273 research outputs found

    Crystallographic orientation inhomogeneity and crystal splitting in biogenic calcite

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    The calcitic prismatic units forming the outer shell of the bivalve Pinctada margaritifera have been analysed using scanning electron microscopy–electron back-scatter diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. In the initial stages of growth, the individual prismatic units are single crystals. Their crystalline orientation is not consistent but rather changes gradually during growth. The gradients in crystallographic orientation occur mainly in a direction parallel to the long axis of the prism, i.e. perpendicular to the shell surface and do not show preferential tilting along any of the calcite lattice axes. At a certain growth stage, gradients begin to spread and diverge, implying that the prismatic units split into several crystalline domains. In this way, a branched crystal, in which the ends of the branches are independent crystalline domains, is formed. At the nanometre scale, the material is composed of slightly misoriented domains, which are separated by planes approximately perpendicular to the c-axis. Orientational gradients and splitting processes are described in biocrystals for the first time and are undoubtedly related to the high content of intracrystalline organic molecules, although the way in which these act to induce the observed crystalline patterns is a matter of future research

    "Malignant" mitral stenosis

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    Symptomatic mitral stenosis caused by a left atrial mass as the first sign of metastasis of a malignant tumor is extremely rare and frequently associated with poor prognosis. We report a case of a 59-year-old man with a history of grade 3 malignant fibrous histiocytoma on his left tigh treated by limb-sparing surgery 17 months earlier, who was admitted with 10-days of worsening dyspnea. Imaging revealed a left atrial mass protruding through the mitral valve that resulted in severe mitral stenosis. Biopsy confirmed metastasis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma

    Ribs of Pinna nobilis shell induce unexpected microstructural changes that provide unique mechanical properties

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    The reinforcement function of shell ribs depends not only on their vaulted morphology but also on their microstructure. They are part of the outer layer which, in the case of the Pinna nobilis bivalve, is built from almost monocrystalline calcitic prisms, always oriented perpendicular to the growth surfaces. Originally, prisms and their c-axes follow the radii of rib curvature, becoming oblique to the shell thickness direction. Later, prisms bend to reach the nacre layer perpendicularly, but their c-axes retain the initial orientation. Calcite grains form nonrandom boundaries. Most often, three twin disorientations arise, with two of them observed for the first time. Nano-indentation and impact tests demonstrate that the oblique orientation of c-axes significantly improves the hardness and fracture toughness of prisms. Moreover, compression tests reveal that the rib area achieves a unique strength of 700 MPa. The detection of the specific microstructure formed to toughen the shell is novel.The work was supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (grant PPI/APM/2018/1/00049/U/001) and the National Science Center (grant UMO-2018/29/B/ST8/02200). MS was supported by the European Union from the resources of the European Social Fund (Project No.WNDPOWR. 03.02.00-00-I043/16). AGC was funded by project CGL2017-85118-P of the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    High-frequency ultrasonic waves cause endothelial dysfunction on canine epicardial coronary arteries

