1,080 research outputs found

    Market implications of FMD epidemics in the Finnish pig sector: Does market structure matter?

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    This paper examines the role of market coordination and market distortions caused by a hypothetical FMD outbreak in the Finnish pig sector. By using stochastic dynamic programming, it simulates the consequences of two outbreak scenarios (large vs. small) under two distinct market regimes (competitive market vs. monopoly in the domestic supply). Simulated losses depend on the magnitude of outbreak and expected duration of possible turndown of meat exports, whereas market regime has a limited impact.Foreign trade, livestock epidemics, dynamic programming, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Development of a test device for the evaluation of journal bearings

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    Journal and thrust bearings are widely used in heavy industry. Today, there is a growing need for studying different kinds of new bearing material and coating solutions in operating conditions where full film lubrication cannot be achieved or sustained. A test device for the evaluation of journal bearings was developed. The device consists of a rotating shaft and four stationary test bearings. This scheme eliminates the need for support bearings, allowing an accurate measurement of friction. The initial tests were carried out with a variety of loads and sliding speeds in mixed and full film regimes. The friction results in the form of a Stribeck curve were obtained and found to be in line with general trends. The results also indicate that the bearing lift-off speed occurs when the value of the non-dimensional ηen / ppro - parameter is in the range of 0.5·10-8 - 1.0·10-8

    Biome-specific rodent dynamics and hantavirus epidemiologies in Europe

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    Henttonen, H., Leirs, H., Kallio, E.R., Tersago, K., Voutilainen, L

    Comparison of alternative integration sites in the chromosome and the native plasmids of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 in respect to expression efficiency and copy number

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    Background: Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 provides a well-established reference point to cyanobacterial metabolic engineering as part of basic photosynthesis research, as well as in the development of next-generation biotechnological production systems. This study focused on expanding the current knowledge on genomic integration of expression constructs in Synechocystis, targeting a range of novel sites in the chromosome and in the native plasmids, together with established loci used in literature. The key objective was to obtain quantitative information on site-specific expression in reference to replicon copy numbers, which has been speculated but never compared side by side in this host. Results: An optimized sYFP2 expression cassette was successfully integrated in two novel sites in Synechocystis chromosome (slr0944; sll0058) and in all four endogenous megaplasmids (pSYSM/slr5037-slr5038; pSYSX/slr6037; pSYSA/slr7023; pSYSG/slr8030) that have not been previously evaluated for the purpose. Fluorescent analysis of the segregated strains revealed that the expression levels between the megaplasmids and chromosomal constructs were very similar, and reinforced the view that highest expression in Synechocystis can be obtained using RSF1010-derived replicative vectors or the native small plasmid pCA2.4 evaluated in comparison. Parallel replicon copy number analysis by RT-qPCR showed that the expression from the alternative loci is largely determined by the gene dosage in Synechocystis, thereby confirming the dependence formerly proposed based on literature. Conclusions: This study brings together nine different integrative loci in the genome of Synechocystis to demonstrate quantitative differences between target sites in the chromosome, the native plasmids, and a RSF1010-based replicative expression vector. To date, this is the most comprehensive comparison of alternative integrative sites in Synechocystis, and provides the first direct reference between expression efficiency and replicon gene dosage in the context. In the light of existing literature, the findings support the view that the small native plasmids can be notably more difficult to target than the chromosome or the megaplasmids, and that the RSF1010-derived vectors may be surprisingly well maintained under non-selective culture conditions in this cyanobacterial host. Altogether, the work broadens our views on genomic integration and the rational use of different integrative loci versus replicative plasmids, when aiming at expressing heterologous genes in Synechocystis.The research was financially supported by the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence (#307335), NordForsk Nordic Centre of Excellence (#82845) and Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation (#4605–26422). The work also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action—Innovative Training Network 2017 (#764920), and Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (CEECIND/00259/2017 to CCP)

    Community Pharmacists' Contribution to Medication Reviews for Older Adults : A Systematic Review

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    ObjectivesTo identify medication review interventions for older adults that involve community pharmacists and evidence of outcomes of these interventions. DesignSystematic review. MeasurementsCinahl, MEDLINE (Ovid), Scopus, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts, and Cochrane Library were searched for articles published between January 2000 and February 2016. Articles involving community pharmacists in medication reviews for outpatients aged 65 and older were included. Evidence of economic, clinical, and humanistic outcomes of interventions was summarized. ResultsSixteen articles were found that described 12 medication review interventions, of which 6 were compliance and concordance reviews, 4 were clinical medication reviews, and 2 were prescription reviews according to a previously developed typology. Community pharmacists' contributions to reviewing medications varied from sending the dispensing history to other healthcare providers to comprehensive involvement in medication management. The most commonly assessed outcomes of the interventions were medication changes leading to reduction in actual or potential drug-related problems (n=12) and improved adherence (n=5). ConclusionRegardless of community pharmacists' contributions to interventions, medication review interventions seem to reduce drug-related problems and increase medication adherence. More well-designed, rigorous studies with more sensitive and specific outcomes measures need to be conducted to assess the effect of community pharmacists' contributions to reviewing medications and improving the health of older adults.Peer reviewe

