542 research outputs found

    The mechanisms and processes of connection: developing a causal chain model capturing impacts of receiving recorded mental health recovery narratives.

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health recovery narratives are a core component of recovery-oriented interventions such as peer support and anti-stigma campaigns. A substantial number of recorded recovery narratives are now publicly available online in different modalities and in published books. Whilst the benefits of telling one's story have been investigated, much less is known about how recorded narratives of differing modalities impact on recipients. A previous qualitative study identified connection to the narrator and/or to events in the narrative to be a core mechanism of change. The factors that influence how individuals connect with a recorded narrative are unknown. The aim of the current study was to characterise the immediate effects of receiving recovery narratives presented in a range of modalities (text, video and audio), by establishing the mechanisms of connection and the processes by which connection leads to outcomes. METHOD: A study involving 40 mental health service users in England was conducted. Participants were presented with up to 10 randomly-selected recovery narratives and were interviewed on the immediate impact of each narrative. Thematic analysis was used to identify the mechanisms of connection and how connection leads to outcome. RESULTS: Receiving a recovery narrative led participants to reflect upon their own experiences or those of others, which then led to connection through three mechanisms: comparing oneself with the narrative and narrator; learning about other's experiences; and experiencing empathy. These mechanisms led to outcomes through three processes: the identification of change (through attending to narrative structure); the interpretation of change (through attending to narrative content); and the internalisation of interpretations. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to identify mechanisms and processes of connection with recorded recovery narratives. The empirically-based causal chain model developed in this study describes the immediate effects on recipients. This model can inform selection of narratives for use in interventions, and be used to support peer support workers in recounting their own recovery narratives in ways which are maximally beneficial to others

    Computational archaeology of the Pristionchus pacificus genome reveals evidence of horizontal gene transfers from insects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The recent sequencing of nematode genomes has laid the basis for comparative genomics approaches to study the impact of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) on the adaptation to new environments and the evolution of parasitism. In the beetle associated nematode <it>Pristionchus pacificus </it>HGT events were found to involve cellulase genes of microbial origin and Diapausin genes that are known from beetles, but not from other nematodes. The insect-to-nematode horizontal transfer is of special interest given that <it>P. pacificus </it>shows a tight association with insects.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we utilized the observation that horizontally transferred genes often exhibit codon usage patterns more similar to that of the donor than that of the acceptor genome. We introduced GC-normalized relative codon frequencies as a measure to detect characteristic features of <it>P. pacificus </it>orphan genes that show no homology to other nematode genes. We found that atypical codon usage is particularly prevalent in <it>P. pacificus </it>orphans. By comparing codon usage profiles of 71 species, we detected the most significant enrichment in insect-like codon usage profiles. In cross-species comparisons, we identified 509 HGT candidates that show a significantly higher similarity to insect-like profiles than genes with nematode homologs. The most abundant gene family among these genes are non-LTR retrotransposons. Speculating that retrotransposons might have served as carriers of foreign genetic material, we found a significant local clustering tendency of orphan genes in the vicinity of retrotransposons.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study combined codon usage bias, phylogenetic analysis, and genomic colocalization into a general picture of the computational archaeology of the <it>P. pacificus </it>genome and suggests that a substantial fraction of the gene repertoire is of insect origin. We propose that the <it>Pristionchus</it>-beetle association has facilitated HGT and discuss potential vectors of these events.</p

    Post-traumatic upper cervical subluxation visualized by MRI: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This paper describes MRI findings of upper cervical subluxation due to alar ligament disruption following a vehicular collision. Incidental findings included the presence of a myodural bridge and a spinal cord syrinx. Chiropractic management of the patient is discussed.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 21-year old female presented with complaints of acute, debilitating upper neck pain with unremitting sub-occipital headache and dizziness following a vehicular collision. Initial emergency department and neurologic investigations included x-ray and CT evaluation of the head and neck. Due to persistent pain, the patient sought chiropractic care. MRI of the upper cervical spine revealed previously unrecognized clinical entities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case highlights the identification of upper cervical ligamentous injury that produced vertebral subluxation following a traumatic incident. MRI evaluation provided visualization of previously undetected injury. The patient experienced improvement through chiropractic care.</p

    Differential cross sections and spin density matrix elements for the reaction gamma p -> p omega

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    High-statistics differential cross sections and spin density matrix elements for the reaction gamma p -> p omega have been measured using the CLAS at Jefferson Lab for center-of-mass (CM) energies from threshold up to 2.84 GeV. Results are reported in 112 10-MeV wide CM energy bins, each subdivided into cos(theta_CM) bins of width 0.1. These are the most precise and extensive omega photoproduction measurements to date. A number of prominent structures are clearly present in the data. Many of these have not previously been observed due to limited statistics in earlier measurements

