38 research outputs found

    Relativistic Dissipative Hydrodynamic Equations at the Second Order for Multi-Component Systems with Multiple Conserved Currents

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    We derive the second order hydrodynamic equations for the relativistic system of multi-components with multiple conserved currents by generalizing the Israel-Stewart theory and Grad's moment method. We find that, in addition to the conventional moment equations, extra moment equations associated with conserved currents should be introduced to consistently match the number of equations with that of unknowns and to satisfy the Onsager reciprocal relations. Consistent expansion of the entropy current leads to constitutive equations which involve the terms not appearing in the original Israel-Stewart theory even in the single component limit. We also find several terms which exhibit thermal diffusion such as Soret and Dufour effects. We finally compare our results with those of other existing formalisms.Comment: 18 pages, no figures; title changed, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Clinical potential for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis through detection of fetal cells in maternal blood

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    Summary Fetal cells circulate in maternal blood and are considered a suitable means by which to detect fetal genetic and chromosomal abnormalities. This approach has the advantage of being noninvasive. Since the early 1990s, nucleated erythrocytes (NRBCs) have been considered good target cells for a number of techniques, including fluorescence-activated cell sorting and magnetic cell sorting, using antibodies such as anti-transferrin receptor and anti-?-hemoglobin antibodies, followed by analysis with fluorescence in situ hybridization or polymerase chain reaction. In the late 1990s, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fetal Cell Isolation Study assessed the reliability of noninvasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal aneuploidy using NRBCs isolated from maternal circulation. This study revealed the limitations of NRBC separation using antibodies specific for NRBC antigens. A more recent study has demonstrated the efficiency and success of recovery of NRBCs using a galactose-specific lectin, based on the observation that erythroid precursor cells have a large quantity of galactose molecules on their cell surface. Thus, recent advances in this field enhance the feasibility of this diagnostic method. This review article focuses on various methods of detection of fetal cells within the maternal circulation, as well as the status of previous and current studies and the prospective view for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis using fetal cells from the maternal circulation

    Reaction of Thymidine with Hypobromous Acid in Phosphate Buffer

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    両側停留睾丸を合併した7 1/6~15 1/12のPrader-Labhart-Willi症候群(PLWS)7例に対してLH-RH, HCG両負荷試験および睾丸生検術を施行した。6例には第二次性徴の発来は無く, 血中 LH, FSH, testosteroneは低値で, さらに LH-RH, HCG に対して有意の反応はみとめられなかった。以上6例の睾丸組織像において, 精祖細胞の減少を全例に, また間質の線維化を3例にみとめた。一方, 他の1例には第二次性徴の発来をみており, 血中 LH, FSH, testosterone は他のものより高値を呈し, LH-RH, HCGに対しても有意の反応をみ, 加えて精細管中には精母細胞, 精子細胞をみとめた。以上の所見からPLWSの中には, 異った視床下部下垂体性腺系障害を有する症例が存在することが想定された。LH-RH test, HCG test and testicular biopsy were performed in 7 boys with Prader-Labhart-Willi syndrome (PLWS) in whom bilateral cryptorchidism was observed. The age of patients ranged 7-1/6 to 15-1/12 years. Six out of 7 patients had no pubertal signs and the basal levels of serum LH, FSH and testosterone were low. Furthermore, no significant responses of serum LH and FSH to LH-RH stimulation and of testosterone to HCG were observed. Histological examination of the testes in these six patients revealed the seminiferous tubules containing reduced numbers of immature germ cells in 6 cases and interstitial fibrosis in 3 cases. However, the basal values of LH, FSH and testosterone in lout of seven cases with pubertal signs were higher than those in remaining 6 cases and significant hormonal responses to LH-RH stimulations were demonstrated. In the seminiferous tubule of the last patient, spermatocytes and spermatids were found. These findings suggest that different patterns of disturbance of hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal system are present in male patients with PLWS