    Selkäydinvammaisen hyvä kuntoutuskäytäntö

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    Selkäydinvaurion saaneiden akuuttihoito, kuntoutus ja elinikäinen seuranta on keskitetty 2011 kolmeen yliopistosairaalaan: Helsinkiin, Ouluun ja Tampereelle. Näiden yliopistosairaaloiden selkäydinvammayksiköt, Kela, Vakuutuskuntoutus VKK ja Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim ovat toteuttaneet yhteistyössä tämän suosituksen selkäydinvammaisten hyvästä kuntoutuskäytännöstä tukemaan selkäydinvammojen Käypä hoito -suositusta. Suosituksen tavoitteena on yhdenmukaistaa valtakunnallisia kuntoutuskäytäntöjä sekä helpottaa kuntoutussuunnitelmien laatimista ja kuntoutuspäätösten tekemistä. Suositus sisältää yleistä perustietoa selkäydinvammoista ja selkäydinvammapotilaan kuntoutus- ja seurantajärjestelmistä, toimintakyvyn arvioinnista ja apuvälinepalveluista. Suosituksessa käsitellään kuntoutussuunnitelman laatiminen, lääkinnällisen kuntoutuksen tavallisimmat kuntoutustyypit ja terapiamuodot sekä ammatillisen kuntoutuksen perusteet. Suositus sisältää esimerkkejä tyypillisistä selkäydinvammapotilaiden kuntoutustavoitteista ja -määristä. Kuntoutus tulee kuitenkin suunnitella jokaisen kuntoutujan kanssa yhteistyössä huomioiden yksilölliset tarpeet niin yksilön kuin ympäristönkin tasolla

    Nuclear Shell Model Calculations of Neutralino-Nucleus Cross Sections for Silicon 29 and Germanium 73

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    We present the results of detailed nuclear shell model calculations of the spin-dependent elastic cross section for neutralinos scattering from \si29 and \ge73. The calculations were performed in large model spaces which adequately describe the configuration mixing in these two nuclei. As tests of the computed nuclear wave functions, we have calculated several nuclear observables and compared them with the measured values and found good agreement. In the limit of zero momentum transfer, we find scattering matrix elements in agreement with previous estimates for \si29 but significantly different than previous work for \ge73. A modest quenching, in accord with shell model studies of other heavy nuclei, has been included to bring agreement between the measured and calculated values of the magnetic moment for \ge73. Even with this quenching, the calculated scattering rate is roughly a factor of 2 higher than the best previous estimates; without quenching, the rate is a factor of 4 higher. This implies a higher sensitivity for germanium dark matter detectors. We also investigate the role of finite momentum transfer upon the scattering response for both nuclei and find that this can significantly change the expected rates. We close with a brief discussion of the effects of some of the non-nuclear uncertainties upon the matrix elements.Comment: 31 pages, figures avaiable on request, UCRL-JC-11408

    Atmospheric stilling offsets the benefits from reduced nutrient loading in a large shallow lake

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    As part of a global phenomenon, a 30% decrease in average wind speed since 1996 in southern Estonia together with more frequent easterly winds resulted in 47% decrease in bottom shear stress in the large (270 km2), shallow (mean depth 2.8 m), and eutrophic Lake Võrtsjärv. Following a peak in eutrophication pressure in the 1970s–80s, the concentrations of total nutrients were declining. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination of a 54-year phytoplankton community composition time-series (1964–2017) revealed three distinct periods with breaking points coinciding with changes in wind and/or water level. Contrary to expectations, we detected no decrease in optically active substances that could be related to wind stilling, whereas phytoplankton biomass showed an increasing trend despite reduced nutrient levels. Here we show how opening of the “light niche,” caused by declining amount of suspended sediments, was capitalized and filled by the light-limited phytoplankton community. We suggest that wind stilling is another global factor, complementary to climate warming that counteracts eutrophication mitigation in lakes and may provide a challenge to assessment of the lake ecological status.Main financial support for EMU: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Innovative Training Networks, European Joint Doctorates.Project name, acronym and grant number: Management of climatic extreme events in lakes and reservoirs for the protection of ecosystem services, MANTEL, grant agreement No 722518.Publication date and, if applicable, length of embargo period: Published as Early View on 07.10.2019, no embargo period.Main financial support for EMU: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme Under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action, Innovative Training Networks, European Joint Doctorate
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