14 research outputs found

    The Candidate Phylum Poribacteria by Single-Cell Genomics: New Insights into Phylogeny, Cell-Compartmentation, Eukaryote-Like Repeat Proteins, and Other Genomic Features

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    Kamke J, Rinke C, Schwientek P, et al. The Candidate Phylum Poribacteria by Single-Cell Genomics: New Insights into Phylogeny, Cell-Compartmentation, Eukaryote-Like Repeat Proteins, and Other Genomic Features. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(1): e87353.The candidate phylum Poribacteria is one of the most dominant and widespread members of the microbial communities residing within marine sponges. Cell compartmentalization had been postulated along with their discovery about a decade ago and their phylogenetic association to the Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, Chlamydiae superphylum was proposed soon thereafter. In the present study we revised these features based on genomic data obtained from six poribacterial single cells. We propose that Poribacteria form a distinct monophyletic phylum contiguous to the PVC superphylum together with other candidate phyla. Our genomic analyses supported the possibility of cell compartmentalization in form of bacterial microcompartments. Further analyses of eukaryote-like protein domains stressed the importance of such proteins with features including tetratricopeptide repeats, leucin rich repeats as well as low density lipoproteins receptor repeats, the latter of which are reported here for the first time from a sponge symbiont. Finally, examining the most abundant protein domain family on poribacterial genomes revealed diverse phyH family proteins, some of which may be related to dissolved organic posphorus uptake

    Dissolved organic nutrients (C, N, P) in seawater on the continental shelf in the Southwestern South Atlantic with emphasis State Marine Park of Laje de Santos (SMPLS) - SĂŁo Paulo - Brazil

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    O principal objetivo deste trabalho Ă© avaliar distribuição sazonal e espacial do carbono orgĂąnico dissolvido (COD), nitrogĂȘnio orgĂąnico (NOD), fĂłsforo orgĂąnico dissolvido (POD) e ureia em 10 estaçÔes do Parque Estadual Marinho da Laje de Santos (PEMLS). As estaçÔes 1 a 4 (mais prĂłximas do continente) e as estaçÔes de 5 a 10 (mais prĂłximas do parque marinho), todas na plataforma continental. Os resultados mostram que nĂŁo foram observadas variaçÔes sazonais estatisticamente significativas para o COD e POD, todavia, o COD e o NOD, no perĂ­odo de verĂŁo apresentaram um pequeno aumento mostrando o aumento da atividade biolĂłgica e a influencia continental. Por outro lado, o NOD apresentou valores elevados em junho (2014 - inverno) e janeiro de 2015, variando de 12.51 a 32.76 ”mol L-1, segundo o mĂ©todo de anĂĄlise ANOVA (p< 0,01). Foram observados baixos valores de NOD em janeiro de 2014 (0,32-8,98 ”mol L-1), em um verĂŁo anormalmente seco, enquanto que os valores mais elevados foram observados em julho de 2014 (27.50 ”mol L-1). Ureia apresentou valores baixos na regiĂŁo do PEMLS e zonas costeiras atingindo 4,00 ”mol L-1. Muitas vezes, a concentração de ureia pode estar associada com atividade de mergulho no parque. COD, NOD e ureia apresentaram valores ou diferenças entre as estaçÔes no PEMLS (5-10) e aquelas mais costeiras (1-4). O COD nas estaçÔes costeiras atingiu 267 ”mol L-1, enquanto que no PEMLS, o valor mĂĄximo foi de 100 ”mol L-1. Nenhuma variação significativa foi observada quanto Ă  distribuição espacial entre as estaçÔes costeiras e as do parque para o POD (ANOVA pThe main objective of this work is evaluate seasonal and spatial distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) and urea in 10 stations of the State Marine Park of Laje de Santos (SMPLS). Stations 1 to 4 (nearest the continent) and the stations 5 to 10 (nearest the marine park) all of them were on the continental shelf. The results show that no statistic significant seasonal variations were found for the DOC and DOP nevertheless DOC and DON in summer period were lightly above the winter period showing the increase in biological activities and continental influence. On the other hand, DON showed high values in June (2014 - winter) to January 2015, ranging from 12.51 to 32.76 ”mol L-1 according to the ANOVA method (

    The inositol phosphates in soils and manures: Abundance, cycling, and measurement

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