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    OBJETIVO: Aplicação de energia por ultra-som pode facilitar a remoção da placa ateromatosa, mas o efeito desse procedimento em vasos próximos ainda é matéria de estudos experimentais. MÉTODOS: Para determinar se a energia ultra-sônica compromete a produção de óxido nítrico, segmentos de artérias coronárias caninas foram expostos a baixos (0-10 W) e altos (25 W) níveis de energia por 15 segundos, utilizando-se protótipo de aparelho para a realização de endarterectomia. Após exposição, segmentos das artérias coronarianas foram estudados em organ chambers. Para os ensaios farmacológicos foram utilizadas as seguintes drogas:difosfato de adenosina (ADP), acetilcolina (Ach) e fluoreto de sódio (NaF) para a avaliação do relaxamento dependente do endotélio. O nitroprussiato de sódio (NPS) e o isoproterenol foram utilizados para a avaliação do relaxamento independente do endotélio. RESULTADOS: A aplicação de alta energia ultra-sônica comprometeu o relaxamento dependente do endotélio induzido por ADP (10-9 - 10-4 M), Ach (10-9 - 10-4 M) e NaF (0,5 -9,5 mM) em artérias coronarianas epicárdicas. Entretanto, baixos valores de energia ultra-sônica não alteraram o relaxamento dependente do endotélio (nem o relaxamento máximo e nem a EC50) induzido pelos mesmos agonistas. O relaxamento da musculatura lisa vascular induzido por isoproterenol (10-9 - 10-5 M) ou NPS (10-9 - 10-6 M) não foi comprometido, tanto por baixos, quanto por altos níveis de energia ultra-sônica. CONCLUSÃO: Os experimentos demonstram que altas energias ultra-sônicas alteram a função endotelial. Entretanto, o ultra-som não altera a habilidade de relaxamento da musculatura lisa vascular de artérias caninas epicárdicas.OBJECTIVE: Application of ultrasound energy by an endarterectomy probe can facilitate the removal of atheromatous plaque, but the effect of this procedure on surrounding vessel structure and function is still a matter of experimental investigations. METHODS: To determine whether ultrasound energy impairs the production of nitric oxide or damages vascular smooth muscle function, isolated canine epicardial coronary artery segments were exposed to either high (25 W) or low (0-10 W) ultrasonic energy outputs, for 15 seconds, using an endarterectomy device prototype. After exposure, segments of epicardial coronary artery were studied in organ chambers. The following drugs were used: adenosine diphosphate (ADP), acetylcholine (Ach) and sodium fluoride (NaF) to study endothelium-dependent relaxation and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and isoproterenol to evaluate endothelium-independent relaxation. RESULTS: Application of high ultrasonic energy power impaired endothelium-dependent relaxation to ADP (10-9 - 10-4 M), Ach (10-9 - 10-4 M) and NaF (0.5 - 9.5 mM) in epicardial coronary arteries. However, low ultrasound energy output at the tip of the probe did not alter the endothelium-dependent relaxation (either maximal relaxation or EC50) to the same agonists. Vascular smooth muscle relaxation to isoproterenol (10-9 - 10-5 M) or SNP (10-9 - 10-6 M) was unaltered following exposure to either low or high ultrasonic energy outputs. CONCLUSION: These experiments currently prove that ultrasonic energy changes endothelial function of epicardial coronary arteries at high power. However, ultrasound does not alter the ability of vascular smooth muscle of canine epicardial coronary arteries to relax.Mayo FoundationCNP

    Moment inversion problem for piecewise D-finite functions

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    We consider the problem of exact reconstruction of univariate functions with jump discontinuities at unknown positions from their moments. These functions are assumed to satisfy an a priori unknown linear homogeneous differential equation with polynomial coefficients on each continuity interval. Therefore, they may be specified by a finite amount of information. This reconstruction problem has practical importance in Signal Processing and other applications. It is somewhat of a ``folklore'' that the sequence of the moments of such ``piecewise D-finite''functions satisfies a linear recurrence relation of bounded order and degree. We derive this recurrence relation explicitly. It turns out that the coefficients of the differential operator which annihilates every piece of the function, as well as the locations of the discontinuities, appear in this recurrence in a precisely controlled manner. This leads to the formulation of a generic algorithm for reconstructing a piecewise D-finite function from its moments. We investigate the conditions for solvability of the resulting linear systems in the general case, as well as analyze a few particular examples. We provide results of numerical simulations for several types of signals, which test the sensitivity of the proposed algorithm to noise

    Can we continue research in splenectomized dogs? Mycoplasma haemocanis: Old problem - New insight

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    We report the appearance of a Mycoplasma haemocanis infection in laboratory dogs, which has been reported previously, yet, never before in Europe. Outbreak of the disease was triggered by a splenectomy intended to prepare the dogs for a hemorrhagic shock study. The clinical course of the dogs was dramatic including anorexia and hemolytic anemia. Treatment included allogeneic transfusion, prednisone, and oxytetracycline. Systematic follow-up (n=12, blood smears, antibody testing and specific polymerase chain reaction) gives clear evidence that persistent eradication of M. haemocanis is unlikely. We, therefore, had to abandon the intended shock study. In the absence of effective surveillance and screening for M. haemocanis, the question arises whether it is prudent to continue shock research in splenectomized dogs. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Local modes, phonons, and mass transport in solid 4^4He

