139 research outputs found

    Preparation of professional training teachers for network cooperation between educational establishments during labor preparation

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    Relevance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the necessity to arrange network cooperation between educational institutions during labor force preparation in the conditions of informatization of educational and technological processes. The aim of the article is to prove the necessity of including basics of network cooperation between educational establishments to preparation of professional training teachers for computer modeling in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for labor professions. The main method of research is pedagogical modeling of professional training teachers preparation, permitting to identify the structure and content of the preparation process for computer modeling. The necessity to train professional training teachers in organization of network cooperation between educational institutions during preparation for computer modeling has been identified and proved; the approach to development of the structure and component content of the process of preparation for computer modeling has been determined; content of preparation for computer modeling has been reconstructed by introduction of cross-discipline module “Computer modeling”; module and competency-based learning and teaching support of the process of preparation to computer modeling has been developed. The materials of the article can be used by magistrands, post-graduates, teachers in development of content of information preparation of professional training teachers. © 2016 Tarasjuk et al

    Structure and content of e-learning information environment based on geo-information technologies

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    © 2017 Authors. The urgency of the paper is determined by the continuous information development of all spheres of education: integration of new knowledge, accessibility of information technologies and computer facility aids, professionalization and computerization of educational activities. The purpose of the research is to develop the structure and content of learning information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The authors show the possibilities of using geo-information technologies in teaching outside the scope of their typical application (geographic, geodetic, geological education). The principles of designing the information environment for training on the basis of geo-information technologies are developed, which is built into the general information environment of higher education institute. The peculiarities of using geo-information technologies in non-core training are revealed, and the structure of learning environment modules based on geo-information technologies is developed and their content is described. The authors adapted the system of criteria evaluating the the effectiveness of training information environment, carried out an empirical study of the quality of education information environment in a higher education institute on the basis of geo-information technologies. The paper is intended for teachers, specialists in the field of information as means of education

    Current problems of acceptability to therapy with hormonal contraceptives

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    The article deals the data of a survey of young women of childbearing age about the means of hormonal contraceptive therapy used by them, satisfaction of the therapy, and the presence of undesirable side reactions. A study is being made of the possible causes of low compliance with hormonal contraceptives and ways to increase it.B статье рассмотрены данные опроса молодых женщин детородного возраста об используемых ими средствах гормональной противозачаточной терапии, удовлетворенности проводимого лечения и наличии нежелательных побочных реакций. Проводится анализ возможных причин низкой комплаентности к приему гормональных контрацептивов и способов его повышения


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    The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. II. The Spatial Distribution and Demographics of Dusty Young Stellar Objects

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    We analyze the spatial distribution of dusty young stellar objects (YSOs) identified in the Spitzer Survey of the Orion Molecular clouds, augmenting these data with Chandra X-ray observations to correct for incompleteness in dense clustered regions. We also devise a scheme to correct for spatially varying incompleteness when X-ray data are not available. The local surface densities of the YSOs range from 1 pc^(−2) to over 10,000 pc^(−2), with protostars tending to be in higher density regions. This range of densities is similar to other surveyed molecular clouds with clusters, but broader than clouds without clusters. By identifying clusters and groups as continuous regions with surface densities ≥10 pc^(−2), we find that 59% of the YSOs are in the largest cluster, the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC), while 13% of the YSOs are found in a distributed population. A lower fraction of protostars in the distributed population is evidence that it is somewhat older than the groups and clusters. An examination of the structural properties of the clusters and groups shows that the peak surface densities of the clusters increase approximately linearly with the number of members. Furthermore, all clusters with more than 70 members exhibit asymmetric and/or highly elongated structures. The ONC becomes azimuthally symmetric in the inner 0.1 pc, suggesting that the cluster is only ~2 Myr in age. We find that the star formation efficiency (SFE) of the Orion B cloud is unusually low, and that the SFEs of individual groups and clusters are an order of magnitude higher than those of the clouds. Finally, we discuss the relationship between the young low mass stars in the Orion clouds and the Orion OB 1 association, and we determine upper limits to the fraction of disks that may be affected by UV radiation from OB stars or dynamical interactions in dense, clustered regions

    The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Orion A and B Molecular Clouds. I. A Census of Dusty Young Stellar Objects and a Study of Their Mid-infrared Variability

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    We present a survey of the Orion A and B molecular clouds undertaken with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board Spitzer. In total, five distinct fields were mapped, covering 9 deg^2 in five mid-IR bands spanning 3-24 μm. The survey includes the Orion Nebula Cluster, the Lynds 1641, 1630, and 1622 dark clouds, and the NGC 2023, 2024, 2068, and 2071 nebulae. These data are merged with the Two Micron All Sky Survey point source catalog to generate a catalog of eight-band photometry. We identify 3479 dusty young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Orion molecular clouds by searching for point sources with mid-IR colors indicative of reprocessed light from dusty disks or infalling envelopes. The YSOs are subsequently classified on the basis of their mid-IR colors and their spatial distributions are presented. We classify 2991 of the YSOs as pre-main-sequence stars with disks and 488 as likely protostars. Most of the sources were observed with IRAC in two to three epochs over six months; we search for variability between the epochs by looking for correlated variability in the 3.6 and 4.5 μm bands. We find that 50% of the dusty YSOs show variability. The variations are typically small (~0.2 mag) with the protostars showing a higher incidence of variability and larger variations. The observed correlations between the 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 μm variability suggests that we are observing variations in the heating of the inner disk due to changes in the accretion luminosity or rotating accretion hot spots

    Herschel/PACS Imaging of Protostars in the HH 1-2 Outflow Complex

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    We present 70 and 160 micron Herschel science demonstration images of a field in the Orion A molecular cloud that contains the prototypical Herbig-Haro objects HH 1 and 2, obtained with the Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS). These observations demonstrate Herschel's unprecedented ability to study the rich population of protostars in the Orion molecular clouds at the wavelengths where they emit most of their luminosity. The four protostars previously identified by Spitzer 3.6-40 micron imaging and spectroscopy are detected in the 70 micron band, and three are clearly detected at 160 microns. We measure photometry of the protostars in the PACS bands and assemble their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) from 1 to 870 microns with these data, Spitzer spectra and photometry, 2MASS data, and APEX sub-mm data. The SEDs are fit to models generated with radiative transfer codes. From these fits we can constrain the fundamental properties of the protostars. We find luminosities in the range 12-84 L_sun and envelope densities spanning over two orders of magnitude. This implies that the four protostars have a wide range of envelope infall rates and evolutionary states: two have dense, infalling envelopes, while the other two have only residual envelopes. We also show the highly irregular and filamentary structure of the cold dust and gas surrounding the protostars as traced at 160 microns.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the A&A Herschel special issu


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    The results of the analysis of financial-economic state of the town-forming organizations of single-industry towns are presented in the paper. The risk factors that affect financial stability identified in the present paper. The ratio of successful, problem and crisis organizations in the analyzed population (360 enterprises) and the dynamics of the respective groups are presented.Представлены результаты анализа финансово-экономического состояния градообразующих организаций моногородов, выявлены факторы риска, влияющие на их финансовую устойчивость, показано соотношение благополучных, проблемных и кризисных организаций в анализируемой совокупности (360 предприятий), динамика соответствующих групп