729 research outputs found

    On demand treatment and home therapy of hereditary angioedema in Germany - the Frankfurt experience

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    Background: Manifestation of acute edema in hereditary angioedema (HAE) is characterized by interindividual and intraindividual variability in symptom expression over time. Flexible therapy options are needed. Methods: We describe and report on the outcomes of the highly individualized approach to HAE therapy practiced at our HAE center in Frankfurt (Germany). Results: The HAE center at the Frankfurt University Hospital currently treats 450 adults with HAE or AAE and 107 pediatric HAE patients with highly individualized therapeutic approaches. 73.9% of the adult patients treat HAE attacks by on-demand therapy with pasteurized pd C1-INH concentrate, 9.8% use additional prophylaxis with attenuated androgens, 1% of the total patient population in Frankfurt has been treated with Icatibant up to now. In addition adult and selected pediatric patients with a high frequency of severe attacks are instructed to apply individual replacement therapy (IRT) with pasteurized pd C1-INH concentrate. Improvement on Quality of Life items was shown for these patients compared to previous long-term danazol prophylaxis. Home treatment of HAE patients was developed in the Frankfurt HAE center in line with experiences in hemophilia therapy and has so far been implemented over a period of 28 years. At present 248 (55%) of the adult patients and 26 (24%) of the pediatric patients are practicing home treatment either as on demand or IRT treatment. Conclusions: In conclusion, the individualized home therapies provided by our HAE center, aim to limit the disruption to normal daily activities that occurs for many HAE patients. Furthermore, we seek to optimize the economic burden of the disease while offering a maximum quality of life to our patients

    GRANIT project: a trap for gravitational quantum states of UCN

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    Previous studies of gravitationally bound states of ultracold neutrons showed the quantization of energy levels, and confirmed quantum mechanical predictions for the average size of the two lowest energy states wave functions. Improvements in position-like measurements can increase the accuracy by an order of magnitude only. We therefore develop another approach, consisting in accurate measurements of the energy levels. The GRANIT experiment is devoted to the study of resonant transitions between quantum states induced by an oscillating perturbation. According to Heisenberg's uncertainty relations, the accuracy of measurement of the energy levels is limited by the time available to perform the transitions. Thus, trapping quantum states will be necessary, and each source of losses has to be controlled in order to maximize the lifetime of the states. We discuss the general principles of transitions between quantum states, and consider the main systematical losses of neutrons in a trap.Comment: presented in ISINN 15 seminar, Dubn

    HAE international home therapy consensus document

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    Hereditary angioedema (C1 inhibitor deficiency, HAE) is associated with intermittent swellings which are disabling and may be fatal. Effective treatments are available and these are most useful when given early in the course of the swelling. The requirement to attend a medical facility for parenteral treatment results in delays. Home therapy offers the possibility of earlier treatment and better symptom control, enabling patients to live more healthy, productive lives. This paper examines the evidence for patient-controlled home treatment of acute attacks ('self or assisted administration') and suggests a framework for patients and physicians interested in participating in home or self-administration programmes. It represents the opinion of the authors who have a wide range of expert experience in the management of HAE

    Outcomes in children with hemophilia A with inhibitors: Results from a noninterventional study

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    Background: Data regarding management of pediatric persons with hemophilia A (PwHA) with factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitors are limited. This prospective noninterventional study (NCT02476942) evaluated annualized bleeding rates (ABRs), safety, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in pediatric PwHA with FVIII inhibitors. Procedure: PwHA aged <12 years with current FVIII inhibitors and high-titer inhibitor history were enrolled. Participants remained on usual treatment; no interventions were applied. Outcomes included ABR, safety, and HRQoL. Results: Twenty-four PwHA aged 2-11 years (median 7.5) were enrolled and monitored for 8.7-44.1 weeks (median 23.4). In the episodic (n = 10) and prophylactic (n = 14) groups, respectively, 121 of 185 (65.4%) and 101 of 186 (54.3%) bleeds were treated using activated prothrombin complex concentrate (aPCC) and/or recombinant activated FVII (rFVIIa). ABRs (95% confidence interval) were 19.4 (13.2-28.4) and 18.5 (14.2-24.0) for treated bleeds, and 32.7 (20.5-52.2) and 33.1 (22.4-48.9) for all bleeds, respectively. Most prophylactic group participants (92.9%) were prescribed aPCC; 50% adhered to their prescribed treatment regimen. Adherence to prophylactic rFVIIa was not assessed. Serious adverse events included hemarthrosis (12.5%) and mouth hemorrhage (12.5%); the most common nonserious adverse event was viral upper respiratory tract infection (12.5%). HRQoL showed functional impairment at baseline; scores remained stable throughout, with little intergroup variation. Conclusions: ABRs remained high in pediatric PwHA with inhibitors receiving standard treatment. This study demonstrates the need for more effective treatments, with reduced treatment burden, to prevent bleeds, increase prophylaxis adherence, and improve patient outcomes.Was funded by F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd

