63 research outputs found

    Die Rolle des interzellulĂ€ren AdhĂ€sionsmolekĂŒls-2 (ICAM-2) bei der endothelialen AdhĂ€sion und Transmigration muriner dendritischer Zellen in vitro

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden die molekularen Mechanismen der Extravasation dendritischer Zellen in AbhĂ€ngigkeit des als ß2-Integrin-Liganden bekannten interzellulĂ€ren AdhĂ€sionsmolekĂŒls-2 (ICAM-2) untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass unreife, nicht jedoch reife murine dendritische Zellen zur transendothelialen Migration fĂ€hig sind. Ein erheblicher Teil der beobachteten AdhĂ€sion und Transmigration ist dabei von endothelialem ICAM-2 abhĂ€ngig. Durch Experimente mit blockierenden Antikörpern und ß2-Integrin-defizienten dendritischen Zellen wird demonstriert, dass die durch ICAM-2-vermittelten Interaktionen zwischen den unreifen dendritischen Zellen und dem Endothel unabhĂ€ngig von den bisher bekannten ICAM-2-Liganden der ß2-Integrin-Familie sind. Die vorliegenden Ergebnisse weisen damit auf die Existenz weiterer, ß2-Integrin-unabhĂ€ngiger Liganden fĂŒr endotheliales ICAM-2 auf den dendritischen Zellen hin

    uORFdb - a comprehensive literature database on eukaryotic uORF biology

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    Approximately half of all human transcripts contain at least one upstream translational initiation site that precedes the main coding sequence (CDS) and gives rise to an upstream open reading frame (uORF). We generated uORFdb, publicly available at http://cbdm.mdc-berlin.de/tools/uorfdb, to serve as a comprehensive literature database on eukaryotic uORF biology. Upstream ORFs affect downstream translation by interfering with the unrestrained progression of ribosomes across the transcript leader sequence. Although the first uORF-related translational activity was observed >30 years ago, and an increasing number of studies link defective uORF-mediated translational control to the development of human diseases, the features that determine uORF-mediated regulation of downstream translation are not well understood. The uORFdb was manually curated from all uORF-related literature listed at the PubMed database. It categorizes individual publications by a variety of denominators including taxon, gene and type of study. Furthermore, the database can be filtered for multiple structural and functional uORF-related properties to allow convenient and targeted access to the complex field of eukaryotic uORF biology

    Comprehensive translational control of tyrosine kinase expression by upstream open reading frames

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    Post-transcriptional control has emerged as a major regulatory event in gene expression and often occurs at the level of translation initiation. Although overexpression or constitutive activation of tyrosine kinases (TKs) through gene amplification, translocation or mutation are well-characterized oncogenic events, current knowledge about translational mechanisms of TK activation is scarce. Here, we report the presence of translational cis-regulatory upstream open reading frames (uORFs) in the majority of transcript leader sequences of human TK mRNAs. Genetic ablation of uORF initiation codons in TK transcripts resulted in enhanced translation of the associated downstream main protein-coding sequences (CDSs) in all cases studied. Similarly, experimental removal of uORF start codons in additional non-TK proto-oncogenes, and naturally occurring loss-of-uORF alleles of the c-met proto-oncogene (MET) and the kinase insert domain receptor (KDR), was associated with increased CDS translation. Based on genome-wide sequence analyses we identified polymorphisms in 15.9% of all human genes affecting uORF initiation codons, associated Kozak consensus sequences or uORF-related termination codons. Together, these data suggest a comprehensive role of uORF-mediated translational control and delineate how aberrant induction of proto-oncogenes through loss-of-function mutations at uORF initiation codons may be involved in the etiology of cancer. We provide a detailed map of uORFs across the human genome to stimulate future research on the pathogenic role of uORFs

    Loss-of-function uORF mutations in human malignancies

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    Ribosome profiling revealed widespread translational activity at upstream open reading frames (uORFs) and validated uORF-mediated translational control as a commonly repressive mechanism of gene expression. Translational activation of proto-oncogenes through loss-of-uORF mutations has been demonstrated, yet a systematic search for cancer-associated genetic alterations in uORFs is lacking. Here, we applied a PCR-based, multiplex identifier-tagged deep sequencing approach to screen 404 uORF translation initiation sites of 83 human tyrosine kinases and 49 other proto-oncogenes in 308 human malignancies. We identified loss-of-function uORF mutations in EPHB1 in two samples derived from breast and colon cancer, and in MAP2K6 in a sample of colon adenocarcinoma. Both mutations were associated with enhanced translation, suggesting that loss-of-uORF-mediated translational induction of the downstream main protein coding sequence may have contributed to carcinogenesis. Computational analysis of whole exome sequencing datasets of 464 colon adenocarcinomas subsequently revealed another 53 non-recurrent somatic mutations functionally deleting 22 uORF initiation and 31 uORF termination codons, respectively. These data provide evidence for somatic mutations affecting uORF initiation and termination codons in human cancer. The insufficient coverage of uORF regions in current whole exome sequencing datasets demands for future genome-wide analyses to ultimately define the contribution of uORF-mediated translational deregulation in oncogenesis

    Tracking and coordinating an international curation effort for the CCDS Project

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    The Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) collaboration involves curators at multiple centers with a goal of producing a conservative set of high quality, protein-coding region annotations for the human and mouse reference genome assemblies. The CCDS data set reflects a ‘gold standard’ definition of best supported protein annotations, and corresponding genes, which pass a standard series of quality assurance checks and are supported by manual curation. This data set supports use of genome annotation information by human and mouse researchers for effective experimental design, analysis and interpretation. The CCDS project consists of analysis of automated whole-genome annotation builds to identify identical CDS annotations, quality assurance testing and manual curation support. Identical CDS annotations are tracked with a CCDS identifier (ID) and any future change to the annotated CDS structure must be agreed upon by the collaborating members. CCDS curation guidelines were developed to address some aspects of curation in order to improve initial annotation consistency and to reduce time spent in discussing proposed annotation updates. Here, we present the current status of the CCDS database and details on our procedures to track and coordinate our efforts. We also present the relevant background and reasoning behind the curation standards that we have developed for CCDS database treatment of transcripts that are nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) candidates, for transcripts containing upstream open reading frames, for identifying the most likely translation start codons and for the annotation of readthrough transcripts. Examples are provided to illustrate the application of these guidelines

    Methods for monitoring and measurement of protein translation in time and space

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    Regulation of protein translation constitutes a crucial step in control of gene expression. In comparison to transcriptional regulation, however, translational control has remained a significantly under-studied layer of gene expression. This trend is now beginning to shift thanks to recent advances in nextgeneration sequencing, proteomics, and microscopy based methodologies which allow accurate monitoring of protein translation rates, from single target messenger RNA molecules to genome-wide scale studies. In this review, we summarize these recent advances, and discuss how they are enabling researchers to study translational regulation in a wide variety of in vitro and in vivo biological systems, with unprecedented depth and spatiotemporal resolution.The authors are funded by a Medical Research Council (MRC) Career Development Award to F. K. M. (MR/P009417/1)

    Key enzymes catalyzing glycerol to 1,3-propanediol

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