159 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi masalah penyalahgunaan narkoba yang sudah menjadi masalah global yang harus ditanggulangi sesegera mungkin. Rumah Dampingan Tenjo Laut Kuningan melaksanakan program Pascarehabilitasi berupa pelatihan vocational bagi mantan penyalahguna narkoba agar dapat hidup produktif, mandiri dan berfungsi sosial. Permasalahan yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah program kerja, proses pembinaan hingga dampak. Tujuan umum penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan mengenai pembinaan civic disposition di Rumah Dampingan Tenjo Laut Kuningan terhadap korban penyalahgunaan narkoba pascarehabilitasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan grand theory kompetensi kewarganegaraan dari Branson bahwa warga negara yang baik harus menguasai 3 kompetensi: pengetahuan kewarganegaraan (civic knowledge), keterampilan kewarganegaraan (civic skill), dan watak kewarganegaraan (civic disposition). Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus. Lalu, teknis pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu program kerja adalah Relapse Prevantion, ketahanan diri, pengembangan diri, layanan vokasional, bimbingan, konseling dan psikoterapi, layanan pola hidup sehat, layanan psikososial, managemen kasus, self help group. Jadwal kegiatan pembinaan yaitu weekday adalah kegiatan inti sedangkan weekend adalah free. Kendala yang dihadapi adalah kejenuhan, kurangnya dana dan keterbatasan fasilitas. Upayanya adalah mencari alternatif kegiatan yang kreatif dan inovatif, mengajukan proposal. Dampak yang diharapkan yaitu pulih, produktif dan mampu berfungsi sosial. Hasil lanjutannya adalah hanya segelintir saja residen yang kembali relapse sisanya mereka bisa menjalani hidup seperti manusia normal.; The background of problems of this research is the misuse of drugs which has become a global problem that must be addressed as soon as possible. Rumah Dampingan Tenjo Laut Kuningan implements a post-rehabilitation programs such as vocational training for ex-misuse drugs’ victim in order to live productively, independent and social functioning. The objectives of this research is the working program, the coaching process until its impact toward the victim. The aim of this research is to describe the fostering process of civic disposition in Rumah Dampingan Tenjo Laut Kuningan for ex-misuse drugs’ post-rehabilitation victims. This research uses a grand theory of citizenship competencies of Branson that good citizens must master three competencies: civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic disposition. The approach of this research is qualitative approach. The method used in this research is a case study. Then, the data were collected through interview process, observation and documentation study. The results of this research related to the working program are Relapse Prevention, self-endurance, self-development, vocational services, guidance, counseling and psychotherapy, healthy lifestyle services, psychosocial services, case management, and self-help group. The core activities of the fostering process is held in the weekday, while in the weekend, there is no activity. The obstacles faced during this research was boredom, the lack of funds and the limited facilities. The attempt to remove those obstacles is to find creative and innovative alternative activities and submit some proposals. The expected impact is that the ex-misuse drugs’ victims can be recovered, productive and socially functioning. The follow up results is that only a few resident who returned relapse, while the rest can live like a normal human being

    Good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable

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    A good cover in R^d is a collection of open contractible sets in R^d such that the intersection of any subcollection is either contractible or empty. Motivated by an analogy with convex sets, intersection patterns of good covers were studied intensively. Our main result is that intersection patterns of good covers are algorithmically unrecognizable. More precisely, the intersection pattern of a good cover can be stored in a simplicial complex called nerve which records which subfamilies of the good cover intersect. A simplicial complex is topologically d-representable if it is isomorphic to the nerve of a good cover in R^d. We prove that it is algorithmically undecidable whether a given simplicial complex is topologically d-representable for any fixed d \geq 5. The result remains also valid if we replace good covers with acyclic covers or with covers by open d-balls. As an auxiliary result we prove that if a simplicial complex is PL embeddable into R^d, then it is topologically d-representable. We also supply this result with showing that if a "sufficiently fine" subdivision of a k-dimensional complex is d-representable and k \leq (2d-3)/3, then the complex is PL embeddable into R^d.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; result extended also to acyclic covers in version

    Effect of Bacilli Calmette-Guerin vaccine on severe combined immunodeficiency patient: a narrative review and proposed workup algorithm

