248 research outputs found

    Superhumps: Confronting Theory with Observation

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    We review the theory and observations related to the ``superhump'' precession of eccentric accretion discs in close binary sytems. We agree with earlier work, although for different reasons, that the discrepancy between observation and dynamical theory implies that the effect of pressure in the disc cannot be neglected. We extend earlier work that investigates this effect to include the correct expression for the radius at which resonant orbits occur. Using analytic expressions for the accretion disc structure, we derive a relationship between the period excess and mass-ratio with the pressure effects included. This is compared to the observed data, recently derived results for detailed integration of the disc equations and the equivalent empirically derived relations and used to predict values for the mass ratio based on measured values of the period excess for 88 systems.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Theoretical Modeling of the Thermal State of Accreting White Dwarfs Undergoing Classical Novae

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    White dwarfs experience a thermal renaissance when they receive mass from a stellar companion in a binary. For accretion rates < 10^-8 Msun/yr, the freshly accumulated hydrogen/helium envelope ignites in a thermally unstable manner that results in a classical novae (CN) outburst and ejection of material. We have undertaken a theoretical study of the impact of the accumulating envelope on the thermal state of the underlying white dwarf (WD). This has allowed us to find the equilibrium WD core temperatures (T_c), the classical nova ignition masses (M_ign) and the thermal luminosities for WDs accreting at rates of 10^-11 - 10^-8 Msun/yr. These accretion rates are most appropriate to WDs in cataclysmic variables (CVs) of P_orb <~ 7 hr, many of which accrete sporadically as dwarf novae. We have included ^3He in the accreted material at levels appropriate for CVs and find that it significantly modifies the CN ignition mass. We compare our results with several others from the CN literature and find that the inclusion of ^3He leads to lower M_ign for >~ 10^-10 Msun/yr, and that for below this the particular author's assumption concerning T_c, which we calculate consistently, is a determining factor. Initial comparisons of our CN ignition masses with measured ejected masses find reasonable agreement and point to ejection of material comparable to that accreted.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures; uses emulateapj; accepted by the Astrophysical Journal; revised for clarity, added short discussion of diffusio

    V4332 Sagittarii revisited

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    The eruption of V4332 Sgr discovered in February 1994 shows striking similarities to that of V838 Mon started in January 2002. The nature of these eruptions is, however, enigmatic and unclear. We present new photometric and spectroscopic data on V4332 Sgr obtained in April-May 2003 at the SAAO. The obtained spectrum shows an unusual emission-line component superimposed on an early M-type stellar spectrum. The emission-line spectrum is of very low excitation and is dominated by lines from neutral elemets (NaI, FeI, CaI) and molecular bands (TiO, ScO, AlO). We also analyse all the observational data, mainly photometric measurements, available for V4332 Sgr. This allows us to follow the evolution of the effective temperature, radius and luminosity of the object since February 1994 till 2003. We show that the observed decline of V4332 Sgr can be accounted for by a gravitational contraction of an inflated stellar envelope. The combined optical and infrared photometry in 2003 shows that apart from the M-type stellar component there is a strong infrared excess in the KLM bands. This excess was absent in the 2MASS measurements done in 1998 but was probably starting to appear in K in 1999 when the object was observed in the DENIS survey. We interpret the results in terms of a stellar merger scenario proposed by Soker & Tylenda. The infrared excess is likely to be due to a disc-like structure which is either of protostellar nature or has been produced during the 1994 eruption and stores angular momentum from the merger event.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A cyclical period variation detected in the updated orbital period analysis of TV Columbae

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    The two CCD photometries of the intermediate polar TV Columbae are made for obtaining the two updated eclipse timings with high precision. There is an interval time \sim 17yr since the last mid-eclipse time observed in 1991. Thus, the new mid-eclipse times can offer an opportunity to check the previous orbital ephemerides. A calculation indicates that the orbital ephemeris derived by Augusteijn et al. (1994) should be corrected. Based on the proper linear ephemeris (Hellier, 1993), the new orbital period analysis suggests a cyclical period variation in the O-C diagram of TV Columbae. Using Applegate's mechanism to explain the periodic oscillation in O-C diagram, the required energy is larger than that a M0-type star can afford over a complete variation period \sim 31.0(\pm 3.0)yr. Thus, the light travel-time effect indicates that the tertiary component in TV Columbae may be a dwarf with a low mass, which is near the mass lower limit \sim 0.08Msun as long as the inclination of the third body high enough.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    The Extraordinary X-ray Light Curve of the Classical Nova V1494 Aquilae (1999 #2) in Outburst: The Discovery of Pulsations and a "Burst"

