22 research outputs found
In this paper, a novel technique for improving the return loss of three poles hairpin band-pass filter incorporating defected ground structure is presented. As a result, the structure is simple, wideband with compact size. The expected result of a BPF with DGS is to have a compact band-pass filter with significantly improvement in return loss. The filter performances are exhibits |S21| more than -0.5 dB, |S11| less than -30dB, and center frequency of proposed filter is around 4.2GHz with operating bandwidth of 35%
Objective. Synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma (SBBC) is not uncommon.Women with unilateral breast carcinoma is at increased risk for developing contralateral disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate risk factors, diagnostic circumstances, histological characteristics and therapeutic methods for SBBC. Patients and methods. We reporte two clinical observations of two patients with synchronous bilateral breast carcinoma followed in the maternity Souissi in Rabat, service of gynecology and obstetrics oncology and high risk pregnancy. Discussion and conclusion. – The principal risk factors of CSBS are a family history of breast cancer, the histological type ductal invasive and the multifocal character of the first tumor. A conservative surgery is possible as well as the use of the technique of the ganglion sentinel. The CSBS have histological similarities, probably due to environmental factors.Objectif. Le cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone (CSBS) n’est pas une entité rare, et les femmes déjà atteintes d’un cancer unilatéral ont un risque supplémentaire de cancer controlatéral. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’évaluer les caractéristiques et le traitement des cancers du sein bilatéraux synchrones. Patientes et méthodes : il s’agit de deux observations cliniques sur deux patientes pris en charge à la maternité souissi de Rabat au service de gynécologie obstétrique cancérologie et grossesses à haut risque pour cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone. Discussion et conclusion : Les principaux facteurs de risque de cancer sein bilatéral synchrone sont la notion d’une histoire familiale de cancer du sein, le type histologique canalaire invasif et le caractère multifocal de la première tumeur. Une prise en charge chirurgicale conservatrice est possible ainsi que l’utilisation de la technique du ganglion sentinelle. Les cancers du sein bilatéral synchrones ont des similitudes histologiques, probablement dues à des facteurs environnementaux
Tunable microwave transmission in a periodically corrugated waveguide
12th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and Canadian Radio Sciences Conference, Antem/URSI 2006 --17 July 2006 through 19 July 2006 -- --The main physical phenomenon caused by periodicity is Bragg reflection. It results in the opening of the forbidden gap in the spectrum of the periodic structure. The Bragg reflection occurs both in the case of unbounded periodic medium as well as in a case of a bounded periodic structure like a periodic waveguide. However, in the waveguide geometry dispersions become more complex due to their folding and crossing. As a result, besides Bragg reflections there arise non-Bragg reflections in the periodic waveguide. The spectrum of a planar waveguide acquires qualitatively new, and very promising from practical point of view, features if the periodicity is introduced into the waveguide by the lateral modulation. In the latter case the transmission properties become controllable due to opportunity to change the lateral modulation profile. For example, gaps can be tuned by means of shifting of periodic boundaries [1-3]. © 2006 ANTEMURSI
Déformations néotectoniques dans les dépôts plio-quaternaires de la région de Casablanca-Mohammedia (Meseta côtière, Maroc)
10 páginas, 5 figuras, 1 tabla.-- Trabajo presentado en: The Atlantic Neogene in the XXIth Century: State of The Art.[FR] La bande littorale atlantique de la Meseta marocaine montre dans la région de Casablanca-
Mohammedia des dépôts plio-quaternaires qui résultent de plusieurs transgressions marines. Ces
formations sont organisées chacune en terrasse marine progradante déposée pendant une période de
régression. Ces dépôts marins sont couverts d éolianites qui sont associés aux cordons dunaires plus
ou moins parallèles à la côte actuelle.
L analyse tectonique de ces dépôts plio-quaternaires révèle que la région d étude, qui était considérée
comme étant une zone stable, a enregistré plusieurs déformations cassantes récentes (décrochements,
failles normales et diaclases). Il s avère ainsi, que les dépôts plio-quaternaires ont été affectés au
moins par deux phases compressives et une phase distensive. Cette tectonique récente peut être liée Ã
la propagation vers l avant-pays de la déformation due à la convergence NW-SE Afrique-Europe et Ã
la progression récente vers le SW du Rif et de son bassin d avant fosse du Saïss-Rharb.[ES] La banda litoral atlántica de la Meseta marroquà septentrional, en la región de Casablanca-
Mohammedia, muestra depósitos plio-cuaternarios progradantes como resultado de varias
transgresiones marinas. Estos depósitos corresponden a secuencias regresivas y están asociados a
terrazas marinas. Las formaciones marinas están recubiertas por depósitos eólicos relacionados con
cordones dunares aproximadamente paralelos a la lÃnea de costa. El estudio neotectónico de los
depósitos plio-cuaternarios ha permitido precisar la edad de las deformaciones recientes, mostrando
que la región estudiada, que habÃa sido considerada como una zona estable, ha registrado varias
deformaciones frágiles (fallas normales, desgarres y diaclasas). Estas deformaciones indican que los
depósitos plio-cuaternarios han sido afectados al menos por dos fases compresivas y una fase distensiva.