    Membrane Partitioning: “Classical” and “Nonclassical” Hydrophobic Effects

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    The free energy of transfer of nonpolar solutes from water to lipid bilayers is often dominated by a large negative enthalpy rather than the large positive entropy expected from the hydrophobic effect. This common observation has led to the idea that membrane partitioning is driven by the “nonclassical” hydrophobic effect. We examined this phenomenon by characterizing the partitioning of the well-studied peptide melittin using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and circular dichroism (CD). We studied the temperature dependence of the entropic (−TΔS) and enthalpic (ΔH) components of free energy (ΔG) of partitioning of melittin into lipid membranes made of various mixtures of zwitterionic and anionic lipids. We found significant variations of the entropic and enthalpic components with temperature, lipid composition and vesicle size but only small changes in ΔG (entropy–enthalpy compensation). The heat capacity associated with partitioning had a large negative value of about −0.5 kcal mol−1 K−1. This hallmark of the hydrophobic effect was found to be independent of lipid composition. The measured heat capacity values were used to calculate the hydrophobic-effect free energy ΔGhΦ, which we found to dominate melittin partitioning regardless of lipid composition. In the case of anionic membranes, additional free energy comes from coulombic attraction, which is characterized by a small effective peptide charge due to the lack of additivity of hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions in membrane interfaces [Ladokhin and White J Mol Biol 309:543–552, 2001]. Our results suggest that there is no need for a special effect—the nonclassical hydrophobic effect—to describe partitioning into lipid bilayers

    Antiproliferative effect of immunoliposomes containing 5-fluorodeoxyuridine-dipalmitate on colon cancer cells

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    We have investigated the antiproliferative action towards CC531 colon adenocarcinoma cells of target cell-specific immunoliposomes containing the amphiphilic dipalmitoyl derivative of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR-dP). FUdR-dP incorporated in immunoliposomes caused a 13-fold stronger inhibition of CC531 cell growth in vitro, during a 72-h treatment, than FUdR-dP in liposomes without antibody, demonstrating that the prodrug is efficiently hydrolysed to yield the active drug, FUdR, intracellularly. The intracellular release of active FUdR was confirmed by determining the fate of H-3-labelled immunoliposomal FUdR-dP. Treatments shorter than 72 h with FUdR-dP in immunoliposomes resulted in anti-tumour activities comparable to, or even higher than, that of free FUdR. The shorter treatments reflect more closely the in vivo situation and illustrate the potential advantage of the use of immunoliposomes over non-targeted liposomal FUdR-dP or free FUdR. Association of tumour cell-specific immunoliposomes with CC531 cells was up to tenfold higher than that of liposomes without antibody or with irrelevant IgG coupled, demonstrating a specific interaction between liposomes and target cells which causes an efficient intracellular delivery of the drug. Since biochemical evidence indicates a lack of internalization or degradation of the liposomes as such; we postulate that entry of the drug most likely involves the direct transfer of the prodrug from the immunoliposome to the cell membrane during its antigen-specific interaction with the cells. followed by hydrolysis of FUdR-dP leading to relatively high intracellular FUdR-levels. In conclusion, we describe a targeted liposomal formulation for the anticancer drug FUdR, which is able to deliver the active drug to colon carcinoma cells with high efficiency, without the need for the cells to internalize the liposomes as such

    Flagellin-Induced Corneal Antimicrobial Peptide Production and Wound Repair Involve a Novel NF-κB–Independent and EGFR-Dependent Pathway

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    The bacterial protein flagellin plays a major role in stimulating mucosal surface innate immune response to bacterial infection and uniquely induces profound cytoprotection against pathogens, chemicals, and radiation. This study sought to determine signaling pathways responsible for the flagellin-induced inflammatory and cytoprotective effects on human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs).Flagellin purified from Pseudomonas aeruginosa (strain PAK) or live bacteria were used to challenge cultured HCECs. The activation of signaling pathways was assessed with Western blot, and the secretion of cytokine/chemokine and production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) were measured with ELISA and dot blot, respectively. Effects of flagellin on wound healing were assessed in cultured porcine corneas. L94A (a site mutation in TLR5 binding region) flagellin and PAK expressing L94A flagellin were unable to stimulate NF-kappaB activation, but were potent in eliciting EGFR signaling in a TGF-alpha-related pathway in HCECs. Concomitant with the lack of NF-kappaB activation, L94A flagellin was ineffective in inducing IL-6 and IL-8 production in HCECs. Surprisingly, the secretion of two inducible AMPs, LL-37 and hBD2, was not affected by L94A mutation. Similar to wild-type flagellin, L94A induced epithelial wound closure in cultured porcine cornea through maintaining EGFR-mediated signaling.Our data suggest that inflammatory response mediated by NF-kappaB can be uncoupled from epithelial innate defense machinery (i.e., AMP expression) and major epithelial proliferation/repair pathways mediated by EGFR, and that flagellin and its derivatives may have broad therapeutic applications in cytoprotection and in controlling infection in the cornea and other mucosal tissues