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    V1494 Aql (Nova Aql 1999 No. 2) was discovered on 2 December 1999. We obtained Chandra ACIS-I spectra on 15 April and 7 June 2000 which appear to show only emission lines. Our third observation, on 6 August, showed that its spectrum had evolved to that characteristic of a Super Soft X-ray Source. We then obtained Chandra LETG+HRC-S spectra on 28 September (8 ksec) and 1 October (17 ksec). We analyzed the X-ray light curve of our grating observations and found both a short time scale ``burst'' and oscillations. Neither of these phenomena have previously been seen in the light curve of a nova in outburst. The ``burst'' was a factor of 10 rise in X-ray counts near the middle of the second observation, and which lasted about 1000 sec; it exhibited at least two peaks, in addition to other structure. Our time series analysis of the combined 25 ksec observation shows a peak at 2500 s which is present in independent analyses of both the zeroth order image and the dispersed spectrum and is not present in similar analyses of grating data for HZ 43 and Sirius B. Further analyses of the V1494 Aql data find other periods present which implies that we are observing non-radial g+ modes from the pulsating, rekindled white dwarf.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Nucleosynthesis in ONeMg Novae: Models versus Observations to Constrain the Masses of ONeMg White Dwarfs and Their Envelopes

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    Nucleosynthesis in ONeMg novae has been investigated with the wide ranges of three parameters, i.e., the white dwarf mass, the envelope mass at ignition, and the initial composition. A quasi-analytic one-zone approach is used with an up-to-date nuclear reaction network. The nucleosynthesis results show correlation with the peak temperatures or the cooling timescales during outbursts. Among the combinations of white dwarf and envelope masses which give the same peak temperature, the explosion is more violent for a lower white dwarf mass owing to its smaller gravitational potential. Comparison of the nucleosynthesis results with observations implies that at least two-third of the white dwarf masses for the observed ONeMg novae are 1.1M\simeq 1.1 M_\odot, which are significantly lower than estimated by previous hydrodynamic studies but consistent with the observations of V1974 Cyg. Moreover, the envelope masses derived from the comparison are 104M\gtrsim 10^{-4} M_\odot, which are in good agreement with the ejecta masses estimated from observations but significantly higher than in previous hydrodynamic studies. With such a low mass white dwarf and a high mass envelope, the nova can produce interesting amounts of γ\gamma-ray emitters 7^7Be, 22^{22}Na, and 26^{26}Al. We suggest that V1974 Cyg has produced 22^{22}Na as high as the upper limit derived from the COMPTEL survey. In addition, a non-negligible part of the Galactic 26^{26}Al may originate from ONeMg novae, if not the major contributors. Both the future INTEGRAL survey for these γ\gamma-ray emitters and abundance estimates derived from ultraviolet, optical, and near infrared spectroscopies will impose a severe constraint on the current nova models.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 523, No.1, September 20, 1999; preprint with embedded images can be obtained from http://th.nao.ac.jp/~wanajo/journal/onenova.p

    V344 Lyrae: A Touchstone SU UMa Cataclysmic Variable in the Kepler Field

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    We report on the analysis of the Kepler short-cadence (SC) light curve of V344 Lyr obtained during 2009 June 20 through 2010 Mar 19 (Q2--Q4). The system is an SU UMa star showing dwarf nova outbursts and superoutbursts, and promises to be a touchstone for CV studies for the foreseeable future. The system displays both positive and negative superhumps with periods of 2.20 and 2.06-hr, respectively, and we identify an orbital period of 2.11-hr. The positive superhumps have a maximum amplitude of ~0.25-mag, the negative superhumps a maximum amplitude of ~0.8 mag, and the orbital period at quiescence has an amplitude of ~0.025 mag. The quality of the Kepler data is such that we can test vigorously the models for accretion disk dynamics that have been emerging in the past several years. The SC data for V344 Lyr are consistent with the model that two physical sources yield positive superhumps: early in the superoutburst, the superhump signal is generated by viscous dissipation within the periodically flexing disk, but late in the superoutburst, the signal is generated as the accretion stream bright spot sweeps around the rim of the non-axisymmetric disk. The disk superhumps are roughly anti-phased with the stream/late superhumps. The V344 Lyr data also reveal negative superhumps arising from accretion onto a tilted disk precessing in the retrograde direction, and suggest that negative superhumps may appear during the decline of DN outbursts. The period of negative superhumps has a positive dP/dt in between outbursts.Comment: ApJ, In Press (20 pages, 27 figures) A version with full-resolution figures is available at http://www.astro.fit.edu/wood/WoodV344.pd

