67 research outputs found

    Assessing implementation fidelity in the First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders service model

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    BACKGROUND: The First Episode Rapid Early Intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service model is associated with significant reductions in wait times and improved clinical outcomes for emerging adults with recent-onset eating disorders. An understanding of how FREED is implemented is a necessary precondition to enable an attribution of these findings to key components of the model, namely the wait-time targets and care package. AIMS: This study evaluated fidelity to the FREED service model during the multicentre FREED-Up study. METHOD: Participants were 259 emerging adults (aged 16-25 years) with an eating disorder of <3 years duration, offered treatment through the FREED care pathway. Patient journey records documented patient care from screening to end of treatment. Adherence to wait-time targets (engagement call within 48 h, assessment within 2 weeks, treatment within 4 weeks) and care package, and differences in adherence across diagnosis and treatment group were examined. RESULTS: There were significant increases (16-40%) in adherence to the wait-time targets following the introduction of FREED, irrespective of diagnosis. Receiving FREED under optimal conditions also increased adherence to the targets. Care package use differed by component and diagnosis. The most used care package activities were psychoeducation and dietary change. Attention to transitions was less well used. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides an indication of adherence levels to key components of the FREED model. These adherence rates can tentatively be considered as clinically meaningful thresholds. Results highlight aspects of the model and its implementation that warrant future examination

    How the other half lives: CRISPR-Cas's influence on bacteriophages

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    CRISPR-Cas is a genetic adaptive immune system unique to prokaryotic cells used to combat phage and plasmid threats. The host cell adapts by incorporating DNA sequences from invading phages or plasmids into its CRISPR locus as spacers. These spacers are expressed as mobile surveillance RNAs that direct CRISPR-associated (Cas) proteins to protect against subsequent attack by the same phages or plasmids. The threat from mobile genetic elements inevitably shapes the CRISPR loci of archaea and bacteria, and simultaneously the CRISPR-Cas immune system drives evolution of these invaders. Here we highlight our recent work, as well as that of others, that seeks to understand phage mechanisms of CRISPR-Cas evasion and conditions for population coexistence of phages with CRISPR-protected prokaryotes.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Monitoring HSVtk suicide gene therapy: the role of [18F]FHPG membrane transport

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    Favourable pharmacokinetics of the prodrug are essential for successful HSVtk/ganciclovir (GCV) suicide gene therapy. [F-18] FHPG PET might be a suitable technique to assess the pharmacokinetics of the prodrug GCV noninvasively, provided that [F-18] FHPG mimics the behaviour of GCV. Since membrane transport is an important aspect of the pharmacokinetics of the prodrug, we investigated the cellular uptake mechanism of [F-18] FHPG in an HSVtk expressing C6 rat glioma cell line and in tumour- bearing rats. The nucleoside transport inhibitors dipyridamol, NBMPR and 2- chloroadenosine did not significantly affect the [F-18] FHPG uptake in vitro. Thymidine and uridine significantly decreased [F-18] FHPG uptake by 84 and 58%, respectively, but an enzyme assay revealed that this decline was due to inhibition of the HSVtk enzyme rather than membrane transport. Nucleobase transport inhibitors, thymine and adenine, caused a 58 and 55% decline in tracer uptake, respectively. In vivo, the ratio of [F-18] FHPG uptake in C6tk and C6 tumours decreased from 3.070.5 to 1.070.2 after infusion of adenine. Thus, in our tumour model, [F-18] FHPG transport exclusively occurred via purine nucleobase transport. In this respect, FHPG does not resemble GCV, which is predominantly taken up via the nucleoside transporter, but rather acyclovir, which is also taken up via the purine nucleobase carrier

    Live cell dynamics of production, explosive release and killing activity of phage tail-like weapons for Pseudomonas kin exclusion.

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    Interference competition among bacteria requires a highly specialized, narrow-spectrum weaponry when targeting closely-related competitors while sparing individuals from the same clonal population. Here we investigated mechanisms by which environmentally important Pseudomonas bacteria with plant-beneficial activity perform kin interference competition. We show that killing between phylogenetically closely-related strains involves contractile phage tail-like devices called R-tailocins that puncture target cell membranes. Using live-cell imaging, we evidence that R-tailocins are produced at the cell center, transported to the cell poles and ejected by explosive cell lysis. This enables their dispersal over several tens of micrometers to reach targeted cells. We visualize R-tailocin-mediated competition dynamics between closely-related Pseudomonas strains at the single-cell level, both in non-induced condition and upon artificial induction. We document the fatal impact of cellular self-sacrifice coupled to deployment of phage tail-like weaponry in the microenvironment of kin bacterial competitors, emphasizing the necessity for microscale assessment of microbial competitions

