191 research outputs found

    Statistical Properties of Contact Maps

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    A contact map is a simple representation of the structure of proteins and other chain-like macromolecules. This representation is quite amenable to numerical studies of folding. We show that the number of contact maps corresponding to the possible configurations of a polypeptide chain of N amino acids, represented by (N-1)-step self avoiding walks on a lattice, grows exponentially with N for all dimensions D>1. We carry out exact enumerations in D=2 on the square and triangular lattices for walks of up to 20 steps and investigate various statistical properties of contact maps corresponding to such walks. We also study the exact statistics of contact maps generated by walks on a ladder.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages, 12 eps figures. To appear on Phys. Rev.

    Information Loss in Coarse Graining of Polymer Configurations via Contact Matrices

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    Contact matrices provide a coarse grained description of the configuration omega of a linear chain (polymer or random walk) on Z^n: C_{ij}(omega)=1 when the distance between the position of the i-th and j-th step are less than or equal to some distance "a" and C_{ij}(omega)=0 otherwise. We consider models in which polymers of length N have weights corresponding to simple and self-avoiding random walks, SRW and SAW, with "a" the minimal permissible distance. We prove that to leading order in N, the number of matrices equals the number of walks for SRW, but not for SAW. The coarse grained Shannon entropies for SRW agree with the fine grained ones for n <= 2, but differs for n >= 3.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, latex2e Main change: the introduction is rewritten in a less formal way with the main results explained in simple term

    Predicting Important Residues and Interaction Pathways in Proteins Using Gaussian Network Model: Binding and Stability of HLA Proteins

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    A statistical thermodynamics approach is proposed to determine structurally and functionally important residues in native proteins that are involved in energy exchange with a ligand and other residues along an interaction pathway. The structure-function relationships, ligand binding and allosteric activities of ten structures of HLA Class I proteins of the immune system are studied by the Gaussian Network Model. Five of these models are associated with inflammatory rheumatic disease and the remaining five are properly functioning. In the Gaussian Network Model, the protein structures are modeled as an elastic network where the inter-residue interactions are harmonic. Important residues and the interaction pathways in the proteins are identified by focusing on the largest eigenvalue of the residue interaction matrix. Predicted important residues match those known from previous experimental and clinical work. Graph perturbation is used to determine the response of the important residues along the interaction pathway. Differences in response patterns of the two sets of proteins are identified and their relations to disease are discussed

    From Network Structure to Dynamics and Back Again: Relating dynamical stability and connection topology in biological complex systems

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    The recent discovery of universal principles underlying many complex networks occurring across a wide range of length scales in the biological world has spurred physicists in trying to understand such features using techniques from statistical physics and non-linear dynamics. In this paper, we look at a few examples of biological networks to see how similar questions can come up in very different contexts. We review some of our recent work that looks at how network structure (e.g., its connection topology) can dictate the nature of its dynamics, and conversely, how dynamical considerations constrain the network structure. We also see how networks occurring in nature can evolve to modular configurations as a result of simultaneously trying to satisfy multiple structural and dynamical constraints. The resulting optimal networks possess hubs and have heterogeneous degree distribution similar to those seen in biological systems.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Proceedings of "Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks", ECSS'07 Satellite Workshop, Dresden, Oct 1-5, 200

    On the origin of the Boson peak in globular proteins

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    We study the Boson Peak phenomenology experimentally observed in globular proteins by means of elastic network models. These models are suitable for an analytic treatment in the framework of Euclidean Random Matrix theory, whose predictions can be numerically tested on real proteins structures. We find that the emergence of the Boson Peak is strictly related to an intrinsic mechanical instability of the protein, in close similarity to what is thought to happen in glasses. The biological implications of this conclusion are also discussed by focusing on a representative case study.Comment: Proceedings of the X International Workshop on Disordered Systems, Molveno (2006

    Universal behavior of localization of residue fluctuations in globular proteins

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    Localization properties of residue fluctuations in globular proteins are studied theoretically by using the Gaussian network model. Participation ratio for each residue fluctuation mode is calculated. It is found that the relationship between participation ratio and frequency is similar for all globular proteins, indicating a universal behavior in spite of their different size, shape, and architecture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Nonlinearity of Mechanochemical Motions in Motor Proteins

