
Preparation of professional training teachers for network cooperation between educational establishments during labor preparation


Relevance of the problem being investigated is conditioned by the necessity to arrange network cooperation between educational institutions during labor force preparation in the conditions of informatization of educational and technological processes. The aim of the article is to prove the necessity of including basics of network cooperation between educational establishments to preparation of professional training teachers for computer modeling in the conditions of implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for labor professions. The main method of research is pedagogical modeling of professional training teachers preparation, permitting to identify the structure and content of the preparation process for computer modeling. The necessity to train professional training teachers in organization of network cooperation between educational institutions during preparation for computer modeling has been identified and proved; the approach to development of the structure and component content of the process of preparation for computer modeling has been determined; content of preparation for computer modeling has been reconstructed by introduction of cross-discipline module “Computer modeling”; module and competency-based learning and teaching support of the process of preparation to computer modeling has been developed. The materials of the article can be used by magistrands, post-graduates, teachers in development of content of information preparation of professional training teachers. © 2016 Tarasjuk et al

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