170 research outputs found

    Hα and UV imaging of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies and Extended UV Disks

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    GALEX observations have revealed UV emission extending far beyond the optical and H-alpha disks of several nearby spiral galaxies, raising the question of possible massive star deficiency, i.e., deviations from the standard 'universal' stellar initial mass function (IMF) at the upper end, in certain low density environments. We have undertaken an Hα imaging survey of low surface brightness galaxies observed by GALEX and with existing HI maps with the aim of investigating the variation of the Hα/UV ratio with the local density. Here we present preliminary results for 14 such galaxies observed with the Large Format Camera on the Palomar 200 inch telescope using custom narrow band filters

    Assessment of successful incorporation of cages after cervical or lumbar intercorporal fusion with [(18)F]fluoride positron-emission tomography/computed tomography

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the successful incorporation of cages in patients after cervical or lumbar intercorporal fusion with positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT). Twenty patients (14 female and 6 male; mean age 58years, age range 38-73years) with 30 cervical (n=13) or lumbar (n=17) intercorporal fusions were prospectively enrolled in this study. Time interval between last intercorporal intervention and PET/CT ranged from 2 to 116months (mean 63; median 77months). IRB approval was obtained for all patients, and written informed consent was obtained from all patients. About 30min prior to PET/CT scanning, 97-217MBq (mean 161MBq) 18F-fluoride were administered intravenously. Patients were imaged in supine position on a combined PET/CT system (Discovery RX/STE, 16/64 slice CT, GE Healthcare). 3D-PET emission data were acquired for 1.5 and 2min/bed position, respectively, and reconstructed by a fully 3D iterative algorithm (VUE Point HD) using low-dose CT data for attenuation correction. A dedicated diagnostic thin-slice CT was optionally acquired covering the fused region. Areas of increased 18F-fluoride uptake around cages were determined by one double-board certified radiologist/nuclear physician and one board certified radiologist in consensus. In 12/20 (60%) patients, increased 18F-fluoride uptake around cages was observed. Of the 30 intercorporal fusions, 15 (50%) showed increased 18F-fluoride uptake. Median time between intervention and PET/CT examination in cages with increased uptake was 37months (2-116months), median time between intervention and PET/CT examination in those cages without increased uptake was 91months (19-112months), p (Wilcoxon)=0.01 (one-sided). 14/29 (48%) cages with a time interval>1year between intervention and PET/CT scan showed an increased uptake. In conclusion, PET/CT frequently shows increased 18F-fluoride uptake in cervical and lumbar cages older than 1year (up to almost 8years in cervical cages and 10years in lumbar cages) possibly indicating unsuccessful fusion due to increased stress/microinstabilit

    The Space Density of Extended Ultraviolet (XUV) Disks in the Local Universe and Implications for Gas Accretion on to Galaxies

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    We present results of the first unbiased search for extended UV (XUV)-disk galaxies undertaken to determine the space density of such galaxies. Our sample contains 561 local (0.001 < z < 0.05) galaxies that lie in the intersection of available GALEX deep imaging (exposure time > 1.5 x 10^4 s) and SDSS DR7 footprints. We explore modifications to the standard classification scheme for our sample that includes both disk- and bulge-dominated galaxies. Visual classification of each galaxy in the sample reveals an XUV-disk frequency of up to 20% for the most nearby portion of our sample. On average over the entire sample (out to z=0.05) the frequency ranges from a hard limit of 4% to 14%. The GALEX imaging allows us to detect XUV-disks beyond 100 Mpc. The XUV regions around XUV-disk galaxies are consistently bluer than the main bodies. We find a surprisingly high frequency of XUV emission around luminous red (NUV-r > 5) and green valley (3 < NUV-r < 5) galaxies. The XUV-disk space density in the local universe is > 1.5-4.2 x 10^-3 Mpc^-3. Using the XUV emission as an indicator of recent gas accretion, we estimate that the cold gas accretion rate onto these galaxies is > 1.7-4.6 x 10^-3 Msun Mpc^-3 yr^-1. The number of XUV-disks in the green valley and the estimated accretion rate onto such galaxies points to the intriguing possibility that 7%-18% of galaxies in this population are transitioning away from the red sequence.Comment: 19 pages, 24 figures, ApJ in Pres

    The UV-Optical Galaxy Color-Magnitude Diagram. I. Basic Properties

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    We have analyzed the bivariate distribution of galaxies as a function of ultraviolet-optical colors and absolute magnitudes in the local universe. The sample consists of galaxies with redshifts and optical photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) main galaxy sample matched with detections in the near-ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) bands in the Medium Imaging Survey being carried out by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite. In the (NUV − r)_(0.1) versus M_(r,0.1) galaxy color-magnitude diagram, the galaxies separate into two well-defined blue and red sequences. The (NUV − r)_(0.1) color distribution at each M_(r,0.1) is not well fit by the sum of two Gaussians due to an excess of galaxies in between the two sequences. The peaks of both sequences become redder with increasing luminosity, with a distinct blue peak visible up to M_(r,0.1) ~ − 23. The r_(0.1)-band luminosity functions vary systematically with color, with the faint-end slope and characteristic luminosity gradually increasing with color. After correcting for attenuation due to dust, we find that approximately one-quarter of the color variation along the blue sequence is due to dust, with the remainder due to star formation history and metallicity. Finally, we present the distribution of galaxies as a function of specific star formation rate and stellar mass. The specific star formation rates imply that galaxies along the blue sequence progress from low-mass galaxies with star formation rates that increase somewhat with time to more massive galaxies with a more or less constant star formation rate. Above a stellar mass of ~10^(10.5) M_☉, galaxies with low ratios of current to past averaged star formation rate begin to dominate