    Excavation along the easternmost frontier of the LBK in NE-Hungary at Apc-Berekalja I (2008–2009)

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    The topographical position and size of the site, the number of detected houses, the presence of the early phase make the Apc-Berekalja I settlement one of the most significant sites of the LBK in Hungary. The ongoing processing of the excavation data provided already some very important observations. The geoarchaeological results demonstrated the presence of the in situ soil of the Neolithic period and effects of floods on the settlement. The study of the chipped and ground stone material coming from the Neolithic features revealed no conspicuous changes in the lithic industry of the settlement from the pre-Notenkopf to Želiezovce phases of the LBK. Lithic raw materials came exclusively from territories to the east of the site, which is an evidence of the isolation of the LBK groups that inhabited Apc. | Földrajzi helyzete, a lelőhely mérete, a megfigyelt házak száma és a korai fázis megléte alapján Apc-Berekalja I. az egyik legjelentősebb magyarországi VK-település. Az ásatási adatok még folyamatban lévő feldolgozása során közlésre méltó eredmények születtek. A geoarcheológiai vizsgálatok kimutatták egy neolitikus korú talaj in situ meglétét, valamint a települést sújtó áradásokat. A neolitikus korú objektumokból származó pattintott és szerszámkövek a település fennállása alatt a kőipar lényegi változatlanságáról tanúskodnak a VK korai időszakától a zselízi fázisáig. A településen élők a kőnyersanyagokat kizárólag a keletre eső területekről szerezték be, ami az itt lakó csoport izoláltságát igazolja

    Clinical practice: Drug desensitization in children

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    Immediate type allergic reactions to medication are potentially life threatening and can hamper drug therapy of several medical conditions. Exact incidence and prevalence data for these reactions in children are lacking. If no alternative drug treatment is available, a desensitization procedure may secure the continuation of necessary therapy. Desensitization is only appropriate in case of a strong suspicion of an IgE-mediated allergic reaction. It should be performed by trained clinicians (allergy specialists) in a hospital setting where treatment of a potential anaphylactic reaction can be done without any delay. In this article, literature describing desensitization procedures for several antibiotics, antineoplastic agents, and vaccines in children is reviewed. In general, desensitization schemes for children differ only in final dose from schemes for adults. Contradictory data were found regarding the protective effects of premedication with antihistamines and glucocorticoids

    GeneChip analyses point to novel pathogenetic mechanisms in mantle cell lymphoma

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    The translocation t(11;14)(q13;q32) is the genetic hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) but is not sufficient for inducing lymphomagenesis. Here we performed genome-wide 100K GeneChip Mapping in 26 t(11;14)-positive MCL and six MCL cell lines. Partial uniparental disomy (pUPD) was shown to be a recurrent chromosomal event not only in MCL cell lines but also in primary MCL. Remarkably, pUPD affected recurrent targets of deletion like 11q, 13q and 17p. Moreover, we identified 12 novel regions of recurrent gain and loss as well as 12 high-level amplifications and eight homozygously deleted regions hitherto undescribed in MCL. Interestingly, GeneChip analyses identified different genes, encoding proteins involved in microtubule dynamics, such as MAP2, MAP6 and TP53, as targets for chromosomal aberration in MCL. Further investigation, including mutation analyses, fluorescence in situ hybridisation as well as epigenetic and expression studies, revealed additional aberrations frequently affecting these genes. In total, 19 of 20 MCL cases, which were subjected to genetic and epigenetic analyses, and five of six MCL cell lines harboured at least one aberration in MAP2, MAP6 or TP53. These findings provide evidence that alterations of microtubule dynamics might be one of the critical events in MCL lymphomagenesis contributing to chromosomal instability