137 (коефіцієнт дезактивації – 1000) і повернути розчин для повторного використання

    The Battle of Stalingrad 1942-1943

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    Rad ne sadrži sažetak.This bachelor's thesis has two purposes. The first one is to present an informative overview of the battle of Stalingrad in order to get a better understanding of the subject. However, the primary purpose is to analyse the effects of continuity and discontinuity on the battle of Stalingrad. The analysis of continuity is based on the fact that Germans made continuous mistakes from the time they finalized the details of Operation Barbarossa until the end of the battle of Stalingrad. Likewise, the analysis of discontinuity results from the changes (i.e. improvements) that Soviets made during the same period of time. My most important claim is that both continuity in German actions and discontinuity in Soviet actions had a decisive impact on the outcome of the battle of Stalingrad. Direct and indirect causes of the German defeat at the battle of Stalingrad are also examined by putting the battle of Stalingrad in a wider context. Continuous mistakes that led Germans to their defeat in the battle of Stalingrad are as follows: (1) the underestimation of the Soviet Union which led to a number of other continuous mistakes (2) the fact that Hitler was Supreme Commander and Commander-in-Chief of German armed forces coupled with his refusal to listen to the advice of his generals and military experts (3) having unreliable and weak allies (4) not using the opportunity to win the oppressed peoples of the USSR over to their side. The discontinuity in Soviet actions that was crucial for them to win the battle of Stalingrad is seen in the following: (1) Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov developed the tactic of “hugging the enemy” which reduced the effectiveness of the Germans. (2) Stalin was ceding control to his generals and thus allowed them to plan the Operation Uranus. (3) Soviet Operation Uranus had successfully encircled the Germans. Due to that, the Red Army was able to launch its final attack codenamed Operation Ring and finish off the German Sixth Army. Direct causes of the German defeat in the battle of Stalingrad include the brutal street fighting and the successful Soviet counterattacks – Operation Uranus, Operation Little Saturn and Operation Ring which resulted in the surrender of the remaining forces encircled in the city. The fact that Germany was not logistically prepared for total war is one of the main indirect causes of the German defeat in the battle of Stalingrad. Therefore, it can be argued that indirect causes include flawed logistics planning and execution, bad transport, insufficient supplies and a lack of troops

    Slikarstvo art bruta

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    Diplomski rad podijeljen je na četiri glavna dijela. U prvom uvodnom dijelu pokušao sam ukratko opisati put koji je doveo Dubuffeta do formiranja art bruta kao likovnog pravca, te prikazati njegove glavne karakteristike i obilježja bez obzira na njihovu raznolikost i specifičnost. U razradi sam odabrao sedam autora za koje smatram da predstavljaju neke od najzanimljivijih ali i najekscentričnijih predstavnika marginalnih umjetnika. Isto tako osim same analize radova naglasak sam stavio i na kratke biografije koje ponekad mogu biti zanimljive poput samih radova te osim toga mogu pridonijeti razumijevanju likovnih djela ili načina umjetnikova rada. Osim šest autora koji su živjeli i radili u Švicarskoj, Francuskoj, Nizozemskoj i Austriji kao poveznicu Hrvatske umjetnosti i art bruta naveo sam i Vinkovčanina Slavka Kopača. U trećem dijelu osvrćem se na iskustva vezana uz likovne radionice održane u Domu za psihički oboljele odrasle osobe „Ljeskovica“, te iznosim buduće planove vezane uz slične aktivnosti i projekte. Kroz zaključak iznosim svoje viđenje sadašnjeg stanja art Bruta, njegove budućnosti te općenito umjetnosti, stvaranja i društveno političke situacije koja je uvijek u doticaju sa kulturom