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    We propose a model to treat the local motion of atoms in solid 4^{4}He as a local mode. In this model, the solid is assumed to be described by the Self Consistent Harmonic approximation, combined with an array of local modes. We show that in the bcc phase the atomic local motion is highly directional and correlated, while in the hcp phase there is no such correlation. The correlated motion in the bcc phase leads to a strong hybridization of the local modes with the T1(110)_{1}(110) phonon branch, which becomes much softer than that obtained through a Self Consistent Harmonic calculation, in agreement with experiment. In addition we predict a high energy excitation branch which is important for self-diffusion. Both the hybridization and the presence of a high energy branch are a consequence of the correlation, and appear only in the bcc phase. We suggest that the local modes can play the role in mass transport usually attributed to point defects (vacancies). Our approach offers a more overall consistent picture than obtained using vacancies as the predominant point defect. In particular, we show that our approach resolves the long standing controversy regarding the contribution of point defects to the specific heat of solid 4^{4}He.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Distinct RNA profiles in subpopulations of extracellular vesicles: apoptotic bodies, microvesicles and exosomes

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    Introduction: In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the number of studies aiming to understand the biology of exosomes, as well as other extracellular vesicles. However, classification of membrane vesicles and the appropriate protocols for their isolation are still under intense discussion and investigation. When isolating vesicles, it is crucial to use systems that are able to separate them, to avoid cross-contamination. Method: EVs released from three different kinds of cell lines: HMC-1, TF-1 and BV-2 were isolated using two centrifugation-based protocols. In protocol 1, apoptotic bodies were collected at 2,000×g, followed by filtering the supernatant through 0.8 µm pores and pelleting of microvesicles at 12,200×g. In protocol 2, apoptotic bodies and microvesicles were collected together at 16,500×g, followed by filtering of the supernatant through 0.2 µm pores and pelleting of exosomes at 120,000×g. Extracellular vesicles were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy, flow cytometry and the RNA profiles were investigated using a Bioanalyzer®. Results: RNA profiles showed that ribosomal RNA was primary detectable in apoptotic bodies and smaller RNAs without prominent ribosomal RNA peaks in exosomes. In contrast, microvesicles contained little or no RNA except for microvesicles collected from TF-1 cell cultures. The different vesicle pellets showed highly different distribution of size, shape and electron density with typical apoptotic body, microvesicle and exosome characteristics when analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Flow cytometry revealed the presence of CD63 and CD81 in all vesicles investigated, as well as CD9 except in the TF-1-derived vesicles, as these cells do not express CD9. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that centrifugation-based protocols are simple and fast systems to distinguish subpopulations of extracellular vesicles. Different vesicles show different RNA profiles and morphological characteristics, but they are indistinguishable using CD63-coated beads for flow cytometry analysis

    Multi-phase nature of sintered vs. arc-melted CrxAlFeCoNi high entropy alloys - experimental and theoretical study

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    High entropy CrxAlFeCoNi alloys with x = 0, 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 were synthesized using arc-melting and sintering preparation techniques. Three crystal structures (fcc, bcc and σ) were observed using XRD technique, while EDX measurements showed the presence of up to three chemically different phases (FeCr-rich phase with fcc structure, AlNi-rich phase with bcc structure and Cr-rich phase with bcc and/or σ structures). The reasons for the observed phase coexistence were addressed to total energy electronic structure calculations using KKR-CPA method accounting for chemical disorder effects. Such theoretical analysis confirmed that the multi-phase system was energetically more favorable than the single-phase one. Furthermore, DSC measurements allowed to identify two phase transitions in melted samples, unlike sintered ones due to high-temperature nitrogen corrosion. This process turned out to be highly selective, resulting in the formation of the scales consisting of AlnNm–phases at the cost of total Al loss in the HEA alloy