La tectónica reciente de la región puede estar ligada a la propagación hacia el antepaÃs de los esfuerzos
asociados a la convergencia NW-SE entre Africa y Europa, y a las deformaciones recientes de vergencia
SW del Rif y de la fosa de antepaÃs de Saïss-Rharb.Ce travail
a été financé par la Agencia Española de Cooperación
Internacional et la ConsejerÃa de Presidencia de la Junta
de AndalucÃa.Peer reviewe
Tectonic wedge escape in the southwestern front of the Rif Cordillera (Morocco)
18 páginas, 12 figuras.-- Editores: G. Moratti y A. Chalouan.The Rif Cordillera is a part of the Alpine orogenic arc in the Western Mediterranean, which was developed by the interaction of the westward motion of the Alboran Domain between the converging Eurasian and African plates. The Prerif Ridges, located along the southwestern front of the Rif, are south-vergent folds that are in places associated with faults affecting Jurassic to Quaternary sedimentary rocks and slope breccias that evidence the deformations that were active over the Neogene-Quaternary period. The different southward or southwestward displacement of each Prerif Ridge is related to the development of frontal and lateral ramps, which may or may not reach the surface. Oblique shortening may be explained by southwestward escape of large tectonic wedges, bounded by large strike-slip faults: the North-Middle Atlas fault which extends northward into the Alboran Sea, the Fez-Tissa-Taïneste fault, the Bou Draa-Sidi Fili fault, the Jebha fault and the Fahies fault. The relative displacement of these tectonic wedges toward the SW may explain the NNE-SSW to ENE-WSW compression observed in the Rif front and in the northern part of its Meseta-Atlas foreland.The research has
been financed by collaborative Spanish-Moroccan projects
of the Junta de Andalucfa, the AECI and CICYT
project BTE2003-01699.Peer reviewe
Recent Tectonic Deformations and Stresses in the Frontal Part of the Rif Cordillera and the Saïss Basin (Fes and Rabat Regions, Morocco)
20 páginas, 10 figuras.Prerif Ridges are located at the frontal part of the Rif Cordillera, which develops at the Eurasian-African plate boundary. The ridges are formed by recent tectonic structures that also deform foreland basins (Saïss and Gharb basins) and the foreland (Moroccan Meseta). The position of the ridges is the consequence of inversion tectonics undergone in the area. The ENE-WSW trend of the northern edge of the Neogene Saïss basin is determined by the location of Mesozoic basins. Although Prerif ridges probably started to develop since the Early Miocene, the most active deformation phase affecting Pliocene rocks consisted of N-S to NW-SE oriented compression. Striated pebbles show that this compression has prolate stress ellipsoids. The deformation produces southwards vergent folds and NNW-SSE striae on reverse faults at the base of the ridges. The flexure of the Paleozoic basement by the emplacement of the Ridges produced extensional deformation and the development of the Saïss foreland basin. The extension in this basin is oblate and features a well determined NNE-SSW trend near the Ridges, whereas it becomes prolate and pluridirectional near the foreland edge represented by the Rabat region. This part of the Moroccan Meseta, commonly considered to be stable, is deformed by sets of orthogonal joints and faults with short slip that affect up to Quaternary sediments. Southwestward, the Meseta rocks are also deformed by transcurrent faults, which indicate NW-SE and N-S trends of compression. The NW-SE approximation of Eurasia and Africa determines a regional stress field with the same trend of compression. Regional stresses are notably disturbed by the development of the active structures in the Rif, which exhibit alternating trends of compression and extension. The clearest evidence of the relationship between the local deformation and the general plate motion is found at the deformation front of the Cordillera, that is, the Prerif Ridges.This research was supported by
project BTE-2000-1490-C02-01 and the Spanish-Moroccan Inter-Universities Cooperation
Programs 29/PRO/99 of the A.E.C.I. and the Junta de AndalucÃa.Peer reviewe
Recent deformations in the front of the Rif Cordillera (Prerif, Morocco)
The Prerif ridges form pari of the foreland of the Rif Mountains. They are formed by superposed slices, with folds and faults, originated during the late Miocene WSWwards displacement of the Prerif units. At present, they thrust over the Plio-Quaternary formations of the Sa/'s and Charb basins. The analysis of the deformations in the Prerif ridges and the Plio-Quaternary lacustrine formations of the Sai'ss basin, as well as the thrust structures, indicates a recent tectonics with a N-S to NW-SE compression, subparallel to the trend of the present Iberian-Africa convergenc
Recent deformations in the front of the Rif Cordillera (Prerif, Morocco)
3 páginas, 2 figuras.-- Trabajo presentado en la 29ª Sesión CientÃfica, Salamanca 2000.The Prerif ridges form part of the foreland of the Rif Mountains. They are formed by superposed slices,
withi folds and faults, originated during the late Miocene WSWwards displacement of the Prerif units. At
present, they thrust over the Plio-Quaternary formations of the Saïs and Gharb basins. The analysis of the
deformations in the Prerif ridges and the Plio-Quaternary lacustrine formations of the Saïs basin, as well
as the thrust structures, indicates a recent tectonics with a N-S to NW-SE compression, subparallel to the
trend of the present Iberian-Africa convergence.Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco del proyecto 'Deformaciones tectónicas
recientes y actuales en una transversal
de la Cordillera Rifeña' cofinanciado
por la A.E.C.I.Peer reviewe