    Preparation of Group I Introns for Biochemical Studies and Crystallization Assays by Native Affinity Purification

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    The study of functional RNAs of various sizes and structures requires efficient methods for their synthesis and purification. Here, 23 group I intron variants ranging in length from 246 to 341 nucleotides—some containing exons—were subjected to a native purification technique previously applied only to shorter RNAs (<160 nucleotides). For the RNAs containing both exons, we adjusted the original purification protocol to allow for purification of radiolabeled molecules. The resulting RNAs were used in folding assays on native gel electrophoresis and in self-splicing assays. The intron-only RNAs were subjected to the regular native purification scheme, assayed for folding and employed in crystallization screens. All RNAs that contained a 3′ overhang of one nucleotide were efficiently cleaved off from the support and were at least 90% pure after the non-denaturing purification. A representative subset of these RNAs was shown to be folded and self-splicing after purification. Additionally, crystals were grown for a 286 nucleotide long variant of the Clostridium botulinum intron. These results demonstrate the suitability of the native affinity purification method for the preparation of group I introns. We hope these findings will stimulate a broader application of this strategy to the preparation of other large RNA molecules

    Fusion between Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania major Parasitophorous Vacuoles: Live Imaging of Coinfected Macrophages

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    Protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania alternate between flagellated, elongated extracellular promastigotes found in insect vectors, and round-shaped amastigotes enclosed in phagolysosome-like Parasitophorous Vacuoles (PVs) of infected mammalian host cells. Leishmania amazonensis amastigotes occupy large PVs which may contain many parasites; in contrast, single amastigotes of Leishmania major lodge in small, tight PVs, which undergo fission as parasites divide. To determine if PVs of these Leishmania species can fuse with each other, mouse macrophages in culture were infected with non-fluorescent L. amazonensis amastigotes and, 48 h later, superinfected with fluorescent L. major amastigotes or promastigotes. Fusion was investigated by time-lapse image acquisition of living cells and inferred from the colocalization of parasites of the two species in the same PVs. Survival, multiplication and differentiation of parasites that did or did not share the same vacuoles were also investigated. Fusion of PVs containing L. amazonensis and L. major amastigotes was not found. However, PVs containing L. major promastigotes did fuse with pre-established L. amazonensis PVs. In these chimeric vacuoles, L. major promastigotes remained motile and multiplied, but did not differentiate into amastigotes. In contrast, in doubly infected cells, within their own, unfused PVs metacyclic-enriched L. major promastigotes, but not log phase promastigotes - which were destroyed - differentiated into proliferating amastigotes. The results indicate that PVs, presumably customized by L. major amastigotes or promastigotes, differ in their ability to fuse with L. amazonensis PVs. Additionally, a species-specific PV was required for L. major destruction or differentiation – a requirement for which mechanisms remain unknown. The observations reported in this paper should be useful in further studies of the interactions between PVs to different species of Leishmania parasites, and of the mechanisms involved in the recognition and fusion of PVs

    Anapole nanolasers for mode-locking and ultrafast pulse generation

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    Nanophotonics is a rapidly developing field of research with many suggestions for a design of nanoantennas, sensors and miniature metadevices. Despite many proposals for passive nanophotonic devices, the efficient coupling of light to nanoscale optical structures remains a major challenge. In this article, we propose a nanoscale laser based on a tightly confined anapole mode. By harnessing the non-radiating nature of the anapole state, we show how to engineer nanolasers based on InGaAs nanodisks as on-chip sources with unique optical properties. Leveraging on the near-field character of anapole modes, we demonstrate a spontaneously polarized nanolaser able to couple light into waveguide channels with four orders of magnitude intensity than classical nanolasers, as well as the generation of ultrafast (of 100 fs) pulses via spontaneous mode locking of several anapoles. Anapole nanolasers offer an attractive platform for monolithically integrated, silicon photonics sources for advanced and efficient nanoscale circuitry