167 research outputs found

    Universal spectral dynamics of modulation instability: Theory, simulation, experiment

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    A central process of nonlinear fibre optics is modulation instability (MI), where weak perturbations on a continuous wave are amplified to generate a parametric cascade of spectral sidebands. Although studied for many years, it has only been recently appreciated that MI dynamics can be described analytically by Akhmediev breather (AB) solutions to the nonlinear Schrdinger equation (NLSE) [1]. This has led to important results, including the first observation of the Peregrine Soliton [2]. AB theory has also shown that the spectral amplitudes at the peak of the MI gain curve yield a characteristic log-triangular spectrum, providing new insight into the initial phase of supercontinuum generation [3]. Here, we present a significant extension to this theory by generalising the analysis to describe spectral characteristics for arbitrary gain. Our new result also describes the dynamics of the spectral development, a process previously studied only via truncated models or numerical approaches [4]. We confirm our theory by simulations and experiments. ďż˝ 2011 IEEE

    Performances hydrauliques et agronomiques des systèmes d'irrigation gravitaires sur l'élimination de l'excès d'eau hivernal dans la plaine du Gharb au Maroc

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    International audienceLa plaine du Gharb présente une double problématique, celle des excès d'eau en hiver qui mettent en péril les levées et les premières phases des cycles culturaux et, à partir du printemps, celle du déficit en eau qui nécessite le recours à l'irrigation pour garantir un niveau de rendement acceptable. La valorisation de l'eau d'irrigation est en conséquence étroitement dépendante des conditions de drainage hivernales, déterminantes vis-à-vis des potentialités des cultures d'hiver. Toute action à entreprendre pour améliorer l'usage et l'efficience de l'eau ne doit pas perdre de vue ces deux aspects complémentaires. Le travail conduit dans le cadre de la présente recherche vise à démontrer que les systèmes d'irrigation gravitaire à la raie longue présentent non seulement un intérêt en période estivale mais également vis-à-vis du drainage de surface en période hivernale. L'un des enjeux majeur de ce travail est d'évaluer le gain que génère le système gravitaire modernisé (raie longue). A cet effet, des travaux d'expérimentation sont conduits depuis 2003-2004 à la station de Souk Tl et sur la betterave à sucre qui reste l'une des principales cultures pratiquées au Gharb mais dont les potentialités de production sont affectées par les excès d'eau hivernaux. Le travail de recherche a trait à l'évaluation des performances des systèmes d'irrigation gravitaire (raie longue, et " robta ") et des systèmes en aspersion en conditions nivelées et non nivelées. Cette évaluation se basera sur la prise en compte conjointe des contraintes d'excès d'eau hivernaux et de déficit estival de la betterave à sucre. Une bonne - et nécessaire - intégration de ces processus et le transfert des résultats auprès des agriculteurs constitue un enjeu majeur pour la durabilité environnementale et économique du périmètre irrigué du Gharb. C'est dans ce sens que des essais ont été conduits chez des agriculteurs pour la même culture, après correction du nivellement et ce, pour les deux systèmes d'irrigation. Les premiers résultats de ce travail de recherche montrent que le système d'irrigation gravitaire à la raie longue permet d'irriguer et d'évacuer efficacement les excès d'eau hivernaux. Des valeurs de rendements proches des potentialités attestant de cette efficacité ont été obtenues. Des très bons niveaux de rendement ont été également obtenus pour le système en aspersion nivelé. Il est sans conteste montré que l'absence de nivellement, frein à l'évacuation des excès d'eau par ruissellement et générateur de stagnations locales, est responsable de pertes de rendement importantes

    Effect of extraction solvent on total phenol content, total flavonoids content, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities against phytopathogenic and foodborne pathogens bacteria of Ruta montana extracts

