3,710 research outputs found

    A new purple sulfur bacterium from saline littoral sediments, Thiorhodotvibrio winogradskyi gen. nov. and sp. nov.

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    Two strains of a new purple sulfur bacterium were isolated in pure culture from the littoral sediment of a saline lake (Mahoney Lake, Canada) and a marine microbial mat from the North Sea island of Mellum, respectively. Single cells were vibrioid-to spirilloid-shaped and motile by means of single polar flagella. Intracellular photosynthetic membranes were of the vesicular type. As photosynthetic pigments, bacteriochlorophyll a and the carotenoids lycopene, rhodopin, anhydrorhodovibrin, rhodovibrin and spirilloxanthin were present. Hydrogen sulfide and elemental sulfur were used under anoxic conditions for phototrophic growth. In addition one strain (06511) used thiosulfate. Carbon dioxide, acetate and pyruvate were utilized by both strains as carbon sources. Depending on the strain propionate, succinate, fumarate, malate, tartrate, malonate, glycerol or peptone may additionally serve as carbon sources in the light. Optimum growth rates were obtained at pH 7.2, 33 °C, 50 mol m-2 s-1 intensity of daylight fluorescent tubes and a salinity of 2.2–3.2% NaCl. During growth on sulfide, up to ten small sulfur globules were formed inside the cells. The strains grew microaerophilic in the dark and exhibited high specific respiration rates. No vitamins were required for growth. The DNA base composition was 61.0–62.4 mol% G+C. The newly isolated bacterium belongs to the family chromatiaceae and is described as a member of a new genus and species, Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi gen. nov. and sp. nov. with the type strain SSP1, DSM No. 6702

    Physical and chemical fingerprint of protostellar disc formation

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    (Abridged) The purpose of this paper is to explore and compare the physical and chemical structure of Class I low-mass protostellar sources on protoplanetary disc scales. We present a study of the dust and gas emission towards a representative sample of 12 Class I protostars from the Ophiuchus molecular cloud with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The continuum at 0.87 mm and molecular transitions from C17O, C34S, H13CO+, CH3OH, SO2 , and C2H were observed at high angular resolution (0.4", ~60 au diameter) towards each source. Disc and stellar masses are estimated from the continuum flux and position-velocity diagrams, and six of the sources show disc-like structures. Towards the more luminous sources, compact emission and large line widths are seen for transitions of SO2 that probe warm gas (Eu ~200 K). In contrast, C17O emission is detected towards the least evolved and less luminous systems. No emission of CH3OH is detected towards any of the continuum peaks, indicating an absence of warm CH3OH gas towards these sources. A power-law relation is seen between the stellar mass and the bolometric luminosity, corresponding to a mass accretion rate of (2.4 +/- 0.6) x 10^-7 Msun/year for the Class I sources. This mass accretion rate is lower than the expected value if the accretion is constant in time and rather points to a scenario of accretion occurring in bursts. The differentiation between C17O and SO2 suggests that they trace different physical components: C17O traces the densest and colder regions of the disc-envelope system, while SO2 may be associated with regions of higher temperature, such as accretion shocks. The lack of warm CH3OH emission suggests that there is no hot-core-like region around any of the sources and that the CH3OH column density averaged over the disc is low.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, 8 table

