222 research outputs found

    Using online quizzes for active learning and constructive alignment in a blended learning setting

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    In this project on university pedagogics I have experimented with very different types of online quizzes and investigated how they can be used to support different aspects of active and visible learning on a research-based master level course in Physics. The quizzes were not part of the formal assessment of the students but the students were nevertheless very engaged in the quizzes and in most cases felt they achieved deep learning of the topic by working with the quizzes

    Virtual neutron scattering experiments - Training and preparing students for large-scale facility experiments

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    Dansk Vi beskriver, hvordan virtuelle eksperimenter kan udnyttes i et læringsdesign ved at forberede de studerende til hands-on-eksperimenter ved storskalafaciliteter. Vi illustrerer designet ved at vise, hvordan virtuelle eksperimenter bruges på Niels Bohr Institutets kandidatkursus om neutronspredning. I den sidste uge af kurset, rejser studerende til et storskala neutronspredningsfacilitet for at udføre neutronspredningseksperimenter. Vi bruger studerendes udsagn om deres oplevelser til at argumentere for, at arbejdet med virtuelle experimenter forbereder de studerende til at engagere sig mere frugtbart med eksperimenter ved at lade dem fokusere på fysikken og relevante data i stedet for instrumenternes funktion. Vi hævder, at det er, fordi de kan overføre deres erfaringer med virtuelle eksperimenter til rigtige eksperimenter. Vi finder dog, at læring stadig er situeret i den forstand, at kun kendskab til bestemte eksperimenter overføres. Vi afslutter med at diskutere de muligheder, som virtuelle eksperimenter giver. English We describe how virtual experiments can be utilized in a learning design that prepares students for hands-on experiments at large-scale facilities. We illustrate the design by showing how virtual experiments are used at the Niels Bohr Institute in a master level course on neutron scattering. In the last week of the course, students travel to a large-scale neutron scattering facility to perform real neutron scattering experiments. Through student interviews and survey answers, we argue, that the virtual training prepares the students to engage more fruitfully with experiments by letting them focus on physics and data rather than the overwhelming instrumentation. We argue that this is because they can transfer their virtual experimental experience to the real-life situation. However, we also find that learning is still situated in the sense that only knowledge of particular experiments is transferred. We proceed to discuss the affordances of virtual experiments

    Staging superstructures in high-TcT_c Sr/O co-doped La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4+y_{4+y}

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    We present high energy X-ray diffraction studies on the structural phases of an optimal high-TcT_c superconductor La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4+y_{4+y} tailored by co-hole-doping. This is specifically done by varying the content of two very different chemical species, Sr and O, respectively, in order to study the influence of each. A superstructure known as staging is observed in all samples, with the staging number nn increasing for higher Sr dopings xx. We find that the staging phases emerge abruptly with temperature, and can be described as a second order phase transition with transition temperatures slightly depending on the Sr doping. The Sr appears to correlate the interstitial oxygen in a way that stabilises the reproducibility of the staging phase both in terms of staging period and volume fraction in a specific sample. The structural details as investigated in this letter appear to have no direct bearing on the electronic phase separation previously observed in the same samples. This provides new evidence that the electronic phase separation is determined by the overall hole concentration rather than specific Sr/O content and concommittant structural details.Comment: 8 pages, incl. 4 figure

    Distinct nature of static and dynamic magnetic stripes in cuprate superconductors

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    We present detailed neutron scattering studies of the static and dynamic stripes in an optimally doped high-temperature superconductor, La2_2CuO4+y_{4+y}. We find that the dynamic stripes do not disperse towards the static stripes in the limit of vanishing energy transfer. We conclude that the dynamic stripes observed in neutron scattering experiments are not the Goldstone modes associated with the broken symmetry of the simultaneously observed static stripes, but rather that the signals originate from different domains in the sample. These domains may be related by structural twinning, or may be entirely different phases, where the static stripes in one phase are pinned versions of the dynamic stripes in the other. Our results explain earlier observations of unusual dispersions in underdoped La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_{4} (x=0.07x=0.07) and La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_{4} (x=0.095x=0.095). Our findings are relevant for all compounds exhibiting magnetic stripes, and may thus be a vital part in unveiling the nature of high temperature superconductivity

    The impact of large structural brain changes in chronic stroke patients on the electric field caused by transcranial brain stimulation

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) are two types of non-invasive transcranial brain stimulation (TBS). They are useful tools for stroke research and may be potential adjunct therapies for functional recovery. However, stroke often causes large cerebral lesions, which are commonly accompanied by a secondary enlargement of the ventricles and atrophy. These structural alterations substantially change the conductivity distribution inside the head, which may have potentially important consequences for both brain stimulation methods. We therefore aimed to characterize the impact of these changes on the spatial distribution of the electric field generated by both TBS methods. In addition to confirming the safety of TBS in the presence of large stroke-related structural changes, our aim was to clarify whether targeted stimulation is still possible. Realistic head models containing large cortical and subcortical stroke lesions in the right parietal cortex were created using MR images of two patients. For TMS, the electric field of a double coil was simulated using the finite-element method. Systematic variations of the coil position relative to the lesion were tested. For TDCS, the finite-element method was used to simulate a standard approach with two electrode pads, and the position of one electrode was systematically varied. For both TMS and TDCS, the lesion caused electric field “hot spots” in the cortex. However, these maxima were not substantially stronger than those seen in a healthy control. The electric field pattern induced by TMS was not substantially changed by the lesions. However, the average field strength generated by TDCS was substantially decreased. This effect occurred for both head models and even when both electrodes were distant to the lesion, caused by increased current shunting through the lesion and enlarged ventricles. Judging from the similar peak field strengths compared to the healthy control, both TBS methods are safe in patients with large brain lesions (in practice, however, additional factors such as potentially lowered thresholds for seizure-induction have to be considered). Focused stimulation by TMS seems to be possible, but standard tDCS protocols appear to be less efficient than they are in healthy subjects, strongly suggesting that tDCS studies in this population might benefit from individualized treatment planning based on realistic field calculations. Keywords: Transcranial magnetic stimulation, Transcranial direct current stimulation, Chronic stroke, Brain lesions, Field simulations, Finite element metho

    Magnetic ordering in electronically phase-separated La2-xSrxCuO4+y: Neutron diffraction experiments

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    We present results of magnetic neutron diffraction experiments on the codoped superoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4+y (LSCO+O) system with x=0.09. We find that the magnetic phase is long-range ordered incommensurate antiferromagnetic with a Neacuteel temperature T-N coinciding with the superconducting ordering temperature T-c=40 K. The incommensurability value is consistent with a hole doping of n(h)approximate to 1>8 but in contrast to nonsuperoxygenated La2-xSrxCuO4 with hole doping close to n(h)approximate to 18 the magnetic-order parameter is not field dependent. We attribute this to the magnetic order being fully developed in LSCO+O as in the spin and charge ordered "stripe" compounds La1.48Nd0.40Sr0.12CuO4 and La7/8Ba1/8CuO4