    The Swift X-ray flaring afterglow of GRB 050607

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    The unique capability of the Swift satellite to perform a prompt and autonomous slew to a newly detected Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) has yielded the discovery of interesting new properties of GRB X-ray afterglows, such as the steep early lightcurve decay and the frequent presence of flares detected up to a few hours after the GRB trigger. We present observations of GRB 050607, the fourth case of a GRB discovered by Swift with flares superimposed on the overall fading X-ray afterglow. The flares of GRB 050607 were not symmetric as in previously reported cases, showing a very steep rise and a shallower decay, similar to the Fast Rise, Exponential Decay that are frequently observed in the gamma-ray prompt emission. The brighter flare had a flux increase by a factor of approximately 25,peaking for 30 seconds at a count rate of approximately 30 counts s-1, and it presented hints of addition short time scale activity during the decay phase. There is evidence of spectral evolution during the flares. In particular, at the onset of the flares the observed emission was harder, with a gradual softening as each flare decayed. The very short time scale and the spectral variability during the flaring activity are indicators of possible extended periods of energy emission by the GRB central engine. The flares were followed by a phase of shallow decay, during which the forward shock was being refreshed by a long-lived central engine or by shells of lower Lorentz factors, and by a steepening after approximately 12 ks to a decay slope considered typical of X-ray afterglows.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Low- and Medium-Dispersion Spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct (Nova Scuti 2003): Discovery of an Asymmetric High-Velocity Wind in a Moderately Fast Nova

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    We present low-resolution (R90R\sim 90) and medium-resolution (R2500R\sim 2500) spectropolarimetry of Nova V475 Sct with the HBS instrument, mounted on the 0.91-m telescope at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, and with FOCAS, mounted on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope. We estimated the interstellar polarization toward the nova from the steady continuum polarization components and Hα\alpha line emission components. After subtracting the interstellar polarization component from the observations, we found that the Hα\alpha emission seen on 2003 October 7 was clearly polarized. In the polarized flux spectrum, the Hα\alpha emission had a distinct red wing extending to +4900\sim +4900 km s1^{-1} and a shoulder around +3500+3500 km s1^{-1}, showing a constant position angle of linear polarization \theta_{\rm *}\simeq 155\arcdeg\pm 15\arcdeg. This suggests that the nova had an asymmetric outflow with a velocity of vwind3500v_{\rm wind}\simeq 3500 km s1^{-1} or more, which is six times higher than the expansion velocity of the ionized shell at the same epoch. Such a high-velocity component has not previously been reported for a nova in the `moderately fast' speed class. Our observations suggest the occurrence of violent mass-loss activity in the nova binary system even during the common-envelope phase. The position angle of the polarization in the Hα\alpha wing is in good agreement with that of the continuum polarization found on 2003 September 26 (p0.4p_{\rm *}\simeq 0.4--0.6 %), which disappeared within the following 2 d. The uniformity of the PA between the continuum polarization and the wing polarization on October 7 suggests that the axis of the circumstellar asymmetry remained nearly constant during the period of our observations.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Modeling Kepler Observations of Solar-like Oscillations in the Red-giant Star HD 186355

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    We have analysed oscillations of the red giant star HD 186355 observed by the NASA Kepler satellite. The data consist of the first five quarters of science operations of Kepler, which cover about 13 months. The high-precision time-series data allow us to accurately extract the oscillation frequencies from the power spectrum. We find the frequency of the maximum oscillation power, {\nu}_max, and the mean large frequency separation, {\Delta}{\nu}, are around 106 and 9.4 {\mu}Hz respectively. A regular pattern of radial and non-radial oscillation modes is identified by stacking the power spectra in an echelle diagram. We use the scaling relations of {\Delta}{\nu} and {\nu}_max to estimate the preliminary asteroseismic mass, which is confirmed with the modelling result (M = 1.45 \pm 0.05 M_sun) using the Yale Rotating stellar Evolution Code (YREC7). In addition, we constrain the effective temperature, luminosity and radius from comparisons between observational constraints and models. A number of mixed l = 1 modes are also detected and taken into account in our model comparisons. We find a mean observational period spacing for these mixed modes of about 58 s, suggesting that this red giant branch star is in the shell hydrogen-burning phase.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures and 2 table