742 research outputs found

    Cytoplasmic Effect on Groat Protein Content in lnterspecific Matings of Avena sativa L. and A. sterilis L.

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    Thirty sets of reciprocal isopopulations, each with 20 Fi-derived oat lines from the BC0, BC1, and BC2 of all possible matings among five Awia slerilis L. accessions and two A. saliva cultivars, were evaluated in a replicated field trial to determine whether groat protein content was influenced by cytoplasmic inheritance and to study associations between protein content and agronomic traits. A. slerili cytoplasm had no direct effect on groat protein content, but significant interactions between the cytoplasms and nuclear genes from A. saliva and A. s1erilis were detected. Thus, the potential may exist for improving groat protein content of cultivated oats by exploiting specific intra and interspecific nucleo-cytoplasmic combinations. Generally, associations of various traits with groat protein content showed no trend for change over successive backcrosses, but phenotypic and genotypic correlations between protein percentage and all traits except harvest index tended to be larger for lines with A. s1erilis cytoplasm than those with A. saliva cytoplasm

    Demand Drives Growth all the Way

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    A demand-driven alternative to the conventional Solow-Swan growth model is analyzed. Its medium run is built around Marx-Goodwin cycles of demand and distribution. Long-run income and wealth distributions follow rules of accumulation stated by Pasinetti in combination with a technical progress function for labor productivity growth incorporating a Kaldor effect and induced innovation. An explicit steady state solution is presented along with analysis of dynamics. When wage income of capitalist households is introduced, the Samuelson-Modigliani steady state "dual" to Pasinetti's cannot be stable. Numerical simulation loosely based on US data suggests that the long-run growth rate is around two percent per year and that the capitalist share of wealth may rise from about forty to seventy percent due to positive medium-term feedback of higher wealth inequality into its own growth.Series: Ecological Economic Paper

    Economic Growth, Income Distribution, and Climate Change

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    We present a model based on Keynesian aggregate demand and labor productivity growth to study how climate damage affects the long-run evolution of the economy. Climate change induced by greenhouse gas lowers profitability, reducing investment and cutting output in the short and long runs. Short-run employment falls due to deficient demand. In the long run productivity growth is slower, lowering potential income levels. Climate policy can increase incomes and employment in the short and long runs while a continuation of business-as-usual leads to a dystopian income distribution with affluence for few and high levels of unemployment for the rest.Series: Ecological Economic Paper

    An Integrated Approach to Climate Change, Income Distribution, Employment, and Economic Growth*

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    A demand-driven growth model involving capital accumulation and the dynamics of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration is set up to examine macroeconomic issues raised by global warming, e.g. effects on output and employment of rising levels of GHG; offsets by mitigation; relationships among energy use and labor productivity, income distribution, and growth; the economic significance of the Jevons and other paradoxes; sustainable consumption and possible reductions in employment; and sources of instability and cyclicality implicit in the twodimensional dynamical system. The emphasis is on the combination of biophysical limits and Post- Keynesian growth theory and the qualitative patterns of system adjustment and the dynamics that emerge.Series: Ecological Economic Paper

    P 419 Comparison of tight junctions permeability and modulation in iris pigment epithelium and retinal pigment epithelium in vitro

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    Amb una superfície: 0,61 ha, de basalt i aigua nebulitzada.Barragán, Pedro (dissenyador)Gran pla general de El Volcà,conegut com la Carbonera. El carbó calent era mullat per aigua subterrània i desprenia vapor. Actualment està inactiu. Destaquen el pg. Josep Carner amb el monument a Colom i els edificis de Capitania i Duana

    A Method to Relate the Affecting Parameters and Estimate Dilution in Coal Mines

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    This study provides an overview of the various issues influencing Out-of-Seam Dilution (OSD) in longwall mining method. The collected data has been statistically analyzed to examine the effect of the some factors causing OSD in front of the longwall mining face. Multiple parameter regression analysis was conducted on affecting parameters and the OSD. The SPSS (Statistics Package for Social Sciences) for Windows software package was used for the statistics analysis. Finally, a relationship between affecting parameters and the OSD is established by using the multiple parameter regression results. Results of this study have revealed that depth of seam, dip of seam, roof quality and variation in seam thickness are the most important influence factors for OSD. The proposed method may be utilized for the estimation of OSD for similar mines since, it was based on actual collected data from the coal mines

    Optical quenching and recovery of photoconductivity in single-crystal diamond

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    We study the photocurrent induced by pulsed-light illumination (pulse duration is several nanoseconds) of single-crystal diamond containing nitrogen impurities. Application of additional continuous-wave light of the same wavelength quenches pulsed photocurrent. Characterization of the optically quenched photocurrent and its recovery is important for the development of diamond based electronics and sensing

    Socio-demographic profile in purchasing natural and synthetic functional foods in Malaysia

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    Functional foods represent one of the most interesting areas of research and innovation in the food industry. There are commercialized functional products in Malaysian market presently. Although the consumption of functional foods is increasing, relatively little is known about how consumers perceive these products and their buying frequency towards natural and synthetic functional foods in Malaysia. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between socio-demographic variables and consumers’ knowledge and buying frequency towards Natural and synthetic functional foods. Systematic random sampling was used in this study and 2004 households are interview by using structure questionnaire in Malaysia. Descriptive analysis and chi-square analysis were used in this study. The result shows that education level, area, income level, age and child under 18 years old have significant relationship with their knowledge to differentiate natural and synthetic functional foods.Moreover, the result also shows that marital status, area, education level, household size, age, income level and child under 18 years old have significant relationship with their purchasing behavior towards functional foods

    Activation of phospholipase A2 by Hsp70 in vitro

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    Corrigendum to “Activation of phospholipase A2 by Hsp70 in vitro” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Biomembranes Vol. 1838, Issue 7, July 2014, Pages 1921 10.1016/j.bbamem.2014.03.020Peer reviewe

    The social cost of carbon emissions: Seven propositions

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    h i g h l i g h t s • We emphasize the market failure in the market for carbon emissions for economy-wide CBA. • Treating the SCC as independent of reference path is vulnerable to the methodological error. • We gage the effects of uncertainty and ambiguity on the social cost of carbon. • We review empirical estimates of the SCC. • We critically discuss recent US policy initiatives placing the SCC at 77/tC. a r t i c l e i n f o b s t r a c t Determining the social cost of carbon emissions (SCC) is a crucial step in the economic analysis of climate change policy as the US government's recent decision to use a range of estimates of the SCC centered at 77/tC (or, equivalently, $21/tCO 2 ) in cost-benefit analyses of proposed emission-control legislation underlines. This note reviews the welfare economics theory fundamental to the estimation of the SCC in both static and intertemporal contexts, examining the effects of assumptions about the typical agent's pure rate of time preference and elasticity of marginal felicity of consumption, production and mitigation technology, and the magnitude of climate-change damage on estimates of the SCC. We highlight three key conclusions: (i) an estimate of the SCC is conditional on a specific policy scenario, the details of which must be made explicit for the estimate to be meaningful; (ii) the social discount rate relevant to intertemporal allocation decisions also depends on the policy scenario; and (iii) the SCC is uniquely defined only for policy scenarios that lead to an efficient growth path because marginal costs and benefits of emission-mitigation diverge on inefficient growth paths. We illustrate these analytical conclusions with simulations of a growth model calibrated to the world economy