131 research outputs found

    Capacitación interna para empleados de empresas de servicios que utilizan tecnología de la información

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    The article reveals the structure of the content of in-house training and retraining of employees, reflects the principles on which training is based and the functions that are performed by in-house professional training. Throughout the world and in Russia in particular, the subject of increased attention is the introduction of information technology. Therefore, the authors consider the in-house training of employees of the service company using the designated technologies. The agency Registration Agency, a limited liability company, was considered in the article. In 2018, among its employees, a survey was conducted that revealed the desire of employees to improve their skills through electronic courses provided by Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University. It was attended by 30 respondents. After the meeting, employees were asked to undergo training on the organization of personal effectiveness. The training was conducted successfully and, based on the data obtained, we concluded that there is a need for further closer cooperation between organizations, therefore, we presented a plan of interaction between Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin and the Registration Agency limited liability company, the result of which in the future should be the achievement of benefits for both parties, that is, an increase in the intensification of the organization’s activities "and The effectiveness of the training of future graduates of the “Service” field of study.El artículo revela la estructura del contenido de la capacitación interna y el reciclaje de los empleados, refleja los principios en los que se basa la capacitación y las funciones que realiza la capacitación profesional interna. En todo el mundo y en Rusia en particular, el tema de mayor atención es la introducción de la tecnología de la información. Por lo tanto, los autores consideran la capacitación interna de los empleados de la empresa de servicios utilizando las tecnologías designadas. La agencia, la Agencia de Registro, una compañía de responsabilidad limitada, fue considerada en el artículo. En 2018, entre sus empleados, se realizó una encuesta que reveló el deseo de los empleados de mejorar sus habilidades a través de cursos electrónicos proporcionados por la Universidad Pedagógica Estatal de Nizhny Novgorod. Asistieron 30 encuestados. Después de la reunión, se pidió a los empleados que recibieran capacitación sobre la organización de la efectividad personal. La capacitación se realizó con éxito y, en base a los datos obtenidos, concluimos que existe la necesidad de una cooperación más estrecha entre las organizaciones, por lo tanto, presentamos un plan de interacción entre la Universidad Pedagógica del Estado de Nizhny Novgorod, cuyo nombre es Kozma Minin y la Agencia de Registro limitada empresa de responsabilidad, cuyo resultado en el futuro debería ser el logro de beneficios para ambas partes, es decir, un aumento en la intensificación de las actividades de la organización "y la efectividad de la capacitación de futuros graduados del campo de estudio" Servicio"

    Effective suckling in relation to naked maternal-infant body contact in the first hour of life: an observation study

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    Background Best practice guidelines to promote breastfeeding suggest that (i) mothers hold their babies in naked body contact immediately after birth, (ii) babies remain undisturbed for at least one hour and (iii) breastfeeding assistance be offered during this period. Few studies have closely observed the implementation of these guidelines in practice. We sought to evaluate these practices on suckling achievement within the first hour after birth. Methods Observations of seventy-eight mother-baby dyads recorded newborn feeding behaviours, the help received by mothers and birthing room practices each minute, for sixty minutes. Results Duration of naked body contact between mothers and their newborn babies varied widely from 1 to 60 minutes, as did commencement of suckling (range = 10 to 60 minutes). Naked maternal-infant body contact immediately after birth, uninterrupted for at least thirty minutes did not predict effective suckling within the first hour of birth. Newborns were four times more likely to sustain deep rhythmical suckling when their chin made contact with their mother’s breast as they approached the nipple (OR 3.8; CI 1.03 - 14) and if their mothers had given birth previously (OR 6.7; CI 1.35 - 33). Infants who had any naso-oropharyngeal suctioning administered at birth were six times less likely to suckle effectively (OR .176; CI .04 - .9). Conclusion Effective suckling within the first hour of life was associated with a collection of practices including infants positioned so their chin can instinctively nudge the underside of their mother’s breast as they approach to grasp the nipple and attach to suckle. The best type of assistance provided in the birthing room that enables newborns to sustain an effective latch was paying attention to newborn feeding behaviours and not administering naso-oropharyngeal suction routinely

    Ferroelectric nanocomposites based on polymer ferroelectrics and graphene/oxide graphene: Computer modeling and SPFM experiments

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    The authors are thankful to the Russian Science Foundation (RSF grant # 16-19-10112) and to the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR grants # 16-51-53917) for support. Prof. Xiang-Jian Meng expresses his gratitude to the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC) for support of the project: "The study on the new type of infrared detector based on ferroelectric tunnel junction"

    T1R3: A human calcium taste receptor

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    Many animals can detect the taste of calcium but it is unclear how or whether humans have this ability. We show here that calcium activates hTAS1R3-transfected HEK293 cells and that this response is attenuated by lactisole, an inhibitor of hT1R3. Moreover, trained volunteers report that lactisole reduces the calcium intensity of calcium lactate. Thus, humans can detect calcium by taste, T1R3 is a receptor responsible for this, and lactisole can reduce the taste perception of calcium by acting on T1R3

