439 research outputs found

    Mesheften (Ensis directus), halfgeknotte strandschelpen (Spisula subtruncata), kokkels (Cerastoderma edule) en otterschelpen (Lutraria lutraria) in de Nederlandse kustwateren in 2008

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    Ten behoeve van het beleid voor de visserij op Amerikaanse zwaardschedes (mesheften) (Ensis directus), halfgeknotte strandschelpen (Spisula subtruncata) en kokkels (Cerastoderma edule) heeft Wageningen IMARES, in opdracht van LNV het bestand in de Nederlandse kustwateren geïnventariseerd. Deze inventarisatie is uitgevoerd in het voorjaar van 2008 en is daarmee de veertiende opeenvolgende survey die op deze manier sinds 1995 wordt uitgevoerd

    Mesheften (Ensis directus), Strandschelpen (Spisula subtruncata), Kokkels (Cerastoderma edule), Mosselen (Mytilus edulis) en Otterschelpen (Lutraria lutraria) in de Nederlandse kustwateren in 2009

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    Het doel van deze inventarisaties is het in kaart brengen van de bestanden van commercieel interessante soorten en het weergeven van de fluctuaties in de tijd, ten behoeve van het visserijbeleid. Het onderzoek is in eerste instantie gericht op de Amerikaanse zwaardschede (mesheften) (Ensis directus), de halfgeknotte strandschelp (Spisula subtruncata) en de kokkel (Cerastoderma edule). Daarnaast bleek er een voortgezette toename van een voorheen minder algemene soort, de gewone otterschelp (Lutraria lutraria), tot een niveau dat commerciële exploitatie wellicht mogelijk maakt. In dat perspectief is de otterschelp in de berekening van de bestanden meegenomen

    Regulation of cilium length and intraflagellar transport by the RCK-kinases ICK and MOK in renal epithelial cells

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    Primary cilia are important sensory organelles. They exist in a wide variety of lengths, which could reflect different cellspecific functions. How cilium length is regulated is unclear, but it probably involves intraflagellar transport (IFT), which transports protein complexes along the ciliary axoneme. Studies in various organisms have identified the small, conserved family of ros-cross hybridizing kinases (RCK) as regulators of cilium length. Here we show that Intestinal Cell Kinase (ICK) and MAPK/MAK/MRK overlapping kinase (MOK), two members of this family, localize to cilia of mouse renal epithelial (IMCD-3) cells and negatively regulate cilium length. To analyze the effects of ICK and MOK on the IFT machinery, we set up live imaging of five fluorescently tagged IFT proteins: KIF3B, a subunit of kinesin-II, the main anterograde IFT motor, complex A protein IFT43, complex B protein IFT20, BBSome protein BBS8 and homodimeric kinesin KIF17, whose function in mammalian cilia is unclear. Interestingly, all five proteins moved at ∼0.45 μm/s in anterograde and retrograde direction, suggesting they are all transported by the same machinery. Moreover, GFP tagged ICK and MOK moved at similar velocities as the IFT proteins, suggesting they are part of, or transported by the IFT machinery. Indeed, loss- or gain-of-function of ICK affected IFT speeds: knockdown increased anterograde velocities, whereas overexpression reduced retrograde speed. In contrast, MOK knockdown or overexpression did not affect IFT speeds. Finally, we found that the effects of ICK or MOK knockdown on cilium length and IFT are suppressed by rapamycin treatment, suggesting that these effects require the mTORC1 pathway. Our results confirm the importance of RCK kinases as regulators of cilium length and IFT. However, whereas some of our results suggest a direct correlation between cilium length and IFT speed, other results indicate that cilium length can be modulated independent of IFT speed

    Percutaneous vertebroplasty is not a risk factor for new osteoporotic compression fractures: results from VERTOS II

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    Background and purpose: Pv is increasingly used as treatment for osteoporotic vcfs. However, controversy exists as to whether pv increases the risk for new vcfs during follow-up. The purpose of our research was to assess the incidence of new vcfs in patients with acute vcfs randomized to pv and conservative therapy. Materials and methods: Vertos ii is a prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing pv with conservative therapy in 202 patients. Incidence, distribution, and timing of new vcfs during follow-up were assessed from spine radiographs. In addition, further height loss during follow-up of treated vcfs was measured. Results: After a mean follow-up of 11.4 Months (Median, 12.0; Range, 1-24 months), 18 New vcfs occurred in 15 of 91 patients after pv and 30 new vcfs in 21 of 85 patients after conservative therapy. This difference was not significant (P = .44). There was no higher fracture risk for adjacent-versus-distant vertebrae. Mean time to new vcf was 16.2 Months after pv and 17.8 Months after conservative treatment (Logrank, p = .45). The baseline number of vcfs was the only risk factor for occurrence (Or, 1.43; 95% Ci, 1.05-1.95) And number (P = .01) Of new vcfs. After conservative therapy, further height loss of treated vertebrae occurred more frequently (35 Of 85 versus 11 of 91 patients, p < .001) And was more severe (P < .001) Than after pv. Conclusions: Incidence of new vcfs was not different after pv compared with conservative therapy after a mean of 11.4 Months' follow-up. The only risk factor for new vcfs was the number of vcfs at baseline. Pv contributed to preservation of stature by decreasing both the incidence and severity of further height loss in treated vertebrae

    Maximising the impact of qualitative research in feasibility studies for randomised controlled trials: guidance for researchers

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    Feasibility studies are increasingly undertaken in preparation for randomised controlled trials in order to explore uncertainties and enable trialists to optimise the intervention or the conduct of the trial. Qualitative research can be used to examine and address key uncertainties prior to a full trial. We present guidance that researchers, research funders and reviewers may wish to consider when assessing or undertaking qualitative research within feasibility studies for randomised controlled trials. The guidance consists of 16 items within five domains: research questions, data collection, analysis, teamwork and reporting. Appropriate and well conducted qualitative research can make an important contribution to feasibility studies for randomised controlled trials. This guidance may help researchers to consider the full range of contributions that qualitative research can make in relation to their particular trial. The guidance may also help researchers and others to reflect on the utility of such qualitative research in practice, so that trial teams can decide when and how best to use these approaches in future studies
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