11 research outputs found

    Yanık Nedeniyle Acil Servise Gelen Çocukların Mortalitesini Etkileyen Nedenler

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    Yanık Nedeniyle Acil Servise Gelen Çocukların MortalitesiniEtkileyen Nedenler.&nbsp;</div

    Türkiye Mahkeme Salonları Dizaynında Bilirkişi Doktorların Yeri ve Salondaki Davranış Şekilleri.

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    Kantarcı N,Kandemir E,Aliustaoğlu S, Özcan ME.&nbsp;&nbsp;Türkiye Mahkemeleri’nde insan vücut bütünlüğünü ilgilendiren konularda mahke-melerce doktorlardan bilirkiĢi olmaları talep edilmektedir. Bu görevi adli tıp uzman-ları yaptığı gibi pratisyen hekimler, tüm temel ve klinik tıp bilimlerinde çalıĢanuzmanlar da yapabilmektedirler (10). Ġkna edici bir mazeretleri bulunmadığı takdir-de bilirkiĢi tayin edilen doktor bu hizmeti yerine getirmek zorundadır. BilirkiĢilikhizmeti için ayırdıkları zaman ve emeğin karĢılığı olarak bir ücret almaktadırlar.DuruĢma salonuna çağrılan doktor eğer daha önce deneyimi yoksa salona nasıl gire-ceği, nerede duracağı, ne zaman konuĢacağı, ne zaman susacağı, nasıl yemin edeceğive salonu nasıl terk edeceği vs konuları bilemez. ÇalıĢmamızın amaçlarından biriyabancı oldukları bu konuda doktorları bilinçlendirmektir. Tanıklar ve bilirkiĢilermahkeme salonunda aynı kürsüden yararlanmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte Ağrı’daçeĢitli mahkemelerde tanıklık yapmıĢ 95 erkek ve 5 kadın arasında yaptığımız anketneticesine göre jürisiz Türkiye Mahkemeleri ve Jürili Amerikan Mahkemeleri dizay-nı arasında karĢılaĢtırma gereği duyduk. Bu karĢılaĢtırma neticesinde Türkiye Mah-kemelerinde tanıklar ve bilirkiĢiler için mahkeme salonun orta yerinde ayrılan kürsüyerine Cumhuriyet Savcısının simetriğinde bulunan masa ve sandalye içermesi gere-ken bölümde olması gerektiği kanaatine vardık.Anahtar Kelimeler: Mahkeme Salonu, BilirkiĢi, Görsel Sunum, Tanık BilirkiĢi,Tanık Sandalyesi&nbsp;Kantarcı N,Kandemir E,Aliustaoğlu S, Özcan ME. &nbsp;Matters concerning the integrity of the human body at the court of Turkey fromdoctors are claims to be experts. This task such as forensic medical experts thatgeneral practititoners, all experts working in basic and clinical medical science thatcan do. The doctor appoined experts a persuasive excuse does not exist if the servicehas to fulfill. Expertise fort he service taking the Money as their time and effort havecharge. Courtroom called the doctor ıf the first experience is not how to enter thecourtroom will, where it will, when will speak, when silence would, how to swear,&nbsp;and how would leave courtroom, and other not even ıssue. One of the goals of ourstudy they are foreigners in this regard doctors is to raise awareness. In thecourtroom witnesses and experts have exploited the same location. However in Agritestimony in various courts have made between 95 men and 5 women according toour survey net Turkey court without a jury and jury of the U.S. Courts in designWe’ve found in comparison to. This is result of comparing the Turkey in the courtwitnesses and experts for the courtroom in the middle of leaving the bench insteadof Public Prosecutor in the symmetrycally located table and chairs should includelocation should be We have concluded.&nbsp;</div

    Investigation of the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats

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    Cisplatin (CP) is an effective chemotherapeutic agent used in the treatment of a variety of solid tumours. The most frequently observed side-effect of the use of CP is nephrotoxicity. Recently, evidence has been demonstrated that reactive oxygen species forming in the tubular epithelium play an important role in CP-linked nephrotoxicity. The aim of the study was to observe the effect of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on CP nephrotoxicity, a subject which has not been studied previously. Wistar rats were treated with CP (a single intraperitoneal (IP) dose of 0.6 mg/100 g) alone and in combination with HBO (60 min every day for seven days at 2.5 x atmospheric pressure). Effects of the treatment on renal function and histology were determined. In analyses at the end of the study it was observed that serum urea, creatinine, and daily urinary protein excretion levels of the CP group were higher than at the start of the study, and that the creatinine clearance level had fallen (P 0.05). Histopathological examination showed that the necrosis score in the proximal tubule epithelial cells and average apoptitic cell numbers in the CP group were higher than those in the CP+HBO and HBO groups (P < 0.05). There was no statistical difference between the CP+HBO group and the HBO group in terms of necrosis score in the proximal tubule epithelial cells and the percentage of distal tubules containing hyaline casts in the lumen. In conclusion, in this study it was observed that in experimental study of CP nephrotoxicity the synchronous application of HBO therapy with CP prevents kidney damage

    Posaconazole prophylaxis in patients with acute myeloid leukemia: A real life experience from a prospective multicenter observational study

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    <div><p>Vaginal candidiasis is a common disorder in women of childbearing age, caused primarily by the dimorphic fungus <i>Candida albicans</i>. Since <i>C</i>. <i>albicans</i> is a normal commensal of the vaginal mucosa, a long-standing question is how the fungus switches from being a harmless commensal to a virulent pathogen. Work with human subjects and in mouse disease models suggests that host inflammatory processes drive the onset of symptomatic infection. Fungal cell wall molecules can induce inflammation through activation of epithelial and immune receptors that trigger pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, but pathogenic fungi can evade recognition by masking these molecules. Knowledge about which cell wall epitopes are available for immune recognition during human infection could implicate specific ligands and receptors in the symptoms of vaginal candidiasis. To address this important gap, we directly probed the surface of fungi present in fresh vaginal samples obtained both from women with symptomatic <i>Candida</i> vaginitis and from women that are colonized but asymptomatic. We find that the pro-inflammatory cell wall polysaccharide β-glucan is largely masked from immune recognition, especially on yeast. It is only exposed on a small percentage of hyphal cells, where it tends to co-localize with enhanced levels of chitin. Enhanced β-glucan availability is only found in symptomatic patients with strong neutrophil infiltration, implicating neutrophils as a possible driver of these cell wall changes. This is especially interesting because neutrophils were recently shown to be necessary and sufficient to provoke enhanced β-glucan exposure in <i>C</i>. <i>albicans</i>, accompanied by elevated immune responses. Taken together, our data suggest that the architecture of <i>C</i>. <i>albicans</i> cell wall can be altered by environmental stress during vaginal candidiasis.</p></div