    Experience of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in a laboring woman with severe preeclampsia

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    The aim of the work is to demonstrate the possibility of using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in the complex therapy of severe lung damage in a patient with multiple organ failure caused by severe preeclampsia.Цель работы – демонстрация возможности применения экстракорпоральной мембранной оксигенации в комплексной терапии тяжелого поражения легких у пациентки с полиорганной недостаточностью, вызванной тяжелой преэклампсией

    Neonatal Handling Affects Durably Bonding and Social Development

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    The neonatal period in humans and in most mammals is characterized by intense mother-young interactions favoring pair bonding and the adaptation of neonates to their new environment. However, in many post-delivery procedures, human babies commonly experience combined maternal separation and intense handling for about one hour post-birth. Currently, the effects of such disturbances on later attachment and on the development of newborns are still debated: clearly, further investigations are required. As animals present good models for controlled experimentation, we chose domestic horses to investigate this issue. Horses, like humans, are characterized by single births, long lactating periods and selective mother-infant bonds. Routine postnatal procedures for foals, as for human babies, also involve intense handling and maternal separation. In the present study, we monitored the behavior of foals from early stages of development to “adolescence”, in a normal ecological context (social groups with adults and peers). Experimental foals, separated from their mothers and handled for only 1 hour post-birth, were compared to control foals, left undisturbed after birth. Our results revealed short- and long-term effects of this unique neonatal experience on attachment and subsequent social competences. Thus, experimental foals presented patterns of insecure attachment to their mothers (strong dependence on their mothers, little play) and impaired social competences (social withdrawal, aggressiveness) at all ages. We discuss these results in terms of mother-young interactions, timing of interactions and relationships between bonding and subsequent social competences. Our results indicate that this ungulate species could become an interesting animal model. To our knowledge, this is the first clear demonstration that intervention just after birth affects bonding and subsequent social competences (at least until “adolescence”). It opens new research directions for studies on both humans and other animals

    Developmental perspectives on interpersonal affective touch

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    In the last decade, philosophy, neuroscience and psychology alike have paid increasing attention to the study of interpersonal affective touch, which refers to the emotional and motivational facets of tactile sensation. Some aspects of affective touch have been linked to a neurophysiologically specialised system, namely the C tactile (CT) system. While the role of this sys-tem for affiliation, social bonding and communication of emotions have been widely investigated, only recently researchers have started to focus on the potential role of interpersonal affective touch in acquiring awareness of the body as our own, i.e. as belonging to our psychological ‘self’. We review and discuss recent developmental and adult findings, pointing to the central role of interpersonal affective touch in body awareness and social cognition in health and disorders. We propose that interpersonal affective touch, as an interoceptive modality invested of a social nature, can uniquely contribute to the ongoing debate in philosophy about the primacy of the relational nature of the minimal self

    Fatores associados à amamentação na primeira hora de vida

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar fatores associados à amamentação na primeira hora de vida (Passo 4 da Iniciativa Hospital Amigo da Criança). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal com amostra representativa de parturientes em maternidades do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, entre 1999 e 2001. Foram excluídos recém-nascidos ou mães com restrição ao aleitamento materno, resultando em amostra de 8.397 binômios. Foi adotado modelo Poisson com efeitos aleatórios ao nível das maternidades, em abordagem hierarquizada com três níveis: distal, intermediário e proximal para características maternas, do recém-nascido, e de assistência ao pré-natal e hospitalar. RESULTADOS: Amamentaram na primeira hora de vida 16% das mães. O aleitamento materno nesse período foi menos prevalente entre os recém-nascidos com intercorrências imediatas após o parto (RP = 0,47; IC99% 0,15;0,80); entre as mães que não tiveram contato com os recém-nascidos na sala de parto (RP = 0,62; IC99% 0,29;0,95), as que tiveram parto cesariano (RP = 0,48; IC99% 0,24;0,72); e cujo parto ocorreu em maternidade privada (RP = 0,06; IC99% 0,01;0,19) ou conveniada com o Sistema Único de Saúde (RP = 0,16; IC99% 0,01;0,30). O efeito de contexto das maternidades foi estatisticamente significativo. CONCLUSÕES: Em nível individual, a amamentação na primeira hora de nascimento foi prejudicada por práticas inadequadas nas maternidades, em particular as privadas e conveniadas com o Sistema Único de Saúde. O efeito de grupo das maternidades e a ausência de fatores individuais maternos que expliquem o desfecho sugerem que as mães têm pouco ou nenhum poder de decisão sobre essa amamentação e dependem das práticas institucionais vigentes nas maternidades

    Enhancement strategies for transdermal drug delivery systems: current trends and applications

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