    Chemistry of a newly detected circumbinary disk in Ophiuchus

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    (Abridged) Astronomers recently started discovering exoplanets around binary systems. Therefore, understanding the formation and evolution of circumbinary disks is crucial for a complete scenario of planet formation. The aim of this paper is to present the detection of a circumbinary disk around Oph-IRS67 and analyse its structure. We present high-angular-resolution (0.4", 60 AU) observations of C17O, H13CO+ , C34S, SO2, C2H and c-C3H2 molecular transitions with ALMA at 0.8 mm. The spectrally and spatially resolved maps reveal the kinematics of the circumbinary disk as well as its chemistry. Molecular abundances are estimated using RADEX. The continuum emission reveals the presence of a circumbinary disk around the two sources. This disk has a diameter of ~620 AU and is well traced by C17O and H13CO+ emission. C2H and c-C3H2 trace a higher-density region which is spatially offset from the sources (~430 AU). Finally, SO2 shows compact emission around one of the sources, Oph-IRS67 B. The molecular transitions which trace the circumbinary disk are consistent with a Keplerian profile on disk scales (< 200 AU) and an infalling profile for envelope scales (> 200 AU). The Keplerian fit leads to a mass of 2.2 Msun. Inferred CO abundances w.r.t. H2 are comparable to the canonical ISM value of 2.7e-4. This study proves the first detection of the circumbinary disk associated with Oph-IRS67. The disk is chemically differentiated from the nearby high-density region. The lack of methanol emission suggests the extended disk dominates the mass budget in the inner- most regions of the protostellar envelope, generating a flat density profile where less material is exposed to high temperatures. Thus, complex organic molecules would be associated with lower column densities. Finally, Oph-IRS67 is a promising candidate for the detection of both circumstellar disks with higher-angular-resolution observations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 6 table

    The impact of elbow and knee joint lesions on abnormal gait and posture of sows

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Joint lesions occur widespread in the Danish sow population and they are the most frequent cause for euthanasia. Clinically, it is generally impossible to differentiate between various types of non-inflammatory joint lesions. Consequently, it is often necessary to perform a post mortem examination in order to diagnose these lesions. A study was performed in order to examine the relation of abnormal gait and posture in sows with specific joint lesions, and thereby obtaining a clinical diagnostic tool, to be used by farmers and veterinarians for the evaluation of sows with joint problems.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The gait, posture and lesions in elbow- and knee joints of 60 randomly selected sows from one herd were scored clinically and pathologically. Associations between the scorings were estimated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The variables 'fore- and hind legs turned out' and 'stiff in front and rear' were associated with lesions in the elbow joint, and the variables 'hind legs turned out' and 'stiff in rear' were associated with lesions in the knee joint.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It was shown that specified gait and posture variables reflected certain joint lesions. However, further studies are needed to strengthen and optimize the diagnostic tool.</p

    Maternal exposure to UV filters:Associations with maternal thyroid hormones, IGF-I/IGFBP3 and birth outcomes

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    Background: Several chemical UV filters/absorbers ('UV filters' hereafter) have endocrine-disrupting properties in vitro and in vivo. Exposure to these chemicals, especially during prenatal development, is of concern. Objectives: To examine maternal exposure to UV filters, associations with maternal thyroid hormone, with growth factor concentrations as well as to birth outcomes. Methods: Prospective study of 183 pregnant women with 2nd trimester serum and urine samples available. Maternal concentrations of the chemical UV filters benzophenone-1 (BP-1) and benzophenone-3 (BP-3) in urine and 4-hydroxy-benzophenone (4-HBP) in serum were measured by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The relationships between 2nd trimester maternal concentrations of the three chemical UV filters and maternal serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and growth factors, as well as birth outcomes (weight, height, and head and abdominal circumferences) were examined. Results: Positive associations between maternal serum concentrations of 4-HBP and triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and its binding protein IGFBP3 were observed in mothers carrying male fetuses. Male infants of mothers in the middle 4-HBP exposure group had statistically significantly lower weight and shorter head and abdominal circumferences at birth compared to the low exposure group. Conclusions: Widespread exposure of pregnant women to chemical UV filters and the possible impact on maternal thyroid hormones and growth factors, and on fetal growth, calls for further studies on possible long-term consequences of the exposure to UV filters on fetal development and children’s health

    Hot Organic Molecules Toward a Young Low-Mass Star: A Look at Inner Disk Chemistry

