Situational analysis of the apple market in the Republic of Croatia


Jabuka je najzastupljenija voćna vrsta u prehrani. Pri uzgoju jabuka važno je uzeti u obzir sklonosti potrošača, njihovih motiva i navika konzumacije. U ovom radu analizirano je svjetsko, europsko i hrvatsko tržište jabuka. Cilj analize tržišta bio je prikazati trendove u proizvodnji i razmjeni jabuka u Republici Hrvatskoj te trendove u potrošnji jabuka na uzorku od 100 ispitanika iz Požeško-slavonske županije. Proizvodnja jabuka u Republici Hrvatskoj značajno oscilira i u prevelikoj mjeri ovisi o vremenskim uvjetima. Iako ima značajnih pozitivnih pomaka u vidu povećanja kvantitete i organiziranja proizvođača, i dalje postoji problem boljeg nastupa na tržištu zbog nedostatka skladišne infrastrukture, što onemogućuje sukcesivnu otpremu traženih količina. Posljedično, proizvođači nastupaju pojedinačno i konkuriraju jedni drugima i na domaćem i na inozemnom tržištu. Senzorskim ispitivanjem je 100 potrošača, u razdoblju 2014. - 2015. godine na području Požeško-slavonske županije, ocjenjivalo pet različitih sorti jabuka. Sorta Braeburn, najbolje je ocijenjena po svim organoleptičkim svojstvima, zatim sorta Fuji, slijede Gala, Idared i Zlatni delišes. Sorte Braeburn i Fuji po cjelokupnom općem dojmu ocijenjene su kao najbolje od istraživanih sorti. Stoga, podaci iz ovog istraživanja upućuju da su potrošači naklonjeni novijim sortama, kao što su Braeburn i Fuji. Imperativ povećanja konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje nalaže veću zastupljenost navedenog sortimenta u proizvodnoj strukturi modernih nasada jabuka, barem na prostorima Požeško-slavonske županije.Apple is the most represented fruit kind in our nourishment. It is important to take into consideration the consumers' preference, motif and habits of consumption before cultivation of apples. In this paper the world, european and croatian apple market will be studied. The aim of the market analysis is to present the trends in production and exchange in the Republic of Croatia as well as trends in consumption on sample of 100 respondents form Požega-Slavonia County. The production in Croatia fluctuates significantly and depends mostly on weather conditions. Although there is an ongoing problem with market competition due to lack of storage infrastructure, which disables successive freighting of ordered quantities, another problem is that producers act individually and compete one other on the domestic as well as foreign market. By monitored survey among 100 consumers in 2014 and 2015 in Požega-Slavonia County, five different brands of apples were graded. Braeburn was graded as the best brand according to its organoleptic components, further on Fuji, as well as Gala, Idared and Golden Delicious. Braeburn and Fuji were all in all graded as the best of all researched types. On that account the data in this survey indicates that consumers are in favour or newer brands like Braeburn and Fuji. A "must" in the competitiveness enhancement in domestic production requires greater representation of the assortment mentioned above in the modern apple production at least on the grounds of the Požega-Slavonia County

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