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    This systematic review critically investigates the administration of the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine in neonates with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). The BCG vaccine, derived from Mycobacterium bovis, is a live attenuated vaccine recognized for its significant role in mitigating the impacts of tuberculosis (TB) in endemic areas. Despite its beneficial effects in controlling TB, safety and efficacy concerns have been raised when the vaccine is administered to SCID patients, who have a severe dysfunction or absence of the immune system. The potential for the vaccine to lead to severe complications due to the immunocompromised state of SCID patients necessitates a comprehensive investigation. To better understand these issues, a thorough literature review was carried out, integrating data from clinical trials and observational studies available on the PubMed database. An extensive review and analysis of 32 relevant articles revealed substantial evidence of complications from BCG vaccination in SCID patients. These findings emphasize the urgency for a more effective pre-vaccination screening process to circumvent potential adverse effects. Given the crucial role of the BCG vaccine in controlling TB, its potential to induce severe complications in SCID patients warrants careful consideration. Therefore, this review proposes an in-depth screening algorithm for newborns before BCG vaccination administration. The goal is to prevent these adverse events, offering critical insights to health policymakers, researchers, and clinicians in the field

    Bounding Helly numbers via Betti numbers

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    We show that very weak topological assumptions are enough to ensure the existence of a Helly-type theorem. More precisely, we show that for any non-negative integers bb and dd there exists an integer h(b,d)h(b,d) such that the following holds. If F\mathcal F is a finite family of subsets of Rd\mathbb R^d such that β~i(G)b\tilde\beta_i\left(\bigcap\mathcal G\right) \le b for any GF\mathcal G \subsetneq \mathcal F and every 0id/210 \le i \le \lceil d/2 \rceil-1 then F\mathcal F has Helly number at most h(b,d)h(b,d). Here β~i\tilde\beta_i denotes the reduced Z2\mathbb Z_2-Betti numbers (with singular homology). These topological conditions are sharp: not controlling any of these d/2\lceil d/2 \rceil first Betti numbers allow for families with unbounded Helly number. Our proofs combine homological non-embeddability results with a Ramsey-based approach to build, given an arbitrary simplicial complex KK, some well-behaved chain map C(K)C(Rd)C_*(K) \to C_*(\mathbb R^d).Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Convexity in partial cubes: the hull number

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    We prove that the combinatorial optimization problem of determining the hull number of a partial cube is NP-complete. This makes partial cubes the minimal graph class for which NP-completeness of this problem is known and improves some earlier results in the literature. On the other hand we provide a polynomial-time algorithm to determine the hull number of planar partial cube quadrangulations. Instances of the hull number problem for partial cubes described include poset dimension and hitting sets for interiors of curves in the plane. To obtain the above results, we investigate convexity in partial cubes and characterize these graphs in terms of their lattice of convex subgraphs, improving a theorem of Handa. Furthermore we provide a topological representation theorem for planar partial cubes, generalizing a result of Fukuda and Handa about rank three oriented matroids.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    A Vehicular Traffic Flow Model Based on a Stochastic Acceleration Process

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    A new vehicular traffic flow model based on a stochastic jump process in vehicle acceleration and braking is introduced. It is based on a master equation for the single car probability density in space, velocity and acceleration with an additional vehicular chaos assumption and is derived via a Markovian ansatz for car pairs. This equation is analyzed using simple driver interaction models in the spatial homogeneous case. Velocity distributions in stochastic equilibrium, together with the car density dependence of their moments, i.e. mean velocity and scattering and the fundamental diagram are presented.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Globular cluster formation within the Aquarius simulation