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    Spitzer Space Telescope spectra of the low mass young stellar object (YSO) IRS 46 (L_bol ~ 0.6 L_sun) in Ophiuchus reveal strong vibration-rotation absorption bands of gaseous C2H2, HCN, and CO2. This is the only source out of a sample of ~100 YSO's that shows these features and the first time they are seen in the spectrum of a solar-mass YSO. Analysis of the Spitzer data combined with Keck L- and M-band spectra gives excitation temperatures of > 350 K and abundances of 10(-6)-10(-5) with respect to H2, orders of magnitude higher than those found in cold clouds. In spite of this high abundance, the HCN J=4-3 line is barely detected with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, indicating a source diameter less than 13 AU. The (sub)millimeter continuum emission and the absence of scattered light in near-infrared images limits the mass and temperature of any remnant collapse envelope to less than 0.01 M_sun and 100 K, respectively. This excludes a hot-core type region as found in high-mass YSO's. The most plausible origin of this hot gas rich in organic molecules is in the inner (<6 AU radius) region of the disk around IRS 46, either the disk itself or a disk wind. A nearly edge-on 2-D disk model fits the spectral energy distribution (SED) and gives a column of dense warm gas along the line of sight that is consistent with the absorption data. These data illustrate the unique potential of high-resolution infrared spectroscopy to probe organic chemistry, gas temperatures and kinematics in the planet-forming zones close to a young star.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; To appear in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Adverse trends in male reproductive health: we may have reached a crucial ‘tipping point’

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    Healthy men produce an enormous number of sperms, far more than necessary for conception. However, several studies suggest that semen samples where the concentration of sperms is below 40 mill/mL may be associated with longer time to pregnancy or even subfertility, and specimens where the concentration of sperms is below 15 mill/mL may carry a high risk of infertility. Historic data from the 1940s show that the bulk of young men at that time had sperm counts far above 40 mill/mL with averages higher than 100 mill/mL. However, recent surveillance studies of young men from the general populations of young men in Northern Europe show that semen quality is much poorer. In Denmark approximately 40 percent of the men have now sperm counts below 40 mill/mL. A simulation assuming that average sperm count had declined from 100 mill/mL in ‘old times’ to a current level close to 40 mill/mL indicated that the first decline in average sperm number of 20–40 mill/mL might not have had much effect on pregnancy rates, as the majority of men would still have had counts far above the threshold value. However, due to the assumed decline in semen quality, the sperm counts of the majority of 20 year old European men are now so low that we may be close to the crucial tipping point of 40 mill/mL spermatozoa. Consequently, we must face the possibility of more infertile couples and lower fertility rates in the future

    Can agricultural cultivation methods influence the healthfulness of crops for foods

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    The aim of the current study was to investigate if there are any health effects of long-term consumption of organically grown crops using a rat model. Crops were retrieved over two years from along-term field trial at three different locations in Denmark, using three different cultivation systems(OA, organic based on livestock manure; OB, organic based on green manure; and C, conventional with mineral fertilizers and pesticides)with two field replicates. The cultivation system had an impact on the nutritional quality, affecting γ-tocopherol, some amino acids, and fatty acid composition. Additionally, the nutritional quality was affected by harvest year and location. However, harvest year and location rather than cultivation system affected the measured health biomarkers. In conclusion, the differences in dietary treatments composed of ingredients from different cultivation systems did not lead to significant differences in the measured health biomarkers, except for a significant difference in plasma IgGl evels

    The 3 micron spectrum of R Doradus observed with the ISO-SWS

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    We have modeled the 2.6 - 3.7 um spectrum of the red semiregular variable R Doradus observed with the Short-Wavelength Spectrometer on board the Infrared Space Observatory. The wavelength resolution of the observations varies between R = 2000 - 2500. We have calculated a synthetic spectrum using a hydrostatic model photosphere in spherical geometry. The agreement between the synthetic spectrum and the ISO observations is encouraging, especially in the wavelength region of 2.8 - 3.7 um, suggesting that a hydrostatic model photosphere is adequate for the calculation of synthetic spectra in the near infrared for this moderately varying red giant star. However, an additional absorption component is needed at 2.6- 2.8 um and this discrepancy is discussed. The spectral signatures are dominated by water vapour in the stellar photosphere, but several photospheric OH, CO, and SiO features are also present. The effective temperature and surface gravity derived for R Dor, based on the 2.6 - 3.7 um ISO spectrum and the modeling of it with a hydrostatic model photosphere, are 3000 +- 100 K and log g = 0 +- 1 (cgs), respectively. The spectral region observed is found to be temperature sensitive. The effective temperature given here is slightly higher than those reported in the literature. We also discuss possible reasons for this.Comment: Accepted by A&A, 10 page