74 research outputs found

    Clinimetrics in rehabilitation medicine: current issues in developing and applying measurement instruments 1

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    Clinimetrics in rehabilitation medicine, i.e. the field of developing, evaluating and applying measurement instruments, has undergone considerable progress. Despite this progress, however, several issues remain. These include: (i) selection of an instrument out of the wide range available; (ii) using an instrument in a variety of diagnostic groups; (iii) using an instrument in individual patients, as opposed to a group of patients; and (iv) the use of instruments in clinical practice. This paper reviews these issues, as well as current attempts at resolving them. Illustrative examples are given. It is concluded that solutions seem to be available, but considerable research effort is required to make these a reality. Clinimetrics in rehabilitation medicine remains a field with challenging opportunities for researc

    Control and optimization of semi-passively actuated multibody systems

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    The controlled multibody systems are under the consideration. At the lecture special emphasis is put on the study of underactuated and overactuated systems having different type of actuators (external powered drives, unpowered spring-damper like drives, etc.). Several questions are addressed about the role of inherent dynamics, and how much multibody system should be governed by external powered drives and how much by the systems inherent dynamics. The lecture consists of the following parts: introduction to the subject in question; mathematical statement of the optimal control problems that are suitable for modelling of controlled motion and optimization of semi-passively controlled multibody systems with different degrees of actuation; description of the methodology and the numerical algorithms for solution of control and optimization problems for semi-passively actuated multibody systems. The solutions of several optimal control problems for different kind of semi-passively actuated multibody systems are presented. Namely, the energy-optimal control of planar semi-passively controlled three-link manipulator robot, the energy-optimal control of closed-loop chain semi-passively actuated SCARA-like robot; optimization of the hydraulic and pneumatic drives of the multibody system modelled the human locomotor apparatus with above-knee prostheses, and others. Future perspectives in area of control and optimization problems of the semi-passively actuated multibody systems are discussed

    Kriterier og metoder ved planlegging av fiskeoppdrett i sjøen

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    Prosjektet har tatt for seg naturfaglige kriterier for lokalisering av mæranlegg i sjøen, og en del aktuelle metoder for å teste disse kriteriene. Metodene retter seg mot evaluering av strandsone og topografi over og under vann, hydrografi, vannutskifting, sedimenter og dyreliv på og i sedimentene. Rapporten presenterer og diskuterer en del eksempler på bruken av de presenterte metodene i lokaliseringssammenheng

    ROTEM and vitro reversal of warfarin with APCC

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    Background: Warfarin-treated patients with a prolonged Prothrombin Time (PT) can have a normal rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) clotting time (CT). A previous in vitro study found that activated prothrombin complex concentrates (APCC) could reverse an albumin-induced coagulopathy monitored with ROTEM, but that prothrombin complex concentrates (PCC) could not. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of ROTEM to monitor the in vitro reversal of warfarin-induced coagulopathy using APCC and to define an APCC dose response.Method: During the routine control of PT in 27 patients treated with warfarin, one extra 4.5 ml test tube of citrated whole blood was retrieved. Two concentrations of tissue factor ROTEM tissue factor (TF) activating reagents were used: a standard ROTEM ExTEM and a diluted 1:19000 concentration. The effects of two separate doses of APCC added in vitro corresponding to in vivo doses of 50 IE or 100 IE/kg were then studied on the ROTEM.Results: The ROTEM EXTEM CT was prolonged beyond the upper normal range of 68 s in patients with PT &gt;3.0, with a correlation coefficient of 0.88 to PT. ROTEM with the ExTEM reagent alongside high and low doses of APCC resulted in a significant shortening of median CT, both compared to baseline (100 s) and after low (65 s) and high doses (57 s). This was most evident in patients with PT &gt;2.0. ROTEM signals of clot propagation to clot formation time (CFT) and α angle had the reverse pattern. There was no effect on maximal clot strength with APCC. With the diluted TF no CT shortening was found with APCC.Conclusion: A clear dose response of APCC added in vitro to correct the effects of warfarin on ROTEM EXTEM CT was verified. ROTEM CT should be tested with non-activated PCC for in vivo reversal of warfarin in patients along with verification of a normalised PT. Further studies are needed to verify if a ROTEM CT in the lower normal range of &lt;57-65 s, as found in our in vitro APCC-spiked warfarin blood, is safe for invasive procedures.</p

    Skipstunnel gjennom Stad. Vurdering av miljøkonsekvensar og seglingstilhøve

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    I samband med planlagt skipstunnel gjennom Stad, er det gjort målingar for å kunne vurdere følgjene tunnelen vil få for straumtilhøve og utskifting i berørte område. I tillegg til ei særskild vurdering av seglingstilhøve i og rundt tunnelen er det gjordt vurderingar om kortsiktige og langsiktige verknader for vasskvalitet, med vekt på akvakultur og botnfauna. Det er også foretatt vurdering av konflikter i lokalmiljøet som følge av tunnelen.Stad Skipstunnel L/L v/Åge Starheim, 6740 Selj

    Technical report (Texas Transportation Institute)

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    This report documents research efforts to provide comparative quantitative performance information for various grades of seal coat aggregate available in the Texas Department of Transportation standard specifications. Length of service before replacement and level of noise generated at the tire-pavement interface were the primary focuses of the relative performance evaluations. The additional service life possible from seal coats with larger aggregate and higher asphalt application rates is compared to the additional cost generally associated with these larger aggregate seal coats. The comparative performance information combined with knowledge gathered from numerous department field engineers resulted in the development of guidelines for optimal seal coat grade selection

    Early watermills – an archaeological indication of taxation?

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    The introduction of watermills in Southern Scandinavia has often been linked to the advent of the Cistercian Order and regarded a kick-starter for the so-called medieval revolution. In the present article, the archaeological evidence for watermills predating the religious order will be investigated and an earlier and alternative origin laid out. Here, the increased specialisation and centralisation pertaining to the Late Iron Age and Viking Age will be introduced as a significant cause for the initial construction of watermills, and the extensive excavations at Viking Age Omgaard, Denmark, will figure as case in point. Also, essential social mechanisms such as taxation and elite privileges will be highlighted as overlooked triggers in the Viking Age employment of watermills