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    In this study, water and various concentrations of methanol and ethanol in water were used as solvent in the extraction of aerial part of Ruta montana. The aims were to investigate the effects of solvents on the extraction of polyphenol from Ruta montana, from Taza region, and evaluate in vitro the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities against phytopathogenic and foodborne pathogens bacteria of the extracts. The results showed that the Ruta montana extract obtained by 80% methanol exhibited the highest phenolic (117.70 ± 2.82 mg GAE/g Ext) and flavonoid (77 ± 6.55 mg ER/g Ext) contents. The antioxidant potential was examined by Diphenyl picryl hydrazinyl radical (DPPH) and ferric reducing power assays (FRAP). The 80% methanol extract presented the greatest capacity to reduce the DPPH (IC50=10.66 ± 1.52 µg/mL), and the highest ferric reducing power (66.66 ± 5.67 mg AAE/g of extract). The antimicrobial activity of extracts from Ruta montana against phytopathogenic and foodborne pathogens bacteria was qualitatively and quantitatively tested by the development of inhibition zones (ZID) and MTT-assay. The ZID ranged between 10.66 mm and 19.33 mm. Proteus mirabilis, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis 1616-3, Bacillus subtilis DSM 6633, Listeria innocua CECT 4030 were the most sensitive bacteria with MIC varied from 1.56 to 12.5 mg/mL. These finding suggest that Ruta montana may be considered as a potential sources of phenol contents with antioxidant and antibacterial potentials against phytopathogenic and foodborne pathogens bacteria

    Observation of Kuznetsov-Ma soliton dynamics in optical fibre

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    The nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) is a central model of nonlinear science, applying to hydrodynamics, plasma physics, molecular biology and optics. The NLSE admits only few elementary analytic solutions, but one in particular describing a localized soliton on a finite background is of intense current interest in the context of understanding the physics of extreme waves. However, although the first solution of this type was the Kuznetzov-Ma (KM) soliton derived in 1977, there have in fact been no quantitative experiments confirming its validity. We report here novel experiments in optical fibre that confirm the KM soliton theory, completing an important series of experiments that have now observed a complete family of soliton on background solutions to the NLSE. Our results also show that KM dynamics appear more universally than for the specific conditions originally considered, and can be interpreted as an analytic description of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence in NLSE propagation

    PPR proteins shed a new light on RNase P biology.

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    A fast growing number of studies identify pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins as major players in gene expression processes. Among them, a subset of PPR proteins called PRORP possesses RNase P activity in several eukaryotes, both in nuclei and organelles. RNase P is the endonucleolytic activity that removes 5' leader sequences from tRNA precursors and is thus essential for translation. Before the characterization of PRORP, RNase P enzymes were thought to occur universally as ribonucleoproteins, although some evidence implied that some eukaryotes or cellular compartments did not use RNA for RNase P activity. The characterization of PRORP reveals a two-domain enzyme, with an N-terminal domain containing multiple PPR motifs and assumed to achieve target specificity and a C-terminal domain holding catalytic activity. The nature of PRORP interactions with tRNAs suggests that ribonucleoprotein and protein-only RNase P enzymes share a similar substrate binding process

    Advanced nonlinear signal processing in silicon-based waveguides

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    This talk presents recent progress in optical signal processing based on compact waveguides fabricated mainly using silicon germanium alloys. Applications include supercontinuum generation, wavelength conversion and signal regeneration

    Editing site analysis in a gymnosperm mitochondrial genome reveals similarities with angiosperm mitochondrial genomes

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    Sequence analysis of organelle genomes and comprehensive analysis of C-to-U editing sites from flowering and non-flowering plants have provided extensive sequence information from diverse taxa. This study includes the first comprehensive analysis of RNA editing sites from a gymnosperm mitochondrial genome, and utilizes informatics analyses to determine conserved features in the RNA sequence context around editing sites. We have identified 565 editing sites in 21 full-length and 4 partial cDNAs of the 39 protein-coding genes identified from the mitochondrial genome of Cycas taitungensis. The information profiles and RNA sequence context of C-to-U editing sites in the Cycas genome exhibit similarity in the immediate flanking nucleotides. Relative entropy analyses indicate that similar regions in the 5′ flanking 20 nucleotides have information content compared to angiosperm mitochondrial genomes. These results suggest that evolutionary constraints exist on the nucleotide sequences immediately adjacent to C-to-U editing sites, and similar regions are utilized in editing site recognition
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