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    The assumption of linear response of protein molecules to thermal noise or structural perturbations, such as ligand binding or detachment, is broadly used in the studies of protein dynamics. Conformational motions in proteins are traditionally analyzed in terms of normal modes and experimental data on thermal fluctuations in such macromolecules is also usually interpreted in terms of the excitation of normal modes. We have chosen two important protein motors - myosin V and kinesin KIF1A - and performed numerical investigations of their conformational relaxation properties within the coarse-grained elastic network approximation. We have found that the linearity assumption is deficient for ligand-induced conformational motions and can even be violated for characteristic thermal fluctuations. The deficiency is particularly pronounced in KIF1A where the normal mode description fails completely in describing functional mechanochemical motions. These results indicate that important assumptions of the theory of protein dynamics may need to be reconsidered. Neither a single normal mode, nor a superposition of such modes yield an approximation of strongly nonlinear dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    On the conservation of the slow conformational dynamics within the amino acid kinase family: NAGK the paradigm

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    N-Acetyl-L-Glutamate Kinase (NAGK) is the structural paradigm for examining the catalytic mechanisms and dynamics of amino acid kinase family members. Given that the slow conformational dynamics of the NAGK (at the microseconds time scale or slower) may be rate-limiting, it is of importance to assess the mechanisms of the most cooperative modes of motion intrinsically accessible to this enzyme. Here, we present the results from normal mode analysis using an elastic network model representation, which shows that the conformational mechanisms for substrate binding by NAGK strongly correlate with the intrinsic dynamics of the enzyme in the unbound form. We further analyzed the potential mechanisms of allosteric signalling within NAGK using a Markov model for network communication. Comparative analysis of the dynamics of family members strongly suggests that the low-frequency modes of motion and the associated intramolecular couplings that establish signal transduction are highly conserved among family members, in support of the paradigm sequence→structure→dynamics→function © 2010 Marcos et al

    Signal Transduction Pathways in the Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels

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    The mechanisms of allosteric action within pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) remain to be determined. Using crystallography, site-directed mutagenesis, and two-electrode voltage clamp measurements, we identified two functionally relevant sites in the extracellular (EC) domain of the bacterial pLGIC from Gloeobacter violaceus (GLIC). One site is at the C-loop region, where the NQN mutation (D91N, E177Q, and D178N) eliminated inter-subunit salt bridges in the open-channel GLIC structure and thereby shifted the channel activation to a higher agonist concentration. The other site is below the C-loop, where binding of the anesthetic ketamine inhibited GLIC currents in a concentration dependent manner. To understand how a perturbation signal in the EC domain, either resulting from the NQN mutation or ketamine binding, is transduced to the channel gate, we have used the Perturbation-based Markovian Transmission (PMT) model to determine dynamic responses of the GLIC channel and signaling pathways upon initial perturbations in the EC domain of GLIC. Despite the existence of many possible routes for the initial perturbation signal to reach the channel gate, the PMT model in combination with Yen's algorithm revealed that perturbation signals with the highest probability flow travel either via the β1-β2 loop or through pre-TM1. The β1-β2 loop occurs in either intra- or inter-subunit pathways, while pre-TM1 occurs exclusively in inter-subunit pathways. Residues involved in both types of pathways are well supported by previous experimental data on nAChR. The direct coupling between pre-TM1 and TM2 of the adjacent subunit adds new insight into the allosteric signaling mechanism in pLGICs. © 2013 Mowrey et al

    Morphogenetic responses of embryo culture of wheat related to environment culture conditions of the explant donor plant

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    Availability of immature embryos as explants to establish wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by tissue culture can be limited by climatic factors and the lack of high quality embryos frequently hampers experimentation. This study evaluates the effects of rainfall, various temperature-based variables and sunshine duration on tissue culture response (TCR) traits including callus formation (CF), regenerating calli (RC), and number of plants per embryo (PPE) for 96 wheat genotypes of worldwide origin. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the significance of a particular climatic factor on TCR traits and to determine the period of wheat growth during which these factors were the most effective. The genotypes were grown in an experimental field during three seasons differing in meteorological conditions. The relationships between TCR traits and climatic factors within three time periods of wheat growth: 2, 6 and 10 weeks prior to embryo sampling were analysed by biplot analysis. The tissue culture traits were influenced at very different degrees by climatic factors: from 16.8% (RC) to 69.8% (CF). Donor plant environment with high temperatures and low rainfalls reduced (p lt 0.05) the tissue culture performance of wheat genotypes. Callus formation was most sensitive to the temperature based factors. The environmental conditions between flowering and the medium milk stage were the most important for CF, while RC and PPE were not particularly related to any period