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    The Aquarius project is a very high-resolution simulation capable of resolving the full mass range of potential globular cluster (GC) formation sites. With a particle mass mp= 1.4 × 104 M¿, Aquarius yields more than 100 million particles within the virial radius of the central halo which has a mass of 1.8 × 1012 M¿, similar to that of the Milky Way. With this particle mass, dark matter concentrations (haloes) that give rise to GCs via our formation criteria contain a minimum of ~2000 particles. Here, we use this simulation to test a model of metal-poor GC formation based on collapse physics. In our model, GCs form when the virial temperatures of haloes first exceed 104 K as this is when electronic transitions allow the gas to cool efficiently. We calculate the ionizing flux from the stars in these first clusters and stop the formation of new clusters when all the baryonic gas of the Galaxy is ionized. This is achieved by adopting reasonable values for the star formation efficiencies and escape fraction of ionizing photons which result in similar numbers and masses of clusters to those found in the Milky Way. The model is successful in that it predicts ages (peak age ~13.3 Gyr) and a spatial distribution of metal-poor GCs which are consistent with the observed populations in the Milky Way. The model also predicts that less than 5 per cent of GCs within a radius of 100 kpc have a surviving dark matter halo, but the more distant clusters are all found in dark matter concentrations. We then test a scenario of metal-rich cluster formation by examining mergers that trigger star formation within central gas discs. This results in younger (~7¿13.3 Gyr), more centrally located clusters (40 metal-rich GCs within 18 kpc from the centre of the host) which are consistent with the Galactic metal-rich population. We test an alternate model in which metal-rich GCs form in dwarf galaxies that become stripped as they merge with the main halo. This process is inconsistent with observed metal-rich globulars in the Milky Way because it predicts spatial distributions that are far too extended

    Gas cooling in semi-analytic models and SPH simulations: are results consistent?

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    We present a detailed comparison between the galaxy populations within a massive cluster, as predicted by hydrodynamical SPH simulations and by a semi-analytic model (SAM) of galaxy formation. Both models include gas cooling and a simple prescription of star formation, which consists in transforming instantaneously any cold gas available into stars, while neglecting any source of energy feedback. We find that, in general, galaxy populations from SAMs and SPH have similar statistical properties, in agreement with previous studies. However, when comparing galaxies on an object-by-object basis, we find a number of interesting differences: a) the star formation histories of the brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from SAM and SPH models differ significantly, with the SPH BCG exhibiting a lower level of star formation activity at low redshift, and a more intense and shorter initial burst of star formation with respect to its SAM counterpart; b) while all stars associated with the BCG were formed in its progenitors in the semi-analytic model used here, this holds true only for half of the final BCG stellar mass in the SPH simulation, the remaining half being contributed by tidal stripping of stars from the diffuse stellar component associated with galaxies accreted on the cluster halo; c) SPH satellites can loose up to 90 per cent of their stellar mass at the time of accretion, due to tidal stripping, a process not included in the semi-analytic model used in this study; d) in the SPH simulation, significant cooling occurs on the most massive satellite galaxies and this lasts for up to 1 Gyr after accretion. This physical process is not included in the semi-analytic model used in our study, as well as in most of the models discussed in the recent literature.Comment: Revised version submitted to MNRAS, 15 pages, 9 figures. A High-resolution version of the paper and figures can be found at this http://adlibitum.oats.inaf.it/saro/SAM2/paper.pd

    Sussing merger trees: the Merger Trees Comparison Project

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    Merger trees follow the growth and merger of dark-matter haloes over cosmic history. As well as giving important insights into the growth of cosmic structure in their own right, they provide an essential backbone to semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. This paper is the first in a series to arise from the Sussing Merger Trees Workshop in which 10 different tree-building algorithms were applied to the same set of halo catalogues and their results compared. Although many of these codes were similar in nature, all algorithms produced distinct results. Our main conclusions are that a useful merger-tree code should possess the following features: (i) the use of particle IDs to match haloes between snapshots; (ii) the ability to skip at least one, and preferably more, snapshots in order to recover subhaloes that are temporarily lost during merging; (iii) the ability to cope with (and ideally smooth out) large, temporary fluctuations in halo mass. Finally, to enable different groups to communicate effectively, we defined a common terminology that we used when discussing merger trees and we encourage others to adopt the same language. We also specified a minimal output format to record the results

    Mesoamerican nephropathy: a narrative review

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    Mesoamerican nephropathy (MeN) also known as chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) is prevalent in agriculturally rich areas. The most widely accepted pathophysiological explanation for MeN is chronic dehydration caused by prolonged exposure to the sun. Other theories include oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, infection and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. The clinical presentation is quite vague and is diagnosed similar to CKD from any cause using blood, urine analysis and ultrasound. The study highlights the need for interdisciplinary cooperation among physicians, epidemiologists, toxicologists, and geneticists while identifying significant research gaps and future objectives. Occupational health related to agriculture is not emphasised enough especially in third world countries where a large chunk of population heavily depend on farming. To safeguard the population at risk, the significance of community-based initiatives, occupational health measures, and regulatory changes is emphasised