    Large Scale Comparison of Innate Responses to Viral and Bacterial Pathogens in Mouse and Macaque

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    Viral and bacterial infections of the lower respiratory tract are major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Alveolar macrophages line the alveolar spaces and are the first cells of the immune system to respond to invading pathogens. To determine the similarities and differences between the responses of mice and macaques to invading pathogens we profiled alveolar macrophages from these species following infection with two viral (PR8 and Fuj/02 influenza A) and two bacterial (Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Francisella tularensis Schu S4) pathogens. Cells were collected at 6 time points following each infection and expression profiles were compared across and between species. Our analyses identified a core set of genes, activated in both species and across all pathogens that were predominantly part of the interferon response pathway. In addition, we identified similarities across species in the way innate immune cells respond to lethal versus non-lethal pathogens. On the other hand we also found several species and pathogen specific response patterns. These results provide new insights into mechanisms by which the innate immune system responds to, and interacts with, invading pathogens

    Health status in the ambulance services: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Researchers have become increasingly aware that ambulance personnel may be at risk of developing work-related health problems. This article systematically explores the literature on health problems and work-related and individual health predictors in the ambulance services. METHODS: We identified the relevant empirical literature by searching several electronic databases including Medline, EMBASE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, and ISI Web of Science. Other relevant sources were identified through reference lists and other relevant studies known by the research group. RESULTS: Forty-nine studies are included in this review. Our analysis shows that ambulance workers have a higher standardized mortality rate, higher level of fatal accidents, higher level of accident injuries and a higher standardized early retirement on medical grounds than the general working population and workers in other health occupations. Ambulance workers also seem to have more musculoskeletal problems than the general population. These conclusions are preliminary at present because each is based on a single study. More studies have addressed mental health problems. The prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptom caseness was > 20% in five of seven studies, and similarly high prevalence rates were reported for anxiety and general psychopathology in four of five studies. However, it is unclear whether ambulance personnel suffer from more mental health problems than the general working population. CONCLUSION: Several indicators suggest that workers in the ambulance services experience more health problems than the general working population and workers in other health occupations. Several methodological challenges, such as small sample sizes, non-representative samples, and lack of comparisons with normative data limit the interpretation of many studies. More coordinated research and replication are needed to compare data across studies. We discuss some strategies for future research

    Characterisation and genome sequence of the lytic Acinetobacter baumannii bacteriophage vB-AbaS-Loki

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    © 2017 Turner et al.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as an important nosocomial pathogen in healthcare and community settings. While over 100 of Acinetobacter phages have been described in the literature, relatively few have been sequenced. This work describes the characterisation and genome annotation of a new lytic Acinetobacter siphovirus, vB-AbaS-Loki, isolated from activated sewage sludge. Sequencing revealed that Loki encapsulates a 41,308 bp genome, encoding 51 predicted open reading frames. Loki is most closely related to Acinetobacter phage IME-AB3 and more distantly related to Burkholderia phage KL1, Paracoccus phage vB-PmaS-IMEP1 and Pseudomonas phages vB-Pae-Kakheti25, vB-PaeS-SCH-Ab26 and PA73. Loki is characterised by a narrow host range, among the 40 Acinetobacter isolates tested, productive infection was only observed for the propagating host, A. baumannii ATCC 17978. Plaque formation was found to be dependent upon the presence of Ca2+ ions and adsorption to host cells was abolished upon incubation with a mutant of ATCC 17978 encoding a premature stop codon in lpxA. The complete genome sequence of vB-AbaS-Loki was deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the accession number LN890663. Copyright

    What can we believe in? How a scientific community only got it half wrong in the aetiology of occupational stress

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    The history of occupational stress research has not been linear, with new findings building on past knowledge. Several theories vie for dominance at any one time as new theories usurp old theories and old theories are resurrected.What can we believe in? Just when we are thoroughly convinced by a particular scientific community as to why it is that we behave the way we do, a new theory is heralded as a major scientific breakthrough and we are expected to change allegiance.The theory, which forms the case study for this paper has been cited so often during the last 30 years that it has become established, authoritative lay knowledge; a taken-for-granted reference, which is only now, at the turn of the century being questioned by the same scientific community who were previously so sure of its validity. The theory addressed is the so-called established link between Type A behaviour pattern, stress and coronary heart disease. The epistemologies of the structuralists and post-structuralists are invoked to explain these changes in theoretical consensus