    SSGSS: The Spitzer-SDSS-GALEX Spectroscopic Survey

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    The Spitzer-SDSS-GALEX Spectroscopic Survey (SSGSS) provides a new sample of 101 star-forming galaxies at z < 0.2 with unprecedented multi-wavelength coverage. New mid- to far-infrared spectroscopy from the Spitzer Space Telescope is added to a rich suite of previous imaging and spectroscopy, including ROSAT, Galaxy Evolution Explorer, Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Two Micron All Sky Survey, and Spitzer/SWIRE. Sample selection ensures an even coverage of the full range of normal galaxy properties, spanning two orders of magnitude in stellar mass, color, and dust attenuation. In this paper we present the SSGSS data set, describe the science drivers, and detail the sample selection, observations, data reduction, and quality assessment. Also in this paper, we compare the shape of the thermal continuum and the degree of silicate absorption of these typical, star-forming galaxies to those of starburst galaxies. We investigate the link between star formation rate, infrared luminosity, and total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon luminosity, with a view to calibrating the latter for spectral energy distribution models in photometric samples and at high redshift. Last, we take advantage of the 5-40 micron spectroscopic and far-infrared photometric coverage of this sample to perform detailed fitting of the Draine et al. dust models, and investigate the link between dust mass and star formation history and active galactic nucleus properties.Comment: 60 pages, 20 figure

    Feasibility of low-dose coronary CT angiography: first experience with prospective ECG-gating

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    AIMS: To determine the feasibility of prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-gating to achieve low-dose computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-one consecutive patients with suspected (n = 35) or known coronary artery disease (n = 6) underwent 64-slice CTCA using prospective ECG-gating. Individual radiation dose exposure was estimated from the dose-length product. Two independent readers semi-quantitatively assessed the overall image quality on a five-point scale and measured vessel attenuation in each coronary segment. One patient was excluded for atrial fibrillation. Mean effective radiation dose was 2.1 +/- 0.6 mSv (range, 1.1-3.0 mSv). Image quality was inversely related to heart rate (HR) (57.3 +/- 6.2, range 39-66 b.p.m.; r = 0.58, P 63 b.p.m. (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This first experience documents the feasibility of prospective ECG-gating for CTCA with diagnostic image quality at a low radiation dose (1.1-3.0 mSv), favouring HR <63 b.p.

    Feasibility of low-dose coronary CT angiography: first experience with prospective ECG-gating

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    AIMS: To determine the feasibility of prospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-gating to achieve low-dose computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA). METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty-one consecutive patients with suspected (n = 35) or known coronary artery disease (n = 6) underwent 64-slice CTCA using prospective ECG-gating. Individual radiation dose exposure was estimated from the dose-length product. Two independent readers semi-quantitatively assessed the overall image quality on a five-point scale and measured vessel attenuation in each coronary segment. One patient was excluded for atrial fibrillation. Mean effective radiation dose was 2.1 +/- 0.6 mSv (range, 1.1-3.0 mSv). Image quality was inversely related to heart rate (HR) (57.3 +/- 6.2, range 39-66 b.p.m.; r = 0.58, P 63 b.p.m. (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This first experience documents the feasibility of prospective ECG-gating for CTCA with diagnostic image quality at a low radiation dose (1.1-3.0 mSv), favouring HR <63 b.p.

    Clustering Properties of restframe UV selected galaxies I: the correlation length derived from GALEX data in the local Universe

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    We present the first measurements of the angular correlation function of galaxies selected in the far (1530 A) and near (2310 A) Ultraviolet from the GALEX survey fields overlapping SDSS DR5 in low galactic extinction regions. The area used covers 120 sqdeg (GALEX - MIS) down to magnitude AB = 22, yielding a total of 100,000 galaxies. The mean correlation length is ~ 3.7 \pm 0.6 Mpc and no significant trend is seen for this value as a function of the limiting apparent magnitude or between the GALEX bands. This estimate is close to that found from samples of blue galaxies in the local universe selected in the visible, and similar to that derived at z ~ 3 for LBGs with similar rest frame selection criteria. This result supports models that predict anti-biasing of star forming galaxies at low redshift, and brings an additional clue to the downsizing of star formation at z<1.Comment: Accepted for publication in GALEX Special ApJs, December 200

    The GALEX UV luminosity function of the cluster of galaxies Abell 1367

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    We present the GALEX NUV (2310 A) and FUV (1530 A) galaxy luminosity functions of the nearby cluster of galaxies A1367 in the magnitude range -20.3< M_AB < -13.3. The luminosity functions are consistent with previous (~ 2 mag shallower) estimates based on the FOCA and FAUST experiments, but display a steeper faint-end slope than the GALEX luminosity function for local field galaxies. Using spectro-photometric optical data we select out star-forming systems from quiescent galaxies and study their separate contributions to the cluster luminosity function. We find that the UV luminosity function of cluster star-forming galaxies is consistent with the field. The difference between the cluster and field LF is entirely due to the contribution at low luminosities (M_AB >-16 mag) of non star-forming, early-type galaxies that are significantly over dense in clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter
